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Buy Me a Coffee

Season 14, Episode 12


Age: 36
Location: Bradenton, Florida
Addiction: Dilaudid

Legacy Update:

Official Synopsis: Erin spent her teens and 20’s as an A-list rock-n-roll groupie, but a prescription to relieve neck pain got her hooked on Dialudid. Now her mother raises her 5 year old son while Erin prostitutes herself to maintain her habit.  Her family calls on Sylvia Parsons, who was intervened on by Jeff VanVonderen in 2006, and who became the first subject of Intervention to ever make the transition to interventionist.

Original Air Date: August 2015
Interventionist: Sylvia

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  1. Tom

    What a shock to see a former addict from the show come back as an interventionist! I was so happy to see this. Kudos to the producers on this fantastic idea. It was sad to see that Erin relapsed, and even more sadder for her son.

    1. Kat R.

      She was just right for Erin, too. Sweet and caring. Such a sad follow up.

      1. Dizzy

        I liked her style a lot. “Your family is here because they want to help you better than they’ve been able to before.” That’s a gentle but honest way to put it. And I think there’s something about that deep southern charm that eases people. Yeah I just love Sylvia. So cool to see her on the other side.

  2. Kat

    So disappointing…. just after 10 days, I guess prostitution and drugs are more important than her son. Terribly sad

    1. Tonya

      Have you ever been addicted to drugs/alcohol? If not, you really shouldn’t say too much. I have been addicted to drugs since I graduated high school, I am now 40. I have been to treatment 5 times. Yes it works for a while but you have to continuously work on staying clean. Sometimes life gets difficult and then you have to deal with stuff that’s happened in the past and it’s just easier to stop working so hard. It’s NOT that we don’t care about our families or our children, it’s just harder to deal with all the other BAD sfuff.

      1. Chris

        I’m a recovering addict and I have to stay honest with my self to stay sober my biggest problem is I’m self centered
        (Fuck everybody and everything else ) see my problem.

      2. Pat

        I agree. I have been addicted to prescription pain meds and alcohol. Like Erin I was raped and sexually abused. When I was 9 almost 10 years old I was abused by a preacher that had preached In My grandfathers church. I spent my youth being sexually abused. Years later I found out that two boys that had abused me also abused my brother. I didn’t get sober and clean till I was in my 30’s. I pray for her and I pray for his family. I found out he passed away this past march. It’s a daily process to stay this way but I do it. Sadly my daughter is an addict and I am lost as how to help her. No one else seems to want to help as the whole family has an addiction in some form or another. The only thing I can do at this point is be there for my grandson.

      3. M

        You really have NO idea of what you’re talking about. Nobody CHOSES to be an addict. Please educate yourself.

      4. Ash Tea

        How are you doing now?

    2. Tom

      From watching many episodes of this show, I learned that these are not bad people. As Jeff would say, if you were to go back in time and tell an addict before they start what their future is going to look like, they would not believe you. The drugs take over and interfere with normal brain activity, and the drug becomes more important than anything else: kids, spouse, even yourself. Many of them have underlying mental disorders for which they have not received proper treatment. Others have had trauma and never developed any other coping mechanism

      1. Kimberly

        Tonya said it best. If you don’t know what it’s like, you shouldn’t say anything. It’s a disease that can be treated but cannot be fully erased. I grew up with an alcoholic, my uncle was an addict (the disease killed him in 2007), and I am an alcoholic who has been in recovery for 1 year. It CAN consume your day-to-day. It CAN destroy your sense of responsibility, whether you have kids or not. Parents are not immune to addiction (and I say this as a mother of five). If you can’t have compassion, don’t watch the show.

    3. Janet

      Did Erin end up dying?

      1. Jamie

        She’s Lives With Me , She Is Sober And Doing Awesome . She’s Sees Bobby Regularly And Making Huge Changes In Her Life . So Proud Of Her

      2. Jasmine Fossa

        She is very much alive and well and in recovery again. I’m proud to call her my friend.

      3. Melissa

        I wondered the same thing! I’m so proud of her! I’m 4 yrs sober! Way to go Erin! Your a beautiful soul! Thank you for your honesty! You save lives everyday,
        Much love and light!
        Come to the “Spirit of the Universe “ zoom meeting and share! We would love to have u!

    4. Brooke

      really?? i get that it’s frustrating but the drugs are NOT more important to her than her son. it a sickness that keeps her in the throes of addiction (wanting and NEEDING that drug mentally and physically) DESPITE the fact that her son is the most important thing in the world to her.

    5. Silvie

      it’s not that prostitution and drugs are more important than her son, but rather the trauma drugs has caused her brains structure and function to change. specifically her prefrontal cortex is compromised, leading to altered judgements, poor decision making and impulsivity. it’s essentially what a child’s brain is like. addiction also roots in a very primitive part of the brain and prioritizes getting the drug at all costs because it has taken root in the dopamine system.

      it may seem like she is choosing drugs but in reality she is not capable of rational thought at this point.

  3. Heather

    I was so thrilled to see Sylvia doing the intervention! I know that she had continued her education so she could work with addicts but I didn’t realize she would be doing this!! She was perfect for Erin!! It’s a shame Erin only lasted 10 days then relapsed. My prayers are with her that one day soon she finds her way out of that vicious cycle!

    1. Kimberly

      I LOVE Sylvia. I’m so happy to see that she has been sober for so long!!! She looks healthy and young. She is so intelligent and gorgeous. Can’t wait to see her on future shows.

  4. Blake

    I saw this woman at the Super 8 Motel in Sarasota/Bradenton a week ago and now I saw her on Intervention. She looked like she was in desperate need of help and she asked to use my phone in which I allowed her to. Best of luck to this lady and hope she gets the help she needs

  5. Mike

    Feel so bad the son. The follow up was even worse. You could tell she knew what she was doing was wrong and how much she loved her son. Best of luck to her and her family. Will be in my prayers.

  6. Shelby

    Wasn’t there another episode where the person was from Bradenton, FL as well? Zeinah maybe? I feel like the town from last week in CA was also featured previously too.. Maybe I just watch too much Intervention ?

    1. melissa

      Diana was from Roseville Ca. They’ve had a few people from that area.

      1. Michele Parker

        Yes Bradenton is full of hookers, I used to see Erin walk by my house, sometimes carrying a pink suitcase. A lady called Sandra took her in and eRin repaid her by stealing her credit cards and using them. She got 60 days in jail and two years of drug probation. She finally got off in May this year.

    2. Kimberly

      Zeinah and Bryceton, I think.

    3. mommyz

      Yes there was a couple on there and I remember one if not both overdosed and dyed.

  7. Jojo

    So that was clearly Gene Simmons she was pictured with.

    1. Noes Tuasunto

      For sure it was Gene simmons. Poor Erin. Heartbreaking episode.

  8. Jenn

    Her son and his letter about her being the best mommy even when she wasn’t there- oh man, I started bawling.

  9. Cindy

    This episode really hit home for me as I have a 3 year old son and it breaks my heart that she can’t be there for her son. You can see how much she loves him but just can’t seem to get out of that vicious cycle of drug addiction.

    It broke my heart to see him reading that letter to her..and you could see how much it affected her..that she couldn’t be the mother he wanted her to be. I was bawling.

    I truly hope that one day soon she is able to turn her life around and be there for her little boy.

  10. Donna

    This episode really hit me as I have a close to his age.
    I felt so bad for the son and thought for sure she was going to make it.
    I can tell she loved her son and wanted a better life.

    I hope to see a good outcome from her in the future episodes where they tell us where they are now.

  11. Jenn

    Shelby- Yes- there has been but the one that was JUST on was Brandon, FL and yes, Not too long ago there was one out or roseville, Ca which is the next town over from Rocklin

  12. Cleo

    As the episode air, it stated it was documenting the days up to her death. So sad. How did she pass?

    1. Dizzy

      That’s not quite right. The family member voice over was something like “I feel like we’re documenting what happens to her right before she dies.” Erin is still alive.

    2. Heidi

      I heard the same thing and was disappointed when it didn’t tell me how or when she passed. But I’m glad to read I heard it wrong but I’m very sad for her and Bobby. I too could tell she is a great mom deep down. I pray for peace for her son. God will be with that little boy for sure!

  13. Stephany

    I’m hoping that Erin can find all the happiness in the world not only for her but to have the best relationship with her loving & caring son Bobby. It’s very noticeable how much she adores & loves him but this addiction has a hold on her. I’m praying over her & her family to continue to work with her to overcome this demon that’s keeping her from being the best mother that she can be. Her family is in my prayers!

  14. Kimberly

    I hope Erin makes the list of Most Likeable. She really is a great person deep down. I pray she gets better.

    1. RJ

      Agreed. I felt like I could empathize with Erin so much, and while there is usually a moment in every episode that makes me disconnect from the addicted person, that didn’t happen with Erin. I really hope the best for her and her son.

      1. paul

        An exciting moment happened this morning! I saw Erin at my church and she really looked good and healthy. Praise the Lord!

  15. Derek

    I really hope she manages to get help and get her life in order. I’m a single dad with a son and I could just tell how much she really loves her son. I too went through addiction when my son was that age. Thankfully I’ve turned my life around. I really hope she can too.

    1. Claire

      Amen I hope she ok

  16. Regina

    Erin’s story really touched my heart. I’ve never been compelled to follow up on anyone on this show before. She really seems like a beautiful person on the inside. I pray she makes it out of this hole she’s in. I wish Intervention would do a follow-up and give her another chance. Perhaps the facility she was sent to just didn’t resonate with her.

  17. P

    Does anyone know how Erin is doing? My heart breaks for her son. He is so sweet and deserves the love of his Mom. I would like to help him if I can in some way.

  18. Cm

    Erin just got taken into custody on 7/7/16 in Manatee County Florida. I think it was for old charges, and she is awaiting trial. I really hope that sometime soon she will want to change her life around before it is truly too late.

  19. Dewey

    Anyone know her last name? I hope she makes it

  20. Dewey

    Any update
    Hope she can b saved

  21. Money Man

    Last name is Holmes. I actually met Erin aprox 9-10 years ago (me and one of my partners met her at a billiards hall). Didn’t know her at all, but seen the world she was in . Not sure if she had little Bobby at the time, but you could sure tell she was in the dark world. I remember her, b/c Erin was by far the sexiest human being within a 10 block radius of me. The next time I seen her, aprox 4 years after, she was walking the streets / hard. I also pray she finds healing …

  22. Dewey

    Is she still in custody ?

  23. Dewey

    Erin has has many mugshots. Seems like she gets arrested often. She’s not too good it.

    It would be lovely if she could straighten out

  24. Katie

    I found Erin’s facebook, but it’s mostly private:

  25. Dizzy

    Update: On Tanisha’s episode (Aug 7 2017) there’s a followup on Erin. She did leave treatment early but ended up going back to a different treatment center is now sober and doing well.

    1. STELLA

      True I saw it too…rehab often fails the first time but it gives you tools that you don’t forget so you can try again

    2. Mjms

      I always wonder how much these places help make you feel comfortable while detoxing – I would imagine the withdrawal propels you to run away!

  26. Sheryl

    I was wondering about Erin and found this from a Bradenton newspaper! Prayers answered..good news.

    1. Stefan

      Yay good for her!

  27. Stefan

    Yay good for her!

  28. Barbara

    She’s using again

    1. G

      how do you know that?

  29. Brooke

    i’m surprised that she hasn’t turned to heroin given the fact that she’s at the point in her addiction that she’s prostituting herself. dilaudid is basically pharmaceutical heroin. most people start out on pharmaceutical opiates and move to heroin bc it’s cheaper.

  30. James

    Everyone around her town says she is using again & is even worse than what she was on her episode

  31. Marina

    Erin was arrested again in Janaury:
    She looks so sick in her mugshot. I’m more afraid for that sweet little boy than I am for her now though. I pray this disease won’t be passed down to him. All around sad, horrible situation.

  32. Jeanette

    Ouch, she’s looking rough in her latest mugshot

  33. Andy

    Oh no! It’s sad to see she is struggling again. It’s kind of sad to see someone using again after a legacy update.

  34. Sandy

    Unfortunately it appears Erin was arrested again just a few days ago. So sad I wanted so much for her sobriety. She seemed like a sweet person on the show who got mixed up in a dark world

  35. Stuey

    Here’s her Facebook. I truly hope she is doing better.

  36. Monica Perry

    Nope….she is living with my neighbor who allows drug addicts and prostitutes to wander in and out at all hours of the day and night. It has created a toxic environment for residents of the community. Completely unacceptable.

  37. Annette

    There’s something magnetic in Erin’s vulnerability and sadness and in her tragic beauty. I think about her often and really hope that she is able to find freedom and peace from her addiction. Erin’s son is *the* sweetest little boy; his love is so pure and her love for him is so heartbreaking. I hope they are able to live and grow together in a healthy & clean environment some day soon <3

    1. Gregory Moore

      You just said what I was about to say. Her sad, utter vulnerability is totally palpable….and my heart goes out to her. . Her story also underlines the “toss-away” culture of Hollywood–especially for women who’ve reached “a certain age.” Her trampled sweetness touches me deeply. I sincerely hope that Erin has found happiness and sobriety.

  38. Diane

    Wow. I looked at her mug shots, and something terrible has happened to her skin. I wonder if she’s using meth now. Very sad.

    1. Stef

      Just watched her episode for the first time and was curious for an update and found my way here. I’m guessing you’re referring to the 12/24/2020 mugshot? It almost looks fake. Looks like she might have another child as well based on the photos on her FB page. I do hope she’s doing well. I was devastated to learn Joshua, who was in the same episode passed away 4 years ago. He looked SO good while in rehab.

    2. Jeanbak

      It kind of looks like vitiligo(?sp) or some similar non drug related skin condition, you notice in her episode she is always wearing very heavy face makeup.

  39. Gigi

    A few years back I was hospitalized with a very bad case of gallstones…to manage my pain until surgery I was given Dilaudid intravenously. I’m not an addict but I have to say that when the Dilaudid hit it was the single most amazing sensation I have ever experienced. I’m absolutely appalled that Erin was prescribed Dilaudid for what sounds like pretty minor pain. I really would challenge anybody to NOT become addicted if Dilaudid was prescribed and readily available. I pray for her.

    1. Lisa Wallington

      I totally agree. what kind of doctor gives someone dilaudid for “neck pain”? That’s crazy. I’ve had 2 neck surgeries, have 4 disc’s fused and plates in my neck. Plus I’ve got severe rheumatoid arthritis etc and I don’t take anything close to dilaudid. No doctor in their right mind would give anyone (except for someone in acute excruciating pain,like your gallstones) dilaudid. But i guess we should take into consideration that she lives in Florida where they have pill mills on every corner. I hope she’s been able to turn things around for herself and her precious little boy. They should move outta Florida and get a fresh(drug free) new life. So many of these stories start out with someone getting injured, getting pain meds then, before they know it, theyre addicted. Good luck to Erin and her son. God bless.

  40. Molly

    I found her so likeable. wish there were better news about her. Erin, if you can see this, I’m rooting for you ❤️

  41. Steph

    Unfortunately she was arrested again in December 2021. What a tragedy. All I can think of is her poor, sweet boy. His letter to her broke my heart.

  42. Kij

    Apologies if they covered this in the episode and missed it but did anyone ever mention Bobby’s father – who is he and why isn’t he in the picture? Or maybe he is but didn’t participate in the doc? Heart breaks for that little boy begging for his mom and trying to explain it’s not his fault, it’s not grandma’s fault, many would agree it’s not Erin’s fault either. The addiction has got such a strong hold. Very sad to see the roller coaster and think about his hopeful little face during the ups but knowing there have been a lot of downs. Praying she’s making her way back up!

  43. Ingrid

    did Erin Holmes pass away I hope she got clean for her precious son Bobby

  44. Ingrid

    This poor girl went through so so much I’m so glad Sylvia was her interventionist because she is genuinely kind and sweet just like Erin you could see the love she had for her son Bobby and her son Bobby had so much love for his mom she was just so lost I hope Erin is doing well in 2022 she has such an angelic soul drugs or no drugs you could tell in her responses she wanted to be sober for herself and her son

  45. Sara

    From the latest 2021 mugshot, it looks like she was booked for possession of cocaine. Hope she’s doing better now, three years later.

    1. Mjms

      Oh wow there’s 2 pages of mugshots and charges! That makes me so sad.