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Buy Me a Coffee

S15E9 Alicia

Season 15, Episode 13


Age: 29
Location: I missed the location. Accents sound like New York City though. Staten Island maybe?
Addiction: Heroin

What’s Memorable: The nodding off, the going to work pretending to read papers that were blank, answering the phone with eyes pretty much closed, the family dinner. I’ve seen and experienced this before but it really hit home for me in this episode: addicts understand that they’re affecting their families, they just prefer not to think about it and when they do, it makes them want to be high. Addiction is a sick self-perpetuating cycle. The more addicted you are the more shitty you get, the more shitty you get the more guilty you feel, the more guilty you feel the more drugs you think you need to do. Repeat Repeat. Also Jeff nailed co-dependency with this simple line: “She’s being protected from the negative consequences of her actions.” And that followup, it’s one of the best I’ve ever seen.

Official Synopsis: With a booming family business that could one day be hers, Alicia’s future looked bright. But reconnecting with her biological father sent Alicia down a path of pain and self-destruction that has led to a full-blown addiction to heroin and Xanax.

Date Aired:  July 2016

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  1. ash

    I think her family letting her drive when she’s high is kinda messed up.

  2. Lisa Swan

    It was definitely Staten Island. I live there, and recognized some of the locations. Our borough has a huge heroin problem, so I was wondering when the show would be here.

  3. Renee

    Grandma’s body language gave her self satisfaction away and she couldn’t even keep a straight face while denying she went behind the parents’ backs to insert Alicia’s biological dad back in the picture. Most women would have been thrilled to have a son-in-law like Joe Sr. step up to fulfilling the role of a good father figure to their granddaughter. And considering the staggering consequences – the father introducing his teen daughter to a 29yo man who led her into substance abuse, I have to wonder if she’ll ever own and regret her part in tearing apart her daughter’s family.

    Alicia looks great – and Vinnie too! I wish all the best to them and those who love them.

  4. April

    I’d give my kidney for a stepdad that loved me like that. She’s a lucky woman.

  5. Carmen

    This is one of the most optimistic follow-ups I’ve seen of the show. I thought she would be a lot more difficult about going to rehab and staying there because she seemed like a very spoiled addict who was used to getting her way. She proved me wrong. She must be a strong girl and she seems to love recovery and is actually taking it seriously. It was smart of her to extend it too. Wishing her the best. And she looked beautiful at the end there.

  6. Kristy

    Definitely Staten Island I recognize the Bradley expressway.

  7. Jeremy

    The way she was reading blank papers and the look on her face made me laugh out loud. I felt bad, but holy cow.

  8. Courtney

    Best recovery ever! It was shocking how much different ahe looked. She looked awesome. So proud.

  9. Anon

    Her plates are Jersey, so I’d guess she lives in Jersey City/Newark/Elizabeth and travels to SI to buy.

    1. Anonymous

      Im from NJ. 4 years sober. Newark is the Heroin capitol. People drive to newark to buy, not away from it.

    2. Chicky

      She lives in Staten Island…. they were NY plates

  10. Amanda B

    She lived in Jersey. She would drive to Staten Island to score. Hope she’s well.

  11. Hector

    The nodding off in this episode was nearly constant. That grandmother was so obviously lying in her interview, good grief! Alicia looked and sounded immensely better in the follow-up! I was crying when her parents visited her. Keep up the great work Alicia!

  12. Blueeyesreilly

    Jersey street… that’s Staten Island for sure alon with Jordan parkway. Our island has a huge drug epidemic and heroin especially right now. My own brother died almost 2 years ago for heroin. I lost many people I used to be friends with. I barely even socialize anymore because I will not allow drugs in my life or my kids. Even my sons father is an addict but he has no interests in his kid or changing even though he’ll has been offered time and time again. I’m so happy to see she cleaned up. I cried this episode because me and my other brother were like Jill and joe. We hated my brother and the anger we had was so bad that we eventually hit the “IDC” stage. Biggest regret ever because my last words to my brother weren’t the best.

  13. Caroline Bracco

    Oh my god! I loved how her freckles came out at the end! Just adorable. Gorgeous girl with a gorgeous soul.

  14. Markisboss

    Beautiful Girl! Made me cry from both eyes 1. when she said :yes”. 2. When the screen said “60 days later” 3. When I saw her so much healthier face. 4. Just when she was standing there anticipating her family visit. 5. When her family greeted her. 6. When the screen said she extended her stay. 7. When the show ended and there was no follow up saying that she relapsed! I was proud of someone whom I’ve never met except through my TV screen!

  15. Siouxsie

    Anyone know how she’s doing?

  16. Vicki

    Her car is registered in NJ. If you pause the episode at about 25:57, you can clearly see her inspection sticker. That’s an NJ sticker, not an NY sticker. Also, I found the family business and it’s located in Brooklyn. (It’s easy to find and verify; I’m not reposting that.) NJ car insurance rates are still the highest in the country, so unless her insurance is crazy high in Staten Island, I’m guessing that she actually lives in NJ. (Or, of course, an enabling family member with an NJ address could have registered and insured the car for her.)

  17. Jane

    I found her Facebook and she has a daughter and is having another baby soon. She looks healthy and great.

    1. Kitty Katt

      I believe she is married too.

  18. Nivey

    I found her on fb too and she looks great!! I see she has an adorable little girl!! She looks much healthier and happier!! I was rooting for her and it’s nice to see her doing well!! From one Jersey girl to another AMAZING GOD BLESS!! ivey

    1. Kitty Katt

      I did too. I want to say she’s married because her name has changed and I saw one picture of a wedding and it looked like Alicia (side profile) as the bride on her mother’s FB page.

  19. Kitty Katt

    Found the step-father’s facebook.
    His relationship status says: It’s complicated.
    Hope all is well with that family.

  20. Kitty Katt

    I private messaged Alicia who responded to me and one thing that she did say was that she’s been clean for 5 years as of February 15th. She was so thankful to me and seems like a wonderful girl. God Bless her.

  21. Mr.Wolf

    It’s so annoying that she speaks in slow motion like she is high all the time. One of the most annoying and narcissistic addicts I have seen on this show. Her mom and step dad enabled her so bad too.

    1. Nivey

      @Mr. Wolf I think she spoke in slow motion because she was in fact high all the time, wasnt it obvious to you?! It was clear throughout the episode. She also had production stop her from driving because she was dangerously too high to drive. So it’s not done on purpose to annoy you, it’s her deep in her addiction! I saw recent updates of her on social media and she looks amazing and is a mom of 2 small girls! I found her likable and I’m happy she’s doing well! Xo

  22. AMom

    I just wanted to say that I too got my Dad at about the same age. Its a blessing to be loved when they didn’t have to. You’re so very very lucky. This internet stranger is very proud of you sis.

  23. J

    she did come off a bit spoiled, but that followup was absolutely beautiful and really showed who she is inside. go Alicia! (also – her grandmother is a TERRIBLE liar. the rest of her family seemed nice, if a bit misguided at times)

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