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S14E10 Matthew

Season 14, Episode 9


Age: 22
Location: Milford, Ohio
Addiction: Inhalants (keyboard duster)

What’s memorable:  This guy will haunt my dreams, and not even because of the demon-posessed voice and psychotic behavior he exhibits when he takes a hit. It’s the absolute vacancy in his eyes at all times. When he’s high, when he’s being interviewed, when he’s been clean for 90 days. He speaks in eerie monotone and stares at the camera without blinking.  There seems to be no one behind the eyes, but I know that’s not true, there’s always someone in there. I truly hope that the real Matthew appears behind his eyes at some point soon.

Official Synopsis: A difficult relationship with his parents led Matthew to experiment with drugs. But when a drug test came back positive, he lost custody of his son and went from part-time user to full-blown addict. Now, angry and threatening, Matthew huffs 10 cans of computer duster a day. His family fears that every breath of duster he takes could be his last.

Original Air Date: July 2015
Interventionist: Jeff

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  1. Melissa Rose

    When I saw the preview for this episode I thought they had used some effects on his voice to make it sound more “Demonic.” But no, that’s really his voice!! I am a recovering addict and an alcoholic myself but I honestly have a hard time understanding the appeal of the computer duster. I do hope he is doing better.

    1. Amy

      I thought the same thing about his voice. It’s kind of cool though; he should be a voice actor.

      1. Anna

        It happens after taking a hit of duster. I’ve heard it with people who use.

  2. Nicole

    My brother has schizophrenia and he has that same empty stare and talks in a different yet equally creepy demonic voice when he’s not on his meds. He can be quite violent and terrifying. Matthew reminds me a lot of my brother. Except my brother is an alcoholic and can chug vodka like its water. It is possible Matthew has other issues that need attention or is being over medicated after the 90 days.

  3. Jennifer

    My brother has schizophrenia, too, and the emotional flatness that Matthew displays is exactly the same as his. My brother also dabbled in drugs and who knows how that made his illness worse, but it was chilling to watch Matthew. I wonder if his family is aware of it and I hope he gets help, if possible.

    1. Iktomi

      I think this guy is demonically possessed
      . You can hear more than one voice as the demons are talking in unison.

      1. Parker

        An extreme addiction to inhaling computer duster will have that effect

      2. Dan

        Huffing gas or computer duster has the effect of making your voice go all deep and distorted, I used to use about 10-15 cans a day and when you’ve constantly got a can on the go it becomes difficult to actually talk in a normal voice. I feel lucky in the sence my memories are pretty fuzzy from back then due to how you black out on it, but for the people around me at the time it was absolute hell. I wouldn’t want to see anyone go through it. Only just seen his story and I genuinely feel for the guy and hope he’s clean or at the very least still alive.

  4. Dooney

    This is one of the worst cases of enabling I have seen on this show. Mom giving him 40 dollar a day for duster, all the cans in his room. If they didn’t do that maybe he could have stopped using earlier. I would have been afraid to live with him he was so scary when high. I can’t imagine what that stuff does to your brain. I hope he improves for his son.

    1. James

      According to him his mom paid him 2,500$ to go through with the episode . He is now locked in clermont county jail. He is not healthy

      1. Madeline

        How do have this information? Do you have a site, for either his claim about the money, or that he has been jailed?

      2. Tara

        I know for a FACT he was NOT compensated for the show by anyone.

      3. BEA PEA

        He (or somebody claiming to be him) made a comment on a gaming forum that the crew enabled him by giving him money for duster in order to get good footage for the show.
        But a lot of addicts lie or exaggerate or believe a false reality of things due to underlying mental issues, so who knows?

  5. W. Wheatley

    When he got sober his unchanged flat “affect” was somewhat disturbing, as well as his coldness towards Jeff. Jeff attributed that to brain impairment due to all the huffing (not sure if he meant this to be a temporary or permanent condition). Most of the in-rehab or post-rehab interviews of the addicts shows them displaying some sort of enthusiasm or optimism, but Matthew made me wonder about his future.

  6. Bsuz79

    Holy shit this guy scares the hell out of me. I can’t tell if he’s partially just playing up th crazy for the camera, but either way…. I hope he’s wells but damn. Duster addiction is beyond mind boggling.

  7. brooke

    Wasn’t his episode with the girl Olivia who did herion and meth??

    1. Jordy

      Yeah, and I don’t see her episode on this site.

      1. Dizzy

        Whoa did I totally miss someone? Guess I’m gonna need to re-watch that episode.

      2. Ruth

        I’m watching the episode tonight and there’s still no Olivia on this site. I think her story got kind of lost in the scariness that was Matthew.

  8. Jules

    First time commenter, long time follower! Dizzy I absolutely adore this website. You are doing a fantastic job. It’s almost a if this site is a support group as well as a fan page. Matthew made me so uncomfortable watching this episode. I almost feel like he should have the “most mentally compromised” tag on him as well. Keep up the great work Diz!!!

  9. Dhalia

    yes i agree this episode was very disturbing. the poor man was messaed up by his parents’ disfunctional relationship, i am in fact positive there is more to that dysfunction than is quickly skimmed over in the episode.

    anyone thought it strange that they sent over the interventionist to the rehab clinic? usually they just do facetime or something now. it’s like they wanted to make sure he was ok in person, and then justify his flat affect. i call it out as total bs the way the interventionist defended hsi flat affect as being a normal part of the recovery process. that’s total bs. not true. sure you can be disconnected from your emotions, but more than enything your are MORE emotional than before recovery, there are ups and downs and these are very intense, once stablized, you become more “flatlined'”. but this in this man is just abnormal.

    there is an emptiness there which i am sure comes from the dysfunction in his family. the father has these creepy abuser type eyes. it’s sad that i can even identify this. when you’ve been aruond these types of people you just know.

    i feel so distrubred by this episode. gosh i just want to do somethign about it. and it’s so frustrating to think i can’t, and even if i could, it would probably just mean i have a probelm too or something.

    i really hope this guy gets better. he’s not even bad looking. at least he hsa a passion for his child, which he stressed at the end was his main concern… being able to be independent (probably to gain custody of his child). i hope his ambitious nature is fruitful.

    oh one more thing (sorry my typing sucks, i used to be such a great writer, REALLY!, all my teachers said so, now i write so badly, i htink it’s because i’m on suboxone and i hate this crap so much it dulls my emotions totally and I am doing a slow taper)… anyways one more thing, this man lives in a highly religious family. you can tell he is a total atheist, i used to have bf like that, he stuck out os bad.

    i wish all the best for this man and his family

  10. James

    He is now in jail in clermont county. He looks like he is worse than ever.

    1. Madeline

      Again, do you have any evidence for your claim?

      1. James

        Yes I do. It was public record. I was also in the very next cell. He just sits alone and reads. The beard is longer. If you know his last name you can look it up clermont county inmate search

  11. jason summers

    Dude post a link to the record. I love this guy! He reminds me of some of the guys in college.

    1. BEA PEA

      Sad, as in 2015 his cousin had commented that he was clean and doing well 🙁

      1. Rae

        Unless you have the county link, it really isn’t a reliable source.

  12. Steve

    Still nothing on Olivia on here 8(

  13. Kei

    Saw the rerun of this episode last night on Viceland. Yikes. I feel like he could be a fun enough dude to hang around with, but it was impossible to get a read on him when he was so far gone mentally throughout the whole episode. Hopefully he gets himself straightened out, if only for the sake of his kid.

    PS: I feel horrible about saying this, but I couldn’t help but snicker at his dad’s “nobody fixes that many computers” line.

  14. Laurie

    I am aunt Laurie and I would like to clear up a few untrue statements made here:
    Matthew was put in jail in Clermont County immediately after his return from rehab because of the accident you observed on the show. In clermont county, once you have an offense you are a target since it is a relatively docile community. Hence multiple incarcerations for behaviors largely ignored in the next county – Hamilton.
    Matthew is doing quite well now, looks you in the eye, works hard at the same job since he returned from rehab and has such a great relationship with his now 4 year old son he runs to the door to be lifted for a hug. Despite the fact that the jail time made him miss another birthday with his son and interrupted his much needed aftercare. Jail really is not an acceptable alternative.
    My brother was not a physically abusive parent. His daughter survived the relationship troubles most marriages have and is a successful professional with a masters degree. Both she and my brother graduated from prestigious universities. Kids with problems often focus blame for their actions on someone other than themselves

    1. Missy38

      Thank you for the update Laurie! So happy David is doing well. I’m a paramedic and have seen many people addicted to duster, with the same flat affect and “empty eyes” as David. I’m relieved to know he’s made some improvement. I have so much admiration in your family’s strength and obvious love for him. Prayers and good thoughts to all of you, stay strong!

    2. Anthony

      Hi Laurie,
      I teach abuse prevention in Korea and have watched the YouTube video about Matthew I with great interest.
      I would love to get a recent update from you on Matthew’s progress if that’s possible, particularly as it relates to his family relationships.
      I was particularly impressed with you in the documentary.

  15. Tina

    Thank you for clearing that up. People love to gossip. I for one hope your nephew, Matthew is a good healthy place.

  16. Hector

    Thank you Laurie for the update. Some people online unfortunately have nothing better to do than talk out of their asses and troll. I wish Matthew to continue doing well in his recovery.

    1. Lori goodman

      This guy is weird: straight or sober. His flat affect didn’t change at all after he got sober. He just seems like he’s bored with life! I got sober a year and a half ago and
      3 mos is plenty of time to clear your head for the most
      Part. I think this is just his personality, or lack of one!

      1. 8

        “Flat affects” are extremely common in autistic/ND individuals. Please stop stigmatizing autistic traits by implying people with monotone voices are just “weird” and “lack personality”.

  17. Scot hodson

    This guy is just plain weird!

  18. Scot hodson

    Also his monotone voice and general weirdness
    was not from drug use. I think it is who he is!

  19. Scot hodson

    Sounds like Aunt Laurie is defending Mathew for that accident he had on the show! That idiot deserved jail
    time! He’s lucky he didn’t kill someone!

  20. Toreigh

    He creeped the hell out of me. Can’t remember who he was living with, his aunt I believe, and attacking her about her not letting him use her phone.

  21. Mouse

    I do wonder if he has some form of dissociative identity disorder. The blankness, the personality changes shifting through one body… something seems like that. I hope he is okay, wherever he is.

  22. Brooke

    this guy is just weird. ugh.

  23. Mary Smith

    It was a disturbing episode. many people with mental illness self medicate with addictive substances in an effort to dull the pain, stop the voices, etc. Perhaps as someone else said there is more going on here than just substance abuse. I think of my own children and am grateful that our family has so far been spared this kind of tragedy. The chemicals this young man has ingested will forever change his physiology. The effects on his brain and neurological functions are severe and most likely lifelong. I hope he and his family can find some peace in the future and that his son’s childhood is filled with love, guidance, support and healthy parenting.

  24. Jeanette

    I wonder where he is now. This is something I found in the net Not doing well at least going by that post..

    1. Jeanette

      Ooops sorry looks like the post above was left before he was filmed for the episode..

  25. Melissity

    Whoaaa this guy is way worse than Allison was!

  26. Kitty Katt

    I posted this comment originally on Allison’s page but thought I’d share it here and on Kristie’s page (I know Kristie was more about alcohol but she also huffed).

    Although I know people are addicted to duster, it’s not widely spoken about nor is getting treatment for it. It’s legal, easily available, in-expensive (based on how much you do and compared to illegal drugs) and that’s what makes it even more dangerous in a way. Big Brother (the government) got involved when OTC meds were being used to make Meth. So now today, if I want a certain kind of Claritan, I have to ask the pharmacist and give them my driver’s license so they can send it to Big Brother. But, I can walk into the same store (like Walmart for example) and buy a case of duster everyday. Please make it make sense????

    A couple of years ago, a woman from the next town over from me was arrested THREE times in ONE DAY over being high on duster! She’s been arrested many times before when high like a kite due to car accidents, trying to steal a tractor trailer, jumped in a creek to getaway, and so much more that I can name but won’t. You just can’t make this shit up. I wouldn’t have believed it if it wasn’t for the fact that it happened in my town and was all over the news because it was so shocking. For those who can’t believe it, I’ll give you the link on this story because I wouldn’t believe me either if I didn’t see proof.

    Please note: I am NOT posting this story to shame this woman but to actually bring awareness on how serious of a problem this can be. Since her name and record is public knowledge, is why I see nothing wrong with posting this. Again, it’s not to publicly shame her but to bring awareness.

    Here’s one of many arrests and public knowledge:

    I haven’t checked recently on how she’s doing but as of last time that I did, she wasn’t doing too good. I’m hoping she’s well now because she does have a child.

  27. Andromeda

    My husband gave himself a heart attack from duster, not the blockage kind the heart death kind. He did 28 days of treatment and instantly went back to it. It’s gonna be the death of him, it’s terrible and no one really takes it serious

  28. Rodger

    Update: he’s been off of duster since the show. He wasn’t paid by producers for better footage. However it should be noted the family wasn’t able to tell the full story as a certain father threatened to shut down production (not sign his release) if he was portrayed in a bad light AND threatened to sue even if he wasn’t on the show if anyone implied he was anything but a stellar Dad. Spoiler he was/is abusive verbally, emotionally and financially to everyone. He’s also a terrible hoarder (talk about a 2 for 1 deal A&E could’ve gotten). There’s so much more to the story than what was shown. But Matthew is going better. He has had the same job since the show and he loves his kid. He really is a good guy. Duster and trauma led to what you saw. That’s not the true Matthew.

    1. Carolyn

      I’m really glad to hear he is doing well. Hopefully that’s still the case now.

  29. Jevon

    I have never understood how and why someone gets addicted to huffing anything… I struggled with addiction in my life to but anything of that nature just never sounded appealing and the money he spends on it he could actually get real dope LOL. Anyway I hope he’s doing all right, but that’s just one addiction I never understood

    1. BX

      Inhalants (duster, nitrous oxide, etc.) won’t show up on a drug test. So for any addict who has to take drug tests for whatever reason its a fairly decent substitution. Also easily obtainable and the high is so short that you can literally do it right before work but still show up to work sober.

      Source: ex-nitrous user. Picked it up because I had to quit drinking/doing other drugs due to needing to pass drug screens on a regular basis.

      1. shifty

        i just have to add something here: inhaling nitrous and inhaling duster are two way different things. While both inhalants, duster can make you extremely ill-die. Nitrous is laughing gas like they use at a dentists office and is relatively harmless.

  30. J

    oof, this one was quite the ride. i’m also inclined to agree that he has some kind of mental health issue – he came across as very “flat” the entire episode, but God knows if it’s just the duster or not… the brain damage that occurs from inhalants is scary! sad to see he’s still not doing well. i’ll never forget “OPEN YOUR EYES”

  31. Pierce

    To be honest my addition is this website