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Buy Me a Coffee

Season 7 Episode 7


Age: 52
Location: Salisbury, North Carolina?
Addiction: Alcohol (wine)
What’s memorable: It’s sad how Jackie says she isn’t an alcoholic but hides her wine bottles around the house and wraps them up when she throws them out so she doesn’t have to hear the clinking. Not to mention having completely lost her daughter as a result of her drinking.

Update: Jackie Wooten passed away on Jan 10, 2013. Here is her obituary. 

Official Synopsis:
Once known as the “the prettiest girl in town,” Jackie had a promising career as a radiation therapist. She became a wealthy doctor’s wife, a country club member, and a proud mother. But Jackie was haunted by childhood traumas. She was devastated when her father died when she was 13. And as an overweight adolescent, she was teased with the nickname “Fat Jack” and felt she was never as good as her pretty sister. After Jackie’s second pregnancy ended in a miscarriage, she turned to alcohol. She’s had three failed stints in rehab and an ugly divorce. Today, Jackie drinks two bottles of wine a day and regularly suffers broken bones and bruises in her drunken state.

Original Air Date: January 2010
Interventionist: Candy

All comments.

  1. Janedoe

    This episode always sticks with me. So sad. Bless your soul Jackie.

  2. Laura

    This episode breaks my heart. Jackie is so much like my mother, and I feel for her daughter. It’s difficult to watch this episode because their relationship is so similar to the way my relationship to my mother was when I was a teenager. Now, as an adult, I understand Anna’s anger but I have a better appreciation for Jackie’s anguish. It’s an awful situation for all those involved. Alcoholism and drug addiction are truly a family disease.

    I’m sorry to see that Jackie has passed away. I really hope that she and Anna were able to have some sort of a relationship following the intervention. Jackie really seemed to want her daughter in her life more than anything in the world. Hopefully she had that chance.

    1. Ash

      Thank you for saying that Laura. My mother is an alcoholic & shares a lot of similarities with Jackie. I was just as angry as Anna… But now that I’m an adult & an alcoholic as well, I can sympathize with my mother. I believe we both suffer from depression, I also have anxiety attacks & used alcohol to self medicate.

      I sincerely hope Jackie & her daughter patched things up… Hopefully I’ll be able to see my mother again one day.

  3. Deanne Grace

    She was from North Carolina.

    1. Stefan

      According to her obituary, it was Salisbury, North Carolina.

      1. Lisa Deanne Grace

        Her nephew, who also had an intervention in the episode, has been successful in his recovery. Very proud of him.

      2. Amber N Enstad

        May I ask who her nephew is that appeared on Intervention? I never knew this!

      3. Stefan

        Also, her age should be 52, since she had her daughter at 36 and she was 15 on the show.

  4. Lisa Deanne Grace

    No way was she 42.

  5. Michael K

    RIP Jackie. God Bless

  6. Sue Ellen Hegstrom

    Anyone curious as to why the dad was not involved with his daughter’s life/education? That upsets me when I watch this episode. He’s a health care professional, and he is mentioned in some aspects but not whether he’s still in his daughter’s life.

    1. Ashlee Willis

      From the episode, sounds like the father was extremely controlling of Jackie and the two of them fought regularly when Anna was older. (I’m not sure if this was physical or yelling back and forth.). My guess is that Anna chose to not live with her father. She seemed very self-possessed and assertive about her needs at an early age. She actively sought out a peaceful living situation and it sounds like her father wasn’t providing that either.

  7. Anonymous

    Wonder how Anna is doing?

    1. Meg

      I found her Facebook – she looks like she is doing really well. So happy to see it – I felt so much for her during this episode.

  8. KS

    Has anyone else noticed that this episode seemingly disappeared off the internet? All I can seem to find is a 1 minute clip on the A&E website.

    1. Dizzy

      Yeah the episodes featuring someone who has since died have been made unavailable.

      1. Kitty Katt

        Comcast on Demand has this one along with some others who’ve also died. There’s a charge of $1.99 for it.

  9. Justine

    Such a sad episode. Did we ever learn the cause of Jackie’s death, or what happened following her intervention?

    1. DG

      I would assume due to complications from alcoholism, though 2 years before her passing a relative started a gofundme for donations for a motorized wheelchair.

    2. DG

      The cause of death was no given; however, I did see that a relative had started a gofundme page for donations for an electric wheelchair the year before.

  10. Robo

    As of right now, this is on It’s listed as Season 8, Episode 7: Joe.

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