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Buy Me a Coffee

S14E3 Mike

Season 14, Episode 2


Age: 44
Location:  Goshen, Ohio
Addiction:  Heroin
What’s memorable: Snorting heroin (I haven’t seen that before), his constant lies and excuses, the way he treats his wife, leaving rehab early because withdrawal was uncomfortable. I really hope he has managed to stay sober since then, he was incredibly sick.

Official Synopsis: Mike lost his brother to cancer and his sister to suicide. This triggered a tragic downward spiral. Mike’s nightly habit of having a few beers quickly turned into raging alcoholism. Mike agreed to give up drinking. Unfortunately, he replaced alcohol with heroin.

Original Air Date: March 2015
Interventionist: Candy

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  1. Emily

    He’s got such a beautiful family. That was one thing that stood out to me is how gifted and handsome both his sons are and how damaged they are psychologically by their father’s addiction. Mike has been through so much pain that I could see why he started using… I honestly doubt he’s stayed clean if he couldn’t last in rehab for a month, but I hope his family can find happiness someday and his sons can achieve the success they deserve and not go down the same path.

    1. Deb

      Mike died, sadly. AE put it on their website.

      1. Dizzy

        Oh no, really? Do you have a link so I can verify? I couldn’t find it on the site. Thanks.

      2. c

        I’m pretty sure you mean the other Mike from the Mike/Jenny episode. I found one of his son’s facebook and there’s no mention of his death. Either way I hope he’s okay he seemed like a cool guy

      3. Andrew

        No he didn’t I’m sitting with him right now

      4. xander

        Thats totally not true. I just got off the phone with him.

  2. Cascade

    kristen from season 2 episode 6 also snorted heroin

  3. ashley

    You can and inject( obvious one there) that’s why there’s more people turning to heroin..for the ones that are scared of needles.. There is now other alternatives..sadly enough

  4. JadeNZer

    His sons broke my heart.. I am disappointed that his wife let him come back home after he skipped out, she and the kids really don’t need any more hurt and it might well have been the enforcement he needed.. I wonder how they’re all doing today.

    1. JadeNZer

      Found his sons Facebook’s and what now looks like his ex also.. Hope they all find happiness

  5. Bethany Semm

    Any update on Mike?

  6. Toreigh

    My heart was heavy for his sons.

  7. Sue Ellen Hegstrom

    I wonder sometimes, do the lines and excuses stay or go with recovery?

    1. Stefan

      Depends on if the person was that way before they started using.

  8. Jeleigh

    Seriously!? No one else thinks this is the most staged thing you’ve ever seen!?! I’m sorry. I don’t doubt he did drugs but family “15 min” is a joke and disgusting

    1. Jeleigh's a trollyturd

      If you really believe any of this is staged then YOU’RE disgusting. These people let cameras into the darkest part of their lives to show that there can be hope after addiction. The show can be extremely motivational and hopeful if you’re living the same life as those featured. The most real and unstated reality show there has ever been, sorry you’re blind to realities of this world. His family hardly had 15 minutes of anything but televised pain, honesty and hurt. Sorry your life is so bad that you feel the need to troll on those suffering.

  9. Mr.Wolf

    Can anyone update if he is sober now? The ending was weird, he left treatment because he couldn’t take the withdrawals with support of nurse medical support, but got clean at home cold turkey? Not doubting him, just would love more info.

  10. warren

    Mike was my friend on Hickam AFB in Hawaii when his wife was in the Air Force.He used to always tell me i should move to Ohio.His sons were only babies when i knew him.He was the best car mechanic i ever knew.One thing nobody knows is that Mike and Melissa went to visit Hawaii (big Island) and brought black sand from the beach back to Oahu.Big NO NO.He was soo excited lol but when i told him it was bad luck , he said “ah thats for the Hawaiians and i said no Mike its for everybody im born and raised here it sounds silly even to me but i would never do it.One night he told me him and Melissa were having problems and not getting along as before.I asked,told begged emplored him to take it back offer Pele a gift like a bottle of liquor leave it on the rocks and just apologize and explain you didnt know.Told him nothing to lose but money for ticket which is dirt cheap and this was in the early nineties. I did not know about his brother and sister,that would devastate most.Mike was always a great husband father and friend.I still think of his maroon 1979 Berlinetta Camaro he had. I wonder if A&E would be willing to give me their address or phone number?