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Buy Me a Coffee

Season 4, Episode 4


Age: 26
Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Addiction: Pain meds & muscle relaxers
What’s Memorable: Poor Brooke. Such a sad story. She’s in unbearable physical pain EVERYDAY and wants so badly for her family to understand that, and they just don’t. All they see is an addict that inconveniences them and requires too much attention. It’s hard to watch how horribly they treat her and how much emotional pain it causes her. The intervention, God I cried so hard.

Update: Brooke died of an overdose on December 21, 2014. Condolences to her family and loved ones. Read Obituary

Official synopsis: Brooke, 26, was a beautiful teenager with a magnetic personality. An elite gymnast on the cheerleading squad, she looked forward to a successful and athletic life. But tragedy struck in her senior year when she was crippled by Still’s disease, an early form of rheumatoid arthritis. Her doctors prescribed narcotics to ease her pain, but Brooke soon became addicted. Her heartbroken family has sought new treatments to help Brooke, but she denies she’s an addict. Now her family has turned in desperation to their last hope–an intervention.

Original Air Date: January 2008
Interventionist: Ken

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  1. Rich Trujillo

    I can relate to what Brooke has gone through. I feel so bad for her. Every time I watch the episode with her, it just breaks my heart! I would love to get in touch with Brooke. I would love to talk to and meet her and sit and talk to her. She is still a beautiful woman and she deserves someone in her life that knows what she is going through!! If there is anyway I can get in touch with her. I would really love to do that!

    1. Melissa

      I’m a chronic pain patient as well. I no longer can work and I was taking heavy narcotics too. I had an alcoholic mother who saw this as a great chance to deflect her problems and would tell anyone and call everyone and tell them what a druggie I am. I also had a sister who refused to understand that I am I pain every second and it’s no fun especially when you have two little boys. The only person who stood by me and understood was my wonderful husband. Watching Brooke’s episode, I cried so hard because I felt her pain and judgement. And I thought kicking get out of the wedding of her twin was mean! Those two girls were so jealous that their parents gave so much attention to their ill child they punished her . Mean girls all the way.

    2. mary

      Hi Rich, you may already know this but Brooke passed from an overdose in 2014. Totally heartbreaking!!

      1. Stefan

        He posted this before she died. It’s hard to believe that it’s already been almost 10 years 😔

  2. Michelle

    I feel for Brooke…and anyone else going through something like this. I have chronic pain and also am on a pain management program which has been going on for 10+ years and it is a very hard thing to deal with. you want to be the person you once were and the person EVERYONE else thinks you should be but you physically are unable to do it. It’d be great if more people could understand that there is a difference between dependent and addicted. I hope Brooke was able to be understood by her family and also get the proper pain management to live a happy life.

    1. Nancy Craig

      Brooke was one of my favorite guests on this show. She was brave, kind and compassionate, as was the rest of her family. rest well Brooke, you are gone but NEVER forgotten.

  3. AnaMaria

    I have the exact same thing that Brooke has. I would love to talk with her and see how she’s doing. I know the struggles and the pain she lives with everyday. It’s hard for people to understand what your going through when their not sick. We can live a so called normal life, it just takes a little adapting to things differently and finding the right medications. I hope this message finds Brooke because I think we could help each other.

  4. Tammy

    Was Brooke ever diagnosed with Lyme disease ???Why was this never mentioned and where is the help for her?

    1. Elizabeth

      Yes she was diagnosed with & treated for lymes disease, as well as RA. It was mentioned at the end of the program.

    2. Christina

      So sad reading this and knowing she died one day after your comment 🙁 my heart broke watching this episode

    3. Pang

      Towards the beginning of the episode, it says that Brooke was diagnosed with Lyme disease and began treatment for it, but the treatment was painful so she stopped taking it and instead decided she did not have lyme disease and opted for pain management only. That is so sad because lyme disease is a nasty little disease that can be progressive. The bacteria that causes lyme disease is a spirochete- it is cork-screwed shaped and gets deep into joints where it can stay hidden, leading to false negatives and also making it harder for the antibiotics to get at it. If she had continued with the treatment early on and got full resolutions, it is likely that her joints would not have deteriorated so much and she would have had less pain. Overall, a very tragic episode.

      It is also sad that her late diagnosis and lack of good treatment was likely due to her geography. Had she been in New England, where lyme disease is endemic, this would have gone to the top of her diagnostic differential.

  5. Shelby

    Brooke had been diagnosed with Lyme disease before she ever appeared on the show, but they said she refused to believe that diagnosis and continued to abuse her medications. As a chronic pain patient, suffering from Fibromyalgia, I understand how it feels. My whole family is always on my back about how much medication I take, even when they KNOW I have Fibromyalgia and that there is no cure for it! I am on one of the strongest opiate pain medications out there…..50mcg Fentanyl patches changed every 48 hours. It has helped, but the longer I am on it, the less it is helping. It’s hard to have any quality of life when there is no cure and the only thing doctors do is prescribe pain medications to mask the pain. Then we develop a tolerance to the levels of medications prescribed, causing doctors to either up the dosage or to take you off them completely and try something else. I’ve tried it all and the commercials for Fibromyalgia meds are totally misleading. Lyrica is NOT the wonder drug the commercial portrays it to be. I know what being a drug addict feels like because I am constantly on some type of narcotic pain med just to take the edge off and also so I don’t go into withdrawals. Coming off of Fentanyl is just like coming off of heroin… get sick, VERY SICK! I’m just tired of going through all of the pain and pain meds (I’m sure my insides aren’t looking very good) and have considered taking my own life more and more often lately. There is no cure for chronic pain sufferers and eventually they become dependent on these pain meds to get them through everyday life. I know I need medical help. I can’t do it on my own. I can’t trust myself with my own meds, so they are locked away and doled out by my parents. I have no self control when it comes to the pain, not to mention the high feels good to escape all these crap feelings for awhile. At least my doctor is supportive of my weaning off my meds and getting into some kind of drug rehab, but I’m not sure where I can go that they will be knowledgeable about Fibromyalgia, just like they said in Brooke’s episode, she can’t go to the same rehab center as a heroin addict. I don’t believe in “learning to live with the pain” either, because I don’t think it’s fair to make someone suffer when there are things that can help reduce pain to some degree. Living with a chronic pain condition is not easy. Life isn’t easy even when someone is well, but pain makes life 100 times harder to cope with.

    1. Elizabeth

      She had both Lyme’s & rheumatoid arthritis. It’s quite obvious by looking at her hands that she definitely has RA. While treating the Lyme’s will cure it, it won’t have any impact on her RA.
      I’m sorry but you cannot compare the crippling pain of RA to fibromyalgia. They are not even close! Fentanyl for fibromyalgia?! Seriously?! I can understand your family’s concerns.
      I have both RA & multiple sclerosis. Unfortunately I’ve experienced horrible pain. Thankfully, I have an amazing neurologist & rheumatologist who’ve addressed & treated my pain. I’ve never had an issue getting support from my family. It breaks my heart that Brooke’s family are a selfish, vile, unsupportive bunch of assholes. Her father isn’t as horrible as her mother & sisters, but he needs to grow a backbone & stand up for his ill daughter!

      1. Theresa

        I’ll just park my ditto right here. Fentanyl for fibromyalgia? There’s an intervention waiting to happen.

      2. Kitty Katt

        I have fibro and believe me, they don’t give me Fetanyl (which in a way I’m glad because I know I’d end up in a bad place with it).

      3. LisaFromKy57

        Apparently she doesn’t live in Ky. The only people that are on Fentanyl are cancer patients who have one foot in the grave. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia about 18-19 yrs ago. I’m 57 . I also have a couple of other problems that cause me more pain on some days. I’ve been on Ultram all of this time with the exception of being on Lortab for the extremely bad days. (For break thru pain) Since the laws have changed in Ky people on Ultram are being treated like hardcore drug addicts. When I was first put on Ultram it wasn’t even a scheduled drug. Now I can’t even get the Lortab even in small amounts anymore and am lucky to be able to get the Ultram. Crazy crap. Why is it the innocent always suffer for the ill doings of others?

      4. Laura

        You have absolutely no clue how agonizing Fibromyalgia is. Science is finding more and more and more evidence that backs up what we Fibro patients have been saying for years! How dare you compare one disease to another? I have lived with severe fibromyalgia & probable PP MS, and have lived with the extreme pain of endometriosis, and very bad PCOS since I was 10. I’ve also had 11 surgeries, including several major ones that involved removing one ovary, my emergency gallbladder removal (it was filled with gallstones, very infected and much larger than normal), my emergency appendectomy (I’d had severe pain & symptoms for a year, but no one ever bothered to take it out. Until they finally got a look at it and noticed it’d been leaking infection into my body through a pin-size hole the entire last year!!) and so much more.

        But please, be more respectful when talking about Fibromyalgia. There are days I can barely get out of bed or walk. This disease is hell. I’d take RA (that I’m likely to be diagnosed with soon) over the physical agony of Fibro any day!!! Educate yourself on how horrific the pain is, please.

      5. Sonya D.

        Fibromyalgia is painful but I have lupus, so you saying that you would take RA over the pain of Fibro is just as wrong to me. Since I actually have FIBRO AND LUPUS, I can say with a certainty that my Lupus pain is more painful than my Fibro. The lupus and RA is in the BONE. Fibromyalgia is not in the bone. Yes it’s is a painful disease, but on days that my Fibro is bothering me, I stay in the bed. The days that my lupus is at it’s worse, I’m literally screaming in the hospital.

      6. Mary C.

        Theresa…I fully agree!! I have Necrotizing Myositis, RLD, and CHF because of the NM. My Docs won’t give me ANYTHING strong and I am in CONSTANT pain. I cannot imagine them ever coming close to Fentynel for me. Fibromyalgia can be painful, but not even close to NM. It’s 2021 and I wonder if Shelby is still with us. I’m sure my Docs won’t RX anything strong because of the Opioid epidemic. I loved Brook and its very sad that she passed.

      7. Just me

        I fully agree
        I have Poly-Rheumatoca and Necotising Myositis and my Rheumatologist wouldn’t consider Fent for me. I have a hard time getting any pain medication, but he would never do an opiate. It’s a shame because I am in pain 24-7 with legit chronic incurable diseases….meanwhile someone is getting opiates for Fibromyalgia!!! That Doc should lose his license.
        It’s terribly sad that Brooke passed
        She was my all time favorite and her “family” were a bunch of assholes.

      8. Kady

        I just found this site after wanting more info about Intervention. Comparing diseases and medications is inappropriate, as is trying to one-up others and/or criticizing their meds. Everyone’s situation is different!! As someone with Crohn’s (and its many complications) for 30 years, I’ve been prescribed a variety of pain meds over the years, including a fentanyl patch. Unfortunately, it became too expensive and I was switched to methadone until the efficacy dissipated. I now take robaxin, which has worked very well so far.

    2. Jo Po

      I have fibro & autoimmune disease. I take no meds. I know those meds are not the answer. I deal with bad joint pain in my neck, back, knees everyday not to take away from the neuropathy in my hands, thighs & feet. I work as a critical care nurse on my feet 12 hours a day 3 days a week. Living with physical pain is entirely possible but there’s lots to be said about emotional pain. There are meds that help that are non additive like neurotin & cymbalta. And they absolutely DO work. Good luck. Just another perspective.

      1. Lisa

        I am glad that Neurontin and Cymbalta work for you. They are not miracle drugs and are not effective for everyone or all types of drugs. Cymbalta changes brain chemistry worse than opiates as well. I’ve been on both. Cymbalta put me in the hospital and neurontin did nothing. I’ve been on moderate dosages of opiates for 10 years now. There are always the ignorant people who say I must be addicted, but I’m under a GOOD pain specialist and we take me off of it at least 2x a year to break the tolerance for a month. It’s painful for that month, but is necessary. Before those medications, I was in bed for almost 2 years. I have EDS (previously diagnosed with fibro and other diseases – keep searching for a diagnosis if your doctor quickly jumped to this). My life was pointless. Due to the stupidity of those blindly against opiates, I refused to try them for those 2 years. I now work 3 jobs! If you are on ANY med and still spending all day in bed, that’s not the right medication, but if opiates makes you productive, why not take them? If you find something that helps you live life, don’t let anyone judge you into giving up your life. Opiates can be used without the patient becoming addicted. I’m living proof. It takes stringent controls and someone without an addictive personality. But to say you can live through the pain – you don’t know my pain. I was useless and have tried EVERYTHING before opioid medication. Thank God for them and my pain specialist. I finally have a life. I’m glad your pain is kept at bay with non-opioid meds, but I expect a nurse to have more knowledge about addiction verses dependence and the way the fear of opiates has led to so many being in agonizing pain and failing to have lives worth living. Rest in peace Brooke. If only pain control was understood better by all, especially the medical field.

      2. Mary C.

        Thank you for the suggestions! I cant seem to get any relief. I’ll talk to my Rheumatologist. Hope you feel better.

    3. Joanna

      I don’t know if you’ll see this, or if your circumstances have changed, but I can give you some advice from lessons that I learned the hard way…
      Almost to the day I turned 30,I began to feel intense pain. My skin hurt so bad to touch, much less scratch an itch… That felt like I was literally ripping my skin off. I also had severe pelvic pain. I had exploratory pelvic surgery and the doctor said she found nothing and I was just looking for attention. After FIVE YEARS, I finally got a dual diagnosis: fibromyalgia and interstitial cystitis.
      It began with the lowest dose of Norco. Then the medium strength. Then Norco 10. Then, my doctor decided I was better off on METHADONE for pain. I was higher on the methadone than I was on any other opiates, nodding off constantly and taking more than prescribed. I ran out of pills early and got kicked out of my pain clinic. Tough luck. I ended up in the hospital for five days while I withdrew from the methadone (luckily I don’t remember anything from my hospital stay except a coughing fit).
      The doctor taking care of me in the hospital, who is now my GP, put me on Suboxone, which I take to this day. I also went on cymbalta for the fibro, which worked for almost 10 years. When the cymbalta no longer worked, I recently switched to effexor, which is working wonders. Between the suboxone and effexor, my pain went from a 9 each day to a 2 or 3. I have zero desire to abuse the suboxone because there’s zero benefit to taking more. I HIGHLY recommend looking into getting off the opioids and switching to suboxone. You won’t have to lock anything up for fear of taking extras and rubbing short, and you won’t be in as much pain.
      Opioids are a funny thing, because they LOWER your pain tolerance, so you’re actually in more pain and just need more and more.
      Regarding the fentanyl patches: RUN AWAY FROM THEM AS FAST AS YOU CAN! My mom, who has rheumatoid, fibro and a bunch of other stuff, was put on the patches by a pain clinic when she continually abused her pain pills. The doctor started her at a small dose of fentanyl patch. But each time my mom went back, the doctor increased her fentanyl dose until it reached 125mcg, while screaming at my mom if she was missing even 1 Norco… My mom literally list her mind at this dose. She had to be put in the psych ward for 3 weeks, not recognizing any of us and urinating on herself, until the weened her off the fentanyl. She too eventually switched from opioids to suboxone when her new doctor told her he won’t prescribe opiates to her anymore because she was too “high risk.” Even with extremely severe rheumatoid and all the rest, 2 suboxone a day are enough to control the vast majority of her pain.
      I apologize for the rant, but I feel a sense of responsibility to tell my mom’s and my story so others don’t go through the pain and despair we, and our family as a consequence, went through.

    4. Lori

      I pray that somehow your pain lessens, u are courageous to tell the truth about Pain And addiction, Thank you for sharing your story 🙏💖

  6. Kyle

    Brooke died Dec. 20th 2014. Causes are unknown at the time. Patsi and Dowe and the rest of our family need prayer right now, so if you could just pray for some healing no one should have to lose their child.

    1. kjburke01

      Oh no!! What horrible news. 🙁

    2. Christina

      I am so sad to learn of Brooke’s passing. I felt compassion for her when I watch her episode. My thoughts and prayer are with her and her family.

  7. Peggi

    Oh no – this breaks my heart. Her episode came on tonight, and I remembered the horribleness of her family. She died on my birthday. I hope she’s at rest, poor sweet thing.

  8. Deadly_Sinner

    Terribly sad news, indeed. Please respect her family’s privacy in this bleak time, so close to the holidays.

    1. Dizzy

      Thank you for posting this. I agree and I ask that everyone respect the family and their privacy right now. Some of the comments that have been posted in the last few days have been quite insensitive and I will not publish them. Remember, these are real people in a lot of pain, not fictional characters.

  9. Alicia

    This absoultly breaks my heart

    Brooke Renee’ Boulter
    1981 – 2014

    Brooke Renee’ Boulter, 33, was born March 28, 1981 in Tulsa, OK to Dowe and Patty (Scott) Boulter and passed away Sunday, December 21, 2014 in Coweta, OK.

    Brooke grew up in Fort Gibson and was a cheerleader for Fort Gibson Schools. She graduated with the class of 2000 and attended college. After college, Brooke went to California and recently moved back to Coweta to be near her family. She spent her time volunteering and helping people. Brooke was a kind soul to everyone that knew her.

    Those left to cherish her memory are her parents Dowe and Patty Boulter of Fort Gibson, OK; brother, Scott Boulter and wife Brandie of Fort Gibson, OK; sisters, BreeAnn Rice of Coweta, OK, Brittany Flowers and husband Chadd of Palm Coast Florida; nieces and nephews; Brett Boulter, Braden Rice, Jaxon Rice, Bailey Boulter, Corbin Flowers, Savannah Flowers, grandmothers; Pat Boulter of Muskogee, OK and Dorothy Scott of Brookland, AR, aunts and uncles; Barry and Brenda Phillips and Keith and Anne Horn, cousins; Skylee, Josh, Laken, and Hayden Tinker, Keith, Mellissa, Maddie, and Macy Matlock, Kyle, April, Kaleb, and Kody Horn, Eric, Alicia, Emma, Sophie, Sloan and Harper Hadley, Brent, Jenny, Clark and Cole Phillips, Hunter and Lauren Phillips.

    Brooke was preceded in death by her grandfathers; Millard Scott and Bob Boulter.

    A visitation will be held Tuesday, December 23, 2014, with the family receiving friends from 11 AM to 1:30 PM at the Fort Gibson Church of Christ.

    A celebration of Brooke’s life will be held Tuesday, December 23, 2014 at 2 PM in the Fort Gibson Church of Christ with Ministers Dan Rouse and Henry Petree officiating. Interment will follow at Citizens Cemetery in Fort Gibson with Larry Moore, Steve Stalcup, Kyle Horn, Steve Clinkenbeard, Hunter Phillips, Brent Phillips, Gary Dillahunty and Jim Dillahunty serving as pallbearers. Honorary pallbearers are Budo Perry, Josh Tinker, Keith Matlock, Corbin Flowers, Braden Rice, Jaxon Rice and Brett Boulter.

    The family of Brooke Renee’ Boulter has entrusted her services and burial to Clifford D Garrett Family Funeral Home 1224 E Poplar Fort Gibson, OK 74434. 918-478-2555.

  10. crystal

    So very sad for her family, especially at this time of year. Will take comfort knowing wherever she is, she is free of pain. Rip beautiful brooke!!!! :”'(

  11. sunshine3215

    I just watched this episode and wondered what ever happened. This is indeed sad news, I pray for the family that they have peace.

  12. snugs

    Wow, she went from taking painkillers to crystal meth? I don’t understand, going from downers to speed sounds a bit strange. Poor Brooke, at least she’s not suffering anymore.

    1. Alex

      It does sound strange, but where I live, I’ve seen it happen over and over and over again. Many pain pill addicts I knew also used meth – they’d switch back and forth, and meth was actually their “primary addiction”. Some meth addicts I met had originally started out on pain pills. At the Suboxone clinic I attend, a good majority of them are self-admitted meth addicts. And many of them have been off pain pills for even years, yet still use meth.

      For me, it’s also personally strange, because I have ADHD. Amphetamines do not give me a powerful feeling of euphoria that others have described when taking any of them, including the same prescribed dose of Adderall (levo/dextroamphetamine) that I have been on. I can’t say I’ve ever done meth, though, and it’s one of the few drugs I haven’t tried. I never had any interest in trying it, and I definitely don’t now. But it’s surprising how often meth addiction and pain pill addictions overlap, at least in my state (Arkansas).

      1. Jackie

        Same here in rural GA (I’m in the Blue Ridge Mountain area!). Since I’m unable to find a Pain Dr. willing to help with my severe chronic pain, I’ve been forced to go to a methadone clinic. I’m sick. It’s so difficult to get up and go get my medicine each day because I’m in so much pain!!! It’s certainly not ideal, but it’s about the cheapest solution I can work out right now. Please pray that I’ll be able to find a new, good Pain Mgmt Dr in the next year or two. I’m desperate and have almost given up hope of ever having relief from my pain. 😭

      2. mary

        The thing with pain pills (a majority of them relax your muscles and respiratory system. Meth comes in to stop “the nod” and up. Some people use fentanyl and cocaine (a speed ball) and is how many have overdosed. I don’t understand it at all! I’m guessing people that do speedballs are completely confusing their CNS and Cardiovascular/resporatory systems- which causes the or? Just a theory. I could name about 20 musicians who have od’d on speedballs. Very sad.

  13. TeeJay

    Heartbreaking, I know how it feels to be in constant pain and to want so bad for it to stop and to get your old life back. Accepting that will never happen was the hardest thing & took years of counseling. The only thing that kept me from going down the same path that Brooke did was watching my stepmother die in her 50’s from liver failure after 10 years of combining alcohol and pain meds in an attempt to get relief.
    Rest in Peace Brooke, I hope you are running, jumping, and cartwheeling your way around Heaven.

  14. angie

    R.I.P. Brooke you were a beautiful person w a beautiful soul….I Will Miss U Dearly Friend…

  15. Phil jones

    Whatever her diagnosis the painkillers grab some folks and wont let them go. Maybe meth was the last hurrah for Brooke but the oxy was the gateway. I hope at some point people pull the bull and put the truth in the obits so it will inform and help others.

  16. Shannon

    She overdosed on “meth”? Surely this means methadone rather than methamphetamines? That would make MUCH more sense.

    1. Samantha

      No, her sister commented on the Post-Intervention Deaths page and said that she turned to meth when the pills stopped working. So sad 🙁

      1. Rick

        Actually many opiate users after a long life of using start combining uppers to help them function better & it does improve the high but can be much more toxic & dangerous. Also in the episode her family was complaining about her being so lopped or piled out so maybe she was using meth to straighten herself out so not to look as high. Who knows and pain sucks and I would do any thing to stop it and sometimes people may not understand.

        I will say I don’t judge having chronic pain but I will also say that there may be alternative treatments and that long term opiate use makes your body become very sensitive and when you stop the pain is horrible from back, legs, joints, etc. everything hurts, cuz your body’s nerves grow becoming much more sensitive as you need to know if you put your hand on a hot stove right away and after stopping it may take 6 months before much or all of that pain goes away and they can determine your level of pain and then treat you accordingly.

        Now as a former addict when i had real pain I was willing to explore every diagnosis and every treatment even when Drs just wanted to give me pain meds, including acupuncture since I wanted to live pain free. & guess what that worked better than anything, they stopped the pain completely and it didn’t come back & when I stopped the pain meds I couldn’t sleep so they did a sleep acupuncture and I went from 1 hr of sleep a night to 12 hrs of sleep the day I had the procedure without taking ANY MEDS. but even with this treatment and recovery were very hard with many relapses before I said enough is enough. I don’t know where the meds stopped being used for pain and started as a way to escape reality and get high. Unfortunately each addict has to determine when they want to change their life and enough is enough and I don’t judge people in pain (or try not too) but this is hard since I’ve watched many people use the pain excuse to continue taking meds and I know when I ran out pain was horrible along with withdrawals but when I was at the pharmacy 10 mins from getting my meds all those things went away and I could only think about those meds.


        RIP BROOKE

  17. Paul

    Brooke was so beautiful and I really wanted to see her succeed, but her body was just in so much pain that she had to find a way to stop it. I will pray for her sweet father and for her sisters, who no doubt feel great guilt.

  18. SBG

    Well said Amanda. I couldn’t agree more, this was a hard one to watch again. I wish I would have had her as a sister, I would have had her stand up with me at my wedding.

    1. SBG

      Now why would my comment be awaiting moderation? I was just replying to amanda’s post. What is the difference between her Dec 20 post and my post? Imwould really like an explanation please.

      1. dizzy

        All comments are held in moderation until I approve them. It’s nothing personal. And this idea that I owe anyone an explanation for what gets published and what doesn’t? Well, I just don’t. Intervention Directory is the product of literally hundreds of hours of my life – needless to say, what happens here matters a whole lot more to me than it does to you. I am thoroughly invested in this website and comments make up a good half of the content here. I’m the one who has to deal with the repercussions of critical comments, not you. I publish comments I disagree with all the time, it’s not about that. I have the right to not publish those that do not abide by my comment policy. The interpretation of what abides by my policy is up to me. If you want an Intervention discussion forum with no rules and no moderation, please make one.

      2. ms White

        Dear Dizzy
        I stumbled upon your website after watching hours of A&E intervention. I can’t find Brooke’s episode but reading the comments about her here has made me feel such compassion and empathy for her story and the painful loss of her life.
        I would not know her story if it was not for your hard work on this website. I just wanted to say thank you for all you do, giving others insight and following up on the episode. God bless you and please know it is greatly appreciated.
        Love & Peace to you and to all those going through their own struggles with addiction.

  19. marcy lily

    I am in no position to judge only to offer my love and sincere condolences . I just lost my baby sister , only 37 , in August to Cancer but her and I both had and have severe pain related issues . We both went off the tracks . It is all too easy . But nobody deserves chronic pain or illness .
    I am so sorry to the entire family . I will keep you in my prayers and not forget Brooke . Brooke I am so sad you did not win the battle . I am glad you are no longer in any form of pain but am pained by at how you escaped it . Love to this family . May you heal and know her life touched many .

  20. Trace

    Brooke had so much going for her. Chronic pain from on-going illnesses destroyed her path early.

    I live with Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis, I am fortunate in my eyes to be allergic to opioid pain relievers. I have a sister who takes all of that stuff. She is a shell of who she once was.

    I feel horrible mostly for her dad because he really seemed to be on her side. I was shocked at the behavior of her sisters on camera. Removing her from a wedding party, a family event, making her feel like a bad person. I understand taking a hard line with Brooke, but do that after the intervention failed. Not on camera.

    She needed medical help a long time ago. I wish she had survived this addiction. I hope they revisit this with an update, maybe it will bring addiction to pain meds more to light. Let Brooke’s story help someone else out.

  21. D

    I saw the episode about Brooke and my heart broke for her. I, myself, am a chronic pain patient. I hate to say this, but, had she been able to continue controlling her pain with pain management, but being monitored closer, she would likely still be here. I’m sure that following her treatment, she was not allowed any affective medications to treat the very obvious pain she dealt with. In my opinion, it’s likely she turned to illegal, and much harsher drugs to attempt to dull the pain that she was suffering. Sadly, now that PRESCRIPTION medications have become such a great focus by our government , I have read that many people who cannot receive proper, prescribed medications, turn to street drugs. I feel very sorry for her sweet soul. May she finally be free from pain and at peace.

  22. Jerry

    Rest in peace honey.

    1. Tara

      Listen for each & every person who is a chronic pain patient (including myself) not 1 of us should be comparing 1 diagnosis to another. Even if you have the very same diagnosis as another person. We each experience pain differently and our diseases are in different stages. It’s not right to blame, belittle, & say 1 is worse than the other. We have no idea what others go through or feel. Actually Fentanyl patches are prescribed to chronic pain patients that are opiate-tolerant & are unable to take oral morphine, as well as patients with cancer (not everyone w/ cancer). I have Leukemia & the pain is severe in all your bones, especially the big ones (femur). I also have several herniated disc, spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, pinched sciatic nerve, & currently a torn abductor cuff & 4 torn tendons in my hip that’s left me bed bound for the last 3 wks & in complete agony (screaming at times) but I don’t know that a person with Fibromyalgia or RA ect. isn’t in more or less pain than I am so I’m not judging. People always ASSume & honestly it’s ignorant & mean. After all that I just spewed let me end by saying what we all should’ve been saying in the first place God Bless you Brooke, may you have found peace & your pain & suffering is no more. Fly high & rest east beautiful angel.

  23. Lesslie Diepenbrock

    Im watching this episode right now. So very sad how her family is treating her. Im sure it’s tough love, but it’s absolutely heartbreaking. Well now she isn’t in pain anymore.

  24. Cheryl

    I lived in Tulsa in 1987 and was bitten by a deer tick at Lake Tenkiller (a few miles from Brooke’s home in Ft. Gibson), resulting in decades of doctors arguing over what was wrong; I know the diagnosis of Lyme Disease 4 years after the bite and the subsequent illness is the correct one. I went through ‘treatment’ for Lyme Disease, but it didn’t help – at all; maybe if I had been put on the anti-biotics for more than a week it would have been more helpful.

    I currently take pain meds (NEVER abuse them, ever), and HATE having to; but if I didn’t, I know that my quality of life and the suffering would overwhelm my will to live. I saw my pain dr. 2 weeks ago, and he is doubting my pain, saying there is NO Lyme Disease or Fibromyalgia, and has ordered me to have extensive testing; when your doctor stops believing in you, it’s time to find a new one.

    Watching Brooke’s story made me cry, touched me in no way any other Intervention episode has; she was NEVER a ‘drug addict’ in any way, she was just trying to get out of the pain. And many people here can relate to her and her painful story. I never try to be mean, I only try to tell the truth; as I see it, her “family” WAS cold to her by shunning and shutting her out of their lives because she was shameful or embarrassing or inconvenient to them. I’m not saying they should have supported her abuse of the meds, but they were mean to have discluded her from births and marriages; this only pushed her further over that precipice. They are just the types of people that gave me reasons to move back West with my children; I wanted them to grow up near others who have empathy and are not judgmental to others. Watching Brooke’s story reminded me of people like them; if you don’t have something to offer THEM to make THEIR lives better, you don’t matter to them. And that ‘Southern Hospitality’ you hear about? Don’t believe all you hear! I had doors slammed in my face countless times out there; after coming back West, they hold it open for me – go figure! Like I wrote, if you don’t have something to offer them, you mean nothing to them! Cold, but true.

    1. Pang

      I am so sorry you suffered through lyme disease- it is a terrible disease and it seems like people in the middle of the country where it is less common are not able to get good treatment from doctors knowledgeable about the condition.

  25. nita

    I just found out about brooke today. I cried a lot today. Can’t believe this happened to her. I have ms and understand what she was going through. People that don’t live with chronic pain don’t understand what it’s like. Rest in paradise beautiful brooke,you are in my prayers, I will never forget you. ;(

  26. janice

    i just recently discovered this show. While recovering from number 20+ operation. Brooke’s story touched my heart instantly. I cried with her and prayed, then found out about her passing. My heart is broken for her and her family. I watched her take excruciating steps and at that moment, connected with her. As did millions that understood what she was feeling, living with and without. I have so much I want to say, not of anger or hatred, just you can have feelings for someone, a family you have never met. My heart goes out to everyone touched by her passing. You reached so many lives dear Brooke and your family. God bless you all and continue to comfort and hold you. :*(

  27. Sarah

    I’ve been watching Intervention for years now and a few episodes have stayed with me. Brooke’s story was one. I personally learned a lot and think Brooke was incredibly kind and loving. It hurts my heart to know she’s gone, but I cannot lie and say I’m not grateful her pain is over. It’s easy to place blame on what was shown on tv with her family and especially the wedding. However, Brooke took it in stride and still showed up. That is what should be remembered, through her personal struggles just to face every day, she still tried and that’s a beautiful testament to those out there dealing with chronic pain. Brooke’s story does not end because she is no longer among us, but will continue because she was brave enough to share it.

  28. Kelly Marcil

    I watched the Brooke intervention quite a while ago and just watched it again yesterday and was shocked when someone told me that she passed away..What an absolutely beautiful young woman she was. I felt so bad for her pain and suffering and the fact that she did not have a a lot of support. I have two sisters and they would support me until the day I die sick or not. The part on the video where she mentioned about her dreams of being a Dallas Cheerleader and then had that little smirk on her face really broke my heart…may God bless and keep her safe and pain free in Heaven…RIP dear Brooke…

  29. Kimberly

    Beautiful Brooke… I had no idea until just now. I also suffer from chronic pain. My family thinks that I’m exaggerating it, but I’m not. And I know that you weren’t. Your intervention was one of my favorites. R.I.P. beautiful angel…

  30. Dannette Davis

    I just read about this and my heart bleeds for Brooke’s loved ones. I really thought she would make it. I can relate to her story (the pain killer addiction, not the chronic pain). I often find myself asking God why some of us make it and why some of us don’t. We are only finite, however, God is infinite in His wisdom.
    My heart goes out to Brooke’s loved ones.

  31. noyb

    ? Was this the episode where they her a physical and agreed she in fact did NOT need all those meds for her pain and they weaned her off them. I was sure the ending was she in dif meds or more appropriate meds. At first I thought her family were insensitive jerks but then when the new doctors did an eval they came to the conclusion she did not in fact need all those meds and that she was exaggerating.

    1. Sondra Cherry

      She was diagnosed with lymes disease, as well as rheumatoid arthritis. If you know anything about those diseases, you would never say she was exaggerating her pain. The dr said she was NOT an addict, she was simply taking her prescribed meds and trying to find some kind of relief. Her family didn’t really understand how serious her illnesses were. At least not the mother, and sisters. I have researched what you said in your comment, and I’m unable to find anything of the sort. Only confirmation of her diseases and her pain being very real. I live with rheumatoid arthritis myself, and I can tell you first hand it is no joke. 4 hours or longer just to be able to get out of bed each day because the pain, stiffness, and swelling of the joints make it difficult to walk. Some days I can’t walk at all and I have to be carried to the bathroom etc. It’s a serious condition.

    2. Tara

      She was not exaggerating her pain. She was truly suffering.

  32. Alex

    I remember this episode. I always had a lot of thoughts on it, because I have chronic pain (osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia, though I think the fibromyalgia diagnosis has been a misdiagnosis – I think being an addict made me ignore many of the other symptoms I was having, or took away the pain of them. There have been some that I mistakenly attributed to the medication instead. It’s a complicated issue.) Problem was, I was also addicted to pain medication. I became addicted before the chronic pain started, at only sixteen years old, when a doctor prescribed oxycodone to me getting my wisdom teeth removed. Before then, I had never even smoked marijuana, or a cigarette. Things are a lot different now. The chronic pain did make my addiction a lot worse, though, absolutely.

    I never was sure what to make of this episode. It was very clear she had real pain, but it was hard to tell whether she also had an addiction, or if her medication was just being improperly managed. I watched this episode several times, and the whole situation was just a mess. I won’t make any comments about her family because of her passing, even though that was a year ago now, it still feels rather insensitive.

    I can say that it is misery having legitimate pain but being unable to take pain medications due to an addiction. It’s also misery because you can’t get any support, even in communities for chronic pain. Or, at least, that’s been my experience. People in chronic pain communities would make negative, nasty comments to me, telling me that if I had chronic pain, it was “impossible” to get high on pain medication, so therefore, I must not have real chronic pain. I remember when I was using, I started to think I was simply delusional, and I was just merely an addict. But after quitting for two years (using Suboxone), the pain is still present, and it’s still very real. A lot of people think of things in an “either/or” type of fashion. People can have legitimate chronic pain but also be addicts. Maybe that’s changed now.

    It is truly heartbreaking to learn of her death. I’m not sure what to say about it, but it makes me very sad.

  33. scot

    Where can i watch this cant find anywhere online, I’m not in USA

    1. Sean M

      im also trying to fine it but not able to find the episode anywhere myself.

    2. Sondra Cherry you will probably have to purchase her episode, but in the US it’s only 1.99

    3. JoAnne

      Hi. I subscribe to Ramoin on youtube. She has tons of episodes and Brooke is on there.

    4. Lauren

      Hi there. Brooke’s episode, along with many others, can be found on

    5. mary

      I think A&E has taken down the episodes of people who passed. I found a few, and then one day they were gone. It sucks because I think they should be available to show people the reality of addiction, and that not everyone recovers! It’s a real shame because it’s nice to see them- as a reminder.

  34. Nicole S.

    I remember watching Brooke’s intervention and just bawling during the family confrontation stage. Then I saw an update where she had gained weight and looked so much healthier and happier and felt that there was hope for her. Now to find out that she passed away is just so heartbreaking. I am so sorry for her and her family and friends. I hope that she is now at peace and I pray that all those who loved her know that her story can be an inspiration to others to get help and stay clean. So sad to hear of this… 🙁

    1. Cathy Veitch Williams

      Hi Shelby. I too am a chronic pain patient with a dependency on my medication just to get out of bed – and I rarely do that. I am mostly bedbound. I wonder sometimes whether I am more disabled by my spinal disease or from the effects of the medication (in my case, morphine). I would like to detox off of my meds and see if my pain can be managed any other way. I want my old life and self back. I too consider suicide as my situation seems so hopeless. I just want you to know that you aren’t alone in the way that you feel. Brooke’s funeral was today. Let’s not add to the tragedy and make a pact to not give up. My name is Cathy. I live in Kansas, and you can email me at [email protected] if you ever want someone to talk to. I will keep you in my thoughts. Take care.

  35. Mary Rose

    I was just cleaning out a drawer and came across a piece of paper that I had printed out on Brookes story so I looked it up again and saw that she had died I’m so sad I have RA and about 13 years ago I was bad , I suffered with ra for 8 years of being misdiagnosed I laid in bed my family worried I was taking so much pain medication and prednisone it’s an awful awful feeling not to be able to get away from your pain and I felt that in Brookes I’m so sorry for your loss she was a beautiful person and when I watched that episode it reminded me of me how I use to walk I am in remission now and very grateful for the doctors at UCSF that made major breakthroughs. My thoughts and prayers are with the family

  36. Rebecca

    I cried several times tonight watching her episode. I feel that yes, the sisters were horrible. However playing Devils Advocate, they did the intervention at very important times in the other sisters lives so she was in fact a burden to them at that moment. She really broke my heart because I didnt see an addict at first, I saw a girl in pain. The cutting her out I can see was to bring her bottom to her faster, I get it. But that poor girl. I just am left with the why meth??? She died from meth right? So something went way wrong later. I just feel so bad for the girl…

  37. Renee

    Thanks to Hulu and Amazon I think I’ve now seen all the shows up to now and she and Hubert have remained the most special and loving hearted.

    At the end they say she admitted having an addiction but also that she received treatment for Lyme and RA, AND… had a knee replacement which iimproved her mobility. Someone else here noticed her hands… Imagine a young formerly vibrant woman her age needing knee replacement and having other damaged joints as well… I would guess it wasn’t feasible to replace all the joints irreversibly damaged by RA so priority was given to keep her out of a wheelchair. Sad that sibling rivalry added to her suffering, – a woman with a less generous heart woman would have spitefully stayed home from the wedding or tried to sabotage it; look at so many of the others featured on this show who continuosly verbally and emotionally abuse loved ones – not once did she ever act hurtfully towards her family. I think in this case her dad standing up for her was the right thing to do and every time I watch this episode I want to stand up and cheer for him. So heartbreaking about her passing and that it was brought on by meth – I only hope it happened very early on and she left this world unburdened by emotional and physical pain. May she rest in peace.

  38. Mary rose

    I too have RA and as I watch this show some years ago I could feel her pain . As she crossed the street , you have to tell your brain it’s okay to step up on the crub. RA pain is real!

  39. Terri d. Smith

    I was Facebook friends with Brooke, I have very screwed up backs C.P.D. Plus G.D.D. And RA in my back. I understand pain, I was on pain pills including Oxycontin since 1996, when they told ” non addictive ” I been clean for 50 days. But I still have pain. Brooke before she paased wanted me to go to Bay Recovery, at the time was about 5 years ago I was not ready, she completed her program. She started working for them she thinks told me, or wanting to I forgot, we talked back in forth for awhile then life got busy for her and I , I did go to treatment to get of pain Meds May, 9th 2017,

  40. Karen

    I live with Fibermyalgia, Spinal Stenosis, Neuropathy of upper and lower extremities, spasms in my back, feet and esophogus, erosive esopgogitis, Uveitis (which is RA in my eye, leaving me half blind), Edema, and survived Ovarian Cancer. I have had over 15 various surgeries and been on so many medications over the past 15 years…they were literally killing me. With two young children, I could not work, and stayed home for 4 years while they were young. After missing out on their lives so much, having a difficult time keeping our house, and knowing that i could easily fall into mental addiction (because i was drousy and relaxed all the time and the strwsses if life were just eased when i was medicated), i decided that for my kids something had to change. So if I didn’t do the following, I could’ve just as easily been one of these sad stories.
    First, I had to go back to work…so after being home for a few years, at 40, i went back with a cane and tons of meds but got back into the groove (as a matter of fact, i think my sleepy eyes made me lose a couple temp jobs at first and stopped taking the med before work but near end of day). Then, i wanted to get active. So one day I assisted my daughter in kickboxing, just by standing there with my hands up as her partner. Low and behold, I joined kickboxing myself. Then i fell in love with karate and joined that too. I couldn’t do anything at first….i modified everything and basically lifted my feet 6 inches off the ground, punched with NO power. But you know what??? After 5 years, i now have my black belt. My body got stronger. And after researching Fibermyalgia, i found out that you can have less pain if you make your body stronger. I have been weaned off of 90% of my meds (down to just Dilaudid and Methadone…even though still a dose that could kill a small horse)and go monthly to a great pain management dr.
    I feel that what happened with me is…i came to a crossroad. I chose to try something new, because the way I was going wasn’t good. to get active, which actually made me stronger, and I needed less medication over time. I also wean myself, very very slowly, down one pill a day less every 6 months (then when I know I can live with that I tell the dr. And he prescribes less). If this works for someone else out there, just getting active, then focussing on taking one less pill every 6 months or so, maybe it will change someone who is bordering being mentally addicted to not.
    There are definitely reasons in an addicts life for why they medicate…trauma etc. I didn’t have any if that. It was just medical reasons. But if that is you…its worth a try.

  41. 2dawgz

    Where can you watch her episode??

    1. Theresa

      Amazon Prime Video

  42. Jacey

    I think everyone who suffers from pain should try an elimination diet, especially gluten. I know most will think that’s stupid but I used to have really bad arthritis in my knees and it went away when I did the Rob Wolf protocol. People think diet factors zero into it, but it really is everything.

    1. Sonya D.

      Arthritis in your knees is the not the same as Rheumatoid Arthritis in your body. Please. Diet has nothing to do with an actual autoimmune disease. And a diet will do nothing for it. So, please educate yourself on the difference. Some people think they are the same, but they are actually not and the cause of the inflammation is different. What you had was osteoarthritis. We have arthritis due to an autoimmune disease.

  43. Brooke

    dizzy, why do i keep getting this notification: Sorry, you have been blocked
    You are unable to access
    Why have I been blocked?
    This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data.

    What can I do to resolve this?? i have tried repeatedly to leave a comment. this has happened a few times over the last few days as well.

    1. Brooke

      hmmm well that comment worked. wtheck?? just fyi, there’s nothing controversial in the comment i am trying to leave. no profanity.

    2. Dizzy

      Ok so I have to use a 3rd party filtering system because the site has been under constant attack for the last 2 years. If I don’t have the filtering on (called Cloudflare) then the site in overwhelmed by the bots, meaning so many visits all at once that the hosting company shuts me down because it can’t handle the bandwidth. I was shut down probably 6 times when it first started and the only thing I could do to keep it up was buy Cloudflare. Even now, 2 years later, Cloudflare blocks almost 100,000 visits a day that are coming from this bot, a script that is being run in perpetuity to attack the site. ANYWAY, I suspect that it’s Cloudflare that has protections set up the prevent commenting that seems like it might be coming from a bot. I know that if you have 2 or more links in the comment that it won’t post without approval, but I think it’s also looking at keywords. I don’t know what words are triggering the block but if you want to send me your comment in an email ([email protected]) so I can start to see what the patterns are, maybe I can change the Cloudflare settings. Until then, I would recommend always writing out the comment in another program and they copying and pasting into the comment field here so that at least you won’t lose what you wrote.

      1. Brooke

        wow, why so many attacks from bots?? is this something that happens to every website? i would imagine. i was finally able to post the long comment (below) after i deleted out some of the symbols, like parenthesis, and made the comment a little shorter. i often find it’s the long comments that get blocked. it’s funny that you suggested to type the comment in another program because before i post any comment now, i always copy it in case something goes wrong so i don’t lose it bc that has happened many times already. thanks for getting back to me and for the contact info! if it happens again, i’ll send you the info. thanks!!

  44. Stefan

    I had a similar incident and I sent Dizzy my IP address and it was resolved.

  45. Brooke

    brooke was so sweet. i hope she is at peace now. on another note, i was snooping around facebook and brooke’s mother died in january of 2019. apparently there was a falling out in the family. breeann & her brother scott vs the rest of the family. i don’t know what happened but they hadn’t seen each other in years i believe. the courts were involved as they were trying to see breeann’s kids, but didn’t seem to suceed. breeann wasn’t allowed to visit her mother in the hospital without permission but apparently she went anyway and was able to say goodbye. the mother didn’t want breeann and scott at her funeral and wanted the police to enforce that. this is part of breeann’s post: “So now, after negotiating and downright begging, my brother and I are allowed to attend our mother’s funeral. We have our own viewing time before “the family” and we are not allowed to be recognized as family. We can’t sit with the family or speak to them. We can’t grieve with the family or celebrate our mother with them as a family.” apparently the father still wants nothing to do with breeann and her brother. i mean WOW. idk what happened but this sounds tragic. it’s sad that her mom died before they could make amends. and the family still doesn’t want to heal the rift despite one person already dying. this is a lesson for us to learn from.

    1. Brooke

      i could be wrong about the father. i see conflicting info on that one.

    2. Stefan

      Wow Brooke’s family truly sucked. I guess what we saw wasn’t based on editing…

      1. Andy

        I think Brooke’s parents were okay. I mean it seemed they didn’t really understand the complexity of her pain and addiction. Is Breann the one that didn’t let her walk at her wedding? I didn’t like that sister personally. I feel bad for Brooke as she seemed poorly treated by her the most.

      2. Stefan

        Yah I hope she visits this page to see what everyone thinks of her.

    1. Jeanette

      Correction to above: is Brooke’s father still with us? He’s not mentioned in above obituary..and the other person I found with the same name is Snr..

      1. Kitty Katt

        He is listed on the obituary. Read it again.

      2. Kitty Katt

        This is wrong – I apologize for the error – please see my other post below. Thank you.

      3. Kitty Katt

        Correction to my post down below too. My mistake.

        I’m going by experience only and am going to assume the same happened here. Usually when a person divorces, there is no mention of a spouse. So given that he’s not mentioned here, whether it be dead or alive, I’m going to go by my experiences. Doesn’t mean I’m right because everybody does things differently. But throughout all my years of going to funerals (and I have a HUGE family and good amount of friends) I’ve seen it this way and yes, the spouse was omitted due to divorce.

      4. Kitty Katt

        It should say “above” and not below.

    2. mary

      “Page cannot be found” 🥺. Her parents were young to pass away!
      I would love to read that info.

  46. Aybee

    Her dad Dowe is still alive. I was a cheerleader with her in 1999 in Ft Gibson, went to school with all three girls, Brittany was more of a band kid while Breanna and Brooke were cheerleaders. BreeAnn was a bully then, Brooke was always sweet. Dowe and Patti divorced a few years ago, that is why he is not in the obituary. So sad for it to end this way.

    1. Pang

      Thanks for posting. This link still works. I’m able to watch all the episodes on A&E, but for some reason this one is not available- there is no S4E4. I wonder if they delete episodes if the interventionee dies?

      1. Stefan

        Yah that’s common practice, and not just for A&E, although there are several addicts who’ve passed away (usually the recent ones) whose episodes are still readily available, such as. Brian, Corrine, Lauren, and Ben.

  47. Xlio

    Such a complicated case. Mind you, she had legitimate pain issues and during this epoch Big Pharma was all about over prescribing.

    She IS in terrible pain and her family is so condescending and hostile. No sympathy from people who should display the most.

    I do think she was taking too much but she was in significant pain and doctor prescribed. That justifies it.

    Rest in power. Sweet girl.

    1. Xlio

      To clarify I meant justifies it in Brooke’s mind that this will help her pain.

  48. Michael Schlicher

    First im sorry to all family and loved ones. Brooke’s story really hit home w/ me my mother had alot of the same issues tons of physical pain and years of addiction that she didn’t go looking for. Its hard for people to understand including me and I’ve had my own issues w addiction and I still couldn’t relate because just like my mom im sure Brooke was in a never ended battle damned if you do and damned if you don’t. I dont know I just hope family and friends can open their hearts and ears to any loved one in this state and try be there and understanding deep down no addict sets out in life to become an addict. Once again I am sorry for all Brooke’s family and friends she really seemed like a sweet lovely person

  49. Jennifer Kabler

    I just want Brooke’s family to know I messaged her many years ago and she answered me back and it changed my whole life. My heart broke in a thousand pieces when I learned she was gone. She was a beautiful soul and she’ll forever remain in my heart!! God only takes the best 💔

  50. Xlio

    I could not STAND her family, particularly her sisters’ treatment of her. Absolutely appalling. Rest in peace sweet girl.

  51. Dahlia

    I have to say Ken freaking NAILED this intervention. I have new respect for him. He may be one of my favorites now.

  52. Tina and Shea

    miss you so much brooke shealynn is 12 now you died when she was 5 she talks about you all the time we are both from Oklahoma but lived and was roommates in San Diego miss u

  53. AS

    does anyone have a current link to watch this ep? i cant find it anywhere online

  54. Amber C

    I’ve been watching all these shows again. Why is hers not even on the app? It goes from episode 3 to 5 on season 4. My heart goes out to all dealing with addiction. A lot of those with addiction have had some horrible trauma in their life.

  55. AJ

    Brooke used to have a blog:

    Here’s something she said that meant be of interest: “My sisters are really great people. On the intervention show they were misread and everything that they said was edited to make them sound bad. Yes, my dad is a wonderful man. He would do anything for his family.”