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Buy Me a Coffee

Season 13, Episode 5


Age: 31
Location: New Bedford, Massachussettes
Addiction: Heroin
What’s memorable: The things he does for money, how crossed his eyes get when he’s loaded, the ex-girlfriend best friend that he’s hopelessly in love with. And I love that he’s grateful for the intervention as its happening. That’s rare.

Update:  Sadly, Eric McDonnell died of a heroin overdose on August 19th, 2017.  Here is his obituary. 

Official Synopsis: Eric, 31, has been known by his family for being funny, generous and full of life. But his downward spiral into addiction has replaced all of his amazing traits and turned him into a junkie who hustles, steals and pawns.

Original Air Date: July 2013
Interventionist: Donna

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  1. Lissa

    Just got to see the rerun on LMN network. It was a beautiful episode. Unfortunately the rerun didn’t show the recovering addicts. I would love to see that part. I hope Eric is still doing well.

    1. Hannah, new bedford ma

      Eric has passed away from an overdose. On heroin he struggled with ot.. Hos family shipped him away again i met him on new bedford where he was not in good condition and hoped he would of got it together i pray for his family im a recovering addict myself!

      1. Shayla

        I was hoping he’d get better and eventually marry Val!):

      2. C faria

        Being that he was in New Bedford pretty much says that he wasn’t doing good. Lived here all my life and if you’re an addict, you’re only in New Bedford for the heroin. Most of the heroin going to Brockton and the Cape comes from here. At least he’s not walking through hell anymore.

      3. Jessica

        Eric was a good friend of mine. He wasn’t living in New Bedford MA, that info is incorrect. Be was living and working in Michigan with his live-in gf, soon to be fiance (not Val, a new girl). She found the ring hidden in their dresser when packing his clothes a day or two after he passed away 💔😭 The wake & funeral were held here in MA in his hometown area. RIP Eric 💕

  2. Claudette

    I’m curious on Eric’s recovery and I believe his story would help others with similar background via speaking engagements.

  3. Sarah Thomas

    “The next morning the first thing I said was, ‘Are we gonna cross that sand?'”

  4. BMB

    Where did you read this news about Eric?

  5. Gregory Moore

    Bobbie, I think you may have gotten Eric confused with someone else. There’s no mention in the “In Memoriam” section that he had passed away. Unless someone else can confirm otherwise, I think we can consider Eric one of the “success” stories. I certainly do hope so. He seems to have a heart of gold and his “happy ending” was a nice, positive note to end the original run episodes on (his story was the final episode).

    1. Kay

      He has passed away 2 days ago. Extremely sad news to all who knew him.

    2. Nick

      It’s officially posted on interventions website he has passed. It was one of my favorite episodes because of how he recovered. It’s truly tragic.

  6. jlo27916

    Eric is very much alive and well (thank god). I am his friend on Facebook. He looks great and is sober :), and is also still with us here on earth 😉

    1. Samantha

      It was so sweet that Valarie understood that for them both to be happy and have a successful recovery, she needed to step back. Are they friends now? Or have they stayed away from one another? It was so unfortunate that they met during his addiction, because it was obvious they both loved and cared deeply for each user.

      1. Meg

        No he met her before he became addicted.

    2. Susie

      I’ve never rooted for someone on the show as much as Eric. He seems to have a heart of gold. His attitude during the intervention was surprising considering the length of his addiction.

      I have tremendous respect for his father. I think the key to his success was the very strong values his father taught Eric as a child. Please tell Eric we are cheering for him.

  7. Kat R.

    I think this was one of the most moving episodes, in terms of the production and of course Eric himself. There was just something about him that was so incredibly endearing…his absolute honesty, plus he seemed like he would be just a fun person to be around.

    Production wise I thought this episode was one of the best. The out-of-sequence interviews, the camera pull backs and the off-camera conversations with the producers make this one a little different. The music was different from any other episode I can recall. It was very dark and electronic, and a bit louder than in other episodes. I could see how some people might not like it, but personally the music really hit me emotionally and made the storyline that much more compelling. Such a contrast between this episode and the most recent season. I wish they would have continued in this style but oh well.

    Donna did really well here, getting Val to agree to cut ties with him. That was wrenching. All in all this one was so memorable.

    Eric, wishing you all the best. You deserve it.

    1. Christa

      Katie R. I think the very opposite of Donna! She sucks! She was so so so rude, especially to Eric’s father!

      1. Christa

        **That should be Kat R. Not Katie R.**

      2. Tony

        She just gives the have to be have to remember. The parents are just as sick as Eric..maybe more, there already in full blown enabling mode..someone has to step in a put a foot down..or there just putting nails in his coffin, just like she said, trust me..I’m an alcholic /addict myself. .if saw an opening or weakness when I was doing my thing, it was on..she’s a good in my book????

      3. Francis Strait

        I agree, my husband and I were high together and when we went to treatment both of our counselors spent all 28 days trying to get us to not see eachother because there was a 100% chance we would get high again, we weren’t married at the time. We didn’t listen and 15 years later we’re still together and never relapsed. Counselors are just humans and can’t see all aspects of a relationship. I wonder if her advice was another source of pain for Eric that was too hard to work through in the end.

    2. Donna

      wishing you the best as well!!

  8. Joe

    I’m just wondering if Eric and Val ended up with each other and got married because the both of them looked truly in love with each other but Eric’s addiction prevented them to move forward. Thanks

  9. Maria

    Erics story was so moving , a mass native myself I have seen first hand mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters of loving families struggle with addiction in my hometown. It was like a heroin epidemic in my town. I had to move out but saw so many people not being able to overcome their addiction. Eric has a wonderful family it seems like! I actually found his facebook after a carver mass fb page posted about the intervention episode and he commented on it expressing his gratitude for the show and sorrow of so many children in his hometown falling down similar paths. From his facebook it says he lives in west palm beach, fl and has a very beautiful girlfriend pictured with him ! So glad he’s doing well for himself , it seemed like he had a huge heart! Stay strong !

  10. joe

    I really like Eric and was rooting for him from the start. Great family too. I’m from New England and can totally relate to his story as I’m a recovering addict as well. You can tell he’s a great guy deep down. I’ve met a ton of junkies like him up around Beantown. A lot of them don’t make it unfortunately. Watching this episode I could totally imagine being right there with him doing the same crap day in and day out. I hope he’s doing great today!

  11. Jordy

    Man, the stupid A&E app crashes EVERY TIME I try to finish this episode, so I still have yet to see the outcome. But agreeing with the majority here, Eric seems like a totally awesome human being, and I really hope he maintains his sobriety. At first I wasn’t sure if I liked the “style” of this episode since it’s so vastly different that any other episode I’ve seen, but the interviews with the family were very poignant and the overall tone of the episode is more tangible because of the high production value. Hope to see more episodes like this in the future!

  12. Julie

    Sadly he’s not sober and is joking about it on Facebook

    1. Nanette

      What is his fb name? I watched this episode last night and I was hoping he was sober.

      1. Sam

        Just watched this episode… I grew up in Massachusetts and this was so sad to watch. Too many friends that I grew up with have fallen victim to this epidemic. I’m really pulling for Eric and hoping that he stays clean. I checked FB and we have a lot of mutual friends, his name is Eric McDonnell

  13. Mona Estrada

    Is Eric presently “clean?” And what became of his best friend Val? Did they end up staying together?

  14. Duchess

    This episode was on again today….first of all, I really think it needs to be said that I believe Donna is a terrible interventionist. I’ve watched this show since its inception and I think she is dangerous. Her approach is so abrasive that I’m honestly surprised she’s had any success. when they got ready for the intervention, I was praying for Ken or Jeff, and I was horrified when I saw how she handled Eric’s dad.

    I looked Eric up on FB and from what I can see, he appears to still be sober and working in roofing. He has a new girlfriend, who looks a bit like a (very) rough version of Valerie. Speaking of Valerie, they are friends on FB and she appears to be single. She is a nutritional and fitness advisor of some kind, so I hope she has moved on with her life. She seemed to be addicted to him….it was a very unhealthy relationship. I’m glad that she was tough with him during the intervention – I don’t think they would have gotten him to go if she hadn’t. I shudder to think how far down he would have gone if he hadn’t gone.

    The fact that he succeeded at rehab shows Eric has a good heart. He is a handsome man, and even though he had the pasty, grey skin color of a heroin addict, he was lucky that he didn’t lose his looks as most heroin addicts do. He was on borrowed time for it happening though – a few more years on the needle and he would have lost his body mass, his hair, his teeth would start weakening, skin get ravaged, etc. He’s very lucky.

    I have nothing but hope for Eric and his sweet father. I think his dad touched me most of all. What a terrific man!

    1. MMuah

      Donna is one of my favorite interventionists. She stays true to reality. Most of them are sharp, quick, and to the point. She obviously has a style, because it works.

  15. Christina

    Thank God, intervention, Eric’s family and Eric himself!

  16. Joe

    Hope all is well with Eric. Just stumbled onto this page while I was surfing the ‘net. I used to do roofing on the Cape and around the seacoast of NH. Till I started commercial fishing. I could see Eric working on a boat too-probably love it. Hard work like roofing. Good luck to Eric and his family.

  17. katie

    he is sober and doing great. my sister works with him at the rehab he is working at and he spent thanksgiving with our family this year!!!

    1. katie

      used to work with him

  18. J

    Just looked him up on FB, apparently he’s here in Michigan now. looks like he’s doing all right, no mention of sobriety obviously, and lives far enough away from me that we don’t have any mutual friends for me to ask. Looks good though!

  19. Shawna Herrick

    Hi my name is Shawna I was impressed with Eric I live in northern Michigan was wondering how he is doing ? Did he move to Michigan ?

  20. Melanie

    I’ve seen Eric’s story a few times.. 8t moved me and just wanted to know how he was doing?

    1. K

      I am very, very sad to say that Eric has just recently passed away. Many, many of his friends are deeply saddened to hear this news. It’s terribly heartbreaking. He fought a tough fight. He fought a long fight. Deeply sorry to hear this news.

  21. Richard Creedon Jr

    You are so cool! I wish I had a friend like you. God bless you.
    Richard Creedon

  22. Des

    It’s sad to say Eric passed away today no mention of it be drug related as I’ve seen thru being facebook friends with him and thru small chats he was clean and doing well . RIP

  23. Kat

    I have a friend who was very close with eric. Just found out he passed today. This disease is ruthless and will attack whenever you let your guard down. If anyone is struggling with addiction please seek help. This is no joke.

  24. Na

    Unfortunately Eric has officially passed away this weekend. Even though he lost his battle with his demons I know he impacted thousands of lives in a positive manner. RIP Eric you can now fly free of your disease. I pray that his passing can yet be another impact on others who suffered with the same demons he did. Praying for his family and close friends.

  25. Mandy

    Eric passed away this weekend. I don’t know what to say.

  26. Amy

    I’m friends with Eric on Facebook & unfortunately he has passed away. Not sure if it happened yesterday or today. Everybody on his Facebook page are posting messages & RIP. So very sad!!!!! I loved his episode & was truly rooting for him to be one of the survivers from this awful disease! It seemed like he was doing really well & had been clean for a while. But I’m not sure maybe he relapsed recently after reading some of the post. My sincere condolences to all his family & friends!!! My heart breaks for all of them especially his parents & girlfriend!!

  27. Hannah, new bedford ma

    So sad to hear about eric passing i met him in new bedford where he wasnt in the best of shape and needed a place to stay and said his family kicked him out i tried finding him a place but he needed help but being a recovering addict i know why his family did what they did.. I know they are suffering right now and this disease is the hardest thing to live with… I could only imagine as a parent of an addict.. I hope i never have to go through this im so sorry to his family and i wish he could of got this but it is soo hard rest in the sweetest peace Eric xo

  28. Kay

    Very sad. He was such a positive guy and tried to help so many people. I will always remember his smile.

  29. TMZ

    It is so heartbreaking that Eric lost his battle, Eric fought long and hard, this disease just gets its claws in you and sinks its teeth in your neck and you want so badly to rip that monster off your back and you try and you try and sometimes you win, but it’s always there, always waiting for the first chance your not on your guard so it can once again get its hellish grip and starts to steal your life. Eric fought this disease hard. He wanted nothing more then to be the person he really was, not to be addicted to drugs just be good old Eric Using or not Eric was amazing, He made friends easy and had so so many. The friends he had who had children most of them thought of him as uncle Eric. He made them all feel special in their own way. Many hearts are broken today. But Eric no longer needs to fight rest easy my friend. You will never be forgotten. XoXo forever in our heart

  30. Johnathan

    One of the things that was noticeable from the get go this episode that shocked me was how buff he was for a heroin addict and considering how long he’d been into the substance I couldn’t see how. I just got into this show and am hooked and all the other heroin addicts were tiny from lack of care I guess. Never been addicted to anything though so I have no idea.
    R.I.P. To this beautiful man.

    1. Landon Jackson

      I agree . That dude was a monster . I have been on and off with this disease for 30 years . Never have I seen anyone stay they buffed and his face still had meat it. I fall apart in months . And that Cole weather tearing those AC units apart dope sick. #STUD . I thought the exact same thing though . He was a beast . Wish I would have known him . Been clean 4 years now . Wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy

  31. GH

    I wish you all could have known Eric. He was a jokester, a hard worker and a great friend. He was my brother’s best friend. You only get a small piece of Eric and not an everyday portrayal of what he was from this show. This show temporarily saved his life. For all if you that followed him and cheered him on, thank you. Today was one of the hardest days of our lives.

  32. Douglas D Popolow

    He was my co-worker in FL, I truly liked the man. Humor, honesty, introspective. He had his demons, but I always encouraged him to stay on the right path. In his short life, he saw more and did more than most people. RIP.

    1. Nick

      He was one damn hard worker

  33. Scott

    Damn hearing this news hurts. This episode stuck with me because of Eric’s likability. I kept thinking damn, heroin is a scourge if it can get to a guy like this. Good looking guy with a work ethic and hands that could rip a phone book in half. Heroin just snuffed out a hell of a guy. Fuck that drug is a menace.

  34. Julissa

    RIP Eric…just saw a re-run of the episode he came out in a few days ago. What a handsome guy. My condolences to the family, especially his father who loved his son very much.

  35. Nick

    I want you all to know eric was the greatest person I have ever knew he was my best friend since we were little we were inseparable and like brothers from different mother’s .my life has been torn apart since his passing but I know he is up there with our other best friend pj looking out for me .

  36. Jessie

    I just watched this episode again and I cried so much. I feel so sad for his family, especially now that he is no longer alive. He seemed like such a good guy.

    1. Nicolas hill

      Jessie Eric was my best friend he was such a great guy and my life will never be the same without him

  37. Toreigh

    I just watched his episode on Ramoins channel. With knowing that he had passed away and watching his episode, my heart literally aches. He was a good person with a bad addiction. And the emotions that poured from his father so utterly reminded me of how I feel for my own children. Such a sad shame. Very attractive man with a good heart. I send his family my condolences.

    1. Susie

      This comment reminded me (3 years later lol) of Ramoins YouTube channel! I was so sad to see that channel go. I used to watch it religiously. I hope Ramoin is doing ok out there.

      1. Stefan

        Yah those were fun times. I will forever love them for posting Betsy’s (the long missing) episode.

  38. Betsy Allen

    I feel for the family i know how the brothers feel it happened to my brothers one to they drug and one to alcohol it hurts for a good while that is one of my favorite episode the only reason i know he passed because i got one Google to see if him and val got to<uh kigether and i seen he overdosed and never made it i don't even know how his parents and brothers are going thru i feel for them so much after the show aired it feels like i got to know Kevin and the family I just want the family know i feel their pain going thru it myself and now my kids are doing it too they are 31 and 22 the older one injects it and the youger one smokes it wont be long before he gets tired of smoking it won't be enough anymore and move to the injection and thats a killer sooner or later but enough of that this is about ur son im so sorry for what happened i hope dad is ok his boys still need their father thank you for sharing what has happened

  39. Halley

    Val got engaged! It’s on her instagram! I’m so happy for her!

    1. Diane S

      Val is just beautiful. I hope that she is happy.

  40. cowboyz89

    Really enjoyed this episode. Eric seemed like such a fun, stand up guy who just fell down and struggled to get up. Its rare to see an addict that is so aware of what is going on, yet doesnt blame anyone else for their situation.

    His brothers that were cops seemed pretty standoff-ish like they were just done with the situation. Although it has to be awkward/embarrassing to have a brother that is committing crime around town and using drugs

    Glad Valerie is getting on with her life. She was clearly waiting for him, and he wasnt able to shake the addiction. Not to be disrespectful, but besides your family and your life, her waiting for you to clean up is a hell of a motivation to get sober in my eyes.

    But anyway hope the family is doing well and the father stayed sober.

    I still think Donna is too abrasive, but at least it didnt hold anything back in this episode.

  41. John

    What a waste and tragic loss.
    Condolences to his family

  42. suzB

    intervention is one of my favorite series on tv. I rewatch my fav episodes repeatedly. this is one of them. not only bc I think eric seems like sucha good person just completely swallowed in addiction, but also bc I think the production of this episode is one of a kind. from the interviews to the music..etc. this story is so sad..and is a prime example of how it don’t matter who you are, where your from, addiction does not discriminate. As an addict/alcoholic in recovery (with the help of maintenance) I route for each addict to get and stay clean..but Eric was special. seeing his update in treatment was so encouraging..he was glowing & seemed genuinely happy & at peace. it truly saddens me hes not on this earth anymore.

  43. Ryan

    As a MA resident I was instantly interested in this episode. And within moments I, like so many others, liked this guy very much. Until the scenes where he shoots up then gets behind the wheel.
    Suddenly the deepest sense of terror and grief of addiction truly rocked me to my core. The innocent lives put at stake when someone impaired is loose on the road changed my life forevermore.
    This was indisputably one of the most powerful episodes I’ve seen. And since cannot watch the program any longer.
    So YES, for MANY reasons this was one of the most earth shattering hours of television I feel has ever been broadcast. (sigh)

  44. Todd

    There isn’t much to say on this one other than what a shame. This guy had a ton going for him. I feel real sorry for his parents because you could tell they loved him dearly. Val as well, she also loved him in her own way. It’s a shame, drugs got the best of a guy that could have had a fantastic life.

  45. Suzvkb

    I commented before on this episode but one thing I forgot to mention was.. every parent (for the most part) of the addicted are all sad, distraught & heartbroken in their own way. but these parents break my heart. they look so incredibly sad. I cry harder at the follow up when they go see him after a few months clean then on any other scene from any episode. it hurts knowing they lost him.

  46. Brent

    I just saw this episode. It is absolutely my favorite I’ve seen. I feel in love with Eric and just the whole episode. I can not put into words the emotions it tapped me into. I of course cried during the episode and also when I checked into to see how he was doing and saw he had passed. I never knew you Eric but you touched my heart. My deepest sympathy to his family.

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