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Buy Me a Coffee

S3E4 Anthony

Season 3, Episode 4


Age: 21
Location: Jersey shore
Addiction: Cocaine

Official synopsis: Anthony has been working at the pizzerias owned by his family since he was a kid. A good athlete, colleges offered him baseball scholarships. But at 14, everything changed. His sister died of a heroin overdose and his mother fell into an emotional black hole. Anthony found comfort in cocaine, and today he needs methadone to get him through the day until he can shoot coke at night. His family is not ready to let him hit rock bottom, but Anthony won’t get better until his entire family embraces change.

Original Air Date: April 2007
Interventionist: Jeff

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  1. doug

    just got out of rehab with him he is now in an oxford house

    1. Phoebe

      Thank you for the update. I’m glad that he hasn’t given up on recovery.

  2. Atram

    Glad to hear this. I’ve worried about him.

  3. Dalila

    Anthony’s story touched my heart I truely felt helpless watching him shoot up over the TV and knowing I couldn’t do a thing to help him its only an hour show but he seems like a really sweet kid who loves his family I just wish he would love himself as much and get out of the addiction, because it broke my heart to see him in that condition. Where ever he is I hope he knows that I am rooting for him. I pray that Jesus will take control and take him out of that horrible addiction that is destroying his life and his families as well. GOD bless you Anthony.

    1. terry

      Jesus couldnt care less. If he did, it would be a done deal for people to commit to quitting. Jesus leaves it up to each of us to redeem ourselves. That’s how God knows whats truly in our hearts. Otherwise, how do you explain those who fail who pray with equal or greater diligence? The addiction game is life and death. If you want to play, you’d better have the strength to cash out before you bust. I speak from a vast amount of experience and observations of myself and those in the life. Sorry. I know you think im being cold as ice but im not. Im as real as it gets. Theres no rose lined paths in this crap. Its sad, hard, deadly.

      1. Adam

        For real. Jesus isn’t going to do anything. I was hooked on opiates for 6 years and in 2 weeks I’ll be clean for 6 years. Hardest thing I’ve ever gotten through and I am not going to give the credit to some fictional character.

      2. Robin

        I couldn’t agree with your statement more. Giving up drugs is incredibly hard. Your brain tricks you into thinking you need them. When youre a true addict, every day or every other day is a struggle. When you do succeed, it is you and you alone. You’re the one sitting there and when you get a craving youre the one that has to say no and mean it. You know you can give in but you say no every time and every time you say no it is a success, but it is hard. I commend every single person that does that, it is surely not easy.

  4. erica202001

    I know what it’s like to self medicaid and then before you know it you become addicted.It’s soooo lonely. I hope you get better. 🙂 Your family loves you.

  5. ML

    I was glad to be able find this and see that hes still around and hopefully able to stay clean once and for all. Being from the same area as he is, I know how drugs have taken over our hometowns. Ive been clean now for 4yrs and 42 days. Theres always hope. Love and faith sent out to any struggling addict! And Anthony if u ever see this, good vibes sent your way, always stay strong and i hope this finds u well <3

  6. Malay

    I’ve never gotten online to figure out is someone is still alive after watching intervention, but Anthony’s story really touched me. He seems like such a compassionate, grounded person with a lot to offer the world. I hope he stays sober and finds new and beautiful things in life to live for.

  7. T.L.

    I often watch Intervention, and it’s certainly given me a much clearer understanding of addictions and a deep compassion for the sufferers and those who love them. The story of Anthony broke my heart–as so many stories do–and I desperately pray that he will allow himself to find total and lasting healing. I also pray that the other family members will get professional help so that they can support him but NOT enable him any further!

  8. T.L.

    I hope there’s a way that the program participants can be encouraged by others — without involving direct contact. I know that would not be wise in this day and time. But I do know people need to know others care.

  9. denice

    Please give me any updates on Anthony whose family owns a pizzeria, really hope he has beaten his addiction.

  10. Jimmie

    Does anyone have any updates on Anthony? I would really like to know how he is doing now.

    1. Jj

      He’s in jail pending burglary charges

  11. Brian

    Well, here’s his Facebook page:

    It has him working at a pizza place in Asbury Park, NJ. When the episode aired, he was 21, so he would be 29 now.

    In August 2014, Asbury Park police arrested a 28 year old Anthony Dalia for possession of heroin:

    So it looks like he is still having drug issues at least as of last year.

  12. Brian

    I looked at NJ criminal records as well. The drug charge from August 2014 resulted in a guilty plea and 2 years probation. In December 2014, Anthony was charged with burglary, theft, and fraudulent use of a credit card. He pled guilty to burglary and was sentenced on July 10, 2015 apparently to time served and probation. It looks as if was jailed from Dec 12 to July 10 and then released with a year’s probation.

    1. T.L.

      Can’t someone PLEASE help Anthony?!? Tell him that even complete strangers care about what happens to him!

      1. Elian Gonzalez

        The dude doesn’t want help. Almost 8 years since the episode first aired and he’s pretty much the same.

  13. Adam

    Sounds like Anthony still doesn’t get it. What a waste, the guy is nearly impossible to not like and has unlimited potential, as well as a large family that clearly loves him a lot. I don’t even know what one could do for a guy like him. He has to change his whole way of thinking or something….

  14. Phil

    I was just in jail with Ant. He is a great person and hopefully he is doing good. Please pray for him.

    1. regina roach

      Prayers for him!!!!! ❤

  15. Aly Funiciello

    Hello Anthony,
    My names Aly Funiciello I saw your episode and wanted to comment some good vibes. I wanted to reach out to you I plan on going to school to become a drug/alcohol abuse counselor. My father is an alcoholic and my grandmother was addicted to cocaine. Growing up watching them struggle was hard and that’s why I made the career choice I did. Anything is possible and I do believe you’re truly a good person just hit a rough patch. With your family and the right people by your side you can do it. Keep your head up you’ll be in my thoughts and prayers. Take care!!

  16. Christopher Monaco

    I know Anthony well, and I don’t know many others as kind as him. His addiction sucks and I know it really does touch him that complete strangers truly care.

  17. T.L.


  18. Christie

    I’ll always be here for you ant I love you xoxo

  19. Lou

    I was just with Ant in a rehab. He is a great person but his addiction has a hold of him. I am also an addict but I’ve been clean for 4 months now. Hopefully he gets sick and tired of being sick and tired before the drugs claim his life.

    1. Angela

      I truly hope that you are still clean. And I’m proud of you for doing it. Just want to let you know that. From one addict to another, you’ve got this. Two weeks ago, I celebrated 25 years clean from meth.

  20. KD

    From a professional stand point, I have come to know Anthony very well. He was in jail for a while and transferred to a treatment program where he was doing well, until just recently. I was informed that he relapsed in the treatment program and took off. My heart breaks for him!! I know in his heart he wants to change but has said on numerous occasions that he was scared to leave jail because he has been an addict for so long, that he doesn’t know any other way!! Unfortunately, that is the problem with most addicts! Anthony is a great guy with a heart of gold. The smile he has on the outside can brighten any room, but the darkness of the addiction still haunts him!! Ant, we are all praying for you and hoping that you will kick this!! Don’t give up!! ❤️️

  21. JR

    Anthony is going to survive. His girlfriend Jessica was killed last week. Anthony was saved once again and put in the county jail where he is right now. My fiancee and him and his family are very close. I worry for him. I just wrote him a letter giving him hope and trying to make him open his eyes. All you do in jail is think think think.. If any of you want to try to plant the seed in anthony.. WRITE HIM NOW!!! Send him a motivational quote. He will read it and it might send a spark. He is on drug court pending a violation. Judge Killgallen will not throw him away. She is going to keep him in jail for a few months and then send him back to rehab. Anthonys first response was I wanty to just go to prison and get it over with..,.EVERYONE send Anthony something in jail….MCCI
    1 Waterworks Road
    Freehold, NJ 07748
    Anthony Dalia…No jail number needed

  22. Jeff

    Anthony I’m thinking of you every day I watched your episode when it aired I. Have watched it several times and I never stopped rooting for you I wish you could get sober and I wish I could meet you in person I’m in New Hampshire and would love to be able to go to Hampton Beach with you and get to know you buddy you seem like a great guy I’m a recovering addict as well and I would love to share my knowledge and the things I did to help me overcome addiction with you

  23. Tom

    Hey Anthony. I sent you a facebook message too. Your episode really touched me and you seem like a caring guy like me. I have been sober 6 months now and have such a good network of guys in my life. I would love to get in touch with you and possible lend a helping hand. We are all worth it and deserve to be happy. Anyway, I would love to hear from you buddy and I hope you are well.

  24. Mia

    I live in the same town as Anthony but I don’t know him, and I do know his pizzeria had switched ownership a few years after this episode was made, and it has switched a few more times since then. I don’t think his family currently runs any now. I do know Anthony is still alive, the police are aware and updated of his situation, but it’s not something they want to share.

  25. Debralee Benson

    Any updates on him or his family

    1. Tressa

      He’s still using, and stealing. His dad died 2 years ago while Anthony was in prison. His sister Tomi died in 2018, too. He is homeless now and was popped a few weeks ago for breaking into cars and houses and stealing. His mom is still a wet rag and won’t cut him out of her life and putting herself in jeopardy. It’s sad and ridiculous.

      1. Marissa

        omg! to find out Anthony is still using really bums me out, I had hopes he’d stay sober. I’m sure the death of 2 more family members just gave him more of an excuse to use. any word on how his sister Tomi passed away? she was the only one on the episode who didn’t enable him, which I applauded her for. so sad.

      2. Kitty Katt

        What happened to Tomi?

      3. Kitty Katt
        This looks like her page and Anthony is on her friend’s list so she seems very much alive after 2018 which is when you said she died.

      4. Michelle

        It wasn’t Tomi, it was his other sister not in the documentary. She was the one who died in 2018. She had cancer. I knew her from the neighborhood. I also know him. He was busted breaking into cars early this year. He was arrested for robbery , receiving stolen goods, Shoplifting, and Assault in July 2021 and was for CDS, Heroin AND Crack, in both April 2021 and August 2021.

        He is in real trouble. He needs some kind of help.

      5. GS

        His father is my uncle and he is alive.. idk where you people get your information from.

      6. Taylor

        Tomi is not dead. She was last active on Facebook in 2021.

  26. Beatrice Thomas

    What a sweetheart he seems to be. It’s all so sad 🙁

    Someone above mentioned his girlfriend, but I got the impression from the episode that he was gay because his grandmother said something like “whoever becomes your husband”. Did anyone else pick up on this?

    1. Chizzychund

      I think the grandma said “whoever has you as a husband”

    2. Kitty Katt

      LOL….no, she said whoever gets you as a husband.

  27. Lisa

    Anthony is in very bad shape. He Od’ed on August 29, 2021. He is currently in intensive care. The people he was using with just dumped him somewhere to die, too. It is horrible and if he pulls through he may not be the same. This kid needs serious help, needs to get away from the area he is living because clearly this is not the best situation for him

    1. Dewi

      This is heartbreaking. I left Jersey in 2009 to get clean. I’m in North Carolina now, and as much as I miss it, I know I can’t go back. Anthony really needs to get out of the area, but he strikes me as the type of person who will find the means to use no matter where he is. I wish I knew how to help him. I feel for his mother and sister so much. Do you know if he recovered from his OD? I was in the same position he was in in 2009 at St. Barnabas hospital in Livingston, NJ. I was in a coma for 4 days. They saved my life. I went to rehab for 13 months after that, and then moved straight to NC. I wish I could say that was the last time I used, but it wasn’t, and things got much worse before they got better. I didn’t stop for good until 2017. I wasted ten years of my life using, but I am on methadone now, about to graduate with my degree in human services and substance abuse counseling. There is hope for Anthony, but he has to be willing to do anything to stop himself from using. Sometimes you literally have to trick your brain into not using. It’s tough, know, but it is possible. Man, I’m so sad hearing this.

      1. Kitty Katt

        I’m from Jersey too. I have been sober for 25 years (crack was my thing). I quit cold turkey and I really had no choice but to stay in Jersey. I did avoid people, places, things, etc. that were a trigger to me. It wasn’t easy but I’ve made it. I came to the point where I had enough and that’s what kept me sober. All the other times that I “quit” only to go back to it, wasn’t enough for me I guess. I’m really lucky that my husband quit right along with me because having a partner who’s not sober while you are trying to get sober is almost impossible. Glad we both made it.

    2. A.S.

      Hey Katt just wanted to say congrats on getting clean from crack. I had a problem with that too and the cravings were always so strong it’s like you literally cannot think about anything else. Glad to hear that you are out of that hell now, because hell is what it is being so obsessed. I got off the crack too, but still struggle with alcohol now. Message me anytime if you want to talk 🙂

      1. kitty katt

        OMG…I just saw your comment.
        Thank you so much.
        Message me anytime as well if you need help.

    3. Shelby

      Do you know if he made it out of intensive care and still using?

      His story touched me and I would like to keep up with him in hopes he gets truly sober one day.

      1. Tressa

        He is still using. He almost got his mother evicted twice because of his behavior. It is sad but his mother enables him.

  28. Nivey

    Being from NJ and Italian, this story touched me profoundly! Anthony is such a likable young man! I’m sad to hear he is still struggling! He has immense potential! I pray for him and his family! Maybe a change of scenery and getting out of NJ would help him! I pray he gets through this latest jail sentence and starts a new healthy life! Not giving up on him! Prayers always! Xo

  29. Monica nixon

    I am 44 years old live in cal Downey, cal just got apt after 9 years with all my kids having to deal with me mom being an addict for a guy whom I loved and might still been sober a month been on drugs for 8 years meth to be exact and finally getting us apt my daughter 20 my son is 23 my oldest daughter is 25 and my last son is 25 2 grand kids.
    I just want to say where are u now I am wondering if u finally made a descion to change to try anyways it’s hard no one can truly understand it just me and my higher power who I know loves me I mean he’s and my kids probably the only ones huh.
    So I am hoping Anthony’s better and sober he has a huge heart u can tell he loves his family they love him there’s just one thing missing something deep inside I don’t know what so please let me know if he figured it out we are rooting for u sir on Jesus I am black Mexican Italian pray and let u beat this fight with prayer determation and with all your strength I know u got devil is a liar.

  30. Laci

    I just watched the intervention episode with Anthony and it was really touching.He seems like he has so much potential and he is honestly so much better than that. I know that episode aired in 2007, what happened with him? Where is he now? I’m definitely rooting for him, he has such a great support system and a family who loves him to the moon and back. I really hope he is doing better and off the drugs. Best of luck!!!

  31. Michelle

    Just seen his episode on Hulu 8/12/23 and I just read through all the comments . So heartbreaking to hear he never got clean.

  32. Jude

    I’m from Brick, NJ, one of the towns featured in this episode, and Anthony reminds me so much of the guys I grew up with. Some of us got out and did really well. Others stayed behind and unfortunately it seems drugs have really taken hold of the area. I wish Anthony all the best and truly hope he can find the strength in himself to get clean for good. For himself as much as for his family who clearly loves him.

  33. Leigh

    In April 2023, he was arrested and charged with shoplifting, defiant trespass, possession of drug paraphernalia and 10 outstanding warrants

  34. R. L

    Hey Anthony,
    Looking outside for fulfillment will never bear the fruit that you seek.
    One must go within,
    Face every shadow,
    For only when you face your Self,
    will You find the answers.
    Peace, my brother.


  35. D.Lo

    Anthony is not dead, I have to say I am incredibly dissapointed in the rankings of the most influential intervention episodes, I would go as far to say that Anthony is the Tony Montana of the addicts. People depict addicts as being all smelly and having like sores on their faces and such but on the Jersey Shore, junkie or not you get a shape up and a fade. You can be a disorderly person, you can be reckless with intent, but shape up’s .. I mean I think that the A&E fan base doesn’t understand the raw, unapologetic nature of his episode. That’s a true and accurate depiction of this individuals life. That episode is cinematic, everyone else is so typical, I don’t know that being a junkie means you have to commit to the whole look, like for example you can love phish and shower, you don’t need to be disgusting to be a fan.

    I think Anthony much like Sasha gray and The rapper Bad Bunny who all got their start on shows that addressed they’re awful behavior, Dr. Phil, The Tyra Banks Show, like it should go without saying that Sasha gray is one of the most influential millennials, so original, she has showed the world she is capable of more than choking or yelling in a gang bang.

    I think to appreciate A N T H O N Y you would have to understand excellence and you’d appreciate the Sundance film Festival channel, you would be that person.

    I think A N T H O N Y is the realest out there, I’ve watched all the episodes now, it’s only now that I appreciate Anthony and his fearless and unapologetic attitude towards shooting Coke.

    Amber rose episode doesn’t trump A N T H O N Y dude she wasn’t even successful in finding her friend, she is a junkie she’s rich she couldn’t even lure her into the Intervention with a satchel full of goodies? Just I don’t know, predictable.