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Season 13 Episode 2


Age: 33
Location: Alvin, Texas
Addiction: Pain killers, crack
What’s memorable: This is one of those addict stories that begins entirely with a horrendously traumatic incident. It’s also one where no one really blames her for becoming addicted and wanting to numb out. Few of us could ever imagine the pain that losing 3 children at one time would cause. It’s simply unfathomable. The fact that she still has one child left is her saving grace.

Official Synopsis: Once a vibrant supermom, Dana numbs the haunting memories of almost dying in an apartment fire with a dangerous cocktail of crack and prescription pills.

Original Air Date: June 2013
Interventionist: Candy

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  1. Karen

    I have not seen or heard of any updates for Dana. What a totally unexpected, devastating trauma she’s had to endure – I have lost one son, myself, I could not even begin to imagine the loss of 3/4 of my family in one night! OMG! I so hope and pray she has maintained her sobriety and that her family has also learned a healthy way to cope with the trauma of this tragedy. I believe she is very strong to simply be waking up and “existing” on a daily basis. God Bless and well wishes, Dana.

    1. Holly

      hi Karen, I was curious about her progress as well. I typed her name into Facebook and she was the first one that popped up. She has it on private, but from what I can tell she is a hairdresser living in Sulphur Springs, Texas. I don’t see any pictures of her children besides for an old one taken on vacation with her now deceased daughter.

      1. nina

        How do you find them on Facebook??

      2. Melly

        I just went on her FB page, she seems to be doing very well… Thank goodness!!
        Go do a search for Dana Woodell & it’ll bring up Dana Novak

      3. Dana ovak

        Thank u so much and i am doing good and in my son life and feel free to anyone t add me on Facebook i have two dana novak

      4. Dana Novak

        Thank u so much and i am doing good and in my son life and feel free to anyone t add me on Facebook i have two dana novak

    2. April Kesselring

      She’s back in a life of chaos and unable to cope with the difficulties of life on life’s terms. She’s still willing to try and hasn’t given up.

    3. Dana

      Me too, lost one, can’t imagine 3, and my name is Dana. Hope she’s ok.

  2. amanda

    Dana if u read this I would love to speak to you…. I watched the episode last night for my first time and I cannot stop thinking about you… I myself lost a child and had an addiction for 2 years… You be strong for the child that u have left please send me a Facebook friend request amanda calderon… Take care

  3. janine

    I am SO glad they counseled her whole family. They all needed some help and I’m glad they were able to get it. Some of the scenes were so painful like when her brother said she was playing “poor me”. No one can understand the loss and trauma she must have felt and he sounded very different after speaking with the counselor. I know he didn’t intend to be mean. I suffered trauma…completely different kind of trauma but understand how you can just want to check out. I’m so glad the show could help her and her family. No one should have to suffer the way she has. I wish this show was on more episodes in a season. I feel it has helped so many people.

    1. Ashley

      That made me so angry when her brother said she was playing the poor me thing…she lost 3/4 kids in an apartment fire and she herself died!! They revived her…but as being a mother myself losing a child is the most horrendous thing that could ever happen…I would lose it…I couldn’t keep going after that… I don’t blame her for using to numb her pain….I’m glad she’s doing better…that episode made me cry so hard…that woman went through so much…very sad situation

  4. Tony

    This is one where I just stopped and said, “YUP. That’d do it for me, too” when I heard about the loss of her children. Thank God she still had one left to get clean for. Ordinarily, I like to say you should get clean for yourself but, to be honest, it really was my kid that did it for me. I learned to give a crap about myself later. Good luck, Dana. You’ve got one to live for too.

    1. Alex

      It was my partner and child that helped me. I had been using for eight years. Nothing had worked. I had overdosed multiple times, just didn’t care any more (and had stopped caring a long time ago, even before I was an addict, due to psychiatric illness and child abuse), even technically died once from an overdose (heart stopped), been homeless… everything. When I had my daughter, it was the final push I needed. Usually I tell people that they have to get better for themselves, not other people, but there are some cases where that’s the last thing that will work. I still deal with a lot of things, and it’s hard to care about myself when I’m going through a depressive or psychotic episode, but after a year of being in a Suboxone treatment program (it’s been two years now), I started to fully realize that my life would never get any better if I went back. There was no hope for anything as long as I was using. My logic used to be “I’m going to be miserable whether I’m using or not, so I might as well use, so at least I can feel better for a little while.” But when I was using, I couldn’t possibly allow myself room to care about any other problem I had. I didn’t quite ignore them, I knew they were there, I just didn’t care. Sometimes you have to be away from that for a while before you start to care at all, and some times it just takes someone else to get you there so you can start to care. That’s just my opinion, though, and obviously, that kind of thing doesn’t work in many cases, which is why I say the same thing you do.

    2. dana Novak

      Thank u so much god bless u all . Much love huggs xoxo feel free to write me on Facebook’s.. Im doing really good and just loving my son everyday and blessed to have such a awesome supporter’s

      1. Robin Vincent

        God Bless you. You have to be one off the strongest women I have ever seen. Your episode touched me more than any episode I have ever watched.

  5. Dhalia

    Dana’s story was one I had to return to later. Could not finish it in one go nor did I intend to even finish viewing it. What brought me back to viewing it to finish it was the sense of irresolution and hope that she got better.

    Unlike I usually do I have no personal comments on her story. Just watch this if you want to, my words will do no justice, my analysis vain, and opinions null. Like I said it is difficult to watch and the previous commenters words from Tony “yup that would do it for me” sum up the show for me.

    Dana, you are so beautiful, I hope you are ok today, your show made me cry. Hugs.

    1. dana Novak

      Thank u so much god bless u all . Much love huggs xoxo feel free to write me on Facebook’s.. Im doing really good and just loving my son everyday and blessed to have such a awesome supporter’s

  6. Alex

    When I first started watching this episode, I couldn’t believe that she became an addict simply because of a fire. But when I got to the part where they’re telling the story, it suddenly hit me that she most likely lost her children. I started saying, “oh my god, please don’t tell me her children died”. When they revealed that three of her children died, I started to cry, and I rarely cry. I only have one child, a daughter, and if she died, I don’t think I’d be able to go on. If I did manage to keep living, I would definitely return to drugs again. I don’t know if I’d ever be able to stop using the second time around after an event like that. This episode was extremely painful to watch, and I kind of wish I hadn’t, but it was one of the few episodes left that I hadn’t seen. I don’t think I’ll ever watch it again.

    1. Dana Novak

      Thank u so much god bless u all . Much love huggs xoxo feel free to write me on Facebook’s.. Im doing really good and just loving my son everyday and blessed to have such a awesome supporter’s

  7. Madison

    This episode touches me on a very personal level. My father is an ICU nurse in Angleton, TX and he took care of Dana following one of her overdoses. He told me this before I had seen the episode. But, when she was brought in she was severely messed up, she had been partying with her friends and they left her on the floor like animals. I hope she’s gotten closure for the trauma she’s had to endure.

    1. Amber

      As an ICU nurse myself, I can tell you that your father could get into trouble by you opening your mouth. It’s really not his, or your, story to tell and it’s an illegal violations of patient privacy rights. Nurses lose their licenses over this kind of thing, I’d watch it.

      1. Pam

        My thoughts exactly… privacy people!

      2. Amy

        Exactly! This is a major HIPAA violation. This poor women has been through enough. I couldn’t even begin to imagine losing one much less 3 children. The fact that she’s still alive shows she is stronger than I could probably be. I haven’t seen this episode. I just came across this when I saw an article about the fire. However, I have great respect for Dana and pray she is doing well.

    2. Gina

      This comment makes me sick…your dad should be fired, immediately. And as for victim shaming, you should be ashamed of yourself. This woman lost 3 of her babies and all you can say is “she deserved it”? Go away…just go away.

      1. Vicki

        When did she say “she deserved it”?

    3. Kim

      HIPPA privacy laws prohibit your dad from telling anyone anything he learns about patients and their stories, especially IDENTIFYING the person. He should be ashamed, and so should you for posting her private info. It’s not yours to share. I hope someone knows who you are and notifies your dads employer.

      1. Are

        Not true, HIPPA applies to health care workers, not citizens and family. Know what you say……

      2. Brooke

        ?? she is speaking of a healthcare professional. read the entire thread…

      3. Amy

        It was a healthcare worker who disclosed this information to a family member who then disclosed it to the whole world. IT IS A HIPAA VIOLATION. Not against the poster but against the worker, her father, who told her. He isn’t allowed to even tell a family member. Read the whole story before you comment.

    4. Dana Novak

      Thank u so much god bless u all . Much love huggs xoxo feel free to write me on Facebook’s.. Im doing really good and just loving my son everyday and blessed to have such a awesome supporter’s actually i was sick with double pmononia and i just got home from treatment again from Florida. I stayed almost 8 month till i felt trong enough and basically my dad was with me for the week when i got out of treatment and inwas only home for a week and just within a few days i became very sick . There were people in my home and i had no idea what what was going on i was being drugged with GHB..and when my mom flew down she found me on my bed almost dead and laying in my own fetus. Basically i got set up at the hospitals and i died and the was brought back an life fligjted and in a coma ans full life support for a month . I was not supposed to make it but i did but i never overdosed before but thank u for sharing sweetie

      1. Amy

        I admire you for explaining but you shouldn’t have to justify your actions. What you went through is more than enough to break anyone. I am so sorry for your loss. I will be praying God continues to give you the strength you need to continue to push forward into the great, sober life your babies would want for you. I have worked in addiction many years. I think I am fairly local to you. If you ever need anyone to talk to I am here.

    5. R

      I hope he loses his job for sharing this information!!!! The one thing you do as a nurse is PROTECT your patients in every way possible. Pretty pathetic on his part to openly talk about his patients and honestly the fact you then shared it here is just as bad!!! Yes, she shared her story on tv but what you shared above is not yours to tell!!!!!! I certainly hope you don’t have a job that requires trusting or having sensitive information because you clearly don’t have morals when it comes to trust and boundaries! Shameful!

  8. Gina

    I am watching Danas episode right now, for probably the 4th time or so, and I cant help but love her. I worked at a children hospital for years and took care of babies and kids that were damaged by house fires, 3rd degree burns, barely breathing, only to see their parents walk in the next day with not a scratch on them. I think to myself, “how on Earth could you leave a fire and let your babies burn?”…I try really hard not to judge, ive never been there, I hope I never will, but I do know that I would die trying to save my baby. Dana did. She almost died trying to save her babies. I give her so much love. I hope she is sober today, and caring for her surviving son..She is a good mom,shejust lost her way for a minute, and to be honest, I don’t couldn’t say I wouldn’t be the same way if I was her…Love you Dana. <3

    1. Llc

      Do you understand how quick house fires advance? Smoke inhalation alone will incapacitate you… 99.9% of parents are NOT leaving their babies behind in a raging fire willingly…

    2. dana novak

      Thank u so much so much love sent to u as well

  9. cathy

    Heart breaking story, couldnt even imagine that kind of loss all at once, i didnt cry til i heard dana say that god kept her here for a reason then i balled as concerned and heart broke as i was feeling for her i felt worse for her 4yr old so when she realized there was still a purpose for her i knew in my heart she would find away on a long road for her boy who thankfully at 4 will forget alot of whats gone on in his little short life bless her family for supporting her and her brother who SAID IT LIKE IT IS!!!! He loves her very much and his honesty is true to their previous relationship that i truly hope they get back, bless u all dana child and family maybe in time she can use what she has learned to help others, be proud dana your strong and god dave u a hell of a job in this world, but u have the support and love of many love that boy like u have never loved god choose to leave him also for a reason! So happy trails to you all hope to see follow up of how great you all are doing, celebrate you other 3 angels always but u have to live on so they do as well, hugs n prayers xo

  10. Lisa

    One of the saddest episodes ever. I hope Dana is still clean and sober. I went through an apartment fire myself, and I felt terrible enough losing two cats and most of my possessions. To lose three children like that is 100 times worse than anything I went through. I wish Dana and her family the best.

    1. dana novak

      Tbank u and yes I’m doing good holidays and the month of January with them all having birthday is usually a hard time for me but I am staying clean and trying to stand strong . I miss them so much but having Nicholas in my life helps some
      He is starting to have some problems but not to bad he is a very happy and loving little boy . That needs lots of love he just misses his sister and brothers thank u have a blessed night

      1. Eileen Flynn

        Hi Dana, your story is on now. I’m touched by your strength and endurance. God bless you and your family better days are ahead for you. Wishing you all the best in your future. You are here for a reason.

      2. Courtney

        Thank you Dana! I am watching your episode for the first time (right now as I type this). Your story is gut-wrenching and I truly feel pain for you. Just wanted you to know that there are still people thinking of you and wishing from the bottom of my heart that you find peace.

  11. Melanie

    Hi Dana,

    sending best wishes to you, always.

    1. dana novak

      Thank u hun and the same to u too

  12. Megan Modes

    Dana, I was so moved by everything you’ve been through. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you are doing well. <3

    1. Barbara

      Dear dana. Iam a grammie to six beautiful grandchildren and have three daughters. Your storyhas touched my life.the unimaginable pain and loss you have lived through has left me breathless.No one should ever judge you nor should youjudge yourself. Just to be standing and taking a breath from one moment to the next is in itself a triumph. God bless you and your son. And your parents who have lost those precious int grandbabies. Andall your family. I pray you are able to salvage life and come through the fire to the other side. ..into the light..????

  13. Jeremy Stebbins

    I have never been so moved by an episode of this show. She seems like an awesome girl who’s been through so much for one person. I see lots of hope though. Especially with such a good family. Hang in there and fight, dana.

  14. Tammy

    I just watched your story and my heart ached hearing about your loss. You are so incredibly brave and courageous for making the choice to get help. Nothing any of us say is going to change the circumstances, but I hope you know how you have touched so many people. You and your son and your family will be in my prayers.

  15. Nurse Sugar

    Dana you’re such a rockstar. As a mom of four myself I couldn’t possibly imagine myself having the strength that you do to go on and fight. But you sure do, and that’s amazing!!! You really are an inspiration. Go on girl, all my love.

  16. CJ

    Can’t even imagine your pain Dana!! So happy you are doing so well. Best to you and your son on your new life.

  17. Elizabeth Freeman

    I do pray that you can feel the love and support from all these posts and the tons of people who see your episode. I know that your story has and will continue to help others that are working through their own trauma. My hope is that you and your son are able to feel a sense of peace in your daily lives. God bless and keep you, your son, and your extended family.

  18. Rae

    I hope you’re still doing well. In surviving what you did, you and your son deserve life. I’ve been through my own horrors, but nothing close to what you have been through.
    I’m rooting for you, girl. Stay strong.

  19. Allison

    She by far has the saddest story I’ve seen on intervention. She is so strong to have over come her addiction, because I myself honestly could say I couldn’t of, or even be alive. She is by far the strongest woman I’ve seen on this show. God bless her.

  20. kitty katt

    No one should have to bury their child. To bury 3?? I’d be high 24/7, if I even managed to live through it. The pain is unbearable to even think about. God Bless you Dana. You truly are amazing for getting this far.

  21. Dan

    Wow. I was moving around all the episodes and thought I had checked off all the “best of” here that are available on Hulu (I’d love to know how to watch them without Cable- any suggestions?). Can we confirm that people on here are actually the person from the show? No disrespect, I just want to make sure people aren’t trying to dupe others. Secondly, it said at the end of the show “she has not taken pills or crack since the intervention” but doesn’t say “sober”. I wonder if some of the more hardcore AA folk that work on the show insist on complete abstinence for everybody. As far as Dana goes, I saw her Facebook and can’t tell if she uses anymore. It’s got to be about the surviving boy or nothing. Not that it’s not complicated. I’m speechless and praying for Dana and her family.

    1. Dizzy

      I try to do my due diligence when someone from the show posts a comment, i.e. research the name and email address they’re using. I can’t always verify 100% but enough so that I feel comfortable that they are who they say they are. There have been a few that didn’t make it through.

      1. Kitty Katt

        You do an awesome job Dizzy!

  22. Andrea

    Has anyone heard from her this year? I’m heartbroken like everyone here and would love to know if she is healing even a little but at a time.

  23. Susan

    Very strong woman to survive that situation. I hope she has a peaceful, healthy and long life.

  24. Melanie

    I cannot even begin to wrap my mind around the pain this poor woman has been through. I hope she’s doing better but by the looks of her facebook she’s still using… I also found she was arrested on weapons charges in 2016. I’m not posting the link, it’s easy enough to google. I feel bad for her surviving son more than anyone. He lost all his siblings and his mom.

  25. Patricia

    I’m Dana’s mom, she is very healthy.. building emotionally, physically and spiritually everyday. I wish I could post a photo of her.. I’m very proud of her.. Dana has been invited to be a speaker at a rehab its probably the beginning to her new journey. But I will say this as a mother..yes after she heard her 3 children die and she died its took years to heal from this.

    There was alot that drove her there but as her mother and her family we had to learn tools because addiction is not just the addicts is a family problem.. everybody has to change. It took me two years to use those tools. Sometimes I felt I was standing on an edge of a cliff waiting for her to push me off.. when you bury children there are no instructions or time of the grief. You have to re-learn to live. By the gift of Intervention TV I felt God sent me a life raft and he did. But I had to learn to save myself too through the process and the journey. The hardest thing I did was listen and change to save my daughter. I had to change for her to change everybody had to change.

    Dana has been with me and she is very sober and has been. I never understood why people used drugs before but I know now there is always an underlying problem of trauma somewhere. I can’t stress enough how the tools changed our life I think my favorite is the 24 hour rule and the 3 C’s Dana and I are working out together..Dana is finding Dana..

    Addicts if they fall is not what you should focus on..its how quickly they climb back by using the tools.

    Dana has one powerful touches many that know!

    Dana has been growing and working on her one day at a time..

    The one that deserves credit in all this tragedy is God, because it took alot of strength and Trusting to get us here today. I’m very grateful to Intervention TV

    1. Dizzy

      Thank you for updating us Patricia. I’m so glad Dana has you.

    2. Sandy

      I’m so glad to hear. I just saw her episode last night for the first time and it touched me so much. My thoughts were, as a grandparent, that you lost your grandchildren and your daughter and you all were coping as best you could. You didn’t have time for your own grief in trying to help Dana. The expert was right when she said you all were suffering from PTSD. You had to cope with unimaginable loss. Something most of us cannot even imagine. From one Grandmother to another, God Bless you. And from one mother to another, Bless both you and Dana. Prayers!

    3. Xlio

      It’s so good to read this. And so refreshing that, as family members of an addict, you also realized it’s a group effort! So many families don’t follow up and wonder why their loved one doesn’t get better.

      Love to you and your family.

  26. anjelique

    I have never cried so much watching an episode. Dana’s story truly broke my heart and I can not imagine what she went through. she is so strong and amazing and I don’t know her, but I’m so proud of her.

  27. Stacy Sullivan

    Dana is the only person, I truly sat and cried over . And had to find out how she was doing. Dana if you read and check this it’s July 2019. My heart is going out to you and pray for you. You are blessed to have a the family you have. We have no control over our lives and I can only imagine what you are going through. I do feel sad for each story on the show, but your story was incredibly tragic. I will think of you for many years. My grandmother lost both of her children, my mom at 27 and my uncle at 36. I watched her live to be 87 and took her into my house for hospice so she could die in her old house. She died on my mother’s death anniversary date. Life is so difficult and I feel a great amount compassion. You are an amazing human being to face this and live every day. People are out here rooting for you and your family.

  28. Xlio

    So much to be said about this episode and this poor soul. One of those cases you really can’t blame them for wanting to numb the pain.

    What I thought was odd was her reaction to crack! Most people on the show make me wonder why they even do it. Looks so uncomfortable and paranoia inducing. But it seemed to relax her. Body chemistry is a crazy and complex thing. I hope she is doing well. She is so sweet and had a supportive family.

    1. Rockin Stables

      Dana works for True Self Recovery now. She’s saving 100’s and working on becoming a Counselor. She’s in NWA and Yes, she needs and deserves an update

  29. Alley

    The way my jaw DROPPED when she said what happened to her kids.
    I couldn’t believe it. God knows I am no where near as strong as this human being. Sending good energy your way Dana! I genuinely hope that even on the hardest days, the world gives you peace. You deserve it.

    1. Gigi

      This is one of the few episodes I watched when it first came out that I haven’t revisited because I feel like I watched it yesterday. She is an amazing woman 🙏

  30. Matthew

    Just watched this episode for the first time and I am just in awe… Dana, if you ever happen to read this, I just want to add my voice to the chorus of people who have been so moved — floored, in my case — by your courage, love, wisdom, strength and grace.

    Many wonderful parents, including you, obviously, would give their lives for their children. But what you did by choosing to stay *alive* for your son is in a different league. It may well be the most heroic act of love I have ever seen.

    The truth is that every single day you’re able to just put one foot in front of the other is a miracle and a gift to everyone. I hope so much that even as you both continue to bear that unimaginable grief that you and your son have been able to find peace and that you both feel surrounded by unconditional love every moment you’re in this world.

    1. Gigi

      Beautifully said Matthew 🙏

  31. Ela

    It fills me with joy and hope to see Dana glowing, thriving, and helping other people struggling with addiction. She is a member of the team at a recovery center. You are an inspiration Dana!

    1. Dizzy

      This is amazing! Thanks for posting. She looks great, so happy she’s on this path.

      1. Lisa

        This is so great to see! That woman has been through enough hell and horror for several lifetimes. She deserves peace.

    2. Lily767

      It makes me so happy to see that! This episode is just flooring me. I don’t blame her a bit for wanting to escape so much pain but the fact that she’s turned it around and is helping others now is just incredible. This is the happiest ending I’ve seen from this show, and the most admirable.

    3. Stef

      Tonight, I learned that it is possible to be proud of a total stranger. I’m both proud and in awe of Dana and how far she’s come and how incredibly well she’s doing! She truly is an inspiration.

      Be well, Dana!

    4. Maizie

      Yay! I guess she still works there. The link is still active as of today 11/21/24. Good for her and her son.

  32. Nivey

    Found Dana on fb and IG! She looks great! Her son got so big! This episode was so heartbreaking! Her loss is unimaginable! It’s so amazing to see her thriving and doing well! She’s truly an inspiration for anyone who faced loss and grief and felt hopeless. I pray her family is well too! God bless Dana!

  33. Marie A

    Dana, as a mom your a inspiration to all!! Keep up the great work! I don’t know u, but I’m proud of you! God bless you and your son, family!

  34. Nicole R.

    I have seen so many episodes of this show and I’ve started to DVR them from the VICE Channel. I’m up with insomnia and I just watched Dana’s episode for the first time. I’m blown away, both as a woman who has lost a child and a therapist. I cannot imagine the pain that she went through as a mother, how she had to experientially avoid through pills and crack just to cope and survive, and her strength to go to treatment, continue her recovery, and thrive 10 years later. It’s strange to be proud of a stranger, but so incredibly proud of her! I’ve been touched by so many episodes, but this one truly moved me. Keep up the good work in your continued recovery Dana!

  35. Ingrid

    This episode was so hard on my heart my god she lost 3 of her children at once in a house fire that would be extremely hard on anybody ….. I hope she is sober now because she still had a surviving child that needs her love he to lost his siblings so now more the ever he needs Dana I myself started to cry when Dana sat in the cemetary what looked to be for the whole day my god the pain inside her again I pray she has found sobriety.. And is being a mom to her son