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Season 25, Episode 16


Age:  38
Location:   London, Ontario, Canada
Addiction: Fentanyl & Meth

Official Synopsis: Once a loving mother to her five children, Danielle was the pride and joy of her family until a series of traumas from her past–a sexual assault, the loss of her first-born child, and the sudden death of her estranged husband–finally caught up with her. Now hopelessly addicted to fentanyl, she struggles to survive in the streets while her children live in fear that the next time they see her will be at the local morgue.

Date Aired: Aug 12, 2024

Interventionist: Geri Bemister

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  1. Kristin

    Wow, those poor kids! Their mom’s addiction was literally holding them all hostage; they were so fearful of her dying they couldn’t move past that. And her busting out a pipe and smoking right in front of them…It was like it was normal for them to witness that. I’m actually surprised the kids don’t have addiction issues of their own; I do hope they get therapy, since the emotional trauma was very evident.
    Glad Danielle got sober- she looked amazing in the follow up!
    Also glad we got to see Geri again! Did anyone think she seemed more…I don’t know, subdued maybe? Or tired? Danielle’s sober date was the beginning of March (2023) and Geri passed a few months later, so she was probably aware of, and battling, her cancer. (Which frankly just makes her more amazing, that in her own health crisis she still was selflessly helping others.)

  2. A

    I think you have skipped Corinne and Joey? Or maybe I just don’t see it.

    Regarding this episode: I do not understand how she was allowed to be able to be around her FIVE kids in this state including doing freaking meth in front of them, having them Narcane her… I cannot comprehend it. Those kids will be traumatized forever if they don’t get therapy asap and I hope they will not become addicts despite their mother. The kids giving her their birthday money is heartbreaking, I have no idea how can anyone allow that to happen. This whole episode was shocking. I’d have called CPS a hundred times already to keep her away from them, seeing the state she was in and how she treated her kids. Telling your daughter you’re going to kill her is on a whole new level..Her kids seem amazing though, I hope they are doing good.

    Another thing that always comes up in Intervention is this generational teen pregnancy: her mom had her at 17, she had a kid at 15 and then in her later teen years. I don’t really get that either. If I had a child at 17 I’d be extra careful so my kid won’t do the same. But yeah, I know not everyone thinks like that.

    Idk what to think about the after, I am glad if she is still sober but I think she should go to therapy first before going to school.

    1. Dizzy

      Corinne and Joey hasn’t shown up in Amazon yet, not sure why. Did it air on the 13th as well?

      1. Ami

        It aired last week 🙂

  3. Britt

    I’m so happy to see Geri again.
    This was my favourite of the season so far, Danielle is so lucky to have a family that stuck by her like that. Many of us were not that lucky. She looked great at the end and I can see her following in Geri’s footsteps and helping others in recovery in the future. Very inspiring episode, especially as a female.

    1. Stefan

      Same. it felt like seeing an old friend again that you thought you never would again.

      1. Tazz

        I felt that exact same feeling, Stefan. She had such a huge impact on me, and her presence was so comforting. She was a beautiful soul and incredible person.

    2. Pang

      I agree that this is my favorite episode of the season so far. It is a nice break from the couples, who seem to level-up in terms of obnoxiousness, perhaps because a couple can share a folie of deux to justify their behavior.

  4. Pang

    I am a little confused with the “sober since March 2023” ending. My understanding is that episodes that take place in Canada were originally aired on Intervention Canada and then later aired on Intervention. When I read an obituary about Geri, it said she was featured in 4 episodes from 2020-2021, which makes me think that is when Danielle’s episode actually took place/aired on Intervention Canada? Does that mean Danielle is only recently sober, or was this episode not aired in Canada previously and is new? I also think that Geri looks too good/strong if the intervention took place in March 2023 and then she died in June 2023. 3 months prior to a cancer death I would think that a person would be pretty diminished physically. Not that it matters, it was a great episode regardless, just trying to sleuth out timing. Also RIP Geri.

    1. Kristin

      According to imdb Geri was in 6 episodes: s21ep4 Nathan (2020), s21ep5 Courtney (2020); s22ep10 Elizabeth (2021); s22ep11 Tim (2021); s25ep8 Greg (2024); s25ep16 Danielle (2024).
      I think the whomever wrote the obit was just incorrect.

  5. Pippi

    I’ve been watching since Season 1 & granted I have a horrible memory, but I don’t remember any other episode where the addict did hard drugs in front of their teen children…. & maybe b/c I’m on my 3rd Cancer DX by 45, but I’d swear I saw little differences in Geri from earlier episodes when she was healthier. RIP.

    1. Kristin

      I know there was an ep (could have been a Canada one) where the mom shot up in front of her kids; in fact her daughter at one point was like, did you miss? I remember the house was filthy, needles on the floor, and I think the husband was in a wheelchair? That ep stirred up a lot of anger, rightfully so, since that’s 100% child abuse, and those kids needed to be removed by social services.
      (And positive wishes for your health!)

      1. Britt

        @Kristin you’re correct and you’re thinking of Jennifer (season 16)

  6. Gina Atkins

    This episode was tough considering how many kids were involved and what they were exposed to. The kids have A LOT to work through but at its core there’s a lot of love in this family…i hope the cycle of addiction and generational trauma can be broken

  7. Angelica

    I was so sad and happy simultaneously when Geri appeared on screen! I thought the episode where they announced her passing would be her last.
    Danielle….wow. Her behavior was absolutely appalling. And when she said she was 38 I was shocked, the drugs have aged her tremendously.
    I was most impressed by her oldest son and how wise he was for only 19. Basically taking over the role of father to his younger siblings and the way he spoke about his family was tear jerking. I really hope these kids don’t continue the cycle, the blonde younger son seemed like he could possibly take that route.

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