Send Dizzy a Tip!

Buy Me a Coffee

Update May 13, 2024

Okay first of all, A&E has unlocked 220 EPISODES!  Basically all of Seasons 1- 20 (except 19), including many of the episodes they’d previously removed from streaming because the subject had died since the episode aired.  So here’s your chance to watch some of those iconic old episodes that you’ve heard about but haven’t been able to find, and maybe some of the ones you’ve never even heard of too.

Secondly, looks like we got those 3 episodes of Season 25 then there will be more new episodes on June 3rd. Given that #1-3 were Canadian, I’m wondering if the later new ones will be back to the U.S. and our friends Candy, Sylvia, and Ken? AND SETH WHERE IS SETH!  The synopsis for Melissa (E4) looks promising – it’s a step away from zombie opioids and back to good ol’ vodka.  I miss vodka.

Lastly, I have to apologize for slacking a bit.  I’ve not been able to watch the new episodes right away this season and the comment on them as I used to be able to.  In case you’re worried, yes I am still sober (Holy shit 4 years!) but I did have a major heart attack a couple years ago and have had intermittent issues related to my heart since then. The last couple of weeks have been difficult and I’ve had to be away from the computer a lot, but I seem to be doing better and when the show returns on June 3rd I should be ready to keep up with the Intervention Commentariat once again.

Thank you for sticking around and coming back and being part of the Intervention Directory community.  14 years and counting!


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  1. Stefan

    Dizzy thank you so much for all that you do and trust me, you are enough my friend 🙂

    1. Stefan

      Also, I dug around and Melissa’s episode is in fact another one from Intervention Canada that aired back in February.

  2. JuliePV

    We appreciate you, Dizzy! Congrats on your recovery and hope you’re feeling back to good soon! <3

  3. J

    thank you for all that you do Dizzy! sucks that you’re having health issues, glad to hear it’s getting better 🙂 and on Seth – i think he was only cast for the Lifetime seasons

    1. Dizzy

      Aha! That makes so much sense! I didn’t even think of that. Interesting.

      1. J

        obvs i have no way of knowing for sure, but one day i noticed he was only on the Lifetime seasons, hence my little theory 🙂

    2. Stefan

      I just realized that Seth was only on for three seasons. I guess he made a lasting impression since to me it seemed like he was on for at least five years.

      1. Britt

        For those missing Seth he is in a show very similar to intervention called Relapse, he’s in episodes 1 and 3. It’s a great show and some new faces (like sober coach Patty Powers) who is also amazing. I watched it on Apple TV

  4. Trish D'Anna

    I wish the very best for everyone trying to get well. It breaks my heart to see people suffering.

  5. Lizzie

    So glad that you are ok Dizzy! My husband is 12 years sober and my daughter is almost five months sober. I’ve learned a lot from this show and from reading your commentary and the comments here. Will continue to send good thoughts your way!

  6. Britt

    Hope you feel better Dizz and congrats on 4 years, you’re an inspiration to us all ❤️

  7. Pang

    Thanks for the update!

  8. Annette

    Dizzy! You are amazing and you never have to apologize for taking breaks from all the (largely uncompensated) work you do for this community! I hope your health is on the upswing (congrats on your continued sobriety!) and that you’re able to continue prioritizing yourself and your health.

    P.S. Seth is so fine and I love every episode he’s in 🙂

  9. Katelin

    I love you Dizzy!! Thanks so much for upkeeping this directory. My biggest and most heartfelt congratulations on four years sober!! Praying for your heart and your health.

  10. beelove

    if you have a subscription to hulu, they have episodes from seasons 22-24, so that fills some of the gap in missing a&e episodes.

    (and glad to know you’re doing better, dizzy. i was hoping you’d give us an update here.)

  11. Stino

    Hey, wasn’t new episodes supposed to air starting June 3? We paid for the season through Amazon Prime but there’s still only 3 episodes, and it’s the same thing on the A&E app. Did new episodes get delayed? Or what’s the deal? I’m fiending for new episodes, damn it!

    1. Dizzy

      Yeah they said June 3rd before but the banners have been updated to say June 10th now.

      1. Stino

        Oh okay, good deal. As long as we get them sometime soon. I kept checking to see if it’s been uploaded and the disappointment I experienced each time I didn’t see it there was immense, hahaha. But thanks for the heads up Dizzy

      2. Stefan

        Wikipedia has the full schedule for season 25 it seems:

        Also, it seems that next week we’re getting an extended cut of Tina’s aka the Amber Rose showboating episode.

      3. Dizzy!

        Oh thank goodness! Because everyone has definitely been demanding MORE of the Amber Rose episode LOL

      4. Stino

        I wonder why the seasons are so short lately the last few seasons were 10 episode or less each. I need a them 25 episode seasons!!

  12. Gregory Moore

    Of ALL the episodes, over 25 seasons, which one are we getting an extended, more in-depth recut? The dreaded (INTERVENTION MEETS THE KARDASHIANS) episode with someone named Amber Rose. I found it offensive, anachronistic and borderline pandering last season. This new version ain’t much better. A&E, PLEASE no more “celebrities.”

  13. Jordy R

    I just wanna say that I’ve been visiting this site for at least 12 years, maybe longer. It’s really been a great resource. I unfortunately don’t have cable and can’t login to A&E to unlock the episodes but maybe I can jailbreak a firestick or something, or find someone else’s account to use. Thanks for being a real one, Dizzy!

  14. Bee

    I would like to add A personal note after reading your FAQ, as Americans perhaps you guys aren’t aware but for Canadians to cross the border it is often extremely difficult even if we are just going for pleasure. Anyone who crosses now requires a passport and I would assume that the majority of addicts don’t keep up to date with their passport renewals, so that is likely a huge factor as to why they stopped doing cross-border interventions the way they used to, which is also probably another big factor as to why they had to revamp the model they used for the show and our introduction of the Canadian series. While we don’t have as many addiction centres in Canada, we have a different process as well as guidelines that must be followed to run them out open one, whereas in the United States anyone can open a rehab facility and call themselves an addiction centre.

    I would also like to note that one of Intervention Canada interventionists, Geri Bemister, passed early this year. According to her Facebook page and many pages dedicated to her, she was suffering for many years with cancer and it seems as though she did not publicly speak of her health problems because she was so focused on helping others. May she rest in peace

    1. Britt

      I am heartbroken about Geri’s passing. She was such an inspiration to me.

      This is her story here

    2. Dizzy

      Hmmm that makes a lot of sense about crossing the border, thanks for the insight.

  15. A.S.

    “I miss vodka” hahaha I mean, as an alcoholic myself I can’t disagree.

  16. Kate

    I’m so glad that you’re feeling better. And congratulations on fourteen years of recovery! The work, I can only imagine. Please forgive me if my terminology isn’t correct, I just wanted you to know how impressive you are. Wishing you all the best!