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Buy Me a Coffee

Season 25, Episode 13

Garrett and Shantell

Age: 29 and 26
Location:  Omak, Washington
Addiction: Fentanyl and Meth

What’s Memorable:  

Official Synopsis:  Once a dedicated athlete, Garrett turned to fentanyl after a string of tragic losses. Shantell, who was in college and working as a barista, began using heroin after a nasty breakup and the death of her beloved grandmother. She moved home to Omak, Washington where she needed a new heroin connection–and was introduced to Garrett. After Shantell overdosed on the drugs Garrett supplied her with, he saved her life and the two fell in love. Four years later, both Garrett and Shantell are heavily addicted to fentanyl and meth and their families believe they will die if they don’t get help now.

Date Aired: July 22, 2024

Interventionist: Mike Diamond and Zach Livingston

All comments.

  1. Stefan

    Wow, the pregnancy reveal towards the end was not a twist I saw coming. It couldn’t have come at a better time either since prolonged pre-natal exposure likely would’ve most definitely resulted in complications/birth-defects. I applaud them both for taking their treatment/recovery seriously and have high hopes for their beautiful family!!!

    1. Kristin

      Exactly. My cousin got pregnant when she was using (no idea how far along she was when she figured it out) but you can guess how that ended up.
      I’m glad neither one returned to their hometown- it just seemed so…bleak. Between the lack of opportunities, the pervasive addictions (and deaths) and the dysfunction families, their best bet for sobriety is to stay away from there.
      I noticed at the actual intervention when Garrett’s mom came in she was interacting with the older brother’s baby like she’d never seen her before; makes me think bro & wife were keeping mom at a safe distance because her own addictions made her an unhealthy person to be around. Smart.

  2. Angelica

    I’m from WA as well (the western side, Omak is on the eastern side of the state). And I’m really not surprised with their traumas that living in that area that they got into drugs. The eastern part of WA state is known for its drug issues.
    Side note that is not fair or rational: as someone who struggled for a long time to conceive, it’s very very hard for me to see so many addicts on Intervention get pregnant on accident, in the midst of destroying their bodies with drugs. I’m excited for Garrett and Shantell, they definitely seem to be taking parenthood seriously, but it’s tough to watch.

  3. Michaela

    It’s interesting how some times the families, the interventionists and even us as viewers have an idea on who will accept treatment and who will fight it and then the intervention happens and the roles switch! The way Garrett smiled in the car on the way to the airport makes you feel hope. I really loved how they gave us more time at the end showing them after treatment, maybe it’s because of the pregnancy but I would love to see this again in future episodes. Lovely ending I’m so happy for them both! Both interventionists did an amazing job but Zach is becoming my new favourite, he is a boss!

  4. Gina Atkins

    I have to be honest…this is not a couple that I saw working out sober but I’m glad they are in a good place and embracing parenthood

    1. shifty

      I thought the same thing. They seemed to have zero things in common without drugs in the picture.