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S10E4 Latisha

Season 10, Episode 4


Age: 39
Location: Kalamzaoo, Michigan
Addiction: Crack
What’s memorable: Latisha appears to really like herself and her life, fancying herself popular and well liked, but the image she has of herself is a bit different from how people actually see her, as her daughter says. 20 hours a day smoking crack at her kitchen table, she can’t be too popular. Her kids at the intervention were heartbreaking. So glad she went to treatment.

Legacy Update:

Official synopsis:  A mother of three, Latisha will go to any lengths to feed her crack addiction, including prostitution. Having been abandoned by her own parents because of their addictions, she’s happy with her life and just wants her family to get off her back, but the needs of her young daughter Tuesday are going unmet. There’s only one way to save Latisha from her herself–an intervention.

Original Air Date: July 2011
Interventionist: Candy

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  1. Val

    This episode was in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

  2. Gina

    is latisha currently clean? is her daughter sadiha drinking heavily?

    1. RThomas

      I don’t know about her daughter but I do believe she is clean – she apparently ended up going back to the Prescott AZ treatment center after her relapse – at least according to Facebook (I was so curious as to what happened after watching this episode on amazon prime last night – found some stuff saying she was a life coach at the prescott place…I knew the minute it said she moved back to MI she would relapse…so at least it looks like she went back to AZ & got clean again). I doubt her daughter is using though….that girl seemed to have her sh*t together…

  3. Christie

    LaTisha if you ever read this I just want you to know that I am proud of your recovery. My moma has been a crack addict, alcoholic, and with her being ill she now abuses pain meds also. I’m 31 and I don’t remember her being sober longer than 60 days but I can remember attending meeting with her just to support her. She still uses and it has made our relationship astranged but I know its a sickness. So just to see 1 person make it, its a blessing. Keep up the good work.

    1. Melissa Rice

      Is latisha still clean?

      1. Dizzy

        As of March 2016, Latisha is clean and works as a sober life coach.

  4. Amir Malik Shabazz

    It kinda took me back watch this program I looked at you and ” DAM ” such a beautiful mother and caught up in the game! I am good to hear your doing the right thing and getting back on track, keep on keeping on sister and you’ll be at peace with the world around. God bless ????????

  5. Sara Lee

    Latisha, I watched the Intervention show today, about you, your precious children, and your parents. Your beautiful children made me weep at their tears during your intervention meeting.
    Seeing you healthy and so beautiful, was inspiring to others I know. Keep up the fight, and keep on keeping on!!!

  6. Kim

    What a fabulous woman with a fabulous family!

  7. Hector

    This is one of my favorite episodes and post-show success stories. Her family speaking at the intervention made me cry my eyes out with them. I am so happy for Latisha and her family! And that Latisha is helping others to overcome addiction. Latisha … your family and this positive path you are on are things very much to be proud of! You have truly become a queen!

  8. Tori

    Drug addiction has plagued black communities for years, but Latisha is only the second black woman I’ve seen on Intervention, so this episode really touched me. I think it’s the only episode that had me crying like a baby. I’m so proud of her.

    1. Sarcastic_Goth

      I agree, when I watched the episode, it was like I was looking at my own mother. She’s been a crack addict since before I was even born (24+ years) and has had many relapses, I truly cried watching this episode– Latisha even physically looks like my mother.

  9. Alice Schmid

    “Y’all cannot keep me CLEAN!” is what the situation is.

    This woman is brilliant! that says it all. Why do the interventionists not address relapse?

    1. Kara Bishop

      YES!!! Even if they do it as a spin off of intervention!!! Hear that A&E

  10. Greg E.

    any updates on those three beautiful children?

  11. SJanvier

    I looked at latisha’s FB recently she seems to be doing good! Her son I believe is in jail. Her daughter Sadiha is a realtor AND teacher with 2 kids and owns a beauitful home, very succesful! Tuesday now has a son and seems to be alright.

    1. Kara Bishop

      The link to her Facebook isn’t working for me… So thank you for the update! During the intervention, I cried like a baby listening to her the heartfelt testimony of her three kids! This intervention had candy, written all over it! Love her!! Very sad to hear about Solomon. I knew Sadiha would be living a successful life! I hope Tuesday has found true love in being a mother. I did worry about her, thinking that she might someday follow in the Family cycle of addiction, being that she never had a mother and had so much anger inside. It was really hard to watch Tuesday wanting her mom to sit with her at the table to just talk with her, and her mother to completely reject her in such a mean and hurtful way! And it really hurt me to see Latisha look out her mom’s blinds and and hide from her “ little kid”. But I understand it was her addiction affecting her behavior. I really hope that Latisha is still in recovery and working at a sober house. I think that the only way for her to stay sober would be to help other addicts in their sobriety. My thoughts and prayers are with the entire family! They all deserve so much love and happiness!! And I just want to say one more time… I truly loved her children and as a mom, I just wanted to reach into the television to lovingly hug all three of them!! 🫶🏼❤️

  12. Melissity

    Good for Latisha for going back to treatment after her relapse!
    I found Solomon’s arrest record and was sad to learn he got 4 years for dealing drugs. He’s out as of 2019 and there hasn’t been anything since, so I’m taking that as a good sign!

    Link below. Scroll to the bottom of the page to agree to the TOS, last name: Bennett First name: Solomon, change offender status to “ALL” and search.

  13. Kara Bishop

    Yes Latisha is all about recovery!! Still living in Arizona and working at the recovery house… And living for her kids and grandkids!! That family finally has the love, support, and happiness that they all deserve! This makes me so happy, I can’t even explain it in words! 🙏🏼

  14. J

    this ep always stuck out to me due to how “happy” (loosely used here) Latisha seemed in active addiction. most addicts are outright miserable or at least unhappy with some aspects of their life, but she insisted she liked her life and wouldn’t change even when she had to resort to prostituting. could’ve been a front, who knows. either way, it’s wonderful she got clean! i hope the best for her and her family ❤️

  15. Molly

    candy is the best interventionist! her ability to tap into those kids’ emotions and exactly what Tanisha needed to hear as a mom (even if she couldn’t pronounce her name correctly, lol) was so paramount. sobbing!

  16. Molly

    wow, my autocorrect changed Latisha to Tanisha 🤦‍♀️

  17. Michaela

    Just watched this episode, this intervention was powerful and amazing. the children’s speeches, they are so sweet and strong. The mask Latisha was putting on of having a great time finally breaking and seeing her show real emotional and omg Candy crying!