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Buy Me a Coffee

Season 2, Episode 20


Age: 31
Location: East Texas
Addiction: Pain meds, Anxiety meds
What’s Memorable: “If I take enough medication I don’t have to feel the sense that I’m a really bad mother.”  The extent to which Laurie gets obliterated on pills is actually painful to watch. I hope to goodness she was able to get it together since the intervention because she did not have a lot of time left.

Update: Laurie Moses-Roeseler passed away on on July 1, 2015. I do not know what the cause of death was.  Obituary

Official synopsis: At one time, Laurie was a psychotherapist and mother of three. But then an addiction to pain killers and alcohol led to the loss of her job and her family, and now only an intervention can stop her from losing her life.

Original Air Date: December 2006
Interventionist: Candy

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  1. Kati Mayo

    I am wondering what happened to Laurie? How is she today?

  2. Voltaria

    I was a little shocked/confused when they aired the follow up about her overdosing. Just to give some clarity, after the episode was re-aired in March 2008 Laurie had successfully completed treatment at a rehab center and was working to regain custody of her children until she overdosed on heroin and Oxycontin in January 2008; she recovered from the overdose and as of March 2008 is back in treatment near her home so that she can continue to work on her relationship with her children.

    1. Amanda

      None of that is true.

      1. Vanessa M

        What is Not True?

        Love from Vanessa from Paderborn in germany

      2. Vanessa M

        Oh okay just saw that she was your Mother. …So sorry for your los Amanda

        Love from Vanessa from Paderborn in germany

      3. Jatz Cracker

        Hi. Amanda sorry for your loss, Laurie seemd lovely, how did she pass? I was hoping she’d make it

  3. No one really

    Laurie passed away.

    1. Ash

      Does it actually say what she was arrested for?

      1. Quinn

        Hindering apprehension or prosecution of a known felon. I also found that she was evidently a felon herself because her booking type was listed as: Pretrial Felon.

        She had a masters in psychology. Could have done so much more with her life. Hope her kids are alright.

      2. Amanda

        My mother was not a felon.

      3. Tab

        This is not a legitimate arrest report. SH 205 doesn’t even exist in this county, and our local police reports are public so it’s very easy to look it up. I went to school with Laurie and her mother was one of my High School Teachers. Laurie was extremely intelligent, sweet, and a friend to all. The father of her children too was a sweet guy and attended the same school. They were high school sweethearts. She was a super tiny little girl with a big bright smile, and I remember how cute she was when she got pregnant. Just this short lil girl and her unborn baby was bigger than she was. Thought she was such a cute mama to be, and she was so happy about this lil baby. Do not make any ugly comments either! We all tend to gain after having babies, just a part of life. I don’t know what happened in Laurie’s life to cause such a drastic change, but I know she loved those babies. Had she never took the first pill or tried the first drug, none of you would have ever even known of her. Our hometown is very small and ev’one knows everyone. Her Mom and Dad and brother were always very sweet and always with a kind smile. I know this has been hard on all of them and especially Laurie’s children. I hope those kids know that their mom loved them and that in her right mind she would have never done anything to hurt them. I know that in my heart and strongly believe that to be true. I hope and pray that if you people that watched Or are reading take anything from this at all, it is this – don’t ever try drugs not one time! Don’t turn your life inside out by trying this addictive mess. Don’t think that it can’t happen to you because it could. One time is all it takes for someone to be addicted and that alone should be enough reason to never do it. Think of your loved ones first. They are the last ones you’d ever want to hurt and the first ones to have their hearts broken. God Bless you all. You have been through a terrible ordeal. Always know and remember during any hardship that if you will just give it to God, He will always bring you through.

      4. Katy

        My mama wasn’t a felon, it was listed under *pre-trial* felon because hindering apprehension of a known felon is a 3rd degree felony in the state of Texas, but she hadn’t been to court yet and hadn’t been found guilty of shit. Her kids would be doing a lot better if we didn’t have to see comments with people talking down about our mama though.

      5. Katy

        My mama wasn’t a felon she was booked under *pre-trial* felons because hindering apprehension of a known felon is a 3rd degree felony. She never went to court, and was never found guilty of shit, so don’t spread misinformation you found from a Google search. Oh and she never overdosed on heroin and wasn’t an alcoholic, I’m not sure where that came from, but she didn’t use heroin. Our family chose not to release my mama’s cause of death for a reason, I really wish y’all would respect that instead of repeatedly asking if anyone found out what it was. My mama was a good person who’s life got fucked up by prescription medications, addiction can happen to anyone and all you people judging her need to remember that one day it could happen to someone you love, and then the last thing you’ll want to see are negative comments about them.

    2. chris m

      How sad, she just looked awful. i hope she is at peace.

      1. ca

        Responding to TAB, the correct state highway is 204, perhaps that was a typo. Can’t say what else is or isn’t true. Very sad that it’s been five years without her regardless.

      2. Amanda

        responding to CA, i can personally tell you that MY MOTHER was not a felon. don’t speak on a situation when you’re only intel is from a simple google search.

      3. CA

        Amanda, you are right. I was only referencing the highway and I never assumed that your mother was a felon just because of the vague pretrial description. I think she was a very fascinating person and I would love to hear more about her life and the work she did with her PhD. I hope that you and your siblings are well and stay safe.

    1. Samantha R.

      That’s such a shame… I remember it being very painful to watch this episode because she was such a mess. Her poor children 🙁

    2. Katy

      My mama wasn’t a felon she was booked under *pre-trial* felons because hindering apprehension of a known felon is a 3rd degree felony. She never went to court, and was never found guilty, so don’t spread misinformation you found from a Google search. Oh and she never overdosed on heroin and wasn’t an alcoholic, I’m not sure where that came from, but she didn’t use heroin. Our family chose not to release my mama’s cause of death for a reason, I really wish y’all would respect that instead of repeatedly asking if anyone found out what it was. My mama was a good person who’s life got messed up by prescription medications, addiction can happen to anyone and all you people judging her need to remember that one day it could happen to someone you love, and then the last thing you’ll want to see are negative comments about them.

      1. Kimberly

        I am sorry for loss. Know that no matter if you display the truth, there are stupid people out there that just see their own perspective. They just want to be mean and not understand what the families might be going through. It is hard to grieve. Especially, when you were not ready to let go. You are right, this could happen to them. These are the type of people that when karma comes back to slap them in the face, they hide it from everyone to see. Stay focused on you and cherish your mom’s memory with only happiness and forget about what these stupid people thing.

  4. Donna

    Her episode is on now. Did she OD?

  5. Kimberly

    Oh my gosh. My heart is breaking. I just watched this episode. Her poor children. Have we found a cause of death yet?

    1. Katy

      We choose not to release my mama’s cause of death for a reason. Respect that.

      1. Marissa

        hey Katy, I just wanted to send you and your siblings my condolences and love. I just rewatched this and your mothers episode really tugged at heart strings. my mother also abused pain meds, and my father was an alcoholic. watching you so worried about your mama brought back many memories and tears of my own challenges of trying to keep my parents safe when they were using. Growing up in a household with an addict parent (or 2, in my case) is one of the hardest things to go through. what is worse is losing them at a young age. I’m not sure if your sweet mother’s death was even related to her addiction, but regardless, I certainly understand your pain. I lost both of my parents essentially due to their addictions just 2 years apart when I was 20 and 22. I just want you, your brother and sister to know you’re not alone. I hope you’re all doing well, are happy, and healthy. best wishes xx

  6. tattedgirl

    This saddens me. I am sad for her children, at a life lost, for her family.


    So sad, I will pray for her and her family, especially the children.

  8. Ruth

    Her episode was just on. That’s so sad, my heart is breaking for her children.

  9. Kimberly

    Laurie had so much going for her. She seemed like an extremely intelligent woman and had three beautiful children. I was saddened to hear of her death.

  10. Kimberly

    Laurie lived not too far from me and she was born in the same city as my fiancé.

  11. Katonista

    I just watched her story of intervention. You could see those pills had taken hold of her. that constant blank and distant stare…slurred speech and every other ugly symptom of being pilled out of one’s mind. I hope her children will be able to heal and have happy memories of their mother..but it seems as if those kind of experiences are few and far between….

  12. Rc

    I just found out Laurie passed and breaks my heart. I worked with her for several years and knew her as little intelligent with huge heart and si much potential. She was young and naive and trusting and I feel taken advantage of and led astray by someone she looked up to in her profession. Prayers to her parents and her 3 precious children

  13. Andy

    RIP Laurie.

    I wonder why it says she was an alcoholic in her official synopsis. I know she was hooked on pain pills but I don’t remember ever hearing about her having a drinking problem?

    1. Katy

      She never had a drinking problem. She very rarely drank, but she also had the tolerance of a toddler.

      1. Andy

        I see. A lot of the official synopsis are never very accurate. Anyways, I am very sorry for your loss. You were and still are very strong. I couldn’t imagine going through what you went through at that age.

  14. Ashlee Willis

    I rewatched this episode today and I have to add that Laurie’s daughter Katy is amazingly strong and articulate in the intervention. She was assertive and direct, and it was clear she meant business. I would hire her as an interventionist in a second.

    1. Katy

      Thank you so much for your kind words.

  15. James Castetter

    I am the paramedic that escorted Laurie, along with Candice to California. I kept in touch with her until about 2012 and lost contact with her. She was an amazing person underneath the troubled issues that she couldn’t get rid of. I remember Katy as she was extremely strong and her powerful influence to get her mother to go too California. Laurie told me many times it was Katy who had the most influence on her decision to go. Laurie loved her kids, parents and at the time fiancé. Laurie was smart and I wish I could of talked and spent more time with her. Underneath all. Laurie was an amazing lady. I wish nothing but the best for her family.

    1. Katy

      Thank you so much. She never really told me how much I meant to her or how much of a role I played in her decision to go to treatment that day, I’m just glad we convinced her to go. Even if we couldn’t save her completely, we kept her for an extra 14 years.

      1. Mike

        Katy, I was watching your mom’s intervention. I know it’s from 2006, but I just want to say that I admire your tenacity and strength for your family, especially your younger brother and sister. I have two nephews (now grown) but when I saw your brother, Jay and how he said he worried about your mom, it tugged at my heart a little, because they worried about me when I was going thru a tough time with my OCD. I’m now in the process of reestablishing myself after my struggle.
        You had and I’m sure continue to have an amazing gift of intelligence and being supportive and at the same time, necessarily assertive. To think of a 12 year old girl during your mother’s intervention doing what you did is amazing. (I know that word is overused a lot, but it describes your actions perfectly) Your mother hasn’t been with us for some time, but I feel her spirit as I write this, hoping you still do too. I’m sure you know she is at peace, and that that fact will give you peace now and always. I’m not presuming to know you because I don’t, but I know it takes quite a person to do what you did during your mother’s battle and intervention. God bless you and your family.

      2. Kay

        You mean 9?

  16. Hayleigh

    I rewatched this video recent and I’m so happy for Katy and the rest of her family that they convince her to go to treatment and that she got to live a longer life than expected with the path she was on. I’m sorry for their loss and hope they all are doing well x.

    1. Nivey

      Can you post the link to where you saw this episode? I can’t find it anywhere! Ty!

      1. Nivey

        I found the episode! How very heartbreaking and hard to watch. Her pain was palpable! I’m so very sad to hear of her passing. I hope she’s at peace. I pray for her family and her three children! Her eldest daughter was so strong, poised, and articulate! I hope she stays strong and lives her best life despite all the pain. Xo

      2. Molly

        Do you have a link? I’ve been trying to find it myself.

      3. Elizabeth

        Molly, try Tubi (it’s free).

  17. Nivey

    Yes, I found it on Tubi, and it’s free to download and watch!

    1. Stefan

      Yah that surprises me because it’s been largely unavailable since she passed away.

  18. Shelly Reagan

    I just found out about Laurie’s passing. To her children I am so sorry! I hope you are all doing ok. Rest In Peace Laurie!

  19. Dahlia

    Poor kids, they’d gone through and have continued to go through so much in their lives. I only hope they have found at least some small bits of peace in their own lives.

  20. Nicky

    Laurie’s brain was so benzo-addled, I’m amazed she lasted another ten years. She was presented with a chance to go to rehab, and her first question was if she could stay on Morphine and Ambien. Her brain was COOKED.
    She clearly OD’d, intentional or not. Such a sad case.
    Especially with a wonderful, emotionally intelligent daughter that seemed strong enough to recover a bit. Not entirely, but a bit. Good luck kid.