So I’ve done a decent job of replacing the broken photo links with actual photos that won’t disappear again, with much help from fellow uber-fan Gregory. But there are a few more photos I can’t replace because these episodes are not available (not for free at least) on any of the streaming sites. If you have access to any of these episodes and can take a screenshot for me, that’d be real cool. Send to
Note: This does not include Gabe, the narcissist gambler from Season 1. Please, don’t send me pictures of Gabe. You may have noticed that his episode is not on this site. This is intentional. I refuse to give that horrible little man any more attention than he’s already gotten.
Alissa, Episode 4 (Gambling)
Peter, Ep 7 (Video games)
Renee, Ep 7 (Bulimia)
Kelly P, Ep 9 (Anorexia)
Rachel, Ep 11 (Heroin)
Michael M, Ep 12 (Rage)
Randi, Ep 12 (Bulimia, meth) *Randi commented a while ago to tell me that her episode is not available because she found out about the intervention during filming. Which is interesting, don’t you think? I can think of 5 more people who found out about the intervention whose episodes are available.
Howard, Ep 15 (Alcohol)
Adam, Ep 16 (Heroin)
Michelle, Ep 17 (Meth)
Update: SUCCESS!!! Thank you so much to readers who sent me the photos I was missing. Y’all are pretty cool.
Hey Dizzy, I had no idea there was a purpose for missing crazy Gabe. I would not have mentioned that in another comment, this is your site and I can respect that, even though I feel it makes the intervention collection a little incomplete. The world could use less of that guy, so I understand. I also agree about intervention subjects who learn of their pending intervention. I watched Tiffany D AGAIN, because her picked out face fascinates me, and her grandparents TOLD her. We could compile a list of subjects who knew and were aired anyway,
If I can get you any photos, I would be happy to send them your way.
Lol. It’s ok Sara. Your comment just made me realize I should say something about why Gabe isn’t on here. There’s a comment thread on here somewhere listing all the people who found out. Lemme try to find that.
Dizzy, that was me, lol.
I have a few pictures, let me know of a way I can send them.
It WAS you! Ha. Thanks for being a supporter. Send to
This is an old comment I understand, but I believe the difference with Randi was that she found out about the Intervention and immediately agreed to go to treatment, thus no intervention needed to happen and production was suspended. This was alluded to on the 10th anniversary special. It also explains why Michael (who was listed as sharing the episode with Randi) is widely considered to the be the same Michael on the Season 2 episode with Adam.
Will you do a page for Vanessa or is there a reason against having one for her, too? Sorry if you answered this already, I think I said something before because the Gabe/Vanessa episode I find really interesting.
I couldn’t find that episode anywhere online before, at least not without paying for it, but I just did a search and found one. So yeah, I’ll work on Vanessa.
Nevermind, that link was bad. It wanted to infect my livelihood. If anyone else knows where I can get Gabe/Vanessa please let me know.
are you still looking to find the gabe/vanessa episode? I noticed theres still no profile for vanessa
If you’re still looking for the episode here it is. If you have a popup blocker your computer will be just fine.
Hey dizzy, I just downloaded Sarah P’s episode (Elena’s granddaughter). I noticed she didn’t have a write up so let me know if you end up doing one, I can email you a screen shot.
I would love to see Sarah P. added to the list. She was one of my favorite addicts.
Here’s Randi’s facebook page with pictures you can use.
What did Gamblin’ Gabe do that was so “Odious”? “Odious” is definitely a word I would use to describe how he came across in his episode, and I’m curious about what he did to this site.
I get why Gabe would not be liked, but hes a part of intervention history. Would you reconsider adding his page? The gambling episodes are some of the most interesting to me, and ive always wondered how Gabe is doing.
Supposedly he was offered a second chance at rehab one year after the intervention, which he refused. Also, he was diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which unfortunately basically renders his condition unfixable.
This update is over ten years, so who knows what has happened since, but Gabe stopped gambling but began suffering from severe depression, which is what the second offer of treatment was about. He declined due to work conflicts, but he did start outpatient care. His parents continue to support him on a limited basis.
And I’m sure he’ll expect them to until they die. Shameful.
He has been added back to YouTube in the episode’s entirety (shared with Vanessa).