Send Dizzy a Tip!

Buy Me a Coffee

Season 11 Episode 4


Age: 34
Location: Elkhart, Indiana
Addiction: Alcohol
What’s memorable: The huge ass mansion she lives in while drinking herself to death everyday, the way her boyfriend thinks of addiction and of her as an asset to fix up and turn around like he does his properties, and his locking her up in the spare room for 3 days to detox her. “When he let me out, I walked to the nearest liquor store, came back, locked myself back in, and proceeded to get drunk” – Kimberly. Why is this episode on the Most Disturbing list? The follow up. Just watch it. See the vacancy, the superficiality of the words, the complete lack of commitment. You know as soon as she starts talking into the camera that she’s not staying sober for long. So damn awkward and real.

Official Synopsis: To the outside world, Kimberly lives a dream life in an extravagant mansion without a financial care in the world. But the “dream” is really a nightmare because Kimberly is an alcoholic with no limits. She lives with her boyfriend, who has locked her in a bedroom in an effort to stop her from drinking. Kimberly’s father has written her off, but the family must come together or Kimberly will continue to drown her pain in alcohol.

Original Air Date: January 2012
Interventionist: Jeff

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  1. Donna

    Wow, Dizzy you were right. I just watched a rerun of this episode, and you could tell that this chick just wasn’t having it while in rehab. THEN she gets out of rehab, gets picked up for PI and blames it on her perfume!?! Unless Kimberly gets honest with herself and everybody else, her days are numbered. The follow up said that she got sober in 2013. I hope so, but I’m skeptical.

    1. skooti

      she is really doing bad i feel bad for her .

      1. Gord

        Do you have a source for this? I’m curious to know how she is doing… I felt really bad for her and was afraid she wasn’t going to make it.

        Also did anyone else notice the many shots of her feet in this episode? Seems like the camera operator might have a foot fetish!

      2. steven d kollar

        Kimberly is still living and on the transplant list Steven

      3. Kara Bishop

        Steven D Kollar… it has been over two years since you commented, do you know how Kimberly is doing now? Her FB looks like she must have had a liver transplant, as she is still alive… Any information you know would be helpful, as I felt compassion for the both of you.

    2. Sudie

      Her “tell” (sign of lying) is when she looks off to the side. Saw it several times in this episode.

  2. Ruth

    The vacancy in her face in rehab is amazing. It’s like her brain said, “Smile, you’re supposed to smile” which she barely gets out.

    Also, the Hairflip of Contempt during the intervention is a sight to behold.

  3. Sara

    If she isn’t already, I strongly believe Kim belongs on the “most in-denial” list. Her comments in the follow up are proof that she truly believes her drinking is not a problem. I sincerely hope a bottom is it before she ends up like Bret and Lawrence.

  4. Melissa Rose

    I just watched this episode again recently and googled her afterward. I found a blog which she appeared to start following the episode/intervention. There is only one post but there are six comments. One is from either her or someone pretending to be her saying she has hep C and cirrhosis and is going to die without a liver transplant. I really hope it’s some twisted joke.

    That is the site.

  5. Melissa Rose

    I also wondered how she ended up with jail time for such a minor charge? (i.e. public intoxication) She must’ve been on probation for something else because I’ve never heard of anything like that.

    1. Jess

      I know in the episode it mentioned prior arrests for public intoxication (why she lost custody of her sons) so perhaps her priors were taken into account.

    2. michelle

      No that’s how Elkhart county is I’m from there and reside here!!! There judicial system is different…

      1. Angela

        I’m curious how she is doing. Her ex boyfriend said that shdd eeeew is waiting on an organ replacement.
        I’m from this area too.

  6. Dhalia

    I agree with the comments on here so far. The “hair swipe” which a previous commentator noted stood out for me too and I didn’t realize it was a silent insult, I thought it was just snobby but that didn’t really fit either. Anyways interesting that observation to the commentator who pointed that out. I feel lucky that I was able to see a genuine smile during this whole show at all, and that was when she just entered rehab and talked about how her father cried and how loved she felt by that. This is a majorly emotionally neglected woman with extremely deep feelings of worthlessness. Combine that with how the rehab psychologist commented on her lack of insight being a hurdle, equals a difficult situation. She comes off as not very bright either but I wonder if that is an effect of the drugs, I don’t know if low intelligence can hurt ones recovery, I imagine too high or too low isn’t good. Her bf I just don’t get, seems like he’s on some power trip? I don’t know. Too bad she returned to him after rehab. It made me more sad than usually to see she had failed, I think her profound sense of loss and sadness and well, hopelessness actually is what made me really want to see a spirit of hope in her again. Yes and I agree, the things she said at the end of rehab with how she felt like
    A new person seemed totally scripted, it almost looked like she was lying with how her eyes darted around right after she said that. She looked better when she was in jail, more spunk in her face. The way she glanced at the camera while walking in line at the jail and gave a shy smile was perplexing and not really appropriate for the situation. Just an incredibly lost soul. Oh and I am not sure that the comments on her blog are actually her, I hope not. If so then I am so sorry to hear she needs a liver transplant and has about 6 months to live (from the time of this comment). Damn it makes me feel so bad, like evil has triumphed or something yet I know that everyone can change their lives if they really want to it still makes me feel like something won. Not like she failed. Perhaps I get this sense from her of being extremely lost to the point of trancelike and possessed by something. There’s just something almost so unsettling about her demeanor, I can’t pintpoint it and I’m jot sure I even want to know, I hope that doesn’t make me sound like a bad person to write that. Anyways, alcoholism is awful, I shudder to think of it. I’m never going to allow myself to drink, ever.

    1. Dahlia

      Oh and I wanted to say one more thing… her bf (exbf technically). That he locked her in a room for her to detox against her will is extremely disturbing. I’m not an expert of any kind but I wonder if that could be regarded as a form of abuse? It wouldn’t technically be abuse in the sense that he wanted to hurt her… Perhaps negligence? In any event, what he did was very very wrong. The show hinted at that especially with the editing when the interventionist (who is my least favorite one, he always says the same thing and is so incredibly dry) says the whole “family is not the treatment” center anymore spiel he always says and the camera focuses on her bad during that time and you can see the guilt as he squirms in his seat. My point is the show should have said something more about what her be did…. then again maybe that is a strength of the show that it lets the actions speak for themselves. Then again, I worry that someone of lesser intelligence will watch this episode and think that locking someone up is a good idea because there was no outright strong affirmative criticism of it. I feel that maybe he shouldn’t have even been allowed to be in the intervention considering this event…. I don’t know. I just find it to be so disturbing… She really could have died. He even consulted his attorneys on doing that??? Just doesn’t make sense… Maybe he wanted to make sure that legally he’d be ok since he was doing it from his heart?? I don’t think he’s a bad person necessarily, I just question the way A&E handled the presentation of that horrific event in Kimberlys life.

      1. Alyssa


        I’m not sure if you’ll be notified of my reply to your response to Kimberly’s episode however, I just wanted to make note of a couple things – as an avid Intervention watcher. Being a former addict myself – I can relate very closely to this show, and perhaps that’s why I consider it one of my favorites and sympathize deeply with (most) of the addicts. In Kimberly’s case with her then-boyfriend, I’d actually have to disagree with you on his desperation act of locking her up in the spare bedroom for 3 days. As long as she wasn’t deprived of food & water, I actually think the act was justifiable. Being involved with an addict either as a family member, friend or significant other can cause desperation and desperate times call for desperate measures. This is a woman who had hit rock bottom multiple times, resulting in several charges that led to jail time and being sent to countless rehabs – yet still resorted to her drinking after all the attempts her family made. Her boyfriend was most likely only locking her up because he felt like it was the only thing he could do at the time – he had no choice. Her days were numbered literally – as alcohol is by far the most damaging to your body health wise out of all the drugs I can name, and while it takes awhile for your body to fully deteriorate from the negative impact alcohol causes – a fatal outcome is inevitable. He had two choices, to sit around and wait for his partner to hit a permanent rock bottom which could’ve quite easily resulted in death, (perhaps not from the alcohol itself but the impaired judgment she had while drinking alcohol which could’ve resulted in her seriously harming herself, or someone else from public intoxication or even driving under the influence), OR his second option was taking the matter into his own hands, as most would do in a state of desperation, trying to heal those you love and care for. It might have seemed disturbing to you, but what was really disturbing was the harm Kimberly was doing to herself, and her body. His unethical intervention of locking her up in the bedroom for 3 days failed, ultimately because it has the be the addict’s will to want to get help & get clean. Without the willpower to get sober and stay sober, the outcome will always be failure. The addict will run right back to the one thing that they’ve become dependent on as an emotional & physical crutch to rid them of their pain by numbing all sense of their emotions or feelings – their drug of choice. While an intervention by the family often becomes the final attempt at trying to save the addict from themselves & the drug, it is the addict & the addict only who has the tools to remain sober. And coming from experience, it’s not easy. It’s an everyday battle to fight off the temptation to use, resulting in a relapse, TRUST me. I went to an NA meeting (anonymous meetings that are held several times a week all over North American cities for addicts & recovering addicts as a means of helping eachother stay clean by joining together and sharing stories and offering moral support to those struggling) and there was one of the female addicts, headlining the meeting with her story of addiction and how she reached 6 months of sobriety which while that not being much, was the longest she’d ever been clean in years. Her method of getting clean was along the same lines of Kimberly’s boyfriends attempt to get her clean. This female addict told her PARENTS to lock her in their unfinished basement for atleast a week and refuse to give in and let her out, even if she screamed, cried, pleaded or begged to be set free. She was in that basement for 7 days, with no food – only water, no source of sunlight (it was an underground basement with the windows tapped shut), no WiFi, social interactions or entertainment. She said detoxing off her DOC (drug of choice) was complete and utter hell.. She described it as the worst case of the flu one could ever have (and having detoxed off my DOC for 8 days to get clean, I know EXACTLY how she felt). She puked nonstop, direhea, severe muscle pains, sleep deprivation from restlessness, cold sweats, hot sweats, shakes, mood swings, and strong drug cravings – but she fought off all the pain, and suffering, and the abundance of tears and on Day 8 – she finally felt ready to leave that basement and she said she walked out feeling like a new person, with no desire to ever use a drug again and the strong desire to stay clean and lead a sober life. The point is, sometimes desperate measures work, but like I said – the addict has to want it for themselves and Kimberly clearly wasn’t ready.
        Just some food for thought :).

        Where I WILL agree with you whomever is on that Jeff guy, the elder interventionist with that god awful balding head that shines like a bowling bald. Speaking of desperate, he’s quite desperate to hold onto the remains of his hair clinging to the edges of his head, and refuses to shave it off.. Which is probably a good thing because he has a very unattractively shaped head. However, I didn’t intend to pick him apart and probably appear quite shallow doing so as he seems like a very genuinely nice guy, he just isn’t an ideal interventionist. He’s very dry and lacks sincerity AND integrity in his words. He’s very repetitive and almost sounds scripted when he prepares the family for the intervention as even more so DURING the intervention. Each addict’s case is very individual as each addict is themselves, and while many of their story’s involve the same substance of dependency, their story’s of addiction are quite different – yet Jeff uses the exact same script of words while relating to each one and their families. Here’s a few of his favourite phrases, just to name a few:
        – During pre-intervention: “You guys are his treatment centre. Well, here’s the thing, you suck at it. You’re not fit for the job, so I’m going to relieve you of the burden of running it – you’re fired.” (Like, SERIOUSLY?? I’ve never heard something so corny.)
        – To the addict: “I’m here with your family and they love you like crazy but they feel like they’re losing you, so they’re going to fight to get you back. Don’t talk, just listen.” (An important line and also the reality of the situation, but after hearing the line 100 times, it loses its sincerity.)
        – During pre-intervention: “(insert addicts name here) Is your mood altering substance. They are intruding into your life, all the time, and you try to go about your day with church and groceries and dinner but (addicts name) is still on your conscious and therefore your mood altering substance.”

        Luckily he isn’t the interventionist for every single episode or he’d probably end up driving me crazy and ruining one of my favourite shows! Hehe.

        Anyways just my input! Sorry for the rant haha. I feel very strongly on topics of discussion relating to addiction for obvious reasons. Maybe one day, I’ll have the courage to start a blog on my own journey of addiction and how it led me to where I am today.. Sober and happy.

      2. Nicole Fisher

        Waaaait a second your a former addict!!!??? I only read the first few sentences of you post and HAD to respond and not continue on Alcohol withdrawal can KILL you within 48hrs mind you. You don’t know it all that’s for sure!

      3. Elizabeth

        Alyssa – I respect your perspective but I disagree with you on a number of points. First – locking Kimberly in a room to detox was, at best, dangerously misguided and at worst, could have been fatal. People can die detoxing from alcohol. It was highly irresponsible and her boyfriend was lucky he didn’t kill her. Worth noting – it was also completely ineffective.

        As for your comments on Jeff, I like his point-blank, no bullshit style. I absolutely think that he is scripted and I think that’s a good thing. He uses the language he uses because he’s been doing interventions for a long time and he knows what works. Before the show gained in popularity, while Jeff might have said the same things thousands of times in his career, families haven’t heard it thousands of times. Saying that the family has been the treatment center and they suck at it so they are fired – it’s true. They have been doing whatever they are doing to try to “save” or “fix” the addict and they are spectacularly unsuited to do this. By “firing” them, Jeff is giving them permission to let the addict go – to get help from people who are qualified to help. Maybe some find it cheesy but it does seem to work. Families seem to hear what he is saying. And he seems to have a pretty good success rate getting addicts to treatment. All the interventionists have their standard lines – Candy always says that she “got sober because of her kids.” Ken always asks the addict if he/she can feel “how much love is in the room for them.”

        As for addicts being individuals – sure they are. But addiction is addiction. These interventionists know what the patterns are and what the commonalities are in addicts’ behaviors and enabling behaviors. Sure – they tweak the approach to some of the characteristics of the family but they are following a particular model of intervention with a specific set of foundational beliefs (that addiction is a disease and more specifically a family disease; that the intervention has the best possible chance of success if it is a surprise to the addict). Those practices are rooted in some set of research that indicates that they work.

        In any event, Kimberly was clearly very sick and I hope for the best for her. Would love to see a follow up.

      4. Tobie

        People can legit die from alcohol withdrawal DTs. It is the only withdrawal that can actually kill you. So, yes, he was very wrong to lock her in a room for three days. I get it- addicts are frustrating to deal with. My mother is an alcoholic. Doesn’t give me the right to lock her up like a prisoner and potentially kill her.

  7. Michelle

    Found her facebook page. She looks good, but cannot tell if she is still drinking or not.

    1. Ash

      Well, I can’t tell either… I definitely noticed the weight loss. But if the above blog mentioned it to be believe and she is ill, that could be a reason. One day at a time

    2. todd shingledecker

      kim got married this year, and its a big mess, still drinking, was arrested last year… her husband is very very bad news …she has a different facebook now
      she has been beat up several times..

  8. Dewey

    She died a few months ago. Found obit on google. Kimberly was 33

    1. Dizzy

      I did an extensive Google search and could not find an obituary. Also she was 34 when the episode aired in 2012. I think you may have the wrong person.

    2. todd shingledecker

      she is not deceased I jus saw her literally in 2022

  9. Dewey

    I guess ur right Diz. Could have sworn i saw it. This is her facebook link.

  10. Kyle

    Kimberly’s blog still has a single post but she added some recent comments to her 2012 post.

    In July 2015 she commented:
    “This is Kimberly and I have fallen and am very ill. I have cirrhosis and hep. C. THEY haven’t given me long, 6 months, and I need a liver.”

    (Oops! I just saw that this comment has already been referred to in a post above mine: sorry about that)

    However she added some more comments in May 2016 which lead me to believe that she either had her liver transplant (which by the way also means that she had at least months of sobriety beforehand since they don’t let active alcoholics get a liver transplant) or that she outlasted her doctors’ prognosis. She doesn’t mention the transplant or her health at all in the latest posts. I hope she’ll be fine.

  11. Kayla

    Hello I live in Spain and love watching intervention but dont get to watch many episodes with a&e asking for a tv provider to log in, so does anyone know of a website i could be able to watch the episodes or if they sell them on DVDs? Would much appreciate any help

    1. Lagaya1 sells dvds of full seasons, and streams individual episodes for $2 or $3, I think.Amazon Prime members at one time got some seasons free-not sure if still available.

    2. call me montana

      Hey i saw you wanted to find a website to watch intervention. i’m in USA so idk if it’s available in spain but i use a website called ‘dailymotion’ besides ads being sometimes 1:30 long, a woman named ‘sherry-nereida’ posts all of intervention’s episodes. hope this helped (: and to whoever reading: i love you and i hope both sides of your pillow are cool.

      1. Kara Bishop

        Download the A&E app and you can watch most of the episodes

  12. Flo

    Any updates on Kimberly. Hope she’s doing well

    1. Anna

      A&E aired her episode a few days ago, at the end of the episode the screen said that she relapsed several times but finally got sober in 2013.

      1. todd shingledecker

        as of 2022 she is married,,,been beat up several times and definately is not sober at all… I talk to her all the time

  13. Betsy

    Locking an alcoholic in a room for 3 days is extremely dangerous. Seizures, Delirium Tremors and death can result from unsupervised alcohol withdrawal.

  14. Kim

    I really have a problem with this Alyssa person’s response. Jeff’s hair? Really? That’s what you got out of this?

    1. Dewey

      I miss Jeff. Hopie he is well and comes back

    2. Dre

      I agree, this really bothered me and was uncalled for….Jeff is actually my favorite from the beginning.

      1. Dahlia

        (Not the same Dahlia from earlier comments, btw)
        Jeff is a known bigot and horrible interventionist (see Larry’s sister’s comments on Season 10 episode). I’m honestly shocked at how so many people like him. Frightening how willing some people are to defend an old white guy and fight tooth and nail for his sake. Very, very sad and shameful.

  15. Hector

    Yes wtf was that whole term paper about his hair?! Good grief!

  16. teri

    Did anyone else have an issue with the way she drank beer with her mouth around the whole opening??

    1. Anna

      I noticed that too haha. I really do identify with Kimberly and she reminds me of myself when I was drinking. I wish her all the best

  17. Andy

    Wow that follow up was totally unconvincing. Any updates on her?

  18. Aisling

    I checked out her Facebook people shared here. She seems to be doing ok but I have do idea if she’s sober still. Anyone have any update on her sobriety? Seems to have minimal contact with her sons which seems to point at she is still drinking. Her blog has also been disabled.

    1. todd shingledecker

      she has a new facebook

      1. Kara Bishop

        Todd… just curious, how do you know her?

      2. Kara Bishop

        What’s her husband’s name, is it Scott? I just noticed that someone posted she had an ex-husband name Scott, so is she married to someone else? And really I just wanna know how her sobriety is since you know her? A lot of us really want to know because we are rooting for her sobriety and her well-being. My thoughts and prayers are with Kimberly. 💕 & Happy New Year!!! 🎉

      3. Kara Bishop

        Todd, I just read your comment down below where you said that you’re her friend and that she still needs help and is struggling so thank you for answering all of her questions…

  19. Very worried

    A recent picture of her she looks very sick

    1. Flo

      Do you have link

    1. Andy

      That’s so sad. She looks yellow AF in that picture. Can’t tell if it was the lighting, but my guess is jaundice.

    2. Anon

      Your post is the best. You are the real mvp

    3. Cat

      DAMN WTF???? AN AUTO THEFT CHARGE!!?? My guess is she’s really fallen off the wagon this time. I feel like as vapid and questionably truthful her words have been on most of this episode (especially the update part), that auto theft would have never been something she’d resort to, whether sober or in any of the parts of her in active addiction featured on the episode.

    4. Sudie

      Oh no – that woman looks like she’s in her late 60s! That can’t possibly be her…can it?

  20. anon

    So sad. I wish I could just go get her and make her get sober. I have seen her in passing and wanted badly to ask how she was.

  21. anon

    She also has a warrant for another case … 35-45-2-1(a)(1)/MA: Intimidation-Threaten Another w/ Intent That They Engage In Conduct Against Will apparently she got out of jail for the other charge of auto theft … and then they issued this warrant last month. and has a warrant for the June 22 charge as well.

    1. Kate

      Keep this info coming! Also, if anyone is looking for a way to get through to someone they love who is suffering from alcoholism, Drunk in Public is a fantastic documentary and a real wake up call.

      1. Britt

        Hey there I am in Canada and really want to watch this but can’t find it anywhere, any idea where to watch this l?

      2. Britt

        The drunk in public doc you mentioned

      3. Kara Bishop

        Britt you can buy it from Amazon for $24
        Drunk In Public

  22. Angie F

    OMG she is sooo yellow. She has lived this long, I pray she finds God’s love and purpose

    1. Jacob

      Steven, the boyfriend actually commented here but no one noticed above. Stevan d killer , recently charged with trying to evict tenants from properties he doesn’t own

      1. Dahlia

        Haha just more proof the guy’s a jerk. Thanks for the update!!

      2. Lynda

        Yeah I noticed Steven Kollars post stating she’s on a transplant list in 2020. Hope she’s doing ok, and quit drinking if she got a new liver.

      3. Anonymous

        Can confirm from knowing him in the past, Steven is a piece of shit.

  23. Beth

    I hope she’s able to stay sober with the structure of prison. This episode is so terribly sad. Kimberley really seems like she’s just running on autopilot in her episode, even when she is in sober the level of disconnect is astonishing. And her parents and boyfriend are atrocious.

  24. Kat

    Looks like she just got arrested very recently: I was hoping she was doing better. May she finally find peace and sobriety

  25. Codependent in Recovery

    The first thought I noticed when Steven mentioned his line of work and how he described Kimberly was, “Holy shit, he literally sees Kimberly the same way he sees his properties, as something he can fix.” Everything he described screams codependency, especially when Kimberly started talking about how Steven would lock her in her room. I had my own experience learning that I struggled with codependency and was trying to “fix” people in my life. I think Steven’s heart was in the right place, but the healthiest thing he could have done for Kimberly was to be a supportive friend and help her get into treatment and counseling. Obviously I only know what I’ve seen in the episode, but I feel like Kimberly was carrying so much pain and trauma from her childhood and her past relationships that any attempt to treat her alcoholism without serious therapy was doomed to fail. I hope that she can get the treatment she needs so she can find peace in her life and live the life each one of us deserves.

    1. Melissity

      I didn’t see codependency, I saw covert narcissist.

    1. RP

      Wow, kind of a big deal that she’s being held without bond. Especially given that we are still in a pandemic. Leads me to believe that the facts of the case she’s charged with and her criminal history are serious enough to keep her held until her trial date.

  26. call me montana

    to everyone still curious about kim: her facebook is near the bottom of the comments linked in someone else’s comment. i checked her facebook and i saw she posted on her facebook story a meme of a man running with the captain “when the bars open back up” so i’m going to say she is sadly still abusing. seems she went to jail many times too. i feel deep for kimberly i hope she can find her way.

  27. Melissity

    You can view Indiana state records here:
    If you just search for Kimberly Carr it pulls up a lot of other cases from other Kimberlys, so not every single case in the 6 pages is her! But you can tell the ones that are based on the county and the charges.

    1. Christina Elizabeth

      Yeah! You can also search her on the St.Joseph County, IN Inmate Search. Seems like she is still struggling but she was let out on recognizance- maybe COVID related to thin out jails. I hope she finds her way to freedom from alcohol. Glad she got away from that guy who wanted to murder her with withdrawal.

  28. April S.

    I’m sitting here watching this episode for the first time (on Hulu) and just have to say something. I understand the “abandonment” facet of growing up, but Kimberly’s comment about when she was 16 and being shipped off to her Aunt’s house; “I felt abandoned, AGAIN. I was so hurt.” Ugh. Well, if you hadn’t been acting out and being aggressive towards your family, maybe your Mother would have let you stick around.
    It’s really hard to find her likeable.

  29. Michelle

    Positive thoughts go out to Kimberley. If you’re reading this i wish you so much happiness and I’m so sorry for the pain you feel everyday.

  30. Willy

    She was arrested 3/17/21 for “ Intimidation – threaten someone to get them to engage in conduct against their will”

  31. Todd Shingledecker

    Kimberly s11e4

    Life hasnt been good to my friend and she needs some serious help … i
    i fear her life is in jeapordy

    1. Chance and Destiny

      Thank you for commenting Tom. I am confused, has she been on dialysis for over 6 years or did she get a transplant and then continue to drink? She is so yellow and gaunt in some of the pictures. I hope that she gets it. Maybe prison will get her sober? Good luck to you and her

      1. todd shingledecker

        she was married earlier this year, her husband has beat her up several times, she has been arrested and was even in an auto accident… I have spoke to her a few times and offered her help, i have even rescued her when she was literally ditched out of town by someone…. I have heard stories of her being pimped out but I do not think thats true at all… shed has a different facebook these days…still needs help — I do have her number etc.. but its hard to speak to her as she is constantly slurring her words etc

  32. Britt

    Personally, I liked Kimberly. I think she built a harsh exterior around herself and numbs any further pain with alcohol, and I don’t blame her after seeing 2 minutes of her father.
    I’m in the same boat still struggling and rooting for you Kim, [email protected] msg me anytime girl

  33. Kara Bishop

    Wow! I’m still watching the episode… But I had to leave a comment before I finish the episode because I calculated how many shots of vodka would be equal to what Kimberly drinks in 1 day. I came up with 57 shots of vodka in 1 day!! She drinks a gallon of wine, six bottles of beer, and a fifth of vodka a day. I think that’s more than anyone that I have seen on intervention drink in a day!! That is a lot of f****n alcohol!!

  34. eddy

    had a friendship with someone with NPD for 13 years. its done, was just awful.

    kimberly reminds me so much of him. shes not likeable at all. i would love to see her mask slip.

  35. Gasby Dupree

    Guys — she has been arrested SO MANY times in the past few years. All here:

    1. Dizzy!

      Whoa. Looks like she’s gotten really into carjacking based on the charges listed in these arrests (Intimidation).