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S2E14 James

Season 2, Episode 15


Age: 18
Location: Arizona
Addiction: Meth
What’s Memorable: “James isn’t my son. James is just meth.”- mother. Got both his girlfriend and her best friend pregnant when he was a senior in high school.

Official synopsis: James was a straight-A student until he turned to methamphetamines to cope with his mother’s near-fatal illness. Now his mother, Mary, hopes an intervention will get James back on track in life.

Original Air Date: July 2006
Interventionist: Ken

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  1. Kat R.

    Just saw this one for the first time since its up on the A&E site now. I was so distracted by the unusual situation of the two mothers of his sons almost raising the babies together, and both of them at the intervention! I really felt for James though. Having to grow up so fast and be the man of the house, and now the father of 2 kids while just a kid himself. (Of course, I also felt badly for the 2 mothers). The intervention tugged at my heart because you can see he really is so young and in over his head with the whole situation.

    This aired so long ago, I hope he is doing well today. Really a likeable guy, I’m rooting for him.

  2. Dhalia

    Wow what a messed up situation with the two mothers. It was sad that the cameras paid most of the attention to the more eye pleasing one 🙁

    Lots on one young mans back here, I’m impressed and happy the intervention worked.

    1. Tommy

      What’s that supposed to mean? I happen to think they are equally eye pleasing. They probably did that because she seemed to have an easier time talking to others, the blonde girl might be very shy, her mannerisms would point to that direction.

      1. Andy

        I agree Tommy. Also I think they may have focused more on the dark haired mom because James was supposed to watch his son that weekend and since they only follow the subject for a few days before the intervention, they probably interviewed her more bc she was around more. We only see the blonde haired mom at Easter.

  3. Dhalia

    Wow what a messed up situation with the two mothers. It was sad that the cameras paid most of the attention to the more eye pleasing one 🙁

    Lots on one young mans back here, I’m impressed and happy the intervention worked. Probably really helped that he went to a post-rehab facility in Oregon where he got to “be a kid again” and be immersed in nature (Texas can be so sparse!).

  4. commenter

    Any updates for this young man? I always felt Intervention sometimes jumps too quickly to identify THE CAUSE, in this case they blamed his drug abuse on his mother’s life threatening illness as a child. Well, maybe, maybe not. I am not sure the addict, or his/her family, really know the cause, or if there is only one cause. Or why siblings in that same house did not become addicts.

  5. Toreigh

    Just seeing this episode for the first time today. Someone above me said they thought it was strange that the 2 moms were like raising their sons together, but I think its lovely. They are half brothers. They both share the same dad and should be raised as brothers. I think its great that they didnt let hatred get in the way of being able to raise their kids despite the situation with their dad. I hope james is doing well and is helping to raise his boys and be a good dad.

  6. meg

    I have zero sympathy for anyone who hits a dog the way this man did several times while his mom watched and said nothing. disgusting!

    1. Name

      I agree. I’m still curious what happend to him.

    2. Emma

      I can’t believe people are feeling sorry for this person. He hit a dog multiple times, treats his family like rubbish and is an entitled little boy who never grew up

  7. Lenaya

    I can’t believe he had the gall to say “I hate that my kids prevent me from being a kid” well gee! It’s not as if you could have prevented getting two girls pregnant simultaneously as you cheated on them! Oh, wait…

  8. Susie

    Anyone have an update on him? His boys must be about 16 by now

  9. Name

    This guy is honestly creepy… It’s hard to feel sympathy for him, he’s so rude.

  10. Andy

    My name is Andy Pearson. I used to play with James as a kid. can someone tell me what happened to his dad?

    email: [email protected]

  11. Jess

    Hated watching James hitting the family dog and being rotten to his family.