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S2E14 Daniel

Season 2, Episode 14


Age: 23
Location:  Texas
Addiction: Meth
What’s memorable: His very Christian mother. The singing evangelist childhood. The way he dealt with his molester. The selling himself for drugs as a teenager.

Official synopsis:  Daniel got hooked on meth after becoming a victim of molestation.

Original Air Date: July 2006
Interventionist: Ken

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  1. Gregory Moore

    What a great guy Daniel seems like. I sure hope he has found happiness and gotten past the sickening abuse by that pedophilic monster. The episode ended on a very hopeful note. For his sake, I hope he has remained on the right path. His strength of character and his kindness shone through, even when he was bottoming out on drugs. I can only imagine what a fine person he is sober. Continued good luck, Daniel!

    1. snugs

      A friend of a friend of mine was dating him in Bloomington, Indiana a few years ago. I heard he was doing much better, but that was 2011 or 2012, I think.

      1. Adena

        Do you know his last name? I worked with him at Disneyland. He was going to work with me and then he quit. I saw his episode and was like “That’s Daniel!!” I want to see how he’s doing.

  2. MJ

    I’m friends with him on Facebook and he’s still doing well

    1. Adena

      Can you tell him I was asking about him? I don’t know if he’ll remember me. We worked together at Disneyland.

  3. Kristy

    How cool to see Daniel on the update tonight. It’s nice to see them do an update on someone that was on a long time ago that you don’t hear about often.

    1. Shelly

      I am friends with him now and he is a great guy and doing well! I am so proud of how far he has come since July 2006 ????

  4. TL

    Daniel’s episode still gives me the chills to watch it, because I see him and think about how that could have been me. I was sexually abused as a child, and turned to food instead of drugs. I’m still dealing with compulsive eating all these years later.

  5. Joy Blessing

    This is Daniel’s Mom with words of joy and encouragement that there CAN be REAL life after addiction! Even though recovery and healing is never quick and/or easy- the journey of fighting for life is well worth it!!! The hellish years of addiction seemed hopeless and unbearably long and painful….but now the joys of the present are to such a magnitude that it is almost as if the pain of the past never happened.
    Daniel has constantly been ” failing forward”.., he would take 2 steps forward and one step back for years…..until the ” steps foreword” put him in a abundantly blessedlifestyle of full sobriety and recovery. And now….he is about to enjoy the greatest of blessings…. for last October he got on his knees at Disneyworld’s Epcot Italian pavillion…. and declared to his girlfriend that he had never believed in soul-mates until he met her….. and proposed. They will be married next month at Disney Springs Characterd in Flight hot air ballon – HIGH in the sky – FAR FAR FAR better then any ” high”before. ….. and I have the GREAT JOY, honor and privilege of being their Wedding Minister/ Ifficiant. God is GOOD! TBIYTC!

    1. Shelly

      I’m excited for Daniel! Last I heard from him he and Gabby decided to take it slow and not rush into marriage but I am glad he decided to go through with it. I wish them both the best ????

  6. Janelle

    That’s awesome! So glad to hear Daniel is doing so well. Although if he were my kid and expected me to be at his wedding I’d insist he hold it on solid ground 😀

  7. Brooke

    i’m only five min into the episode but—->HE HITS THE DOG??!! GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Elia

      That got me too. What did that poor dog ever do to him? Ugggh.

    2. Diane S.

      She should have protected that dog. Poor thing!

  8. Chloe

    Has no one but me noticed the song lyrics he was singing with his mother in the living room?? “He touched me…”
    …like I get these are “Christian” songs but … really?!

    1. Kex

      That totally freaked me out too if I’m honest …. but also great if he is doing well. Daniel had so much to overcome!

    2. Rob

      I found it odd too if I’m being honest. People deal with grief and trauma in their own ways, but mom whipping out a live microphone to sing hymns in her living room while her son was upstairs doing meth was very bizarre.

      1. Holly Kemph

        I completely love that song “He touched me” but I thought it was terrible that the show choose at that moment to show him sing that song! It was right after talking about him being molested by a man. On another note I’m pleased that Daniel got sober. There are so many people that can’t get past the memories of abuse. God bless you and your family!

    3. Maz

      Yeah I was shocked at that

  9. Lenaya

    Why is it that being a male who’s molested by a male makes it “okay” to be homophobic and use slurs? Imagine if the millions of women who are/were molested by a male started treating straight men that way. It wouldn’t be as praised and accepted as this is…. I mean, if these people want to generalize, maybe they need to look into why power-abusing pedophiles are so prevalent in these uber religious congregations. But no, instead of doing that, they’d rather pretend it’s a “f****t” issue

    1. Melissa Freeman

      I used to live next door to them, in Arlington Texas. They are not as nice as they seem. They use to threaten my family and my animals with death! He had a late night show, all he did was bash the ladies in his life he dated. Glad he is sober, but this family is not a kind as they seem. One of his sisters came up to me on my property and threated to kill my dog. She got knocked out after she would not leave my yard. One time Daniel opened his bedroom window and cussed my grandmother out for watering her plants. His mother was aware of everything going on. Family with issues!!! This was before the drugs.

      1. Lenaya

        Overly religious Christians are, from personal experience, some of THE most vile and awful people you can ever meet. Of course, the clientele on this site don’t like THAT generalization borne from actual multi-decades of life in a small Christian town with one church for every 200 people, but will throw a soirée and bust out the Nobel Peace Prizes when someone says “all gay men are molesters”

    2. Anon

      Are you for real? Good grief you types are beyond deplorable. This EIGHT YEAR OLD BOY was groomed by a homosexual pedo and you come here just to go all SJW because the VICTIM called him a f*g? You are sick.

    3. Clohe

      Are you out of your mind complaining about the words he used describing his gay child molester who assaulted him when he was six years old?? You’re just so out of touch with reality

    4. Corina

      Ummm are you serious? This is not an issue of homophobia, this is an issue of molestation. He was a young boy who was taken advantage of and sexually abused at a young age(by a man who was in fact gay). Maybe his usage of the word wasn’t the best choice but he also has lots of anger, hatred and disgust towards this person as they stole his childhood. I don’t understand why people have to complain about EVERYTHING.

  10. Lila

    When the producer told him to talk more about being molested “without the fake tears” like Jesus, the producers could be at least somewhat educated in trauma reactions and how to be sensitive to that.

    1. Cesy

      Do you know when they asked that? I think I missed it

      1. Erica

        I think it was cut from the episode, but I do remember the scene OP is talking about. It’s not in it anymore but it’s during the part where Daniel details how this man groomed him.