Season 15, Episode 11
Age: 28
Location: St Augustine, Florida
Addiction: Dilaudid
What’s Memorable: First of all, Ginjer is awesome. So self-aware, honest, smart, funny. One of the most likable addicts this show has profiled. I think sobriety will suit her well and she’s gonna make a great life for herself. That said, I was not a fan of the way this episode was edited. They focused almost entirely on the whole sugar baby thing which, as upsetting as it was, was likely not the only aspect of her addiction that was worth showing. There was very little interaction with her family, so it’s hard to know how it affected them or how invested they were in her getting sober. Did the audience really need to witness multiple client interactions? Not to mention the audio – I can’t even believe they’re doing that now. This isn’t a show that’s supposed to titillate viewers and I really think they focused on that aspect of Ginjer’s story for that reason – because it was provocative. Come on A&E, we know you can do better than that, and you certainly could have done better by Ginjer.
Official Synopsis: Ginjer is a professional Sugar Baby who trolls ‘dating’ websites to maintain a severe Dilaudid addiction. Once a top contender to become a Naval Officer, Ginjer has fallen so far that she juggles ‘men who pay’ to keep the drugs flowing. Ginjer’s family is desperate, fearing she is on the fast track to an early death.
Date Aired: June 2016
Interventionist: Ken
Man…Ginjer’s story is truly sad. She went through so many set backs & trauma in her life. She was really crying out for an intervention. I haven’t teared up during many of these Interventions (the last was Anne, her husband, & daughter Blaze), but watching Ginjer’s pain & agony of her life was really heartbreaking. That man Percy also has issues, despite speaking in a calm, peaceful tone & wanting to save her. You can tell immediately he was latching on to her for whatever issues he has, after only being together for 5 months…and also meeting her through that hookup website. I knew the outcome that happened would happen (don’t want to spoil for anyone who hasn’t watched yet).
The most disturbing parts were the “noises” during Ginjer’s meetings with men. I don’t remember any other episodes where moaning & things were played?? Very cringeworthy!
The sounds thing is something they’ve been doing recently and it’s completely unnecessary and exploitative. Really wish they’d stop with that.
Totally agree Dizzy! The viewers already know what is happening, we don’t need to hear all that for proof…
Do you think this show, in general, is exploitative? That argument certainly could be made…
I do. Samantha season 14. They had the audio of her turning her trick right as he was…finishing. You could even hear how hard he was stroking her.
Wow, Ginjer was one of few addicts on this show that was truly truly READY to take on recovery and really just needed a push. I really have high hopes for her. She really seems like the posterchild for how horribly involvement with the criminal justice system (in addition to drugs) can ruin someone’s life. I don’t see this girl being a “sugar baby” if she did not have to disclose having a felony on job applications – she’s way more intelligent and talented than that and could totally have a “real” well-paying job. I definitely don’t know what the answer is (and I’m not qualified to find one), but I think this exemplifies how having a felony on your record marks you with a scarlet “A” and pushes people to go back to drugs or crime due to no other legal means.
Go Ginjer!
As much as I hope and pray for this person for a sober and happy life, I can’t share putting the blame on the employment application. Many poorly screened people who get into sensitive positions take actions that put other people at risk. Felonies shouldn’t exclude them from all jobs, but yes, from some jobs – at least for 10 years.
The felony conviction is just the final nail in the coffin. She doesn’t have an education She has been in prison, and she has, at best, a spotty work history. She comes off as loud and brassy in an interview…… the total package is highly unpredictable. Which is fair, I think. She could do the kind of work that would build a work history (waitressing, drive a cab (maybe), federal employment, non-profit employment) and work up from there.
This was a sad episode but glad to see that Ginjer “gets” it.
My heart goes out to Percy because he is effective up in his own right. He basically was continuing his first date with Ginjer; getting something from her to make himself feel better.
I hope that she is in better touch with her family. It’s kind of messes up that there had been little correspondence.
Glad to see Ken back.
Meant to say that Percy is “effed up.” Auto-correct fail…
I think Percy is a sweetheart and has a lot of love and dedication. I have a couple of issues like needing a hip replacement, etc and I have given up on finding someone who will help me through. Percy is just the kind of person I wish for. Percy is you’re out there and she is still doing what she was doing, there is a strong, loving and loyal woman who would love to meet you.
Your comment is absolutely odd and uncomfortable.
this is indeed a bizarre comment. That poster needs to get a grip, Percy has serious self-esteem issues, people like him are very vulnerable to predators. He can’t fix himself, nobody in their right mind would consider getting help from him with their psychological problems. The fact that the OP led with her physical ailments tells me she’s looking for a care giver she can easily manipulate by making him feel needed. it’s nauseating.
Dilaudid is a new addiction to me I want to know morea…
Its oxymorphone.. Dilaudid is just the name brand of it. Aka “hospital heroin” its a really potent narcotic painkiller.
Its actually hydromorphone I believe. Oxymorphone is generic Opana.
This was a really interesting episode. I liked how honest Ginjer was about her addiction and you could tell she really wanted to get sober – she just needed the push to do so.
I had a feeling the relationship with Percy wouldn’t last. He seemed really nice, but you know he had to have some issues of his own to be okay with his girlfriend having sex with other men for money. Interestingly, I saw Ginjer’s Facebook page. Most of the information is private, but it does say she is in a relationship with someone else already. She looks clean and sober and from some of the comments it sounds like she is no longer in Florida.
Totally agree with the whole audio thing… Although it wasn’t quite as bad as the Samantha episode – still !! Its unnecessary and not to mention who wants to hear that… Its borderline pornographic!
This guy Percy attempted to come across as passive, gentle and understanding. As ken implied “b.s” – stand up, show strength, help ginger to become strong, not “gee, I’ll hold her hand to the grave”
That having been said, ginger is highly intelligent, self aware, and got the push she needed to turn her life around.i think she will do it and become a positive force: the best to her
I didn’t watch this episode for the reasons mentioned in the above comments. I’m not interested in a focus entirely on the selling sex piece of her story and you could tell from the preview, that’s where they were going. Not surprised to hear sexual sounds were included but very disappointed. One of the things I love about this show is that it isn’t overly graphic.
The sounds were not needed at all but I know exactly why they focused on the sugar baby thing so much . A sugar baby is a prostitute as they too are trading sex for money and it is illegal in every state except certain areas of Nevada . The only difference is that Ginjer was not on a dangerous street corner or in a alley and she didn’t have a pimp . While prostitution over the internet or being a sugar baby is considered safer than standing on a street it is still plenty dangerous, degrading , dysfunctional and in her case it was to pay for her drug habit and bills.There were scenes where she was setting up dates with Percy and children in her house and they even had to leave at least once so a john could meet her for sex in her house . She has no way to know if these men are violent criminals , sex offenders or going to hurt her in her home and hurt others coming into the home .
There are cases all the time of sex workers getting assualted or murdered by dates the meet on Craigslist , Facebook and dating sites . Sex workers are more prone to violence and murder than anyone working at even a bar or office .It did play into her addiction and the awful dysfunction within her family but I am disappointed they didn’t state that this behavior is dangerous or put any statistics up about the crime rates against people supporting themselves by this type of “job”. Certainly not ever right when children are in the home visiting even if they leave . But again the sound was not needed .
Percy u deserve so much better i wish I had met u b4 the strugges ubr battleing. Amazing is the only word. Prayers for the kids and u.
My hope is that Ginjer has overcome her addictions and is living the healthy and happy life that she deserves.
Drug addiction is an epidemic in the US and the negative impact it has on the lives of the addicts along with their loved ones is horrible.
The interventionist made an interesting comment regarding Percy and that he was addicted as well… too Ginjer.
I am a little surprised by some of the comments regarding Percy and the lack of empathy shown to him. If the way the show portrayed the relationship was accurate, not only did he take care of Ginjer and the kids in doing things for them, but he also supported her emotionally, and one can only assume helped financially as well.
And then once Ginjer gets clean and sober, seemingly, if accurate, she leaves him.
I hope that Percy has gotten help with figuring out why he would chose to love and stay with an addicted person who was a complete user, abuser and monster to him.
I agree KJ I’ve never heard moans on other episodes either they could of put it in caption
Jeebus H Christ, get the full story before expressing sympathy for someone. This woman didn’t get into trouble for a hit and run once, or even twice. Try THREE times. What happened to three strikes? She doesn’t need treatment, she needs prison. And a lot of it.
That’s probably why her license was revoked for life. One hit and run accident was in 2009 and the other 2 were in 2011.
absolutely inaccurate. I had one hit and run. what you’re seeing is me being brought back to court while incacerated
my only offense was in 2009. after I was sentenced to prison, I was brought back to court twice, which is why it shows me being booked back in under the original charge, because I was currently property of FLDOC.
I won an appeal after coming home and my licensed was reinstated because it had NEVER BEEN suspended for a points or accident violation prior to my incarceration
Ginjer, I am glad you’re doing well. I was also a dilaudid addict, so your story really resonated with me. It’s always heartening to here when someone continues to do well after the show.
I believe this is her and she looks to be doing really well!
Looks like Ginjer was subjected to sexual abuse while in prison:
She filed a lawsuit against them. I wonder what the verdict was?
She was also scamming old men to send her money in prison and walked out with thousands of it. It doesn’t include the amount she made off selling contraband while there too.
there was no “scam”. I was on a penpal site. I NEVER asked anyone for money directly. I had mainly one guy who wanted to help me pay off my probation so I could potentially terminate early, with the hopes of me coming to live with him after. there was no asking, begging, lying, or coercing. Said penpal.had actually done this for 2 other women before as well. I completed the maximum amount of time in DOC legally allowed for a 3rd degree felony.
She got married last year (not to Percy) and looks fantastic. Sober and clean.
Wow! total change in her life!!!!
Don’t they usually send people across the country? Why did this Floridian get sent to a rehab in Florida?
Also, why get on a plane?
because Florida’s a big state and the rehab was over 300 miles from her town
if you read the credits at the end of the episode, it thanks Hacienda Valdez, which is the treatment center they originally sent me to, in California. I spent 3 weeks there detoxing and they did not have the level of care I needed to be successful so, after christmas was over, intervention came back out, picked me up, put me on a plane, and sent me to DRC in FL.
According to her husband’s facebook, they are four months pregnant! She looks incredible
I think maybe they put people go on a plane because there’s less of a chance to flee the situation. If you’re in a car you can, whereas on a plane you can’t just jump out. That’s just a guess.
Remember that news article about abuse in prison she was featured in?
I found Ginjer to be very bright. I was reading some of the comments and it looks like she has been in and out of jail since she did this program. That’s too bad cuz she’s got a lot going for her. I hope she can get it together.
I was not in and out of jail after my release in 2013 I was arrested once for a driving on a suspended licensed, and the next year, I won an appeal for my illegal license revocation. it is all public record. please ensure you have the information correct before you post on a platfoem
Is that right? I remember I looked at something quickly – it was one of those mugshot pages – there were several pictures of you on it. So, I assumed you had been in and out of jail. If I was incorrect I apologize. Ok, best wishes.
Girl, I am so rooting for you. You have clearly been your biggest ally, in my opinion, throughout your life. You’re the type who can make anything happen. You were saying in your episode “I can never get ahead” but you know you can! You have that special drive within you that not everyone can pull. Your honesty, intelligence and resilience will carry you. Do big things! Don’t stop forging forward. We want to see you succeed!!!! GO GET IT
Looks like she’s doing well!
Wow – That is one stunning transformation. It’s just as stunning as Samantha (Season 14, Episode 7). They’re both like brand new people now. I’ve got to say, I did not think Ginjer would stay clean. Judging from her recent photos, I’d be astonished if she wasn’t 100% clean. Hey, good for her. Hope she keeps up the good work.
yeah, she took me by surprise. I am friends with her on fb and holy shit you wouldve never known she was a drug addict
She posted this to her Facebook last summer (June 2021). It sounds like she’s doing great!
On this day 5 years ago, my Episode with The Show aired.
When the show was filmed, I was strung out, emotionally dead, and physically dying. I was literally selling my mind, body, and soul for 10 packs of Oxy and Dilaudid.
I had no money, no job, no friends, no drivers license, no vocational or college degree, and no hope for a better future.
By the time the show aired in June, I was 6 months sober, still no money, but I had HOPE.
Hope that I, for once in my life, could be like other people. Hope that I could recover from a hopeless state of mind and body. Hope that I could become a productive, honest member of society.
Today, 5 years later, I participated in the purchase of the 5th house I’ve ever bought, and I didn’t start buying until 2016.
If you had told me 5 years ago that, in the next 5 years, I’d get my driver’s license, complete a vocational degree, get married, fix my teeth, take up boxing and aerial silks, lose 70 pounds just to gain half of it back the next year to have a baby, purchase 3 brand new cars including a Tesla, purchase 5 houses, and would be preparing to go on a cross country trip in an RV, I’d have told you you were outta your mind because I was going to be dead before any of that could happen.
I’m not saying this to draw attention to myself.
I’m saying this to show those that are in the deepest, darkest hole… to those who have no hope for a future other than one filled with chaos and despair… to those who have been abused and cast aside by society and loved ones….
Don’t let your chance pass you by.
If you’re lonely, sick, and dying…
If you’re tired of wishing you could…
If you’re tired of freely giving up your freedom and luxuries for the allure of a false comfort you only find in substances…
There is no WAY I’d ever have been able to come this far without the help of SO many people like me.
There’s no way I’d have been able to get through the stress of this purchase without knowing a Higher Power had me safe, and without being able to call some of those people who have helped save my life over and over.
Reading this update brings me sincere happiness. It places Ginjer/Gigi in the category of most successful recoveries in the show’s history.. I’m so glad she was able to battle her way back to “the real world.” I’d always been especially moved by her struggles and hoped she had somehow found the right path. I know one can’t judge the happiness of others by viewing their Facebook pages—but she looks positively buoyant and a completely different person. Congratulations, Gigi! You’re an inspiration to us all!
I just started the episode but want to comment on something I found really odd.. it says at the beginning of the episode she uses up to 8 pills a day and therefore spends up to 300$ a day… is dilaudid in the states really that expensive??? it brings each pill close to 40$usd…
Mind you I live in Canada where we have a safe supply program where every single heroin/fentanyl addict that’s on the methadone program also gets an additional 8 to 20 dilaudids PER DAY, that they sell 5-10$ can to buy fenty
I’m unfortunately still deep in my dilaudid addiction and use 10-15 pills per day and very rarely spend more than 75$ on them. Having to spend 300$ for 8 pills sounds insane to me.
well it literally takes a pact with the devil nowadays to get pain medication of any kind in the US. We are experiencing a major reactionary response due to the opioid crisis. I’m not surprised how expensive Dilauded is on the street. If you injured yourself badly enough on purpose, you risk having a doctor label you as drug seeking in which case good luck getting even an ibuprofen from a doctor. This fuckery may be curbing over prescribing and people selling the excess. but it’s also caused many people in serious fucking pain to suffer needlessly. And guess what, the opioid crisis has not gotten better it’s become much worse.
Amen! Totally agree. People in chronic pain can’t get help.
I was addicted to dilaudid, although mine was always prescribed. I have faith you can beat this! Will be thinking of you …