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Buy Me a Coffee

Season 1, Episode 13


Age: 20’s
Location: South
Addiction: Cocaine, marijuana, and more
What’s Memorable: What a sweet guy he is, in such unfortunate circumstances despite being a millionaire, his equally messed up brother.

Official synopsis:  A mother fears for the life of her son, a former wrestling star who turned to drugs after an accident left him wheelchair-bound.
Original Air Date: July 2005

Interventionist: Candy


All comments.

  1. Spencer

    Anyone heard how brooks and his brother are doing? And also their younger brother chace?

  2. Brooks Willmon

    Hi, This is Brooks W. From season one. Nice to know I was thought about some here. I am doing well. I live in Michigan with my wife and daughter. I have been clean , sober and happy since meeting my wife and daughter. I have slipped and stumbled along the way but always got back up. Unfortunately my little brother chace has been better. Addiction and alcoholism just did not reach him till later and he’s not the same chace he was on the show and my older brother Ian Willmon is no longer with us. He just passed this year. I luckily came out on top of my addiction. I always just put God first and have faith in him.

    1. Stacy S.

      Brooks- Thank you so much for your update. I’m glad to hear you and your wife and daughter are doing well. My condolences on the loss of your brother. I will keep your other brother, Chace, in my prayers. You are such am inspiration; overcoming many odds and conquering your demons to become clean and sober. I wish you much happiness. You so richly deserve it. Keep fighting the good fight!
      Best Regards,
      Stacy S.
      Santa Ana, CA

    2. Noelle

      Hi Brooks,
      I just watched the episode with you in it and came to check on how you’re doing. I’m so glad you’re happy with a wife and daughter. With addicts as parents you really are beating the odds! It was very smart to move away.

      I’m so sorry to read about Ian. He seemed like a nice young man who could’ve been a great youth counselor. And I’m so disappointed to read about Chase and your Mom. He seemed like a soulful young man in the show.

      You are a great survivor and I wish you, your wife and daughter all the best.

    3. Laura

      I am a mother of 2 sons & your story really affected me. It upset me to see you being taken advantage of because of the money you were awarded from you tragic accident.
      I have thought about you over the years & really prayed you were clean & living a good life.
      It never occurred to me to look you up on the internet until now. I am sorry to hear about your older brother, and your younger brother too.
      I don’t even know you but knowing that you “made it” makes me feel happy & relieved!

    4. Dreamer

      **Nice to know someone out there wonders about you**

      Indeed it is. I’ve wondered about you and your brothers since I first saw you guys many, many years ago.

      I revisited your episode tonight and felt my heartbreak for what you and your family were going through. Then and now, I felt you all were genuinely good people. It brings me joy to know you’re still here and journeying through the life. I’m not feeling much joy about much in my own life but reading your update moved me and I felt I should let you know how you’ve impacted others’ lives.

      I am so sorry to hear about Ian’s passing. I was not expecting that. I am also sorry your surviving brother and mother are experiencing difficulties with addiction.

      I know your last post here was a couple years ago but should you stumble upon this post again, know that someone out there is wishing you peace in all things.

    5. Julia S.

      Brooks, it’s Jules. Way back when with Cory. I never could find your number or a way to get a hold of you. I’m back in indiana full time and really wanted you guys to know I love and miss y’all.

    6. Kristen

      Brooks I live in Michigan too and I am so glad to hear your happy with a family. If you ever need a friend please reach out I would love to be your friend!

    7. Ashlee thoompson

      I would love to add you on Facebook. You were huge in my wanting to get clean myself.

    8. Marie-Claire Pinet

      Hi, Brooks, I’m so glad you’ve made it, You seem to be such a sweet person, so as your mom. I’m sorry to hear about your brothers.
      I wish you the best for you and your family and that you’ll be drug-free for the rest of your life.
      Marie-Claire Pinet from Montréal, Québec, Canada

    9. George B.

      Hey Brooks, I just want to let you know that we are all rooting for you. I’m watching your episode again, at the moment. I grew up off an on in the same environment and after a bad car wreck also have a lot of issues regarding both pain and regret. I often wonder how people with chronic pain issues ever find a place of complete sobriety, but at the least, you give me some good inspiration regarding lifting yourself up when you’re low. Thank you, man.

    10. Chris F from Philly

      Hey Brooks, just watched your episode & you are stuck in my mind. After reading many posts, it’s plain to see that a lot of people, including myself, are genuinely happy for you. You have a very sweet personality and I’m sure your wife & daughter are making you a better person. Your family has experienced many struggles & hardships. As adults we get to choose our own path. Sometimes we make poor choices. You have overcome many obstacles & your future is wide open for greatness.

    11. Brandon Creamer

      Hey brother it’s kramer. I have thought about you constantly over the years. I don’t even know why we lost touch brother but I believe God had a plan for us both. I am almost 3 years clean now and doing great working a Celebrate Recovery and step program. Would love to reconnect with you man. Hope all has been going well man. Much love and God Bless

    12. Ronda McGuinness

      I just watched the episode you were on. First of all, congratulations on your sobriety! I was saddened to read about your brother’s Ian and chance. Your family has gone through so much. At the end of show I was thinking about how sweet and cute and caring you are and thought how if I was younger, I would want a husband like you and how a woman would be lucky to have you! Lo and behold I saw that you got married and also have a family. I hope you are still on the right track and that chance has gotten sober. My condolences about your brother Ian. So sad. Just wanted to to know I was thinking of you. Stay strong!

    13. Tony C

      Hey Brooks I know it’s been a long time since you last commented but would love to talk if that was at all possible your episode always stuck with me as well and I’m of course struggling with the same stuff and can’t seem to shake it any guidance would be so appreciated hope you are still safe and sober thanks man

  3. Spencer C.

    Wow! Thanks for responding! So sorry to hear about your brother Ian & what’s been happening with your brother Chace, hopefully he can pull himself free from everything dragging him down. Very happy & proud to hear about how well you have been doing though! Keep up the good work! Sending y’all lots of love from VA! “When my heart is overwhelmed lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” PS 6 1:2

    1. Brooks Willmon

      Chace has started drinking heavily and taking those adderaul pills. I guess they make you stay up and he dosent see it as a drug but has began abusing both. Mostly from hanging out with the exact man we did not want in our intervention in the first place. My father. He is a addict as well and sadly my brother is following his foot steps. I don’t know what my brother is thinking but he refuses to listen to me. Throws my past in my face. Also my mother has her own addictions that were neverdiscussed and exactly why I live 1000 mile away from all the bad influence I knew. Family or not! You are
      Welcomed to email me and I could give you my Facebook name. (Send friend request) my email is (Contact Dizzy for Brooks’email address) Thank you so much. Nice to know someone out there wonders about you and I would never leave anyone wondering about me :). I am wanting to help other who were in my shoes so if you know Anyone struggling please don’t hesitate to ask for help or advice. Anyone!! Thank you and God Bless you and your family…

      1. BW

        **will the site admin PLEASE delete the above comment!**….I didn’t realize my email would be made public when I replied! THANK you!

      2. Chicky

        I am so happy you are doing well, Brooks. just watched your episode today and I was concerned that you weren’t going to stay sober. I am glad that you found your wife and had a daughter who makes you a better person. I am so sorry about the passing of your brother and that Chace is not doing well…we could only wish that he does and I will be praying for him and the rest of your family that you all find some sort of comfort.

      3. Mary Call

        Oh Brooks!! Im so happy for you! Good job. I know it wasn’t easy, but I’m so glad you didn’t give up. I am heartbroken about Ian though. I really had hope for his recovery. It makes me sad. It’s unfortunate about your mom and father. They have their own demons to deal with. Stay strong. Take care of those babies and your wife. You got this brother!!! With love and support to you, Mary 💙

      4. Christopher Evan Pruitt

        What ever ended up happening to your mother? I’m sorry to hear your family took advantage of you. Something similar had happened to me. I hope you’re doing and staying clean you’re a great guy from what I can tell from the episode and your comments here. Best wishes and prayers

      5. Mel

        I commend you on your strength, Brooks. Its so hard to stay away from loved ones in order to protect your sobriety and sanity. Sorry for your loss and I am glad you’re doing well.

  4. Jennifer

    Good to hear from you Brooks, so happy you are whole again. Very sorry to hear the fate of Ian and of Chase’s struggle. Hard to believe he made that choice, just very sad… I hope your mother is coping. Bless Up

  5. Janel

    Brooks – I am so happy that you are doing well! I watched your episode & the follow up when it was first aired, and your story stuck with me. Keep moving forward Brooks, we only have one life to live, make the best out of the one you have. Sadly, sometimes you have to distance yourself from family in order to do this…I am very sorry about your brother Ian, please stay positive thru this difficult time. The road Chace is on REALLY surprises me, I never would have thought that he would go that way, but let’s hope and pray that he too will eventually want a sober life. Best of luck to you Brooks – keep rolling down the road your on, it sounds like it’s a good one 🙂

  6. kelly

    This is all lies!

  7. Claire

    Hi! I’m happy that ur better and I’m sorry bout chace hope ur ok and how r u

  8. Michelle Haygood

    Your episode was the first I ever watched. I’ve always wondered about how you were doing. Sorry to hear about Ian. Congrats on wife & daughter.

  9. jacinda godwin

    Brooks!!good for you for staying clean! great example for your children, and other recovering addicts

  10. Brooks W.

    Kelly is a liar. She’s my brothers wife and she’s in denial about what is going on around her. This lady Kelly doesn’t even know me or the trials and tribulations me and my family have been thru. This lady has only known my family not even as long as I been sober. She sits on the couch all day with 3 kids just smoking packs of cigarettes like there going out of style( even with a baby in her womb) SAD!!! plus never known this lady to ever have a job. She should really stop worrying about my post and get a life. You sit at my mom’s house all day just popping out kids ( the house I bought but we won’t go there). I appreciate all the people who reached out with a positive message and I refuse to deal with the negativity whether it be from someone who thinks they know me or even my own blood… I had to leave old people,places and things to get my life in order.some people just can’t stand to see when the underdog comes out on top and is actually doing better than them so they will do anything to set you back but luckily for me I know my triggers and I also know how to avoid them but most importantly I am right with God and that is all that matters.

    1. Tommy

      Man dont let the haters bother you. She will have to face her day with her maker one day and all the hate will come back to bite her in the ass. Awesome to hear you are doing well…My condolences on your brother Ian and hope Chace gets back on track soon. Keep up the good fight man

    2. MELISSA

      So not sure where to start..I’m so proud of u..brooks..I have thought 1000 and 1 times about ur brother and how much I miss him..I’m so happy ur doing good..miss u Melissa..u know who this me back if I u want or get a chance…

      1. Whitney

        Melissa can you reach out to me . I was in ministry with Ian in 2007 and none of us had any idea Ian had passed. We are all just heart broken.

    3. Jevon

      Well,it’s 2021 and people are still rooting you on. I been there myself man, remember this..if you ever get stuck again. Sometimes these comments and support from people you don’t necessarily know goes a long way. And I’m glad you hit on how intervention doesn’t include everything,like the rest of the members in your family. I think that’s something they need to work on,but all in all if they were the seed that was planted hey whatever works. Much love

  11. Megan

    I just watched this episode for the first time and I was so touched by Brooks and his brothers. Then when I read these comments I was so happy to read that he is doing well, and has a family of his own. Way to go Brooks! Keep up the good work – you are an inspiration to others. I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your brother.

  12. Whitney hamilton

    Brooks I was in ministry with Ian.. my heart just broke.. please get in touch with me if you can.

  13. Amanda

    Brooks, I hope you’re still doing well today.

  14. Linda

    I have never commented before on any site, but after watching you tonight (I had it recorded) I felt the need to see if I could get an update and I landed here. Something about you touched my heart beyond words. I pray with all my heart you are happy and healthy! You are so right, as long as you have God with you no one can tear you down. Just know that you are a success and loved by many! Remember, you not only touched my heart but probably millions of others. Blessings always to you and your family.

  15. pf100andahalf

    Hi Brooks. I’m Gary Thurman and I used to work in the computer pit in the back of the store with John and Scott. I hope you’re okay and just wanted to say hi. If you ever want to hit me up I’m on Facebook. I looked for you on facebook and can’t find you so you might have better luck looking for me if you ever want to. But anyway, take care, man.

  16. Andy

    It seems like Brooks dad passed away in October 2018.

    I hope you are okay Brooks wherever you are.

  17. Karyn M Barlow

    I haven’t ever commented on one of these, but your and one other truly hit home. I have had for back and cervical spine surgeries over the past 19 years with a huge one to come. I live in pain 24/7 and I have to take some heavy pain meds to function and it’s mentally a very difficult thing. My dream is for one of these surgeries to give enough relief not to have to, but I’ve been told that that will likely never happen and that the surgery I have is to stabilize and prevent further spinal cord damage as a fall or car accident would be physically devastating if not fatal, but that it won’t take the pain away. I’ve tried everything. I know that if I come off the meds, that while I don’t abuse them or take more than prescribed, I am still physically dependent on them and it will be a very difficult thing to do. I hope that I can manage that if that day ever comes with any of the grace and spirit that you have. If one day, I can’t walk I still hope for the same. I wish you and your family a beautiful, sober holiday and pray for peace in those you’ve lost.

  18. Lucy in Bama

    Anyone know how Brooks is doing these days? I just watched his episode on intervention. (Yeah quite a few years later). And how Chase is doing?

  19. Rei

    Hello Brooks, I just watched the Update and reaching out to send encouragement and support. Thank you for updating. I hope you and your family are well.

    This is a trying time. I’m sorry about Ian.

  20. Al

    Hey Brooks, I was just thinking about you today and wondering how you are doing. I found this thread and was so glad to hear you are doing well. Almost 16 years since the episode and people are still showing you love and support, and you deserve it. Stay well.

  21. Christina E.

    Found this court case that occurred in 2019 – Did not read the whole thing only enough to confirm it was more than likely this Brooks.

  22. Michele

    What ever happened to Brooks season 1 episode 13. Would like update on him. He touched my soul.

  23. Jeremy Curtis

    Hey Brooks I was just talking to a friend of mine and telling him about you and all the crazy shit we would do and how we were fools doing what we did so I was looking the episode up where you were on intervention and found you then I was thinking about damn is he still alive or not and then I saw this and couldn’t believe it was really you I’m so glad your doing well old friend it’s been a long time I’m also glad you found a good wife and have a daughter now that’s greatan sorry about your brother I never knew till now anyways keep your head up and stay strong brother I love you beo be safe

  24. Brooke

    I just saw this episode about Ian & Brooks. Obviously alot of time has passed but this hit me so hard. I’m so sad to find out about Ian. We hung out so much back in the day and I always loved Ian. He was a protector, and my friend. 🤍

  25. Ky

    He lives in Alabama in the show. You could add that to the location section. I’m good at finding these!

  26. Brooke hurless

    I just watched the show and I was admiring your family yall seem so close and you seem like a good person hope all is well with you