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S24E3 Chantel & Christine (Fentanyl Family) PART 2

Season 24, Episode 3 PART 2

Chantel, Joey, Jordan, Tim, Christine, and maybe Joe?
Location: Garden Grove, CA
Addiction: Fentanyl

Official Synopsis: When Christine’s brother died in a tragic accident, she turned to methamphetamine and her seemingly perfect family spiraled out of control; interventionists Ken Seeley and Sylvia Parsons team up on the biggest case of their careers.

What’s Memorable:  See Part One

Interventionist:  Ken and Sylvia

Date Aired: June 28, 2022

All comments.

  1. April S.

    Oof. What an episode. Dylann is an amazing, strong young woman; loved her. Joey looked so great in the follow-up. When Chantal closed with “I’m back to using but I still want my son so blah blah blah”…then you should have stayed in treatment dumb***!

    1. Rose

      omg that part about Chantal, I thought the same!!

      1. Sudie

        Was she smirking?

    2. Teresa bliss

      I am dylanns mom ( Their sister) and it was so emotionally draining on poor dylann. she has a bright future but could not move forward until she tried one last time to save her family. she rode all the way to Palm Springs (Ken’s rehab) with joey bc he wouldn’t go without her and when he got there. she loves them all but joey is her big brother that lived with us awhile trying to get clean….por kid never had a chance but him leaving treatment crushed her for awhile….she had to let her dad joe….2 brothers joey and Jordan and sister Chantel go and move forward without them. she will probably bury them. dylann is seeking a career in law enforcement.

      1. Caitlyn

        So Joey wasn’t successful in sobriety? 🙁

  2. Alexandra

    I thought it was so interesting that Joey, who was the most initially reluctant of them all, was the most successful (so far).

    1. AMA

      I just made the same observation—the two who resisted the hardest wound up being the only two who made it. I thought it spoke volumes that they didn’t give Christine or Joey a sobriety date, and they didn’t say anything about Joe specifically at all. So heartbreaking.

      1. Teresa bliss

        bc they all went back to using …..although joey and Christine actually thrived in treatment as soon as they all found each other thru Christine’s mom and Joe they relapsed bc Joe and her mom are the enablers that folded when it came to their bottom line ….Joe preached how much he wanted them to get help but he was the first to bring them home bc he doesn’t feel like a drug addiction/ alcoholic when he’s around the cuz they are worse off in his mind. and my daughter Dylann….the sister said that Joe would bring a fast food cup with a mixed drink in it everywhere he went

    2. Teresa bliss

      I know …right? dylann ( the sister) would write to intervention every year from 9 years on and finally in season 24 her brother and siblings/dad were picked. never did she see joey being the last man standing and we were so proud of him including his grandma and aunt. ken and Sylvia were so awesome and ken gave joey chances time and time again to stay in the program after he broke minor rules and he looked so good after just 30 days ….better than we’d ever seen him

      1. Alex

        How is Chantal doing now?? Hoping that things are different now. I know you said they went back to using but not sure if thats still the case.

  3. Longtimefan

    Did I miss any update on Joe at the end I don’t recall one.

    Cheering for Joey to keep being so strong when 2 of his siblings left treatment. Has to be so damn hard!

    1. Alexandra

      I don’t think there was an update on Joe, unfortunately.

      1. Sudie

        There should have been, as he was just as much in denial as anyone else, really. Joey, though, came through. I am so so proud of him. I didn’t think he’d come through in rehab.

      2. Kremyy

        Joe was the dad, right? Sorry, I got their names all mixed up. I also found it strange there was no update but I reckon he is still visiting and enabling them. I hope he quit ruining himself at least. I feel very sorry for his daughter and partner (?).

    2. Mini

      They said only Tim and Joey stayed sober, so I’m thinking he didn’t. He was in way to much denial.

      1. Teresa bliss

        Joe created their addictive behaviors by enabling them and raising them to think drugs and alcohol abuse are ok and normal… me….I’m dylanns mom….the sister who arranged the intervention and he relished in his enabling it made him feel needed even though it’s bc of him and Christine that they are addicts in the first place …they had such terrible childhoods….and to avoid their kids being taken from them …bc they were about to be….they gave joey and Jordan to their oxytocin drug dealer friends as foster parents with the promise to forward their fiodstamp benefits which they never did

    3. Teresa bliss

      yeah he left as soon as they fixed his 30 day? update and transferred him into sober living and Joe only made it one night and picked up joey when he left treatment for a day and let him get high….some father huh? then brought him back with everyone in family begging him to bring him back ….Joey never stood a chance it’s like he was born to be one of his parents drug buddies

  4. A

    Jesus… The mom’s behaviour made my blood boil. I don’t understand how she could keep the kids after the divorce. Was no one thinking of reporting her?? I don’t care how many problems you have, you have no right to destroy your own kids, especially by using drugs when you’re pregnant. I really don’t have much compassion for her.
    Chantal is one of the scariest-looking addicts I’ve ever seen and I struggled to watch her. I wish them all the best and even though it seems unlikely, I hope at least some of them will make it.

    1. R.G.

      Yes, Chantal looked very strange.

    2. Elle Bee

      Chantel, sadly, appears to have physical & mental benchmarks for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Obviously I am not diagnosing her, but it’s plausible given her mother’s proclivity.

      1. Teresa bliss

        I am dylann’s mom….the sister….and u nailed it! Christine used and drank with all her pregnancies and poor Chantel raised her 2 brothers bc they only thought of themselves. I work with mentally and physically disabled and u are right never saw bf but Chantal has all the classic signs of fetal alcohol syndrome. the facial structure especially! they probably would have been taken and almost happened but Christine’s mom was a dhs social worker so instead used her connections to get basically free housing by putting her on the top of a 4 to 6 year list

  5. Sudie

    Tim is a piece of work

    1. Mini

      Yes, but he completed the program despite Christine quitting. I hope he stays sober and doesn’t go back to her.

  6. R.G.

    I love Sylvia!!!

  7. Susie

    For being a 2 episode intervention…that ending really left a lot unanswered. What happened with Joe? I’m assuming he left as well but we’d never know because they didn’t say anything about him, and he was a big part of the whole thing. They did say Tim was sober but did no interview with him (I know he was a minor part, but still) and they said Christine went back for 30 days but no follow-up interview with her either? The whole ending just had me going, “what the hell?”

    Anyway…Joey looked great at the end, good for him for staying in treatment. He should never go back home. And their sister Dylann is such a beautiful, strong, compassionate young woman, they really should feel lucky to have someone like her in the family. I do also agree with the way Chantel looks, something is off and I couldn’t figure out what it was. Just seemed strange.

    1. Lynn

      I thought they said Joe went to sober living after treatment.

      1. April S.

        Tim went to sober living; they didn’t mention anything about Joe. I remember thinking, “What about Joe?”

    2. AMA

      I think that this has to be one of the most frustrating episodes I’ve ever watched. I felt there were so many unanswered questions. I understand that the storytelling was limited by documenting so many addicts in a two-part episode, but the finished product made this family so one-dimensional that they were difficult to relate to or even root for. Making a big deal about Joe, Christine, and Chantal participating in the process of convincing Joey and Jordan to go, then suddenly sending them out ahead really underscored that even Sylvia and Ken didn’t have high expectations for success. It almost feels like the episode avoided building rapport between the audience and the subjects by refusing to dig any deeper because the outcome was so dismal.

    3. Mini

      I inferred Joe left treatment— which wouldn’t surprise me. It would be interesting to know if Christine go sober the second time she got treatment.

    4. Teresa bliss

      dylann is my daughter and thank u she is the entire package but has a weakness for her brother joey and her dad Joe who has told her all her life he didn’t have time for her bc he had to “save his kids” and when dylann handed him his lid
      life goal on a silver platter bc she set the intervention up…he didn’t really want it and loved playing the marter ..the good one .. the care giver…. a.k.a. enabler….so yes they all went back to using and it was mostly bc Joe and Christine did not support their children’s recovery in any way shape or form….they liked things the way they were and that’s how they are again….Joe went to treatment and left the next a.m. and was able to find joey and picked him up to get him high for 24 hours but brought him back at ken Seely request which made Joe feel like the hero

  8. Todd

    I feel real sorry for anyone that would sink to the depths this family did. They don’t do anything but drugs. The multiple failures in treatment didn’t surprise me. I was surprised at Joey’s success – although there was no indication he kept up with his success. The Mother (Christine) failed and went back – but we don’t know how she ended up faring, either. All we know is she completed 30 days of treatment. Chantal seemed like a phony to me. Using her son as an excuse. The other boy (Jordan), I could tell he was looking for an excuse (to exit treatment) as well, and he found one. Probably the most interesting one is the Father. I could certainly be wrong here but I’ll still give my take. I don’t think he was an out and out addict. I think Meth was like coffee for him. He was a completely functioning, responsible person. I didn’t think he was using his family’s drug use as an excuse to use drugs himself. I really believe he loved them and was trying in some way to connect with them. As far as the enabling – I think in his mind he was taking care of his family. I felt sorry for him at the barbecue. He’s outside eating by himself while his family is in that cramped quarters eating and doing drugs. I really think, in his mind, he feels doing drugs is a way to connect with them. He wants to be a part of their lives. He can’t see any other way other than joining in. But joining in on a level that he manages to keep control of himself. He’s not so far gone that he is going to sit in a room and do drugs all day. I think he’s a real good guy in a very confused situation. Just my take……

    1. Anna

      That was how I felt about the dad too. I feel like he just used meth as a way to connect with his family. I think for him the co-dependency and addiction to not losing his family was more of an issue than any kind of drug use itself.

      1. Todd

        Hi Anna – yeah I watched the episode again to be sure. I’m with you RE: The Father. This guy was more addicted to his family than anything else. Or maybe co-dependent as you said. I felt sorry for him. How else can he connect with them other than occasionally chiming in? We’re talking about 4 people that do nothing but drugs. Maybe he should have tried harder to get them all to stop. But on the other side of that – he may have felt he’d lose them all for good if he pressed the issue. It’s a strange situation.

    2. Teresa bliss

      wow….interesting take on Joe but I’m dylanns mom…the good sister and believe me he had always played the poor undeserving victim but he made those poor babies into addicts by using around them…enabling by buying it for them and by picking up joey from Ken’s rehab facility in Palm Springs and by bringing him back after he got him high for 24 hours bc Joe loves to be the HERO…the marter….poor Joe couldn’t give his daughter dylann a minute of his time …an ounce of love….nothing …not even a b day card her whole life bc he had to save his boys…..not Chantel or dylann bc his daughters don’t mean nothing to him …..he has never been there for his girls so Chantel never had a part in his life other then making him feel better about his addictions and he is an alcoholic primarily…..he kept bringing mixed drinks when filming intervention in fast food cups so it looked like coke or Pepsi. Joe made a family …then destroyed it so he could try and put it back together again and look like the savior..

      1. Sherwin Schultz

        are you sure youre her mom….i feel like this is all completely made up. cant find a teresa bliss anywhere.

  9. Anna

    I know it isn’t parents responsibility to care for their grandchildren. But I do have to wonder where both Joe and Christine’s parents were when Christine had relasped on meth, Joe left her and didn’t even fight for his kids who were living with a mother who was using. I wonder how far back the addictions go? There just seems like a huge disconnect.

    As for Chantal. There is something really off with her. I don’t know if the smirking is her coping mechanism, but it was offputting. It’s sad for her son that she couldn’t get clean. It is probably best that he stays with his paternal grandparents, because his maternal family is full of dysfunction and it’s his only chance to not repeat the cycle.

    I hope Joey is doing okay still. He has the support of his younger half sister. I had thought Jordan was going to get clean because he seemed to have the most awareness of how bad the addiction was. I do wonder if he has some kind of intellectual disability.

  10. Stefan

    Somebody has to ask it, and I guess it’s me; WTF was up with the grandma’s wig?

    1. Janel

      You just said what I didn’t have the nerve to 😆

      1. Stefan

        I honestly didn’t mean to come off as look-shaming but that thing was a choice.

    2. April S.

      Totally channeling Brian May of Queen.

      1. Rob

        I thought she was channeling Weird Al! But I see Brian May in there too.

    3. T

      I noticed that too! I think it would’ve looked nice on an older Black woman but it was odd to see a white woman wearing it

  11. AW

    I was able to find some of their Facebook profiles: doesn’t seem too hopeful. I saw a comment on one of Dylann’s posts from Joe and he said something about how he moved to Colorado to get a fresh start, and how Ken “and his minions” brainwashed her and the family. From the sounds of it, Dylann doesn’t have contact with her dad (understandably so!).

    1. AMA

      She was such a strong, loving, courageous young woman. Her dad’s comments are so grossly self-serving. He couldn’t even admit he was smoking meth, and kept trying to redefine his use until the very end. The denial was probably among the most extreme the show has ever featured.

    2. Mini

      Did you find Joey’s FB profile? Would love to hear an update. I’m so hoping he stayed away from his family.

      1. Mini

        Disregard. I found his profile. Unfortunately, he is still in touch with his mom.

    3. Teresa bliss

      she doesnt….I’m dylanns mom and this intervention was so hard for poor dylann who wrote every year since age nine and the producers finally chose her family. I think in a way it was to get love and approval from dad Joe bc he told her he couldn’t be there 4 her bc his boys needed him …..she also loves joey so deeply that his leaving treatment crushed her soul. she will love them til the day he or she dies but ur right….Joe had visited/ seen her less than 19 times in her life but joey had move across country and she loved him more than anyone….he brought her flowers in the hospital when she was sick. poor joey had been attacked and scarred from a vicious dog attack from his m I a parents neglecting him and when he received his settlement both mom and Joe conned and manipulated mostly all of the money for themselves for drug money … that’s when joey was homeless and hopeless and move in with me and sister dylann but he relapsed and disappeared after a couple of months…..dylann is in law I

  12. Nivey

    This is one of the most disturbing episodes and the most disappointing ending! That family was so sick and some of them in such denial (dad)! The moms indifference is sickening! She’s ruined all 3 of her children’s lives! To see those 2 young men so messed up and far gone is beyond heartbreaking! The only bright side was seeing Joey in recovery! I was so very concerned for his mental health during the episode! He was in complete psychosis from the drugs, scary to watch, and so sad because he’s so young with infinite potential! Seeing him stick it out in rehab was AMAZING! He looked GREAT and clear headed, like a young man his age should be, full of life! I pray he stays in recovery and reclaims his life! As for the rest, I had a feeling they would leave treatment, I find the mom insufferable. My prayers are with them all!

    1. Teresa bliss

      I am sister dylanns mom and yes joey looked great….he was suffering from drug induced psychosis/ schizophrenia and was hearing voices so yes … that joey was able to stay in recovery was a miracle since his dad Joe actually picked him up from rehab when joey left for 24 hours got him high then brought him back to look like the hero and joey had to start all over o. his clean time ultimately the crazy grandma…her mom….payed for him to move in with her in Utah when he left and of course gave him monet to get high enabling him 100% he didn’t have a chance to stay clean bc his entire family except my daughter….is addicted to alcohol and drugs….and I think Christine was drinking the entire pregnancy of Chantel bc her facial features that look so creepy are most likely fetal alcohol syndrome. so sad….dylann is I. law enforcement and had to keep her bottom line by cutting them and their sickness off which has been heartbreaking for her but they are all using again. except I don’t know about Tim but mom and Tim were together 10 plus years so he probably went back to christine

      1. Dahlia

        “Her facial features that look so creepy look life fetal alcohol syndrome”? Are you serious? I understand you have had your differences and pain with this family but needlessly shaming someone’s appearance in order to fit your theory is just plain cruel. No matter WHAT they did to you. Says quite a bit.

  13. Jody Ozburn

    I was so happy to hear about Joey, S24E3. I wanted him more than anyone to get help. My heart went out to him. I hope he is still doing well..

    1. Teresa bliss

      joey is the reason my daughter wanted the intervention…it was mostly for joey bc she loves her brother and her dad Joe has had contact with her a total of maybe 10 times bc Joe only cares about saving his boys so Chantel and dylann are nothing in his eyes. joey was a neglected baby and child with a loving heart but really no bond or connection to anyone in life except Chantel who raised him and dylann who loves and looked up to him but Joe played the hero by picking up joey after 2 weeks and getting him high then bringing him back or he would have had more clean time. sadly joey relapsed and is back with his sick family and poor dylann has stuck to her bottom line and cut them off. she is now in law enforcement

  14. Drujon

    A few things…all the kids and mom are living off the dole, so the tax payer is funding their addiction and apparently Christine and Chantal’s beauty regimens (mom is not a natural blonde and Chantal’s spider lashes aren’t covered by food stamps). They drive under the influence, have massive amounts of drugs in their apartment and commit fraud to supplement their “income” – how about a call to the police and social services? That would be no different than an enabling family member kicking out the user and cutting off financial support.
    I feel especially bad for the boys, they never had a chance and I hope they all get clean but odds are if one of them gets clean and stays clean – that’s a win.

    1. Teresa bliss

      you are so right …. their last name is caban and if they are in jail at least they are alive and hopefully clean bc they all went back out and little joey and Jordan never had a chance…Joe and Christine actually gave the boys to a drug dealer bf they got token away and Christine accepted food stamps that whole time and they weren’t even living with her. Christine’s mom worked for dhs so was a social worker and they never lost their state state aid or kids? suspicious huh? I’m dylanns mom and she wanted nothing more than to get them help bc they will die from this lifestyle. …so she is in law enforcement hoping to make a difference in someone’s life since she gas had to… sadly …let go to save herself

  15. Elle Bee

    This was heartbreaking. Of all the family members, the one who was the most difficult intervention & least likely to go to treatment stayed in treatment the longest. I was so sad to see this play out because I want to see him stay sober & healthy. But it will be impossible if he returns to the family.

  16. V

    I have seen every single episode of Intervention and this one was hard to watch. The way drug use has been so normalized in this family was unbelievable. Zero boundaries and so enmeshed. I actually said aloud “this is so fucked”. I understand grief but it seemed wild to be that the mom could spiral this far just from the loss of her sibling. 20+ years of hardcore drug use, using while pregnant, and having all her children fall into the same pattern. Maybe she has attempted to get clean before or there’s more to her story but the level of codependency and seeming lack of guilt floored me. I don’t blame any of those children for using with the lack or parenting or having to take on the role of a parent.

    The fact that the youngest son could be as ill as he was and the other family members could just be annoyed with him for using their stash or “scaring them” shows just how low the bar is set in this family for what is healthy can not. Joe’s denial was some of the worse of ever seen. Saying that he just takes a few puffs and doesn’t even inhale demonstrated how normalized the drug use has become as well. Like you’re smoking meth with your kids?? So so sad and shocking that Jordan was the only one that seemed to get better. They are so entangled with each other that if they are not all sober then there’s not even a point to trying to get well? Yikes.

    1. Mini

      In addition to her brother dying, her dad was an alcoholic and at a young age, Christine would drink with him. I’m sure there’s more to this story.

  17. julia

    i’m all over the place with this one. addiction is a very serious thing and you kinda don’t think straight most of times, but the way christine made de bed for her kids to use drugs is upsetting. the boys literally never had a chance. i cried along during the the boys intervention and i saw how the eldest one start crying right away. joey was so out of it, the way christine and joe didn’t do anything to help him made me really pissed. i don’t know, i’m upset, it’s depressing to see how their lives took them to this prison that is addiction. wishing them the best

  18. Pang

    This one reminded me of Susan from last season- the Mormon family that was all enmeshed with drug use and enabling. However that episode was a bit more compelling, but maybe just because it was SOOOO out there. It almost seemed like the interventionists were trying to take lessons learned from that episode and apply them here- ie more than 1 interventionist, trying to get ahead of everyone’s addiction story, taking the interventions in turn- but everything still fell apart.

    1. J

      i think in Susan’s case (the Mormon family) the addiction didn’t start with her mother, it started with Susan herself and “spread” in a way. Susan also seemed very level-headed and genuinely WANTED to quit, while nobody in this family seemed to have that same drive besides Joey who came through out of nowhere.

  19. Stas

    Just finished this one and wow.. I think Joey wasn’t quite fully aware of his surroundings the whole time and once he detoxed and the psychosis lifted he realized that he could have his own healthy life. Rooting for him. The mother is just appalling. Felt like I was left with more questions than answers after two episodes..

  20. Teresa bliss

    omg I’m just trying to read the posts for season 24 episodes 2 and 3 and can’t find them anywhere! I am the sister, Dylann’s mom and can update u on everyone but am not able to access posts. like how father Joe thought the intervention was on his kids and ex wife Christine but he was part of it and how he went to treatment but left the next day and how he picked up joey from treatment …got him high and then ended up bringing him back the next day. Joey left the day he was put in independent living ( after 30 DAYS) and how chantel did really well but got kicked out of her treatment bc they thought she used but had a clean test after already left and never went back and how that stupid grandma.. Christine’s mom….enabled both joey and Christine by taking them in when they left treatment. …so much for her bottom line

    1. Jill

      Dylann is such a bright beautiful shining light. She did everything and more to try and help her family. I hope she knows that and feels proud of herself. She gave them a once in a lifetime opportunity. It’s unfortunate Joey couldn’t stay clean. But it sounds like he never stood a chance given the family he was born into and especially his dad taking him out of sober living. Shame on that man.

    2. Sarah

      Hi, it’s been over a year since the last post, has there been any updates since? I Just watch the episode. Your daughter is very strong!

  21. Teresa

    any updates for fentynal family season 24 episode 2 and 3