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Buy Me a Coffee

Season 5 Episode 5


Age: 20’s
Location: Birmingham, Alabama
Addiction: Dilaudid
What’s Memorable: Oh this poor messed-up girl, living her whole life under the shadow of her older sister, to the point that her mother thought she may be the reincarnation of her. She was also molested as a kid and gang raped as a teenager – it’s not a mystery why she needs to numb out. I just hope she was able to find her way out and figure out who she is.

Update: Brittany Loren Ross passed away on September 9, 2019.  Cause of death is unconfirmed. Here is her obituary. 

Official synopsis: Brittany was born five years after the brutal rape and murder of her 9-year-old sister, Terry. Brittany struggled with the pressure to live up to her mother’s perfect image of Terry. At 12, Brittany was molested, and she began taking drugs and sneaking out at night–anything to get out from under Terry’s shadow. Now she shoots up Dilaudid six times a day, begs family members for money and prostitutes herself. Brittany’s mother scrambles to give Brittany enough money for her fix. Desperate and on the verge of bankruptcy, Brittany’s family prepares for an intervention.

Original Air Date: December 2008
Interventionist: Candy

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  1. LA

    Loved it when the grandma said “I have to get out of this rigamarole before I have a heart attack.”

  2. n

    Any updates on this beautiful girl…? I hope you’re doing better Brittany. The thing the mom said about taking Brit & herself out was heart wrenching.

    1. Crimson Power
      Epilogue: Brittany left treatment after three weeks and moved back to Alabama, where she now lives with her boyfriend. She began a methadone program and is no longer using Dilaudid; her mother plans to begin seeing a counselor for help with PTSD. A recent re-airing of this episode revealed that she broke up with her boyfriend and later spent over a month in jail for drug possession. She has been sober since January 2010.

      1. Mary

        Please read my comment below for an update.

    2. Mary

      Sadly, Brittany passed away in September 2019. She ended up marrying Jason, seems like she had a daughter, but was 33 when she passed. Her father and another sister passed too. I can’t even imagine what her Momma is going through. Very sad.

  3. Anthony Cockrell

    Episode 78 Can I please get an update on her it’s just so sad what her mom said about killing her and taking her own life. Really worried about her. Any feedback would be appreciated

    1. Michelle

      I’m Michelle and my son Just showed me all of these comments. Brittany passed away from an overdose of fentanyl. She was 32 years old. I am still pained we couldn’t save her from the demons.

      1. Klh

        may I ask if this was accidental od of fentanyl or fentanyl poisoning (did she know fentanyl was what she was consuming?)? most of my family still lives in Al but I am ga and we lost my sister to fentanyl poisoning last year in Chattanooga, TN. I am so very sorry for your loss… please know your baby girl will never be forgotten.

      2. Kara Bishop

        KLH I don’t know her, but based on her Facebook videos before the overdose and just my observation of the episode, I don’t think the overdose was intentional at all. She loved her family! I think it was just like a lot of heroin and fentanyl overdoses… she just couldn’t let go of the needle and it was time for God to take her to a place of peace! I just feel so much for her mother to have lost a young daughter(her sister Terry) to such a traumatic and horrifying incident. And then to lose a second daughter to another traumatic incident (having her dead body placed upon a pillow on the porch/deck must have been hard to find)… I wish I would have watched this episode when it came out and could have reached out to her, not that I probably could’ve been much help, but I would have tried! She’s by far my favorite episode!!! And I love love her family!!!! I only started watching intervention because I was in the hospital last summer, dying and fighting for my life & intervention came on and I was in love. Once I got home, I found the intervention app and started obsessively watching every episode, I am already on my second watching of every episode. Now that I have found intervention directory, I thank you Dizzy, you are also helping us recovering addicts by reading these blogs! Back to Brittany, I just love her family and I love just watching the simple videos of Brittany taking her mom to the doctors!!!! To Brittany flying high in heaven, your episode has helped so many of us recovering addicts, like myself, stay clean!!! And maybe even has helped people who are thinking about doing drugs to make the decision not to!! To Brittany’s momma & family I think of you often and I keep you in my prayers!!! I know I am just a stranger but I do have this innate amount of immense care & love for your family!!!! ❤️ Kara from Northern California!

      3. Taryn

        Heartbreaking to hear. I am sorry for your loss.

  4. Kate

    I’d really like an update on her as well!!! Does anyone know this family?

    1. Dave

      Any updates I’m watching the episode now!! So sad

    2. Nichole

      Yea shes in jail now

      1. Ami

        For what? Do you have a mugshot? I was really hoping the best for her. Sad.

  5. Rachel west

    It really bothered me when the mother said that she would take her own life and her daughter Brittany in her home rather than see her out on the streets and become a cold case. It said that she came clean in 2010 but how true is that and how long did that sobriety last? Any updates? I’m curious to know what the outcome of her situation is. It said her mother went back to work after 3 weeks of therapy I don’t think 3 weeks is going to help her mother very much dealing with the death of her oldest child then the drug addiction and prostitution of her youngest child

    1. Jennifer Hammett

      Yes..I do know Brittany. And she is doing great at this point. At the moment..she is incarcerated…but has high spirits. Just prepared to get out and stay straight…and be the woman she knows she can be for herself as well as for her family

  6. Michelle

    I am seventeen years clean, my addiction was brutal and hardcore.
    When any time someone enables an addict you’re helping to kill them.
    The only time an addict recovers is when they are FORCED to suffer consequences. There is no other way to cure this sickness. Every single addict I personally knew, who had an enabler, died or ended up in prison, wishing they were dead. Guilt keeps an enabler, enabling. Period, it’s selfish and a Co sigh for death.

    1. renee

      i don’t know. maybe you’re too hard on the mom. How can we speak on it unless we’ve had a murdered child and the other daughter is headed the same way ? you’d be terrified of losing the other child to a killer, so you’d do almost anything to try and keep her off the streets. I get it. I don’t doubt that she loves her kids.

      1. Sue Ellen Hegstrom

        The drugs will definitely kill Brittany. That we know. Why doesn’t the mom understand that? Also, EVERYONE lost Terry, not just her. Before anyone asks me if I ever lost a child, I have never had children, but I have had loss. I have learned that pinning your hopes and dreams on someone in an effort to replace a person that has passed doesn’t benefit anyone. The pain in everyone’s eyes is apparent, but the mother is perpetuating that pain and needs help if she hasn’t already gotten it.

      2. Kitty Katt

        The bond between a mother and her child is like no other. I can’t imagine losing a child in such a horrific way too. The loss of a child is greater than a loss of anyone else.

      3. Kara Bishop

        Renee I agree with you I know at the time that you wrote this she had not passed away yet… But we don’t know what kind of pain the mother went through… And I really can understand her wanting to keep her daughter home and safe I know she ended up dying but we still don’t know exactly what happened and we don’t know if she would of not let Britney stay in the home then she may have even died sooner… I know a lot of times the only way and addict stays clean is if they truly want to be clean… I am an addict and I’ve been clean off meth for 18 years and I’ve been clean off opiates for eight years… I hope the family especially her mother is able to find peace and I am so sorry for your loss God bless your whole family ❤️

  7. Jennifer

    This will always be one of the most tragic episodes to me. Her whole story is heartbreaking!

  8. Michelle

    Any updates on Brittany? I would love to hear how she is doing?

  9. Dewey

    She had a baby n doing great last i searched her. Her dad had passed

    1. Sara

      I’ve been trying to find her Facebook profile 🙁

    2. Robin

      That’s amazing! What source did you use to find her? I can’t seem to find anything.

  10. Jay

    Iknow it won’t happen with the distance but id love the opportunity to meet with and talk to both Brittany and her sister Michelle.

  11. Brittany

    We’ll well u people all are stupid wrong this is Brittany Ross I feel sorry for u all..not for my family we are just fine

  12. Kristy

    I was doing a search for Brittany from the new episode trying to watch a preview and stumbled across a post about this Brittany she was in and out of jail in 2015 and still using according to her friends. Ugh sad to hear.

  13. kay

    Her mother is so, so sick. Seeing her daughter as a reincarnation of her murdered daughter? I agree with Brittany: that is a crazy amount of pressure to live up to, but also rings of a serious need of PTSD treatment.

    The worst part? “If I had the courage or had the guts, I really think I would blow Brittany’s and my brains out because that would end all the pain.”

    Her mother is deeply ill, suffering and in need of therapy.

    1. Kara Bishop

      It’s really sad to say those things about her mother you don’t know what she went through unless you’ve lived the same life can you imagine what that would feel like to have your baby girl abducted raped and murdered and from what I understood they didn’t even find her babies bones for a year later. So could you imagine not knowing what is happening to your baby girl if she’s alive or if she’s being tortured you don’t know… Yes her mom needed help but to call her sick it’s just not right because her mom can read this!

      1. Kay

        Sick as in she has an illness. Not sick as in gross. This lady is ill and needs help; I am not judging her.

  14. Tornado

    I am trying to find articles on her sister Terrys murder. Can someone post a link to the story?

    1. marcy lily

      You have to pay a subscription price to read old newspapers online but it is worth it if you study history or crime . Terri’s articles are under The Anniston Star . Poor baby girl .
      Her killer is/was James Louis Betts and he had other victims . He was only caught after killing Terry but this man was a serial child killer / abuser .
      How did any of them survive this ? I get why her mom talked like she did , not condone it , but I get not ever wanting to live that type of pain again .
      When my daughter went missing over a year ago it nearly killed me . My husband and I struggle daily and sometimes I pray its all a dream . We have kind of found our daughter but she will not come home and will never be the same . We have been told to let go . It isn’t that easy .

      1. Sue Ellen Hegstrom

        You are strong…

      2. Staci wilson

        I am so sorry to hear your story. That is absolutely heartbreaking. I will pray for you, your husband and your daughter. 🖤

      3. Kara Bishop

        Marcy I’m so sorry for your loss and your pain… Thank you for leaving a message to help people understand what her mom was going through I truly hope you find peace and I will pray for you and your family 🙏🏼❤️


    I just found this link to her most recent arrest on 10/21/2016

  16. marcy lily

    Brittany’s father did indeed pass away but so did the sister that avoided being caught on film . According to the obituary for Allen , the dad , it clearly states he was preceded in death by two daughters , Terri Sharee Ross in 1981 and Tracy Dawn (Ross ) Baker in 2013 . She was only 44 . 44 is too damn young to die so this family has seen so much pain . I hope the mom is still seeking therapy or in a support group .

    1. marcy lily

      Pardon me Terri’s last name was Jones .

      1. Cindie Little

        Terri’s last name The little girl? I wonder what that is about it doesn’t make sense does it?

  17. renee

    holy cow. Too much tragedy. You can’t even comprehend it. I understand WHY she’s so bad off.
    BTW, it’s shocking and sad to see that, though she’s still young, she looks completely ravaged and terrible from the drugs. this country has to stop punishing these people. At the root, it’s a medical problem and an emotional one. people want to stop but the urge is too great. It’s an epidemic in this country and a lot more must be done. Whole generations will be wiped out by this. so much suffering. Where is God ?

  18. rena

    holy cow. Too much tragedy. You can’t even comprehend it. I understand WHY she’s so bad off.
    BTW, it’s shocking and sad to see that, though she’s still young, she looks completely ravaged and terrible from the drugs. this country has to stop punishing these people. At the root, it’s a medical problem and an emotional one. people want to stop but the urge is too great. It’s an epidemic in this country and a lot more must be done. Whole generations will be wiped out by this. so much suffering. Where is God ?

  19. Flo

    Sad for this poor family ☹️

  20. Dewey

    I guess Terry’s father wasn’t Johnnie. Hope this family has some peace

    1. Kara Bishop

      Who’s fathers name was Allen Johnson Ross II according to the obituary so he just goes by Johnny.

      1. Kara

        And maybe because Terrie’s last name is Jones it could be a possibility that she was raised by Johnny but maybe the mother had her with a different father with the last name Jones but was raised by Johnny so that’s her dad because he’s the one that raised her and this could be all wrong but just a guess…

  21. Katie

    Such a pretty girl with a very sad story. Sad to see that she’s still using & was arrested multiple times since the show.

  22. lexy

    She was so beautiful. I was really rooting for her and hoped that she would get clean and sober. So sad that she’s been in and out of trouble over the past decade. Drugs have absolutely ravaged her looks, it seems.

  23. Ami West

    So very sad for her and her entire family. She looks horrible.

  24. Dewey

    It’s really a mess and a ruined life. I wonder if it’s too late to save her

  25. Ami West

    It’s so sad to me that there’s no follow ups. I don’t think they understand how much people care.

  26. Kitty Katt

    She seems to be continuing to struggle. Sad.

  27. Brett

    OMG y’all. So I’ve low-key had an unhealthy obsession with a handful of the early intervention episodes, Brittany’s episode tying for first place with Sylvia’s of course. I’ve been directed to this page a few times in the past which is where I saw her post in the comments from 2016 & learned her last name. I’ve searched her on FB using that name multiple times over the last couple years with no luck….. but then today…… the holy grail unveiled itself… I searched FB & BAM the first result is Brittany’s newly created FB (Jan.2019) &&&& NOTHING IS PRIVATE, SHE’S UPDATING EVERY 5 MINS, & IT’S JUST EPIC Y’ALL. Everybody’s there. Grandmomma’s still there being her cute lil “gimme out this rigamarole befarrr i have a harrrdd atttackkk!” Diane still the same ole enabler feelin swishes. It’s not quite the happy ending we’d all prefer, but it’s better than darker alternatives. PS-I actually live in Bham, AL too, but swear I was a Brittany STAN a min before I ever put 2 & 2 together that she was from Birmingham. Anyway, without further ado:

  28. Simon

    wow she looks awful now. So sad. She was so pretty before.

    She was set up to fail since birth. Her mother went through a horrific tragedy in losing terri, and was not prepared to take care of Brittany. I don’t blame the mother for having another child after Terri died, I know she needed it to survive. It’s just tragic. Seems like a happy, normal family, that was just hit hard by life.

  29. Brooke

    you can find the newspaper clippings for free if you search the daughter’s name “terri sharee jones”.

    here’s the clipping:

  30. Brooke

    also, where were the bottom line’s in this episode? some episodes they don’t give bottom lines, i don’t get it. like in this case, the bottom lines would have been huge since she is so dependent on her family for transportation, money, a roof over her head, etc. maybe she would have stayed longer than 3 weeks if she knew she wouldn’t have a place to live etc if she didn’t.

  31. Family member

    Well I can tell you from the fact that i am a family member that she did not get clean she got worse and ended up using crack and meth. And as of sometime yesterday or today she has passed away probably due to a drug over dose.

  32. Melissa

    It appears Brittany has died. Her brother posted it on his facebook page. Here it is:

    1. Dizzy

      Damn. Thanks for posting.

  33. May

    Looks like this was her most recent Facebook:

    Sad to hear of her passing.

  34. Anonymous

    My heart goes out to this family. I hope Brittany is at peace.

  35. Kitty Katt

    So sad to hear the news. Her poor mother must be in so much pain.

  36. Gg

    Brittany was one I really hoped would make it but i didn’t think would. She got started on her path so young and didn’t seem to have any clear skills or hopes or dreams, though maybe they existed and were filmed and cut during editing. The area she was from also seemed bleak. This episode definitely stuck with me all these years. Brittany and her family were beautiful and I felt this was one of the best shot episodes. Glad she’s no longer in pain, but can’t imagine how much her mama is in. Damn

  37. Tazz

    I checked up on Brittany quite often. I saw how much she was struggling and hoped she would one day find the help and safety she so deserved. I was very worried for this day. I can’t imagine the pain her family is in; her poor mother. I hope Brittany is finally at peace. Love and blessings to her family 💕
    I’m a premed/predoctoral student (haven’t decided which yet) and hope to do work related to trauma and addiction. Something needs to be done… We are losing way too many people, and it’s soul-shattering.

  38. Sophie

    So incredibly sad. I just saw the episode today and tried looking her up and found this. I am a recovering addict, been clean almost a year and I just wish I could reach out to her mom and hug her so tightly. That poor mother has been through unimaginable suffering.

    1. Kara Bishop

      Sophie I feel the exact same way… I wish there were someway that all of us who felt this way could reach out to her mother and maybe bring her some peace!!!!

  39. Maz

    I have never witnessed such a toxic set up! I thought my mum was an enabler with my brother, but she actually believed him when he said he wasn’t using. Brittany’s mum is actually being her dealer and enabling her, whilst ignoring her other daughter. I feel sorry for Brittany as she has been shaped by her mother’s guilt over her dead sister. This girl was gang raped and yet they are still enabling her to go to these houses! She needs therapy and discipline, boundaries set. The mother also needs therapy too so she can cope with her kids and stop putting her guilt on the kids. The other daughter is craving love and even said that she was never photographed or loved as much. I’m sorry to hear the eventual deaths in this family, in addition to Terry and the fact that their dad withdrew and would not communicate. This is the most screwed up family set up I’ve ever seen!!

  40. Stephanie Standley

    I also just saw her episode last night, she and her whole family really stole my heart, RIP beautiful soul . . . fly free and light in the Heavens with your Angels . . . <3 yes this is her most recent page, lots of songs ans pics and little live videos with her family at home in the 2 weeks before she passed, she had such great love for them

  41. Darren Jones

    I saw that episode just tonight, and had to see how she was doing, was so upset to hear about her passing. I pray her family are not in too much pain, although I’m sure they are all busted up! That poor mother, bless you and please forgive yourself, it was not your fault, nor was your first child your fault. Put your energy into your living family, they all need your love and care now more than ever. I will pray for your family tonight, even though I’m not that religious at all, but I will do that because I really feel like I need to do that for some reason, why I do not know? I am an addict from way back, and probably should have been dead long ago, but here I still am thanks to my family, and some very forgiving angels I believe? I have been addicted to opiates since 1981. I’ve done them all including the Dilaudids that poor Brittany was addicted to. I wished I could tell you and everyone else that I was now, and have been clean for years, but that would be a lie, I am still using opiates pretty much whenever I can. I’m currently on a methadone script, and have been for the past 10 years. I feel this has definitely helped me survive as long as I have, just because it keeps me well and not having to go out there doing crime and whatnot? And also so I can keep up a job which I think is another reason. But most of all is because of my son, who has just lost his mother through sickness, and there is no way I’m going to put him through losing both of his parents thru no fault of his own, and deserves to have a dad that is loving and caring and is trying his best to keep his addiction to a bear minimum for his sons sake. I only wished poor Brittany felt the same about her suffering family, but in her defence I know how damn hard it is to quit opiates. It is the hardest thing I ever did, and I was only successful for 6 years, but it was the best 6 years of my adult life, and I’m so glad that I was able to do that, but such a shame I couldn’t continue! It is truly the devils drug! I will pray for your family tonight, especially your mom, and god bless you all, and may your tragedies finally be at an end!! And I hope Brittany is in a real cool place looking down on her loved ones with anticipation of one day them joining her in whatever there is out there waiting for us? Love and Peace…. Darren Jones

  42. Holly

    Brittany’s story stuck with me over the years. I was shocked to see not only of her passing while visiting this site, but of a few others that recently passed. I can’t even imagine the pain her mother must be going through and her entire family. I’m viewing her episode again that she posted on one of her few facebook pages. I find it cool that we had some of the same taste in music (she posted a lot of music videos). Rest In Peace Brittany! 🙁

  43. Venus

    does anyone know how she died

  44. Kitty Katt

    Just watched her episode again. Knowing that she’s passed away made this even more tragic to watch. I can’t even imagine the suffering this family has gone through.

  45. Tina

    Rest In Peace Brittany ✨

  46. Kitty Katt

    Just wanted to share this with everyone…..

    I reached out to Michelle via FB private messenger and she was kind enough to respond to me.

    Here is what she said:

    Thank you for sharing compassion. Mom hasn’t been herself. Dad died in a car wreck and my older sister died 5 months before he died. And now Brittany. It’s been hell but God is giving us strength and hope

  47. Interventionfan

    There is a reddit page regarding Brittany and her sisters death.. In the post, someone commented that Brittany was found on her back porch apparently placed there after having an overdose by who ever she was with.. They took the time to put her head on a pillow before leaving her for her family to find her.

  48. Leah

    The man who murdered Terry died in prison this summer.

    What a sad, horrible ordeal.

  49. Karen Schlesinger

    This girl passed away.
    If your going to keep airing this episode, include what happened in the end.

    1. Stefan

      A & E are the ones responsible for that. This is a fan site.

  50. Linda

    What happened to her fiance Jason ???

    1. Jan

      Her obituary said that she was survived by her husband Jason. The same Jason posted on her FB page so I followed the link to his page to see that he died of cancer in 2019. But I don’t know if he was the same Jason from the show.

  51. Mr.Wolf

    It is so sad and painful to know Brittany passed away. It hurts so much to hear the hurt both herself and her family have lived through! Life is so not fair…I so badly wanted a happy and better life for Brittany and live the beautiful life that she deserves.

  52. Kara

    Dizzy I think the date for when Brittany passed away is wrong it says September 9 on the update but on her obituary it says September 10, 2019.

  53. Kara Bishop

    You know the more I’ve been watching intervention i’ve been feeling like kicking your child out of the house may sometimes not be a good consequence for some, for some it might be. I know that Ken The interventionist has recently supported safe Injection sites where are you can safely use hard drugs. You can look it up by googling “ helping hard drug users do drugs will save lives“. I just feel like sometimes an addict, who’s not ready to quit, may be kicked out and they’re still going to use drugs because they are just not ready and really strong in their addiction and they’re going to be out on the streets and overdosing with no one around to save them. I know that if they’re at home they sometimes will still use drugs not at home, but some addicts like to do drugs only at home. And if they’re at home the family can check on them, make sure they’re using new needles,(These injection sites provide new needles) and they can have Narcan at home. A lot of addicts may use with their friends or on the streets, because they’re not allowed to be home, and when they overdose their friends are scared to call 911 because they’re all using and there’s drugs everywhere. If they’re home, this might save lives. I know they might not seek treatment sooner, but again it might save their life, and treatment can still be an option. I believe there’s other bottom lines that the families can use like never giving them money, only providing food, and never driving them to get drugs. I’m not sure yet what I believe, this is just something that I’ve been thinking about while I’ve been watching intervention daily… my heart goes out to Brittany and her amazing and loving family, at least she’s at peace, and I send my thoughts and prayers to their family… God bless them! 🙏🏼❤️

  54. Ingrid

    this poor kid always had to be like Sherri her sister that was violently murdered her mother thought for sure Brittany was a reincarnation heartbreaking Rest Easy Brittany 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

    1. Angelica

      Her sister’s name was Terry.

  55. Ingrid

    man this poor family has been through the ringer before brittney died from an overdose her Father johnny also died as well as terry my god how terrible this has got to be for her mother ….. was sad she was found on her porch but whoever put her there probobly did the most kindest thing they could do so her body wouldnt be found in a drughouse or somewheres….. still the mother lost first her daughter terry then her husband then brittney she is in my prayers

    1. Kara Bishop

      Yes, and to place her head on the pillow I feel shows this…

    2. Kara Bishop

      & Ingrid it is nice to read a comment from someone who seems to understand the way I feel also!

      1. Karina mor


  56. Joey

    I was checking up on Brittany’s brother Chris, and I discovered that about a week ago he was shot twice during a robbery. He survived, and as of a day ago seems to be doing better. Here is a gofundme set up by his son for his recovery:

    This is the Facebook account of his wife that has more information:

    1. Angelica

      His wife looks like his grandmother who has nothing going on in her life and posts stupid status updates every two hours. Why is his preteen son with a robber mask the one to create a gofundme page? They only made $10 so not sure what’s up with that. This family needs serious help overall. Michelle seemed like the only one based in reality the entire episode.