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Buy Me a Coffee

Season 4, Episode 5


Age: 23
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Addiction: Alcohol, cocaine
What’s Memorable: The huge singing Christian family, the addicted little sister, the terribly repressed and abusive childhood.

Official synopsis: Jason, 23, was born into a strict Southern Baptist family. His father, a preacher, and his unstable mother doled out excessive punishments. But when Jason’s mother revealed she’s a lesbian, Jason’s father was banished from the church and had to take several jobs to feed his family. Left with no supervision, Jason turned to drugs and alcohol. And now his younger sister, Joy, is heading down the same self-destructive path, too. Can a double intervention save them?
Original Air Date: January 2008

Interventionist: Candy

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  1. bgmiller

    Does Jason still write songs? How are he and Joy doing? Anyone know their last name so I can find out..?

  2. Kat

    What a sweet, lost soul. I was crushed at the very end when it said he was drinking again. I truly hope he was/is able to keep it under control. This episode really touched me, especially the older sister who mothered her siblings after the mom left.

  3. LMS

    I thought it said he has been sober since 2008? I found him to be very attractive at the end of the episode!

  4. Joyce

    I would like to know how him and his sister Joy are doing ,,, for some reason I think of them every time I watch the show,,,

  5. Brooke

    i don’t understand why candy didn’t have the mother apologize for leaving them at the mercy of their horribly abusive father and that she also didn’t have BOTH parents, but particularly the father, apologize for the severe abuse. i don’t get it?? jason, and frankly ALL the kids, need to hear that. to help them heal. i’m really disappointed in this episode.

    1. kitty katt

      She was also extremely abusive towards her kids. She broke one of the girl’s arms. Both parents beat them until they were broke.It sounded like things may have gotten better once she left. Meaning the father is working all day and she’s no longer around so the beatings must have stopped.

      JMO….I’m sure Candy took everything into consideration when deciding how she’s going to lead the intervention.

      I was sad that Jason started drinking again. He was so broken up. He was screaming out for help. He’s literally crying out . I loved this whole family. Talented and loving towards each other.

  6. Melissa

    Has anyone been able to find out anything about Jason and Joy? I have searched and searched and cant find anything. This is my all time favorite episode. I totally relate to Jason with the family stuff, my family was always pretty dysfunctional and as an adult i found substances make all those memories go away for awhile. At 57 now ive grown out of partying but im on pain medication for the rest of my life (im a cancer survivor) and even now all these years later i still find myself taking my meds to “forget” things. Jason just really touched my soul listening to him talk about his past.

    1. Jamie Kay Carter

      I’m just hurt….rewatching it I see that there is an acceptance issue and I hope they were able to overcome. It’s awakening seeing it again. They always say “from the outside looking in”. So much truth in that.

  7. Lisa

    I wonder how this brother & sister are today? Joy’s son would be about 13-? Very sad story & not sure why these siblings were not taken away or the parents investigated when their sisters arm was broken from being abused-? I wish them all well & hope that they all got help.

  8. Melissa

    Look what I FINALLY found…Jason and Joys fb pages. Jasons is and Joys is They both look really good.

  9. marie-claire pinet

    the part when he plays music whith his family in the middle of the show, then he goes outside and cries in the stairs while music is still playing is according to me the best editing work I’ve seen all Intervention episodes.

  10. kitty katt

    She was also extremely abusive towards her kids. She broke one of the girl’s arms. Both parents beat them until they were broke.It sounded like things may have gotten better once she left. Meaning the father is working all day and she’s no longer around so the beatings must have stopped.

    JMO….I’m sure Candy took everything into consideration when deciding how she’s going to lead the intervention.

    I was sad that Jason started drinking again. He was so broken up. He was screaming out for help. He’s literally crying out . I loved this whole family. Talented and loving towards each other.

  11. kitty katt

    Sadly, their niece was murdered. Her name was Jordan and her obituary states that Jessica was her mother.

    Here are a few links about the whole situation from start to today.

    I don’t have them in order so please check which is current. There are plenty out there from different times because it seems like this was a huge story.

  12. Ruby

    Why do people miss the meaning of this Bible verse…spare the rod, spoil the child? If has nothing to do with beating your children. The rod is God’s word, the Bible. It means if you fail to raise your children with the word of God, they will come to ruin, fit for no good thing or spoiled. Why does the 23rd Pslams say, thy rod comforts me if it’s meant to beat someone with it? What a shame their father didn’t know the real meaning.

  13. Keith

    In 2014 he was arrested for driving under the influence
    I couldn’t find any updates after that aside from his family’s facebooks which shows he got married to a woman named Amanda in 2017 and he looked good then. He doesn’t look active on his own facebook since Christmas of 2016, as with his wife. I really hope he got sober and is enjoying life with his family!

    1. Keith

      I also wanted to mention that Joy’s facebook is active and she looks great! Has a family and is married.

  14. Janel

    He’s married with three children, and appears to be doing well. Looks very healthy, as does Joy.