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S11E6 Ivan

Season 11, Episode 6


Age: 28
Location: Paterson, New Jersey
Addiction: PCP
What’s memorable: The bad hip hop he makes when he’s high and how he thinks he’s doing it just fine. Also, his very sweet son and how much Ivan loves him.

Official Synopsis: Ivan was once a rising rap star who got caught up in the “thug life” and PCP addiction.

Original Air Date: February 2012
Interventionist: Rod

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  1. Lisa

    I Hope he over came this addiction and found himself. Not what his mother expected of him ” to help her live better ” saddens me to see how much a mother can push and push their child to this. He is a talented man and if he didn’t make it he sure damn well tried and that’s all that should matter. He had gotten farther than Most

  2. Gregory Moore

    This is one of the episodes you’d best have the Kleenex ready for. When he embraces his little son at the end–and you can see the utter bliss in his face, I defy you to stay dry-eyed. Even when he was at his lowest, his inner goodness and kindness still shone through. I truly wish Ivan, his son and his mother some peace. His mother shouldn’t be judged too harshly–not until you’ve walked in the shoes of a minority, inner-city, unwed mother–who is only hoping to create a better life for her children than she herself had. God bless them, and I pray they’ve found happiness.

  3. Kat R.

    I agree, Ivan is a sweetheart, and seems like he wanted to be a good dad to that sweet little boy. The last screen saying he relapsed was crushing. I hope he eventually found his way and got clean.

  4. Justine

    I just watched this episode and after seeing the last screen saying he relapsed really crushed my hope for him. He seemed like such a determined father and by what he said, he wanted to be the man in his sons life and to be a positive re model for. I pray that he finds the strength to leave the addiction and be there for his son in every way possible.

  5. Dave


    Sitting here in MN and just watch your story. Something touch my heart and I was so hopeful you stay on the right path.

    I am 56, married, a dad of 3 and own a business. These are the joys in life ahead of you.

    Reach out to me if you ever want to talk to a stranger, not sure why but I want to help you.

  6. Michelle

    Does anyone have any information if he got clean and stayed clean? My 12-year-old son saw his story and wanted to know if he got help because he worried about how his son is doing.

    1. James Atchison

      Is he still sober?

  7. Kathy Barry

    Ivan! Your story touched my heart!! I saw that you relapsed, but I believe in you!! You are obviously a good man with an amazing heart for your son! Keep on trying Ivan!! You can do it!!

  8. JenM

    I,too,was so touched by your story. I really hope and pray that you find the strength to be free from the grips of your addiction. It’s never too late. Never give up hope, and never stop trying. Let your son be your inspiration.

  9. Gary Rue

    Ivan ,

    Hoping this reaches you I’m good health. I , too make music. I also struggle with alcoholism. Praying things are good. Despite relapses x keep trying. God bless.


  10. Mutigerlily

    He seems to be ok on Facebook- Ivan Gonzalez (cypher supreme).

  11. Robert Guillins

    My wife and I just watched his intervention for the first time. Very curious to know if he’s sober? Any updates on him at all? Wishing the best for him and his family

  12. jacinda godwin

    Ivan is on Facebook.. he didnt know about this site until yesterday.. send him a msg *Ivan Gonzalez

  13. Dani

    I hope hes doin well.. He is TOOO DAMN BLAZIN to be doin that.. All my love

  14. Olivia

    Ivan is someone that I have been wondering about since I have seen his episode. For his and his sons sake I hope that he is well and clean.

  15. Daniela garza

    Such a handsome and talented man. He has so much to look forward to ask himself “what he wants” his life is to precious to waist along with his family most important his son. I hope all is well and he straightened up for a successful life. All my love

  16. Raeconda McDavid

    Best wishes to Ivan. I thought he was so fine!

  17. Jasmine

    According to Facebook, Ivan is clean and sober and he married Nette this April. They look like they have a beautiful family and even though they have suffered a tragedy in the past couple of years, they look like a strong family unit. I am glad to see this and wish Ivan and his family all the best!

  18. Sky

    Ivan’s Facebook, looks like he is doing much better

  19. Halimah muhammad

    Yes ivan is
    doing good. I
    was dating him for a while
    and we was on intervention together.
    We keep in touch no matter what. He’s doing so
    much better in a different state.

    1. Emily Olson

      So glad to hear that!

    2. M

      Brilliant news, very talented young man. Rap using my cup of tea, but I can see the talent. Hope he finds happiness in whatever he chooses to do and stays healthy. I won’t say clean, I hate that word…..

    3. Mrs.Rios

      I’m real curious to who you are because Ivan (my cousin) is MARRIED !!

  20. (arc)

    Thank goodness he is doing better!! As someone who grew up in the hood- all the traps were there in this episode. All the pressure is put on the guys to ‘get their family out’. Systemic poverty is set up to keep you there. Thats why so many see a catapult to stardom as a better option than gradual incremental growth. Escape. Then the pressure from the mother was just too much. So many people in the hood are just trying to cope with very limited resources to do so, and a toxic fueled by hopelessness and trauma. Then the struggle continues when they get sober and have to come back home to a community full of others who are lost in the sauce. I wish you and your family the absolute best Ivan.


    Ivan, I must say I am proud of you for making a GREAT decision. I wish you the best.

  22. Halimah muhammad

    No he didn’t die I am
    His girl that was on the show with him.,He’s actually doing great now . We still keep in touch.

    1. Gigi

      Thank you for the update…Ivan was so deeply likable I’m always rooting for him!

  23. Darla "Innocence" Lehnert

    Ivan, I am a 46 yr old mom of two that battled PCP for 10 years I am also a rapper and allowed my fear of success and pcp addiction to mess up 3 actual opportunities, sony interscope and dubb stepp, it was not my journey apparently because by the grace of God I am sober 4 years 2 months and counting. I am able to be there for my family. My 24 yr old son wbo is Atlasofthewrld a Hiphop Artist/Rapper out of Maryland. He is also on the Deans List in college. I say this to let you know its possible to find peace and stay clean. I had severe childhood trauma and so much abuse throughout my life but 12 steps helpede to let go of the victim mentality and become a survivor and a Sponsor. I pray you are doing well and still spittin. I am I freestyle with my son daily. God bless. Innocence

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