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Season 25, Episode 12

Cassandra & Steven

Age: 30
Location:  Detroit, Michigan
Addiction: Heroin/Fentanyl and Crack

What’s Memorable: 

Official Synopsis:  Cassandra and Steven met in a rehabilitation center five and a half years ago. After leaving treatment, they moved in together and shortly thereafter were engaged to be married. But this rehab romance soon lost its luster, as both quickly relapsed, spiraling deep into addiction. They now live in a motel outside Detroit, where smoking crack and shooting heroin/fentanyl is their only focus. Their heartbroken families are worried that if Cassandra and Steven don’t get help soon their days are numbered.

Date Aired: July 15, 2024

Interventionist: Zach Livingston and Darren Hobbs

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  1. Kristin

    Such a sad episode: one person broken by his dad’s rejection, and the other one raped and then tossed aside by the Air Force. Cassandra is living with her trauma every day; does it eat away at her rapist like that?? Or did he just go on with his life, like NBD.
    Cassandra is active on Reddit & the Intervention thread (posted a pic of her sweet dog, Sammy!). Posting history includes a lot of NSFW stuff, so heads up, but also has been very open about mental health issues and eating disorder issues.
    Also, does anyone else think the pics of her from her AF days make her resemble a younger Amanda Bynes? Maybe the same smile?

    1. Noah

      thanks for pointing me towards a reddit account for Cassandra. She deserves every am0unt of happiness that c0mes her way. she

    2. Tyler

      Identical to Amanda Bynes!!!

  2. AK

    I’m just here to give a shout out to that sweet soul of a dog because I started sobbing when Cassandra hugged him during the intervention. We truly don’t deserve dogs.
    I felt sorry for Cassandra because she was so hardly traumatized and done that she couldn’t deal with the pressure or even just think straight for a second. I really hope they’re both doing ok.

    1. Jason

      I agree, that dog really was their comfort.

  3. Gina Atkins

    I’m so very proud of Steven…he really stepped up. I’m also deeply impressed by the two interventionists, particularly the younger one (I can’t recall his name). I think he’s highly skilled and very emotionally intelligent. Hopefully Cassandra finds her way back home 🙏

    1. Alexandria

      The person I usually think won’t end up doing well proves me wrong. I’ve been on an Intervention binge the past couple of weeks and there’s been a handful of times (specifically with a couple) where I’m surprised, in a good way. I thought with Cassandra and Stephen it was gonna be the opposite but I’m so glad he’s doing well. I also hope Cassandra can get it together! I went to treatment 12 times before I stopped, and it wasn’t even treatment that helped me stop to be honest. I was just done, and my brother died of an OD, which essentially scared the crap out of me, and that’s what started my road to recovery. Anyway, as long as she’s alive, it’s never too late.

    2. Xlio

      so am I. I just finished this episode with tears in my eyes.

  4. Michaela

    Wow! The intervention was wild, once Steven got over that initial panic I really admired how down he was to listen and show interest in going to treatment, he also really stepped up trying to get Cassandra to agree, when he told her something along the lines of “let’s get excited to start our lives” wow good on him seriously. Cassandra, bless her, she’s clearly got so much pain that she is not ready to face. She’s an active user on Reddit and has commented on a few threads that she’s looking at different resources to try and get better, but she also talks very negatively about the show.. her dad is also on there and has clearly cut ties with her as he talks about her in past tense and even replied saying “I am not your father” to one of her comments. Sad stuff especially as it felt like that was the only connection she did have. Her sister had already cut her off, didn’t say much about her mom but I got the impression they weren’t close. Her user name is Cassamwich. I hope she does find the strength to heal and wish Steven continued happiness in this recovery.

    1. Britt

      Steven only stepped up because the (former military) Dad told him too and the cameras were on him and he was scared. If those 2 things didn’t happen you’d see a different reaction.

  5. Nivey

    This was definitely one of the most memorable episodes! The physical toll the addiction was taking on them was hard to watch! Very sad to see the pain and anguish Cassandra was in but understandly so! She deserved justice for what happened to her! I hope she finds help soon before it’s too late she was in bad shape. I agree with everyone Steven really surprised me when he stepped up and convinced her to go! That was a selfless act on his part. He is a stand up guy and honestly I thought he would be the one to leave treatment! But I was pleasantly surprised and happy for him! He looked great! I hope he stays clean and reclaims his life. Cassandra is in my prayers I hope she finds her way! Her sweet dog was memorable! First time a pet was part of the actual intervention! I loved it! 💗

  6. Jay

    Wow,, what a sad episode and a surprising turn of events. Cassandra’s story is heartbreaking. I want her to get well so badly. But Stephen! I didn’t like him all along. I thought he was the true problem and that Cassandra needed to get away from him. But when he talked to her and told her they have a chance to live again, I actually teared up! He is a hero. I am so happy he’s clean and I hope and pray he stays that way, and that Cassandra finds herself some day.

  7. Britt

    This episode made my blood boil. Over what happened to her in the military and then the boyfriend gets clean and she doesn’t. Of course, because he didn’t have to prostitute himself out for money for drugs he was happy to just mooch off her. This is a man’s world indeed.
    Cassandra you’re beautiful and you deserve so much better.

  8. Yora

    These interventionists angered me so much. It was so obvious that Cassandra was having severe anxiety and she kept asking for space and they wouldn’t give it to her. Then they told her she could have a few hours and went, oops, we can’t do math? Unbelievable. I’m not surprised she left. There was no trust or encouragement or choice; it was pressure and threats.