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Buy Me a Coffee

S3E10 Andrea

Season 3, Episode 9


Age: 31
Location: Ontario, Canada
Addiction: Crack
What’s Memorable: The 67 year old man who she met when she was 13, who became her boyfriend after college when she was 21 when he was 75. “I would take my clothes off for 400 a month, and we would call that my wifely duties.” Effing EWWWWW. And now he’s having her “fondle” him. Dude’s a barely-law-abiding delusional pedophiliac creep. “Well I think she does it because she loves me, I hope that’s why she does it”. Ugh.

Official synopsis: Not long ago, Andrea, 31, decided to follow in the footsteps of her mother and grandmother and become a nurse. It was a field in which she excelled and was revered by colleagues and friends. But all the while, Andrea was hiding a dark secret–a growing crack addiction. Now she’s lost her job and relies on several male friends to buy her drugs.

Original Air Date: June 2007
Interventionist: Jeff

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  1. Mandy Nolan

    Andrea was one of the more truthful addicts on the show. She really portrayed her addiction as a burden. Not to mention told the truth about how sexual favors are a part of the drug world. Glad to see she is sober.

  2. Stacy

    Hey Andie glad to see your doin OK girl

  3. Jess

    Ramoin came thru today, never seen this one

  4. SJanvier

    Any updates on her?

  5. Alice Schmid

    Her episode is no longer available on amazon, which is not a good sign. Did she die?

    1. Beatrice Thomas

      Oh god I hope not!!
      I was so disturbed by the whole thing with that old man, he was clearly just a pedophile and a predator and made her believe it was ok 🙁
      Shame on her parents for letting it happen when she was still so young. I hope she is sober and happy today

    2. D

      It’s not on A&E app or Amazon Prime either. I wonder what happened to her and the dude in the episode.

      1. Xlio

        It can be found on Dailymotion. I also hope she is okay. And I’m sure Andrew is dead by now…

  6. Maz

    Any updates on her?

  7. Luna

    Her episode with Ricky is still available to view on
    Haven’t seen any updates on her I hope she is doing well. She seemed like an honest sweet girl. Also I feel like A&E pulled this episode because of the “relationship” with Andrew. Disgusting old man grooming her and speaking openly about it.

  8. Dani

    Does anyone know where to find this episode ?