As anyone who has been regularly watching Intervention for the last few years knows, the show is struggling. Ever since it was cancelled in 2013, picked up by LMN, and then re-picked up by A&E, things haven’t been quite right. Highly truncated seasons, Intervention Canada episodes being promoted and treated as “all new episodes,” wildly inaccurate marketing, and a drop in production values. There’s been speculation in the comments about what’s happening that I think should be discussed amongst us, the hardcorest of hardcore fans.
Some of you think these are signs that Intervention is coming to its end and it’s because the producers are having a hard time finding addicts willing to be filmed because they know it’s Intervention. Here are some comment snippets from readers on a recent post about the 17th season of Intervention:
“I have a feeling they’re having a hard time finding people here in the U.S. to participate.”
“They might be finding it more and more difficult to seek out subjects who don’t realize they’re being filmed for Intervention.”
“The surprise element is gone for US episodes….unless the users have been without tv and internet for the last 10+ years, they’re going to know it’s Intervention from the beginning.”
I totally understand that rationale, but I don’t think it’s true. I don’t believe that the element of surprise or knowing about the show beforehand has anything to do with Intervention’s longevity or the success of the intervention itself. Here’s why:
The show uses the Johnson Model of intervention, which is based on the idea that the addict needs to hit rock bottom by being shown in a confrontational but loving way, with the aid of a trained interventionist, how their substance abuse is affecting themselves and their loved ones, and by being given hard line consequences if they continue to use. Preparation for the intervention is intended to be done without the knowledge of the addict.
The ‘without the knowledge of the addict’ element of the Johnson Model has been compromised since the very first episode of this show. I’m guessing that a solid majority of the subjects of Intervention knew very well that this “documentary about addiction” was going to end in a confrontation of some kind. They had long lost relatives, ex-lovers, friends they hadn’t seen in years suddenly coming into town for a visit that just happened to be while they were filming. They had a camera crew there documenting their every move for weeks. They were asked to go to family dinners just so they could be filmed either having it out with their families or avoiding the dinner because they got too fucked up. None of these things is a particularly savvy way to keep an intervention a secret.
Addicts may be preoccupied and out of it a lot of the time, but we’re not stupid. Actually there are quite a few ways in which addicts are way smarter than your average normie. One of them is knowing how and when to be skeptical of offers from strangers promising neutrality, especially strangers with cameras. Another is that we know when our family and friends starts acting weirder than usual when it comes to enabling and co-dependency. Addicts are quick to pick up on attitude shifts and changes in behavior that seem like they might get in the way of getting whatever it is we need. These changes are well-tracked in the addict brain.
But beyond all that, I truly believe that a majority of the addicts on Intervention not only suspected that they were going to be confronted in some way, they wanted something to happen. Maybe not necessarily a filmed intervention, but they agreed to let the cameras document their lives while they were at their absolute worst, not because they were looking for fame or because they wanted to educate others about addiction, but because they knew something had to change. They didn’t want to find a lower bottom, they wanted this bottom right here to be their rock bottom. They wanted to believe it would never get worse than this, what they’re doing right now, on camera. This is it.
I strongly believe that agreeing to have your addiction filmed is a cry for help, whether you think it’s for a documentary about addiction or a popular reality TV show called Intervention. If you’re inviting cameras in to film you shooting up in front of your kids or chugging hand sanitizer from your bed, you’ve most likely arrived at a bottom. It may not be your ultimate bottom, but it was definitely your bottom at the time.
It’s in this way that the interventions on Intervention do not and cannot adhere to the Johnson Model. It’s just not possible. This kind of intervention is in a league all its own; it follows different rules and has different outcomes. Maybe it should be called the A&E Model of Intervention, which is the Johnson Model without the element of surprise but add in there an invasive camera crew, an editing team, and a massive audience.
There are a whole bunch of addicts that found out that it was an intervention, if not the show Intervention, during filming. At least 10 that we know about and I’m sure many more that just didn’t make a thing about it on camera. Only one of those people refused to attend the intervention or treatment. That was Marquel, who probably would’ve refused treatment whether or not she found out about the intervention because throughout the episode like she seemed like she was trying to prove she DIDN’T have a problem more than anything else. 4 others chose not to go to treatment, none of them seemed to know they were headed towards an intervention. There are also a handful of addicts that did NOT attend their intervention but still went to treatment.
Here’s my point: Knowing that they’re on Intervention has minimal if any impact on whether an addict accepts treatment. There may be no surprise in the intervention but the fact that they’re being filmed increases the likelihood that they will go to treatment, possibly even beyond what a surprise intervention could do. In other words, it seems that agreeing to being filmed is a stronger indicator of willingness to go to treatment than either knowing that they’re on Intervention or even attending the actual intervention.
As to whether this lack of surprise is causing the show’s demise – I don’t believe so, at least not directly. I certainly don’t think they’re having any problem finding addicts willing to participate. This Vulture article from 2015 reported that the show still gets “plenty of leads for good stories, mostly submitted by family members, and more often when the show is airing on television.” I get several comments and emails a week from people asking how to submit their loved one to the show. Now whether the number of submissions that are good candidates for the show has gone down is unknowable to all but the show runners.
What qualifies a “lead” as a potential episode has a lot to do with how interesting their stories are and how well they can tell them on camera, and also how dire their situation is. If the producers were to say that not knowing about the intervention was a requirement for filming and airing the episode, I’d say they’re full of shit. They did an intervention on Sarah, who just the year before had featured heavily in her own grandmother Elena’s Intervention episode. They expect us to believe Sarah had no idea this “documentary” was Intervention or that there would be an intervention at the end? Nope.
I know that Candy discussed Andrew’s bulimia episode somewhere (was it the I Was There special episode? I don’t remember), saying that they don’t usually continue with interventions where the addict finds out about it, but that they discovered during filming that Andrew had submitted himself to the show and they continued with the intervention because of how sick he was. I’m glad they did, they likely saved his life. In fact, I’m glad they conducted every single intervention that they did because a lot of those people are alive right now because of it. But if you add self-submitted Andrew to all the other episodes where addicts found out about the intervention and the episode still aired, all the way back to Season 3’s Dillon, and you also consider that they agreed to film an obviously Intervention-aware Sarah, I question how serious they’ve been about that rule for the last 14 seasons. I have to challenge the idea that not knowing that there might be an intervention on the show Intervention is even a requirement for being filmed anymore. Like I said, they stopped strictly adhering to the Johnson Method when they brought a camera crew in. They don’t have a whole lot of ground to stand on if they’re filtering out addicts who know the show exists or find out about the intervention during filming.
If the cause of Intervention’s decline in the ratings has anything to do with the production of the show itself, it might be more about the editing than anything else. Its narrative formula is tired. The structure of the episodes has been the same 227 times (plus 3 seasons of Canada) with some slight deviations in Season 13. There’s something a little icky about watching something so serious about other peoples’ lives and knowing exactly what the segment that begins with a certain musical cue is going to be about. When a show like this so adamantly sticks to a formula, it feels like you’re watching a scripted series instead of an honest portrayal and when that happens, it’s harder to relate to the people onscreen. The true value of this show, other than getting addicts sober of course, is to help the viewing audience understand addiction and be more sympathetic towards addicts and their families. If you’re unable to do that because you need to squeeze two episodes into one due to programming schedules and you end up cutting out all the things that made those individual stories actually relatable, you’ve failed to accomplish your goal of getting people invested and then they will stop watching. Ratings go down.
The only thing that surprises me about Intervention anymore is how the addicts deal with the intervention and how they’ve been doing since. Those things are entirely unpredictable. There’s no way to know which ones are going to thrive in sobriety and which are going to relapse after a week. There’s no formula for that. Those are the only things that are unpredictable about Intervention now. Maybe the one and only ‘element of surprise’ that matters is the one about whether or not they get clean, the family heals, and things get better for them. The producers of the show have no control over that. So perhaps they should let go of the premise of a surprise intervention and focus more on the surprise of how they’re doing now? Just one idea.
I hope that Intervention continues for many years. I sincerely hope they make changes to keep it on the air, but even if they do nothing I will still watch every single episode and I hope you all do too. It’s one of the most important TV shows that has ever existed, valuable in ways that I think even the producers and interventionists don’t quite understand.
I look forward to reading your thoughts on the longevity and purpose of Intervention in general. Let’s discuss!
Okay, so, is Intervention ending officially, or…….
I have no idea.
Interventions new season will begin June 5th.
I am a suffering addict and I personally would be touched if anyone gave a shit enough to help me. I literally have no family that cares enough to step on and help me. I financially take care of myself and haven’t lived with my mom since I was 18 (I am 43 now), so, its not like I am one of those 20 year olds that live with mommy and daddy and all my bills are paid, cell phone, etc. I have mixed feelings about the surprise element of Intervention. It truly depends on the person. Some people just aren’t tired of being sick. Some are, like me.
Oh Sad, it sounds like you are ready to do what you need to for a happy and healthy well being. Know that I give a shit, and I look forward to reading how well you are doing in time.
Sad, I also care. It truly sucks to feel sick, sad, and alone. I know, talk is cheap from a stranger on the internet, but like Sara, I sincerely care. Sending positive vibes your way, just please don’t give up on yourself.
I can totally picture the addict filmed for a “real” non-Intervention episode coming to their “final interview”, dully expecting the intervention, stepping into the room and thinking “WTF is going on here?” “Where are my friends and family?” And throwing a fit at the producer when coming to the realization that it was NOT Intervention. Totally.
“Addicts may be preoccupied and out of it a lot of the time, but WE are not stupid.”
WE? Dizzie, did you actually just come out as an addict?!?
You might want to read about Dizzy’s bio. She has admitted to having been an addict in her biography for this site.
Great post Dizzy. You make a lot of really good points, and I agree with just about everything. I’m with you on the notion that a good percentage of the addicts profiled had some idea that they were either on Intervention or in for an intervention, and that they ultimately wanted the help (despite their claims).
I also agree that this show has a value to its audience that vastly supersedes what its ratings (and advertising revenue) might suggest to the network. It has done a lot to change the way I’m able to empathize with addicts, and it has educated me in so many ways– especially with regard to the psychology behind what drives the behavior of addicts.
On A&E’s website they list almost a hundred shows. Not all of them are series, but the majority seem to be scripted reality dramas. I think a lot of informed mental health professionals (and TV critics) would agree that Intervention is likely the most *useful* show that A&E airs. The A&E marketing department doesn’t hesitate to highlight the public utility that the show provides– so maybe there are some executives that keep the show running even though it isn’t a big money maker. I don’t know.
But, it would be really, really cool to see A&E overhaul Intervention. They wouldn’t have to reinvent the wheel, but bringing in some new people with energy, passion and creative ideas could do wonders for the shows vitality. We’re living in the middle of one of the worst drug epidemics in modern US history, so clearly there’s a demand for high quality reality/documentary programming.
As you stated, the idea that Intervention can’t be made anymore because the “secret is out” and addicts can’t be tricked, is almost entirely false. Most addicts are willing to open up to the cameras because they– perhaps subconsciously– want to get help.
I’ll continue to watch Intervention as well, even if the format remains stale, but here’s to hoping that Intervention has some new life breathed into it.
I could not agree with you and Dizzy more here. I have missed the old raw footage documentary style for many seasons. I don’t care if the show ever gets back to that old school style, but I firmly believe a change is necessary. I am mainly just applauding and echoing your sentiments about how we need a better format now more than ever in this opiate epidemic. And I also appreciate Dizzy’s comments about how this model is a model of its own, This was a good read, and I look forward to the discussion that follows.
“We’re living in the middle of one of the worst drug epidemics in modern US history, so clearly there’s a demand for high quality reality/documentary programming.”
This times a million. It’s bitterly ironic that the franchise appears to be winding down just as this epidemic is growing more and more out of control. And as Dizzy, you, and others have alluded to, there can’t possibly be any shortage of families or friends who want to submit a loved one to this show.
The very first episode of this new, ultimately brief season featured an addict who caught onto the deception (or “deception” depending on how you look at it) well before the actual intervention took place. It’s interesting that they still pressed ahead with the rest of the show — I’m wondering how they arrived at the decision to do so, there had to be more to it than what was edited into the final product, yes?
They’ve got to have more episodes in store. I find it hard to believe they’d just commission 3 episodes of Intervention US. I have a strong feeling they have more they aren’t telling us about.
I have hope, at least.
Most people I bring this show up to have never heard of it, so I still find it totally believable that most addicts profiled have never heard of it.
Add to that how many addicts are homeless and don’t have a TV or out there hard on the streets hustling,not sitting at home watching television.
Then you are going to have both a percentage that are too out of it to even really understand much of anything they are watching(then also just as out of it when they are being documented so maybe not seeing things clearly enough to catch on)then a percentage who just aren’t going to be watching shit because it’s probably just not a very popular activity while on most drugs(haven’t tried them ALL myself so I could be wrong?)Sometimes can be while on psychedelics but I’m just not thinking Intervention would be chosen media for tripping.As for other drugs I can’t imagine being all spun out,nodding out or whatever other effects and thinking “hmm.
wonder what’s on A&E?lol” even if TV watching IS going to happen.
But then as a counterpoint there are going to be people who love to get high and watch Intervention for hours(TOTALLY not me though! LMAO!!) But my guess is that it’s going to be all people who have already been watching forever,not new viewers.So maybe the “Addicts with knowledge about the Intervention television show” base is not growing much or very quickly so there will be an endless supply of subjects for the show!
*also Dizzy is it possible for you change my name on this and any other comments I’ve made to just Jeanbak instead of my full name?
I think that whether or not Intervention is cancelled is going to be solely decided based on ratings. Ratings equal advertising revenue. Though Intervention is doubtless one of the more redeeming “reality” tv shows and has done a great deal to advance an understanding of addiction and treatment, the bottom line is that A&E is in the business of making money. If the show doesn’t make money for them, they won’t continue to offer it.
I don’t think they are doing the show justice at all. They barely promote it; the seasons are truncated and are a mix of new American episodes and recycled Canadian episodes and they have done little to keep the format fresh and current. I don’t think they are particularly invested in it and unfortunately, I don’t think they will continue to offer it much longer, if at all. It’s a shame.
With the opiate epidemic, I can’t believe they don’t have people beating down the door to get family members on the show right now. It’s horrible here- it’s on the news almost every day. A lot of these people are really young- 19 or 20- they weren’t watching Intervention when it was in its prime and have been using so much they might not even be aware it’s even still around. A&E doesn’t promote it much. I believe there are people out there. It is a ratings issue. Stick stupid people in front of a camera- that’s where the money is. Educational things be damned.
I think a lot of it is that it is hard to find addicts who have families that care. Im a recovering addict and most addicts i know either had abusive families or their families want nothing to do with them. Unless your family cares you cant have a traditional intervention.
As Elizabeth points out, it’s all about ratings. I haven’t seen any numbers, but based on how little A&E has been promoting the show of late, and how few U.S. based episodes are being produced, I would surmise that the show’s ratings have dropped considerably over the past several seasons and that A&E is now looking for a way to kill it.
The bottom line is that reality/documentary TV is a business, and if the cost of producing new episodes outweighs the income generated by ratings, ad sales, etc., then A&E will end the show.
Along these lines, some suggestions to tweak the show and boost ratings would be as follows:
1. Bring back Seth.
2. Drop Candy, Sylvia and Jeff in favor of younger, hipper and more media-friendly interventionists that appeal to a younger audience. The lady from “Intervention Codependent” might be a good choice.
2. Show more addicts that are critically ill and in imminent range of death, behave outrageously and treat people horribly under the influence, and emphasize the “crisis” element. Let’s face it: most people (besides those of us who post on this site) who watch Intervention don’t give a damn whether the addict goes to treatment or not – they want to be titillated, they want melodrama and graphic footage such as violent arguments and police confrontations, and they want to see human beings at their lowest point. The way to boost ratings is to give the folks what they want.
4. Profile more addicts who are celebrities or at least known to the general public – I’m sure there are plenty of B and C list celebs struggling with addiction who would be willing to go on “Intervention” in the hope of increased exposure.
The above suggestions would make for a show that I personally would be less likely to watch, but they would make for a show that would be more appealing to the general public.
maybe not do it about addictions maybe say your doing it about veterans or poverty. Film it like oh they happen to have an addiction and BOOM intervention
I will be honest, I stop watching after thirty minutes and go straight to the end to see how they are doing (always hoping for the best). It is hard to watch grandmothers cry, husbands calling their wives the enablers, etc.
Prior to about a month ago, I had never seen Intervention. What happened was I had had a surgery and was on my back watching the tube all day. I was scanning channels and I happened to hit Intervention. It seemed interesting (Megan from Canada episode) so I finished it. The next day I caught another episode (Susie and Miriam from Canada). I found that episode very entertaining. The day after that it was the Corinne episode (she was from the USA) and I was hooked. Then I started actively looking for information on the program. I’m perfectly healthy now. Still enjoying Intervention just the same.
Intervention can be addicting.
Ironic huh?
I actually have a question for all of the “Intervention” fans. I became hooked on the show about 3-4 months ago. I have Xfinity cable. I watched episodes using something called “On Demand”. It just so happened there were new episodes coming in from Canada which was great for a new fan. Now I must say it’s all a bit confusing as I find some episodes are available to me, others aren’t. Some are from Canada, some from the USA. It’s especially confusing for someone like me that had never seen “Intervention” prior to this year. Anyway, I’m running into a bit of a problem. I love the show but I’ve pretty well run out of episodes to watch. These last couple of days I re-watched episodes I liked, plus took second looks at the Hub and Triangle – in other words – I’m not watching anything new anymore. So my question to anyone that knows is – is “Intervention” done for? Are there ever going to be new episodes? Does anyone know if the show has been cancelled? Is it in production for the future? Has its fate been decided? I’d appreciate any info anyone has on the future of this program. Thanks in advance.
in reply to Todd. I love this show too. where we differ tho is that I’ve watched it from the beginning. when it came out I was in my mid 20s. I developed my own addiction to opiates/benzos/alcohol around 2007. for a few years I couldnt watch it. now that I’m clean & sober (with the help of suboxone).. I watch it for motivation to never go back. and bc I relate to each participant in some way. plus I just LOVE it. just like you I’m in the rewatching phase. I hope to God new episodes come out! I think some are not available for all different reasons mainly death of the addict and the fam wanted the episode down.. I won’t speculate on the rest. I think some episodes can be bought ..not sure where tho.
Thanks for the reply. I’m glad you are clean and sober. Since I wrote that one new season has aired, Season 23. I haven’t heard a word as to whether a Season 24 is being produced. I sure hope so. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. Congratulations and best of luck in your continued sobriety.
You can find many seasons/episodes for purchase on Amazon Prime, a couple of seasons on Netflix, some on HULU even VUDU. And of course
Check dailymotion. It’s a little difficult to navigate – I usually start with entering Intervention and the addicts name, although sometimes they are listed under the season & episode. I have found a lot of episodes there
janel… thank you! I will look into it
Check the A&E app (Tv AppStore or on Roku). They have several seasons worth of episodes available for free with commercials. No cable subscription required.
I have a question/comment about Ken Sealy’s intervention style. It seems to me that he focuses on the fault of the family dynamic. While I think he is an incredibly talented and valuable individual, I note that I personally find his style somewhat confusing. I acknowledge that he is not the only interventionist featured that uses apologies from others as a tool to facilitate a positive outcome (ex. Jesse Hansen). The episodes in which he intervened on an addict indeed had a no-nonsense approach, at times they came across to me as blaming family members, as if to say that the addiction couldn’t have happened in a vaccuum. Frankly, I find his approach baffling at times.
All of the interventionalists certainly have their own unique approaches. I think Ken is definitely one of the better ones on the show even though I understand where you’re coming from and see how sometimes his technique falls short. I hope that they take into consideration each individual and their personality when choosing that particular addicts interventionalist. Ken and Donna are great when it comes to laying down the rules, showing some tough love and remaining firm on your choices. Certain people really need that type of of tough love in order to get through to them and help them see the right path. Others definitely require a little more TLC, patience and a calm sweet demeanor like Andrew or Sylvia. I really do like Candy and Jeff, I just think that there a bit outdated with their methods and have become repetitive. It makes me feel like they are just tired of the work and just going through the motions for their paycheck. Not to say they don’t care about their cases, but I just feel like they have their heart in it as much as when they started and have lost some of the passion. Andrew has quickly become my favorite with his technique method personality and just everything that he does. He has displayed intelligence, kindness and patience on every episode I’ve watched with him. He shows real concern for the addicts he works with and seems to have a genuinely good heart. Intervention is definitely one of my favorite shows that I have watched over and over and over again. I really do hope they find a way to keep it going. The drug epidemic is not going anywhere and is only getting worse. We really do need more programs out there focusing on how to get more people clean and off the streets. I’ve seen some very amazing and inspiring episodes and then I’ve also seen some pretty horrible, tacky and rushed ones. I really look forward to some new episodes and hope that the show does not decline in its overall quality. I know a lot of people will only watch things for shock value and like to see people doing wild things or crossing boundaries at their worse. What I hate to see is addicts and their loved ones being exploited for the entertainment of the general population. There have been a few episodes that have left a bad taste in my mouth after seeing how certain scenarios were handled. I can see producers wanting to take the show in more of an exploitative direction in the future to increase ratings or views. I hope the general layout for the show stays the same if they decide to change things up or revamp it at all.
I noticed the show seemed to focus on the addict’s current life rather than their past. Staring with season 14, it seems like their past was glossed over. I felt a lot more connected with addicts in the earlier seasons as we were introduced to them in more detail. It helped convey why they acted as they did in the present. All that being said, I still love this show! Hopefully they continue it for many years.
Yes I agree with you… I wish there was a way the show could do the past AND the present and maybe make it a two hour show or definitely not have two addicts on one episode… there is just not enough time to fully tell their story …
I feel there is an opportunity here to marry the “known” with the “unknown”. The efficacy behind the model of Intervention, was (at one time), the element of surprise. Sure, some of that was dependent on the modality of the addiction, (i.e. drugs, alcohol, self-mutilation, eating disorders, gambling, etc)…but overall, it would appear that the element of surprise was the catalyst of that “make or break” point in each episode…that factor of not knowing that an intervention was waiting for them towards the end of filming. However, I submit that was only a portion of the show’s success (and thus the success of the subjects in each episode). I feel as though there is an opportunity for a come-back….an “Intervention 2.0” if you will. Since the show is widely known, one might think it would be impossible, but what if the subjects KNEW that an intervention may occur? Or that they would be filmed, but no matter what they still had a choice (which is no different than when the show previously aired). What if A&E allowed subjects to “know” what was coming, but that their own free will wouldn’t necessarily determine the outcome? So that is the “known” factor. Perhaps the “unknown” factor would be a previous subject from episodes past who would accompany the interventionist and lend credibility to the cause? While I realize fully that most (if not all) of the interventionists on the show have themselves been addicts in the past, perhaps both subjects AND viewers alike would “tune-in” on both fronts to recreate the show’s efficacy without that element of surprise? It’s something to ponder at the very least. I know that the subjects would still benefit from an intervention, and (as crass as it sounds) Intervention could AGAIN become “good TV”. Understanding that ratings play a factor in the resources available is the first line of defense in looking at its benefits objectively. With the VAST demand for treatment of virtually any addiction after COVID times, I feel that there is a way to re-create/re-brand this show and it would not only be just as successful, but I say just as (if not MORE) effective while remaining “relevant” to all age groups in the audience of today. Just a thought…
I feel like the addicts that know there might be an intervention at the end of their filming are more likely to except treatment, complete treatment, and live a life of sobriety..,because I believe that even when there’s an element of surprise and the addict reluctantly goes to treatment because of their bottom lines, they usually relapse when they come home because they were not ready to quit drugs. I believe that treatment typically works best when the addict is finally ready to quit drugs because they are tired and worn out of their drug lives! Sometimes an addict is just not ready because they have not reached that point in their lives where they really want to get clean, hit the except treatment with the element of surprise because the letters that their family reads moves them, but when they come home the Temptations are just too much because they really were not ready to quit drugs.
Thank you Dizzy for attempting to dismantle this theory that Intervention is going down because it’s not a “surprise” anymore. I do agree that addicts are smart and that agreeing to be filmed is a cry for help. I think on some level many know that things are about to come to a head, even if only subconsciously knowing that. But on the other hand there are plenty of people who are surprised, dismayed, angry, etc when the intervention comes. I have always chalked this up to just how stressed out, preoccupied, and disorganized someone in an addicted state would be. So there’s also that to consider.
I actually really liked the recent Canada season– I felt like it was raw and with a lot of grit, and weirdly had me feel like I learned a lot about Canada!
Oh and I also forgot to say that I bring this show up all the time with people who don’t know what it is, now in 2023. So we can’t assume that just because we know and love it that everyone and all the addicts would be aware of this.
Exactly as I mentioned years ago on this same thread. I agreed a out the Canada episodes. I assume you didn’t see this past season of the American show because it was probably the weakest sadly.
This is a reply to the recent comment by STEFAN. I have found, with “Intervention” it’s more about the addict than anything else. There is no common thread for me. With the Canada season, some addicts interested me, others didn’t. With the recent American season, the “Fentanyl Family” episodes grabbed me – none of the others did. When I was laid up (due to a surgery) in 2021, I watched “Intervention” constantly. I went through tons of old episodes. Same thing – some addicts caught my attention, others didn’t. I have no idea why. I do wonder if other “Intervention” fans find the same thing.
Absolutely. About five years ago there was a user who uploaded the whole series on YouTube, and while many stood out, some I did struggle to remember.
I’m not Stefan but I’ll add my 2 cents in….lol. I’ve seen every episode of Intervention except for last season.
I’ve watched each one a million times over. The majority I liked but I can honestly say that I have quite a few addicts who just didn’t impress me but in fact, I couldn’t stand them…lol.
This is a reply to KITTY KATT: Yeah, me too. Caitlin (S 22 E 16). Katie Y (S 14 E2) . Melissa (S 17 E 6). Samantha (S 17 E9) – I really didn’t care for those 4. My faves are Susie and Miriam (S12 E 8), Suzon (S 11 E5), Samantha (S14 E7), Jamie (S9 E11). How about you Kitty Katt? Any of the addicts or episodes stand out for you? Actually STEFAN, if you read this – I’d be curious as to your opinion as well. Seems like you and Kitty Katt know the show and the addicts better than anyone else. I’d be curious as to what you two think…….
Yeah definitely, I have seen most of them but some stood out to me more than others. I can’t say why either but it depends on how much I like the person, I guess, or else on interesting circumstances like that one episode with the anorexic twins. I mean, I guess I shouldn’t say it was only interesting because they were anorexic twins, but it kind of was.
hi all – not sure where else to put this, but someone named Joey on Reddit claims they’ll be on S25 and that Intervention helped them get clean. take it with a grain of salt, obviously, but casting calls were put out a while ago so i think it’s legit! link:
New season in April 2024! April 22nd!
Either this is an April Fools joke or A&E will begin recycling old episodes of “Intervention Antarctica” and passing them off as new.
Yeah, I researched and found nothing
I saw a commercial for the new upcoming season on A&E too!! Finally!!
Oh good! I looked online and could not find a thing about it
Looks like the upcoming season are going to be Intervention Canada episodes
Oh well. Better than nothing I guess.
I have been watching Intervention basically since the very first episode. I have pangs of absence when I have to wait for new seasons and episodes to air. As a Canadian, when they came out with intervention canada it made me happy knowing they would be helping Canadians on their turf. We have just as much of an opioid epidemic in this country as our neighbours to the South do and I’m glad the reception for the Canadian version has been just as high as the US version. It is a show that brings me a range of emotions while I watch the episodes and I cry every single time we near the end and we get to see how many days/months of sobriety the subject has and if they are still sober. I’m always rooting for them and hope that they will be successful in sobriety and their future.
I personally do not think the show needs to change its format or layout, and many of the sounds and tunes that get played at different parts of the episode are what make it such a great show. You can see from the reaction that a lot of the addicts have when they arrive for their intervention that they have no clue what is going on, and while they are able to pick up nuances from loved ones and friends to give them a tip to whether they’re being filmed for a TV show, you can see that the majority of them really just need to feel that love from their family so it doesn’t matter if they know what’s coming, they don’t know how much love they are about to receive and that is what I believe pushes them to say yes.
There are many comments here regarding the interventionists, and anyone who is an avid watcher of this show has clearly learned that depending on the subject and the addiction there is an interventionist who has been down the same road or who has years of experience helping addicts and families with those same issues. This is why they choose the interventionists they do and just because YOU want someone to come back or think an interventionist isn’t good, the track record of the show proves they wouldn’t pick someone to perform the intervention who is likely going to fail or who doesn’t know what they are doing. I also saw a comment from someone who suggests Tay choose subjects that are much more volatile and unpredictable to create the draw for the crowd to watch. this just proves that there are many people who don’t understand addicts or addiction nor do they realize the extreme harm that comes when violence and aggression and anger are involved with addiction. why would you ever want to choose a subject who would put the life and livelihood of the producers and those around them at risk? People need to use their heads before they use their mouths sometimes.
The show has kept me from ever falling into any kind of codependent drug-fueled relationship and reminds me everyday how grateful I am to be clean and have a family and friends around me who love and support me. I hope this show goes on for decades helping so many in all of our communities which in turn will help others around them.