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Buy Me a Coffee

Season 9, Episode 9


Age: 40
Location: Utah
Addicted to: Alcohol (Vodka)
What’s Memorable: All the pain and loss she’s experienced. The shocking physical toll that alcohol has taken on her.

UPDATE: MaryAnn Forsyth Finch died in a trailer fire at the age of 53 in October 2023.  Article about the suspicious circumstances.

Official synopsis:  After the tragic and shocking loss of her two young children years ago, Maryanne turned to alcohol to cope with the pain. Today Maryanne is the mother of three, but her inability to stay sober has jeopardized the safety of her children. She’s lost custody of two and lives in squalor with her youngest daughter. Maryanne needs an intervention before her tragic streak continues.

Original Air Date: February 2011
Interventionist: Jeff

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  1. crystal

    I just re-watched this episode. If you can’t feel for Maryanne, you must be missing a core part of being human. To lose a child is something nobody should know, but to lose two children, as children, at two separate times… horrible. I’ll never forget what she said about how it’s what nightmares are made of, that you can’t make a movie that scary. I don’t wanna sound like I support her descent into addiction, but I can’t really blame her. She, by all accounts, was a great mom, and of all people didn’t deserve the pain she went through.

    1. Tina C.

      You said it perfectly.

  2. CC

    Amen, I can’t imagine losing two. Definitely explains the alcohol.

  3. Erin

    Any idea of she was able to stay sober? My heart broke for her.

  4. Ami

    Any updates on MaryAnne?

  5. Marisa

    What happened with Maryann? It’s now almost 9 years later.

  6. Greily

    Maryanne really touched me. Any updates on her??

  7. Kara Bishop

    I’m sad that there aren’t more comments about Maryanne or any updates. Her story really touched me. My heart goes out to her for the loss of her two children. My thoughts and prayers are with Maryanne and her children. Know that there are many of us that your story has touched! 🙏🏼❤️

  8. Julian

    I think I have very sad news about Maryanne. At first I found Maryanne’s LinkedIn Profil:

    Then I found these News:

    I really think its her. The Name and age match. According to the news, things didn’t seem to be going well for her 🙁

    Her sister Diana died in 2020:

    1. Dizzy

      Yeah this does appear to be her. So sad. Thanks for posting these details Julian.

    2. Elizabeth

      Oh no, how awful! That family has endured so much tragedy.

    3. Kristen W.

      My only hope is that she now knows peace & is with her children that have passed. For her children that remain my condolences & a hope for bright future.
      I also hope that they have solved the case of whether this fire was intentional or not. That is just an awful thing to think of.
      RIH Maryanne 😇

  9. Kelly

    Rest in peace Maryanne. From the article about her passing I hope if justice needs to be served, it is. Breaks my heart to know she isn’t here anymore. I can find some semblance of peace that she’s finally resting- hopefully reunited with her two children who have passed. What a devastating story. To lose one child is enough to kill you, but to lose 2 is unfathomable. I don’t say this to excuse her addiction. There’s never an excuse to slip into something like this. But it’s just so devastating that up until losing a child her life was normal. I hope her other children have found peace in this life.