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Buy Me a Coffee


Season 25, Episode 4


Age:  19
Location:  Kemptville, Ontario
Addiction:  Alcohol & Cocaine

What’s Memorable: This girl! A nightmare. “Everyone says eggshells but I think it’s shards of glass” her sister says. Yeah. I always find it difficult to watch families where one person has total coercive control over the entire household at all times.  But at the same time, you could see in these brief moments here and there how much she actually loved and cared for her family.  You can see the she’s kind of a sweetheart deep down, but these substances are very much keeping her from being herself.  Really glad to see she made it through treatment, I hope her parents get some serious help to recover from this experience. They seemed so broken, so ill-equipped. How traumatic it has to be to exist in that constant state of fear and distress in your own home.

Official Synopsis:  Nineteen-year-old Melissa went from being a happy-go-lucky high achiever to every parent’s worst nightmare. Once a star athlete who spent her free time volunteering, Melissa now spends her days hungry for her next line of cocaine or sip of vodka. After experiencing a sexual assault as a young teen, Melissa began experimenting with drugs and alcohol and was eventually lured into the dark world of sex trafficking.

Date Aired: June 10, 2024

Interventionist: Ian Rabb, nailed it.

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  1. Pippi

    this one is really hard, but not for the usual reasons…. maybe bc I’ve been watching since season 1 when it aired & am now 46 & dealing with cancer for the 3rd time in 8 years, but halfway in, I feel nothing but anger towards the addict & sympathy for the family, even though they are also the biggest enablers I’ve seen in a while. Fingers crossed for a good update for all!

    1. Stefan

      Her so called friends especially pissed me off.

      1. Pippi

        everything about this episode passed me off, haha. I really can’t remember that happening before & I’ve watched since season 1!

  2. AK

    Her mom constantly apologizing made my blood boil. She was holding her family hostage for years. I’d have sent her away to rehab or kicked her out. I understand she’s their child but they’ve aged 50 years in 5 years because of her. It’s not normal to be scared of your teenage daughter. Imagine your daughter breaks the jaw of her sister and you’re like “oh no officer she just fell.”
    How she behaved during the intervention was disgusting. I think it was the second time that I didn’t feel any empathy towards an addict.

    1. Marie

      OMG both her parents were infuriating! The mother’s constant apologizing and the dad all “well yeah I give her alcohol and weed…so ah….yeah no I probably shouldn’t do that….” Gee you think?? Easy to see why this girl was so selfish, she’s probably never been told “no”.

  3. Gina Atkins

    This is one of the sickest families I have ever seen…NOBODY is authentic with each other.

  4. R G.

    This is one of the worst ones I’ve ever seen.
    One of my sons was hooked on opioids years ago and I had to eventually kick him out. He was over 18. As hard as it was to do that, it made all the difference in the world. He has now been clean for decades and is an executive overseeing a brand new living/recreation area. He had to move to another state so I miss him; but couldn’t be more proud!

    1. Xlio

      My parents did the same I was out of control at 18 and I’m so thankful they did. kick in the pants I needed and I’m happy and drug free today.

  5. ari

    does anyone know what her socials are? i’m curious how she’s doing since filming

  6. Elizabeth

    God that intervention was painful. I know she’s a teenager but sheesh the disrespect was off the charts. She is downright abusive to her mother, how traumatizing for the mom to be constantly punished for things such as crying. Anything the mom does or doesn’t do is wrong in the eyes of Melissa, that messes someone up. I hope she stays clean because her as an addict is pretty rancid :/

  7. molly

    this would have been a lot easier to watch if she had even once taken the opportunity to shut the f*** up and listen

  8. Michaela

    I know the addiction can turn people out of character but my goodness the way she disrespects, bullies and physically abuses her mom, she is terrified of this girl it’s so painful to watch!!!! living like this in your own home is a nightmare and knowing that she suffered with her own mental health so she is probably emotionally fragile already made it even worse! It has got to be one of the most painful dynamics I have seen!! This is one time I actually wanted a family member to receive help more than the addict! I’m so glad she went to treatment, great transformation at the end. I pray for them all to continue in their healing journeys

  9. Noah

    As unlikeable and horrible as she was during the episode, I understand her completely. Underaged sex trafficking is rape with the added mind-fuck of “but you’re making money, you’re a boss, but you don’t have a choice.” What happened to her was horrible and traumatic, her parents had nothing but sympathies to offer, and when you mix the guilt they felt and their passive natures with Melissa’s domineering personality, Melissa had them by the balls and she knew it. I’m so happy she appears to be doing well now.

  10. Kristin

    (posting this here since Ian Rabb was the interventionist)
    Basically Ian & others ran a for-profit foster home for Indigenous youth called Spirit Rising House, where they were medicating them with weed and providing subpar care. There are quite a few Reddit threads devoted to him; seems like people in Winnipeg area have long seen him as a scammer.
    Brother Jeff, a lawyer, “misappropriated” over $400k as a property manager for his personal use. He “voluntarily” agreed to stop practicing law.

    From a Reddit post: “Spirit rising house is a company in Winnipeg that has multiple foster homes/group homes across the city. 16 houses. The company is run by known scammers and it is appalling what they are getting away with. They give the girls the bare minimum, they barely even have enough food. Meanwhile, the owners are keeping all their funding for themselves and using it to go on extravagant vacations and to buy fancy cars. The owners pocket a majority of the funding and do not provide any support to these kids in care. They give them all a gram of weed a day to numb them out and they all basically sleep all day and do nothing. The youth all age out at some point and will become homeless because they have no life skills. SRH promises the CFS agencies that they are providing the youth with lots of support, therapy, physical activity programs, cultural programs, in-house meetings, and more. They get a lot of funding each month for cultural activities but they pocket it for themselves. It’s colonialism all over again. It is 1000 steps back from reconciliation. These white people are profiting off the back of indigenous children who are in the system due to intergenerational trauma stemming from residential schools. They need to be exposed!! John Bennett, Ian Rabb, Kelli Register, Christine Ormistion. People are starting to notice what they’re doing so they have removed their names and pictures from their websites. There is so many more awful things they are doing to these vulnerable youth and it would make you sick to hear all the details. Awareness needs to be brought to this. The indigenous community needs to come together and protest for change! There is no room for for-profit organizations when it comes to kids in care. Nobody should be profiting off children in foster care. Nobody. They are being FAILED by these horrendous people. It is devastating and if it change isn’t made soon, these youth will never have the opportunity to succeed and will be thrown into homelessness once they age out. They need our help”
    link to arrest:
    link to Ian’s brother’s arrest:

  11. Sue

    i have watched this episode several times, and I sincerely hope that Melissa is not running roughshod over her parents.

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