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New Intervention Season Starts March 15th 2021

Season 22 has arrived! 

Confirmed: The new season starts off on Monday, March 15th with a 2-hour episode featuring our old friend Ken Seely, which means these are new episodes and not recycled from Intervention Canada.

There’s a short preview on Ken’s FB page that you can watch here:

Doesn’t appear that A&E has been doing any marketing on this at all, other than ads on the channel apparently. Nowhere on any A&E sites/social media is there a mention of the new season. I wonder what that’s all about? How hard is it to put up a quick FB post? I don’t get it.



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  1. Stefan

    Thank you I’d been looking for the commercial forever!!!

  2. Kitty Katt

    I saw a commercial on A&E about the new season of Intervention. I believe it takes place in Vegas. They are doing it the same way they have been with the other cities/places that were shown.

    1. Dizzy

      Wow ok. Vegas should be interesting!

      1. Sarah Bechtold

        I am so excited! seems like a long time always to start a new season

  3. Gregory D Moore

    From the looks of Season 22, so far, it seems to me that “Intervention” has regained its mojo. I’ve been a dedicated viewer since Season One. and it feels somehow more cohesive than some past “theme” seasons. Don’t want to offer any “spoilers,” but the latest episode (S22 E7) had me rooting like crazy for the subject of the intervention; more than just about any subject in recent memory. Thanks, “Intervention”!

    1. Stefan

      Agreed. It’s also great that they’re not just recycling old Canadian episodes. I believe Lexi’s episode was #6 for the season though, unless you’re counting the premier as a two-parter.

      1. Gregory D Moore

        Thank you, yes, slip of the finger there. Meant S22 E06.

  4. Laura

    Yes, great season so far. Interesting subjects, and I like the new interventionists….

    1. Dizzy

      Let’s talk about this more after the season wraps up but yeah I agree and think this is one of the best seasons in long while. Super impressed with what the producers have pulled off for Season 22. It’s somehow got old school Seasons 3-6 vibes but is ultra-current at the same time. Both classic and modern, like an asymmetrical bob.

  5. Carol Kotchecks

    Difficult pasts are just that, but addiction isn’t always about that. The happiest, most well adjusted human can easily become addicted, the addictive substance and the genetic makeup of said human equal addiction. Free choice yes, at first when uneducated or having been prescribed, but after that, it’s like whether a person has brown or blue eyes, the difference.
    But that’s not entertaining or profit making, I know. People watch this to feel better about themselves, but they’re all exactly the same as the humans they’re watching and probably judging. Enjoy.