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Buy Me a Coffee

Season 7 Episode 5

Amy W

Age: 27
Location: New Mexico
Addiction: Alcohol (vodka), anorexia, self-injury (cutting)
What’s memorable: How depressed she is, suicidal to the point of people being tired of hearing her threaten to kill herself. She’s clearly reaching out for help and attention though, and has been for many many years, but her family consistently has ignored and dismissed her. “You shouldn’t have to work so hard to convince your parents that you need help.” Indeed. Oh, and also, her sister telling her SHE SHOULDN’T HAVE GOTTEN HERSELF RAPED. “I warned her not to put herself in those situations.” That’s a seriously messed up thing to say. Come on girl.

Official Synopsis: Amy grew up feeling unloved and unable to meet her parents’ high expectations. She was also molested by a neighbor when she was eight, but never told anyone in her family. She began to self-mutilate and restrict her diet, and by 17, she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Now, Amy eats only 500 calories a day, drinks up to two bottles of vodka a night, and regularly self-mutilates. Amy’s family is ready to give up on her, but they still don’t know about Amy’s sexual abuse. Only Amy’s friend, Jessica, knows the truth, but will she have the courage to tell Amy’s family before it’s too late?’

Original Air Date: December 2009

Interventionist: Candy

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  1. Amy Jane

    Does anyone know if Amy is doing okay? I really liked her and I hope she isn’t still cutting and drinking. If anyone has any info please post it.

  2. Rachel

    This one was very memorable. This poor girl had so many problems, and the cutting she did was just so hard to watch. I really struggled to watch the episode, because she seemed so helpless. Hope she’s better now.

  3. Amy

    I am the Amy W from this episode. I have been clean and sober since July 14, 2009. The cutting and eating disorder have been much harder. I haven’t cut in almost 2 years and my eating is pretty up and down but overall it is a million times better than it was. Since the show I have had two more children and I have gotten married. I graduated from college and am working on getting into a nursing program. Things have been a million times better than they were. My family is so much closer now. We are all there for each other and it’s such a change from where it was. Intervention saved my life.

    1. Holly

      So good to hear that you’re doing well!!
      I am a big fan of intervention but you are the first that I did a search on.
      I was abused as well but it was by my dad. I’ve forgiven him through the grace of God. I pray that you will be set free as well.
      Blessings Amy, stay well.

    2. Kristina

      I watched your story this morning, Amy, with many tears. Unlike you, I am overweight, and have turned to food to numb pain, and have suffered from anxiety and depression since at least in my teens.

      I am married, with 2 wonderful kids, but have had no contact with my immediate family for 2.5 years. I have never measured up to what they wanted me to be, and we have had many years of conflict. My parents abused alcohol, and in turn severely abused me, emotionally and physically. I have tried to remain very strong, and internalize pain, but it’s overwhelming. I don’t smoke, drink very seldom, and don’t do drugs. I try to stay strong and keep reminding myself that I am lucky despite how I feel. My parents live 30 mins. away, and have never been the type of grandparents to do things with my children (I asked 3 yrs. ago if they could come to stay with them for a weekend, either together or separate… who has to ask that?? I am fed up, and had to break free so I cold heal. Hoping that things would be different wasn’t working, so I had to keep my little bit of sanity and move on. .

      I am an only child, so I don’t have the bond of siblings you do –it made me cry to see how much your younger sister loves you.

      I live in Canada, and the support system here is so inconsistent. If you’re in a crisis, you get help, otherwise you’re waiting for weeks or months on a waiting list for treatment, or you pay a fortune and go weeks in between to get an appointment again. I have tried to not turn to other things as a crutch, but the pain is very tough to bear. I completely understand how you could feel like nobody cares anymore, and you’re not good enough.

      Anyway, I hope you continue in your pursuit of wellness, and that you reach your goal of becoming a nurse. You look very content with your family and very proud of how far you’ve come. You deserve to be. Congratulations!

    3. Kelly

      So proud of you! I actually just watched your episode (7.28.15) & had to Google for an update. I’m so incredibly happy for you and Kasia.

      Be that warrior you were meant to be! ?

    4. Beverly

      I saw you episode and had to contact you. I really feel your parents are terrible human beings, my mother is a terrible person so I know how you feel. I to have had problems in my life but I have chose not to let my parents effect me. I live my own life and make my own choices. I have had a great life for over 20 years now and I know you can too. I still see a therapist every 2 weeks. God bless you and keep fighting you are worth it and you don’t need anyone to love you if you love yourself and you need to do that for you and your child. I can privately give you my email if you would like to talk I will be hear for you!!! I am great you are great and we don’t need our parents to live a wonderful life!!!

    5. JJ

      Giving up cutting is so hard, but you can do it. Six years injury-free here (after 14 years doing it). You got this.

    6. Suzie

      Dear Amy, if you ever read this I hope you’re doing well. I’m sorry for all that happened to you and all that you did to yourself. Your update (2 years ago at this point) sounds wonderfully hopeful. Sending positive thoughts your way! <3

    7. Sondra

      Congratulations Amy! I’m so very happy to hear you’re alright! I watched your episode and it broke my heart! I’ve been through some of the things you had to go through as a child. I could relate to your pain, I’m so happy for you. Keep up the good work and God bless you sweetie!

    8. Alice Schmid

      Thank you Amy for the update. I am praying for your continued success. You are such a kind loving soul. I hope you have gotten the love you deserve!

    9. Linda Glendenning

      Congratulations! I am praying for you, I am very inspired by you, you are an inspiration to so many thank you!

    10. Loremrn

      Good for you! You deserve the health and happiness you have now! Good luck with nursing school. You will be a tremendous nurse as you have empathy and strength. Your patients will be lucky to have you as their nurse.

    11. Joel

      I’m so proud of you. You are an inspiration. I truly hope that you are enjoying a happy life.

  4. Lisen

    Amy, I’ve only just recently started watching the show and, funnily enough, I just saw your episode last night. It definitely stood out to me, and it makes me so happy to hear that you are doing so well now! When I was in the midst of my narcotic addiction, I begged my (now ex) husband for help, I begged my therapist for help, I begged my doctor for help. My weight had fallen to below 100 lbs, my credit cards were maxed out, I was having regular seizures, and I found it totally bizarre that I seemed to be the only one who was concerned. I’d never seen an episode where the addict experienced something similar to what I experienced. Thank you so much for the update. You are amazing and strong, keep going!

  5. jessica

    Amy I did a case study for my substance abuse class based on your Intervention episode. How special you have commented on her to see that you are still a warrior! I have watched Intervention for 15 years and I must say you are very very strong. I am so proud of your recovery and hope you keep living a loving, healthy life that you deserve.

  6. Kristina

    I watched your story this morning, Amy, with many tears. Unlike you, I am overweight, and have turned to food to numb pain, and have suffered from anxiety and depression since at least in my teens.

    I am married, with 2 wonderful kids, but have had no contact with my immediate family for 2.5 years. I have never measured up to what they wanted me to be, and we have had many years of conflict. My parents abused alcohol, and in turn severely abused me, emotionally and physically. I have tried to remain very strong, and internalize pain, but it’s overwhelming. I don’t smoke, drink very seldom, and don’t do drugs. I try to stay strong and keep reminding myself that I am lucky despite how I feel. My parents live 30 mins. away, and have never been the type of grandparents to do things with my children (I asked 3 yrs. ago if they could come to stay with them for a weekend, either together or separate… who has to ask that?? I am fed up, and had to break free so I cold heal. Hoping that things would be different wasn’t working, so I had to keep my little bit of sanity and move on. .

    I am an only child, so I don’t have the bond of siblings you do –it made me cry to see how much your younger sister loves you.

    I live in Canada, and the support system here is so inconsistent. If you’re in a crisis, you get help, otherwise you’re waiting for weeks or months on a waiting list for treatment, or you pay a fortune and go weeks in between to get an appointment again. I have tried to not turn to other things as a crutch, but the pain is very tough to bear. I completely understand how you could feel like nobody cares anymore, and you’re not good enough.

    Anyway, I hope you continue in your pursuit of wellness, and that you reach your goal of becoming a nurse. You look very content with your family and very proud of how far you’ve come. You deserve to be. Congratulations!

    1. Tammy

      Hi Kristina, I was reading these comments and decided to reply to yours…I hope you don’t mind! Just wanted to share with you that I’ve been overweight all of my life. I am a compulsive overeater. I’m also a binge eater. I was raised with alcoholic parents who will both have 27 years of sobriety in the program of Alcoholics Anonymous! I found my way to Overeaters Anonymous 10 years ago and have lost 80-85 lbs. I have 2 years of solid abstinence with clean eating. I have so much peace and serenity with life and around food (most days). I’ve been able to succeed thus far with the support of the program and those in it. It’s taken much work but the serenity is so worth every bit of it! I have no idea if this is for you or not. I just wanted to share. If you have any questions or would like to talk please reply and we can figure out how to get in touch!! Hope you’re doing well????

    2. Britt

      Hey Kristina, I am in Canada as well and 100% agree the system here is completely lacking. I am going through it now myself and finding it very difficult to navigate or receive any real support, they just kind of shuffle you around.

  7. Rick Rodriguez

    Hi Amy.. Hope all is well with you and your family. Just finished watching your episode.. Very heartfelt. Proud of you for making the attempt and for pulling through. I know it wasn’t easy and that it can be a constant battle. I’m sure you know now that people never understand that it’s a disease that most people cannot fight on their own. Also know that people around love you, even though they may not show it all the time. As humans, we become complacent and tend to take things and people for granted. It’s ok to tell people, especially those close to you how you feel and that you may need a little more attention. We all need love and attention.. some more than others.. and that’s completely ok. We are all different.. no 2 people the same. Anyway, hope you’re having a great Thanksgiving day and a very happy holiday season. YOU DESERVE IT. Never forget that you are very special and that you have people around you that love you.

  8. E R

    Amy, I hope you continue to read these comments. I felt for you so much and I am really pulling for you; glad to see you’re doing well.

    I know what it is to finally work up the courage to ask for help only to be told you don’t have any “real” problems… because you can’t bring yourself to talk to your parents about what those real problems are, that’s why you’re asking for help. I know what it is to finally tell someone about a horrible assault and have them react coldly or in anger.

    You are a survivor; you are so worth fighting for. I hope you are learning to love yourself and listen to your “smart side” even when Sick Amy is loud. You are enough. You matter.

  9. Amy

    Thank you everyone for your kind words. While I try my hardest last April I lost a sister (who was not in the episode) and last July my mother passed. Since then it has been a struggle. I am still clean and sober but have to fight everyday to maintain a healthy relationship with food. Your words of encouragement mean so very much to me

    1. Tammy

      Hi Amy, I’m so glad to hear you’re doing well. I’m so sorry about your mom and sister. I understand where food plays a role in these kinds of life struggles. My relationship with food has always been very difficult except I’m on the other end of the spectrum…I’m a compulsive overeater. I’ve been in Overeaters Anonymous for 10 years and for the last 2 years have had solid abstinence and clean eating. My weight is finally ideal. But life is hard and many times it’s hard to live life on life’s terms…but thank God for the program of recovery…if I’m working it like I should it brings about so much peace and serenity. I’m so super proud of you for working on you…you are so loved by your family & you deserve peace and happiness. I’m glad you and your family are healing! I hope your friend Katherine is doing well also! Keep up the great work????

      1. Amy W

        Thank you. It’s hard but I am in a good place health wise now. I am workin a very good program receives my 8 year chip in July. It’s amazing what comes from having a higher power and willingness to to take action. While my struggle with food goes up and down I’ve been at a stable weight fora little while now. And Kathryn is doing amazing.

    2. Tammy

      Hi Amy, I’m so glad to hear you’re doing well. I’m so sorry about your mom and sister. I understand where food plays a role in these kinds of life struggles. My relationship with food has always been very difficult except I’m on the other end of the spectrum…I’m a compulsive overeater. I’ve been in Overeaters Anonymous for 10 years and for the last 2 years have had solid abstinence and clean eating. My weight is finally ideal. But life is hard and many times it’s hard to live life on life’s terms…but thank God for the program of recovery…I’ve never had so much peace & serenity. I’m so super proud of you for working on you…you are so loved by your family & you deserve peace and happiness. I’m glad you and your family are healing! I hope your friend Katherine is doing well also! Keep up the great work????

    3. Holly


      I watched your episode last night and was so moved. I too had childhood tragedy (death of 4 y/o brother when I was 5), I was sexually assaulted in HS, my Mom didn’t believe me, I had to leave home at 17 to find sanity. I also was a cutter from age 13 and a blackout drinker by 14. I was lucky enough to get sober in college, and stayed sober/clean for 20 years, ODAAT. I have also done a ton of therapy for childhood PTSD, which helped me so much. Just please know that this Recovery journey is so worth it, and though we struggle with life (and death), we can do it without allowing our demons take over. I still do 12 Step meetings, I have a sponsor, I work the Steps. I hit my knees every morning. Am I perfect?…Eff no! But my life is amazing. I watch Intervention to keep me fresh. Namaste, sister-girl. You are one of us…we hold you dear. Thank you for sharing your updates. ~ Peace

  10. Julie

    Amy, your episode meant a lot to me and I am SO glad to hear you are in a better place. I’m also very sorry to hear of the passing of your sister and mom. I can certainly understand how that would cause a struggle. You have come so far, you just have to keep on keeping on. Take things one day at a time and remember that you are an incredibly brave and strong person who is capable of just about anything. Hang in there and please know that I (a complete stranger haha) am proud of you! 🙂

  11. Amy

    Thank you that means a lot.

  12. Melanie

    Amy! I’m watching your episode right now, and I’m so glad to read that you’re doing well! I’m so sorry you felt so disregarded and cast aside. You are very strong and we’re all rooting for you! <3

  13. LAURYN

    Amy, I just re-watched your episode and I wanted you to know how brave I think you are. I was in a very similar situation where my parents refused to acknowledge my sexual abuse that occurred at a young age and blamed me for the assaults that happened when I was an adult. I felt worthless having to practically beg to get help and empathized with you seeing you in such obvious pain without anyone recognizing how urgent your needs were.

    I too am in recovery for alcoholism, which is going well, as well as my eating disorder which is the hardest thing to overcome. I am so sorry to hear about your recent losses and am proud that you are still working on your recovery inspite of that. I truly hope that you continue to heal and find ways to fight on. You are an inspiration and a true survivor. Thank you for sharing your story!

  14. Melanie

    Amy: we’re all rooting for you! I am so sorry for your recent loss of your sister and mother. All the best to you, always!

  15. maggie

    Amy have you thought of trying medical marijuana? I am a recovering alcoholic, cutter, and eating disorder haver. Alcohol free, self harm and eating issue free for 9 yrs. Cannabis helped me do it. I can just relax and be happy to eat until I’m full and I have an outlet so I don’t feel like I’m white knuckling it thru life. I live in washington so its legal and I grow my own plants. I’m connected with the plant and earth, it is my spiritual medicine. In AA and treatment they leave no room for that…but i disagree. I have no desire or risk for going back to alcohol or hard drugs because I have cannabis and it helps me keep weight on. Just a thought for you and any struggling addicts out there. Thanks for being brave Amy, and showing us your story. <3

  16. Kristen

    Amy, you are one tough cookie. Your updates are wonderful to see. Hope you’re still doing well.

  17. Elizabeth Bigelow

    I hope you are well Amy. You are so strong for everything you have been through. Keep that head high!

  18. JULIE

    I hope you are well! Just wstched your episode! 🙂

  19. Melissa

    Just watched your episode and watching your pain brought tears to my eyes. I wanted to drop a note and tell you I am in awe of you and your strength!!!

  20. Jenna

    I have been watching Intervention on Hulu, and I just watched this episode. I have been checking this site after each episode for updates on the people, but this is my first time commenting. At first, I understood where Amy’s family was coming from because she seemed so dramatic and it reminded me of my sister who has Borderline Personality Disorder, but when her sister admitted she told her she deserved to be date raped, I was ready to fight. I’m not sure if you’re still reading these comments, Amy, but if you are, I really hope you are still doing well. You deserve happiness and fulfillment and success and everything else.

    1. Kia

      I too just finished watching Amy’s episode and the first thing that came to mind was definitely BPD. The suicide attempts, self harm/self hate, fear of abandonement, trauma talked about in this episode screams borderline to me. I hope Amy is still doing well and found that self worth within herself. This episode really stood out to me. My heart goes out to her and her daughter!

  21. Essie

    I am so curious for an update. Amy I was thrilled to read you were doing well in 2017 and am so encouraged by you. Thank you for your vulnerability to share your story on national television. You are a healer and a true inspiration.

  22. Dillion

    I know for a fact her friend Kathyrn drinks a bottle of vodka a night still. I wish her the best and hope she finds God and gets sober.

  23. Alyssa

    Amy, I just watched your episode. I hope you are well and that you are healthy and happy. Please know we are rooting for you and thinking of you. I (and many of us) am hoping to hear an update on your life, so please do let us know how you are doing.

  24. Meg

    The sister in this episode killed me. What a horrible person! Poor Amy – I really feel for her. She just needs love and care.❤️ if you’re reading this Amy I know I don’t know you but I care for you!

    1. Katie

      I don’t know… this may not be a popular comment but I found her understandable. I think one of the hardest parts sometimes of being an empathetic person with high ideals is that it is actually a lot easier to do that sometimes with a stranger than with your own family. It’s hard to see, up close and personal, family members that make bad decisions over and over and over that hurt themselves and hurt you. Unless the person seems especially egregious, I try not to judge the family members of the addicts on the show. They’ve been through a lot.

      1. Alyssa

        I totally agree. I think it’s very easy and natural to think his sister was terrible, but as the youngest sister of three, you grow up seeing things you should never see from people who should’ve been your role models. I think the episode said she started cutting at 14, and ED started at 15. I think that means her younger sister would’ve only been 10/12ish which is a lot to handle at such a young age. Of course her comments were heartless, but I truly think she didn’t know better and was so hurt by seeing her sisters health & mental state she doesn’t know any better.

  25. Ashleigh

    I know I’m super late on this….but I watched Amy’s episode recently and it was like looking at a mirror. I was sexually assaulted around 8 or 10 ( I don’t recall my actual age as I blocked it out for so long). I struggled with ptsd and I did not tell anyone about the rape. I developed Anorexia/ bulimia around 14. From there I started cutting and in my early 20s began to drink heavily (I would black out every night, cut, purge, etc). It was hell and I felt so misunderstood and so isolated; I absolutely despised everything about myself from my body to my inability to stop drinking and engaging in self harm.
    I was 27 when I finally got help and into a program. It saved my life and while I still struggle with my Anorexia, I’ve been self harm free for 6 years and no longer abuse alcohol.
    Just saying…Amy, I empathize with your struggle and I hope you have found the joy, love, hope, and all the beauty of life. You’re a strong person. I wish you all the best.

  26. plantifulmom

    How’s Amy doing now? She’s gotta be 40 and her daughter Kasia has to be almost 20 by now.

    1. Ashley Dewey

      Amy is one of my dear friends. I don’t want to speak for her but i will say she is the amazing mother to 3 kids. Kasia is doing wonderful as well. Amy is a busy single working mother but I am sure she will find her way to the comments again 🙂

      1. Pang

        Thanks for the update Ashley. Amy, we are still rooting for you!