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Buy Me a Coffee

Season 21, Episode 5


Age: 25
Location: Kenora, Ontario, Canada
Addiction: Hydromorphone and other opiates, meth

Official Synopsis:  An adventurous child with a love for animals, Courtney dreamed of growing up to be a veterinarian. Tragically, when she was just seven years old, her best friend died in a drowning accident and Courtney was never the same. The loss left her closed off and moody. In her teenage years, that moodiness turned to rebellion and she began to experiment with drugs. Today, Courtney no longer cares about her health or safety. Her alarming re-use of dirty needles has taken her to the brink of death. If Courtney doesn’t accept treatment, her life is surely at risk.

What’s Memorable:  Another painful dinner scene. So many painful dinner scenes in this show! The well-intentioned and but egregiously enabling mother. How badly ravaged her body is from the drugs, with flesh eating disease and open sores all over her face. This girl is only 25 years old, it’s tragic how much irreversible damage she has already done to herself.  That intervention was a good one, so disappointing that it didn’t take.

Date Aired: August 17, 2020 in US, aired as Intervention Canada Season 4 in October 2018.

Interventionist: Geri Bermister (She’s pretty good. I like this line: “Remember that you’re not turning you back on her, you’re turning your back on her addiction”).

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  1. Chelsea

    Are there any recent updates on courtney almost 2 years after her intervention? I was really rooting for her the whole episode <3

    1. AK

      Her last Instagram post is from January, she looks a lot better/healthier. I’m not sure when the episode was filmed though..Because even in her posts from 2013 she looks better than on the show. (it’s really her, can’t be anyone else)

      (copied half my other comment in case you missed that one)

      1. Amber

        She died of an overdose. If you google Courtney from intervention you’ll find the info

      2. Rob

        Wrong Courtney

      3. Rekka

        What’s her ig name?

      4. Ss

        Her Instagram is Pinkwhiskey. The other commenter saying she passed is speaking of a different Courtney named Courtney griffin .

      5. Emily

        she actually has needles and a spoon in the background if you look closely. I believe the post about her death is another Courtney. a Courtney Griffin not a Courtney Munn.

    2. Anonymous

      My baby’s dad (who is in the problem) just told me that he’s seen her around Winnipeg and knows for a fact that she’s currently an active user.
      Very heartbreaking that she didn’t take advantage of the opportunity that was given to her.

      1. Kdot

        wow winnipeg? shes definintley deep into the meth/heroin now. winnipeg is the worst city for meth addiction/crime.

    3. Amber

      She died of an overdose. If you google Courtney from intervention you’ll find the info

      1. Jessica

        No that’s a diff courtney

      2. Kurt

        That is not the same Courtney. Make sure you have your facts straight before claiming someone has died.

      3. Stac

        That is a different Courtney that died. She lived in Florida

      4. Ingrid

        Courtney Ball passed away she was only 21 and called herself the heroin princess so very sad and this Courtney Nunn also passed of an overdose in 2019 or 2021

    4. Kasha K

      Im a friend of the families, no shes no dead lol. She’s still an active drug addict and is located in NWO with the rest of her family

      1. Ingrid

        was hoping for a better outcome for this girl she had an amazing family who went above and beyond for her because she was so loved mom looked completley burnt out the auntie susie seemed like such a loving out going positive person ….. and courtney was lucky to have such a womderful stepdad in warren ….. i also wonder what ever happened to courtneys friend Rudy ….. he didnt accept treatment and courtney left after only 2 days ….. would be nice if we had updates on the people often if they jave died they keep it hush hush which i dont understand because they are on the show these drugs sure get grip on some people

  2. AK

    I’ve seen all Intervention throughout the years, but this was the first episode where I had to pause several times because I was so angry.
    The whole family is just the worst enablers I’ve ever seen on this show and Courtney is the most manipulative addict. It was incredibly frustrating to see her family walk on eggshells around her and her mom literally giving her everything except real help that she needed.
    I couldn’t believe that they supported her after her leg was nearly lost and after her mom was watching her shoot up in that motel room more than once. Just unbelievable.
    I was a 100% sure she’ll leave treatment and she did.

    Her last Instagram post is from January, she looks a lot better/healthier. I’m not sure when the episode was filmed though..Because even in her posts from 2013 she looks better than on the show.

    1. Ami

      What’s her name on Instagram?

      1. CC


    2. Marie Hollingshead

      I agree. Her Mom was so weak and harmed her daughter by giving in. The show was hard to watch because this young beautiful girl was in such bad shape it was disgusting the way she was living. I have a feeling she was going to leave treatment also in fact it seems since the new season aired practically every person has left treatment so far.

  3. Stefan

    This was a hard episode to watch. Picking always makes me cringe and what happened to her leg was awful. I hope Courtney is now doing better as her Instagram profile seems to suggest. I agree that Geri is a great interventionist, dare I say the Candy of Intervention Canada.

    1. Elizabeth

      I agree! I didn’t think I was going to like Geri but right after she spoke a few sentences I was like yeah she’s cool LOL. I love her demeanor and the way she talks, she says really good stuff that I haven’t heard before, so huge fan! Definitely Candy energy

    2. Kara Bishop

      I also agree… The candy of Canada… I really like her method and the things that she says in such a calming voice!!!

  4. Elizabeth

    Why do you think so far this season has only been Canadian episodes? I don’t mind at all, I love the Canadian accents, just wondering why there hasn’t been an american episode yet.
    Also, I was SO disappointed to see that she left treatment, she is such a beautiful girl even ravaged as she was, and I was excited to see her all healthy at the end.
    I also can’t believe the guy she was with for four years. To terminate a pregnancy with that man and then he had a baby with someone else a FEW MONTHS later??? That is devastating, my jaw dropped. I hope Courtney is healing and is doing better these days!! If anyone could share her instagram/give updates that would be appreciated!

    1. Dizzy

      I think because they haven’t completed any US episodes recently but still wanted to have something on the air, so they’re using Intervention Canada episodes from 2 years ago and pretending it’s a new season.

      1. Elizabeth

        That totally makes sense! Thanks Dizzy

    2. Tim

      I gasped too! That was horrible.

    3. Ann

      Everyone in the US knows what intervention is and wouldn’t be fooled into thinking they are shooting a documentary on addiction. Remember the addicts in the show are supposedly unaware they are going to face an intervention they think they are just talking about addiction so it’s probably a lot harder to find addicts in the USA that wouldn’t figure out this is A & E Intervention and not be willing to do it

      1. A

        I kind of think a lot of the addicts probably did know what was coming but they figured they could just say no.

    4. KL

      I’m sorry…Canadian ‘accents?” hahaha we use Canadian slang yes. but American’s have the accents hunny 😉 FYI I live in Kenora and yes know Courtney. I just wanna say…Kurt is right, get your facts straight before you comment. She’s alive. NOT dead and that’s extremely and incredibly insensitive and not cool of you guys to assume. there’s a reason they don’t continue with updates too? ….for the family’s privacy sake. Saw Rudy a few days ago went to school with him, he’s good too..

  5. Elizabeth

    Okay uh from her instagram, after the show she seemed to move in with an older man, possibly her father took her in? And honestly, from the vibe of her instagram and her last post being back in January, idk, I don’t think she’s doing that good 🙁 not sure if I’m allowed to say what exactly her instagram is but i found it by googling “courtney intervention canada instagram” lol

    1. Ami

      I take it back. I was thinking about the other Courtney.

      1. Elizabeth

        oh okay I was like am I going insane thats definitely her? hahah

      2. Ami

        Ha ha sorry about that. I’m the insane one lol.

    2. AK

      I am not saying she is doing good, but she is not dead, which is kind of a surprise, we all saw how she looked like in the episode.
      She gained weight and looks healthier in general. It doesn’t mean she has a super fantastic life all of a sudden. I highly doubt that.
      But I’m glad if her family sticks to the bottom lines, because her mom had no life on her own anymore.

      1. Elizabeth

        Yeah thats true, I too was shocked she still is alive, as bad as that is to even say. She looked as bad as Katie almost! She does look a tad healthier in her photos, but of course, instagram is not a good indication on how anyone is doing, good or bad. I agree! I hope the mom is at least living her own life, so stressful to watch.

      2. Alice Schmid

        who’s katie?

      3. Sudie

        Katie is the one whose addiction has messed up her veins so badly that she had to take heroin anally. Yup, you read that right.

        Katie’s face was picked so bad that the scars around her mouth affected her speech. They had to use subtitles even when she wasn’t under the influence because her speech was so garbled. She was a gorgeous woman before all this happened, and I was shocked.

    3. Ingrid

      Courtney munn has not been active on her Instagram or Facebook since 2018 people need to look at the dates she posted on her accounts

  6. Ami

    I don’t think that’s her. It doesn’t look like her.

  7. Annette

    More Geri, please! Immediately after watching this ep I scoured YouTube for more Geri vids. Her voice and overall affect are so soothing – she would be great at ASMR!

    1. Stefan

      Agreed. She kinda looks like Famke Janssen.

    2. Sudie

      what is ASMR?

    3. Sudie

      I agree with you – I’m sure Maureen tries her best, but Geri doesn’t parrot back what people say to her, which is what Maureen does, and which I can’t stand. Geri has it together and tells things straight up. I like her.

      1. Kitty Katt

        I totally agree with you about Maureen. It’s so annoying.

  8. Rob

    One part of this episode irked me: when Courtney is heading to the airport after the Intervention and tells Geri that she’d “never really thought of” doing anything just for her (or something along those lines). She didn’t strike me as a selfless person once during the episode.

    1. Alex

      Agreed. Everything she did was self-serving. That’s the issue with intervention, not every addict is ready and she wasn’t. Her social media accounts still show her partying and living that lifestyle. Addiction is sad.

      1. Rob

        Yeah, I just had a look at her Instagram and it’s terrifying. Shortly after her episode aired in Canada, she was cozying up to a man probably 35-40 years older than her and in terrible shape.

      2. Stefan

        That’s sad to hear. I predict she will soon be joining the “addicts who have died” page sooner rather than later.

      3. Tara

        We only know 45 mins of this girls life & it was during her active addiction. To say that she was self serving is an assumption & imo a wrong one. Her addiction & disease is self serving but I think the real Courtney is absolutely selfless. Described by her family as saving all animals she came across, loving others before herself. You gotta look deeper than the active addiction.

    2. Lex

      That comment she made caught me off guard as well.

  9. MadiR

    I can’t remember another addict that looked as physically sick as this.

  10. Mrs. Emily

    Is there anyway to watch this without cable. I no longer have cable:(

    1. Xlio

      Amazon prime has it for 2.99

    2. Tara

      Possibly even on YouTube. Just search the episode number. It might be in parts.

      1. Sudie

        It’s also on Hulu if you have the “live” option on the account.

    3. Megan

      roku channel app has a lot of the intervention episodes for free.

  11. Brand

    This has to be by Far the worse addict they’ve aired. So freaking heart breaking.

    1. Raven

      Have you seen Cristy on Season 2, Episode 18? She was the worst I have seen. If you haven’t seen that one, you need to watch it. She has one of the worst cases of Meth Induced psychosis I have ever seen!

  12. Cliff lanc Davis


  13. Tammy

    It was so hard to watch this sweet beautiful young lady. I felt so bad for the mom. That’s her baby . I’m the mom of an angel addict. I found my son Tony deceased. He died from fentanyl poisoning. I went through his addiction with him for over 8 years. He had been clean for 8 months. Addiction is a disease and it affects the whole family. I pray she is doing better.

  14. Tara

    I was an addict for years & had a few relapses after I first got clean, I’ve been completely clean for 4 yrs now. This episode even made me cringe, seeing her leg & face it just shattered my heart because I know that behind that addiction there’s a beautiful, kind girl. I really hope that she can find a shred of hope & grab it because it’s literally life & death. I have seen a lot of addicts in my life but I don’t think I have ever seen someone so terminally ill in addiction as Courtney. I hope she can choose life & not death. I’m glad her mom got help because she was addicted to Courtney & her disease as Courtney was to drugs.

  15. Sudie

    I really like Geri (the interventionist). She’s compassionate and no-nonsense, and I believe she has a better approach than Maureen does. It seems like Maureen repeats what the loved ones say to her, and Maureen tends to condescend. I’m sure she does what she does out of love and caring, but to me, it really grates.

    I really hope Courtney is OK and continues to be OK. She deserves good things.

  16. Pang

    Unfortunately I don’t think her prognosis is very good. She has been an addict since she was 10, meaning that her developing brain was hard-wired for addiction. Her brain chemistry was severely altered from a very early age so she probably doesn’t have “normal” dopaminergic pathways. I’d love to be proven wrong though. Participants not doing well this season…

  17. julia

    Just watched her episode and God, I’m so sad. This is by far one of the worst addicts I’ve seen on the show. The eating flesh thing was just.. her face, I’m just so so so heartbroken. I saw her IG after seeing the comments here and she looks way better, but I wonder how she is today and if her friend Rudy accepted the help.. hopefully yes. Hope they’re both healthy and happy, and wishing the same for her family.

  18. Heather N Richardson

    So hey I just watched this episode and was more affected by her not making it than any person that I’d seen before.🥺 Anyway I looked her up to see if she got better but there’s no new updates on her insta. Anyway if anyone would like to see what it would’ve looked like had she gotten clean here’s her before the dope.😌

  19. Peach

    I really disliked the way she treated her family during the dinner like, yes, addiction makes you do things you wouldn’t normally do, but the way she was whining and causing a scene and throwing a fit and all her family was trying to do was engage with her was appalling and just downright sad. She acted like a child having a tantrum and this is a 25 year old WOMAN. “meeeh you’re all looking at me staaahp it.” I mean wow, I have anxiety. I get it, but that was straight up manipulative nonsense. I know She had a rocky childhood but I really got the feeling that this girl has just never heard the word “no” that many times in her life…. I mean that’s clear with the whole dynamic she has with her mother. I’m rooting for her to get better but that scene made me struggle to even really like her on a fundamental level.

    1. Katrina

      Omg, right?? I couldn’t believe that everyone kept going over to the bathroom and playing in to that childish crap. Ohhhhh, and when she told her mom to GTFO when she came to take Courtney shopping for clothes?? It didn’t faze the mom at all, like she was so used to the abuse already. I mean, what happens in someone’s life where you’re okay with paying for your kid’s drugs, hotel room to party in, clothing, cell phone (I assume) and watching them shoot-out, all of which occur when they are a grown-ass adult?? I was appalled at the mom’s statement of “I’m just not good at playing hard ball. I suck.” She had to realize that her enabling was killing this girl. I loved Jeff’s statement of something to the effect of “Addicts usually don’t have the ability to keep their addiction going on their own. They almost always need and have someone enabling them that makes their addiction possible.” So true.

      1. Kitty Katt

        Agreed. Also, Ken said something to the effect of “addicts don’t die from drugs but from those who enable them” or something like that during the Katherine C episode.

    2. Kitty Katt

      I totally agree with you on this.

      1. Britt

        Agreed and I love Katherine.C shes a favourite of mine
        But my true fav has always been Kacy. Even though I have several others favs (Kourtney, both of the Ambers, Laney, even Cristy lol)
        I’m in Canada have you guys noticed how barely any of us addicts get better?
        I’m documenting my own struggle to get clean the waiting lists for rehab are insane and people die waiting

  20. Mr B

    Man, as soon as you hear the tick-tock-tick-tock music start and notice she’s just walking INTO the treatment centre… you just know there’s not enough time left in the show to follow up on her doing well. Two days… ack. Well, for some people, it takes 2, 3, … more tries to finally get there.

    Was heartbroken to hear she started pot at 10, hard drugs at 14. I hope she can turn things around. Every person deserves another chance.

    1. Stefan

      Agreed. I thought I was the only one who noticed that.

  21. Todd

    I just had a surgery and have been recuperating. I’ve spent a lot of time on my back watching television. I’ve watched several Intervention episodes. I think this one was the most disturbing.

  22. Sheri

    Courtney Munn hasn’t posted on her Facebook page in 2 years or on Instagram (pink whiskey) for a year and a half. I can’t find an obit tho.

    1. Kitty Katt

      She has a few fb accounts. One shows 2020.
      Also, if you are not on her friend’s list (that goes for any of us and our accounts), somethings are public and some might not be. In other words, we might not being seeing the “whole picture” here which is why it’s hard to figure out.

  23. Anonymous

    She was recently sighted in a house they found over 800 used needles, a box with her name on it in nail polish and a reminder not to reuse the needles.
    Her head is shaved from all the meth mites she thought she had lice went running in the streets naked. The man she is squatting with broke all her fingers for stealing from him.

    1. Stefan

      I am at a loss for words.

      1. Isabelle

        Oh no! Poor girl

    2. Gigi

      That is so sad… it’s really grim when somebody is SO addicted at such a young age…like before they even have an inkling of what adulthood looks and feels like.

    3. April S.

      That is really specific information…do you know her?

    4. Kitty Katt

      How do you know this?

      1. Anonymous 2

        Idk how they got that detailed information but after snooping on facebook for a bit I found this comment on a post from someone she is friends with and supposedly “owes money” to (someone on her FB commented saying she owed Bob money and he commented himself) if what this note says is true this is extremely disgusting and disturbing and I’m depressed to live in a world like this. From what I can gather it seems like the cops there may know, but there are a lot of references to sex trafficking on his page and those of some of his fb friends I wish there was something I could do but I live nowhere near the area nor do I know who to get into contact with ):

    5. Alex

      That would explain why she has a hoodie on in her most updated Facebook profile (2021)

  24. Ann wright

    courtney has DIED..She died of an overdose from what i know in 2019 or 2020 i believe..dates may be off..but i do know, unfortunately she has DIED!!!!!

    1. Ami

      I think you have the wrong Courtney.

    2. Susie

      Search Courtney Ball…that’s the Courtney I believe you are thinking of. She was an addict in Florida. She did pass away unfortunately

    3. Britt

      Ann wright please get your facts right and have receipts before telling everyone someone is dead. You’re talking about Courtney Ball.

      I’ve always been rooting for this Courtney, she’s a beautiful soul inside and out, and I live in Canada too. I’m here in Toronto. If she ever needs support just ask, or ask dizzy for my info if you are Courtney or her family

  25. J

    on a more minor note, does anyone know about her friend (seemed more like a boyfriend, but whatever) Rudy? i know at the end it’s mentioned they offered him treatment and he declined, but for some reason i’m really curious how he’s doing.

  26. Unknown

    I want to preface this comment by saying I was very invested in Courtney’s episode and want the best for her, I spent a little while reading the comments and exploring social media to see if there is any update. However Courtney Munn is rarely active on social media, same with her mother and siblings, they are private so I could only find some pictures. But I found her mother’s Facebook and Instagram (Tina) and there is one post from February of 2022 from her mother that mentioned she was able to see her and stated “Even if I don’t agree with her life choices I will always love her and man she can still make me laugh! Maybe still a little hope that she’ll want more one day.”, I’m assuming that means she is still using but she is alive. On Courtney’s Instagram (@pinkwhitney) she randomly replies to comments on old pictures.
    So that’s a minor update

  27. Valdi

    She just died according to instagram

    1. Ami

      It also says that’s not true and that she’s alive.

    2. April S.

      Where on Instagram did you see that?

      1. Ami

        It’s on her last post.

  28. Cortney T

    Does anyone know if she has gotten sober! Courtney, my name is Cortney I was addicted to heroine for over 11 years of my life luckily before fentanyl was a thing because if it was during my addiction I surely would not have made it into recovery. Your story is almost identical to mine however I did not have a family around to enable me during my addiction and I turned to the streets. I spent 3/4 of my life incarcerated as a result of my addiction I was raised in county jail and have been sent to prison 5 times. My first time going to prison I was 18! I cried almost your entire episode because I see so much of myself in you. I just want you to know that I am in my 5th year of recovery… and even though you may think it’s not possible I promise you YOU ARE WORTH IT and YOU ARE CAPABLE of amazing things. Pleaseee do not wait until it’s too late like my bestfriend. I buried her last year and it literally killed me. Your family loves you and you have an army of supporters standing behind you! I fight for overdose awareness everyday! Please look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself you are worth it every day until you believe it! I know you can do this!

  29. Britt

    I really liked Courtney she was one of my favs
    P.s did anyone else fall in love with Geri the interventionist? I would get sober for her any day! <3

  30. Ingrid

    weird how people talk about intervention Canada as if people in Canada dont have addictions why do some veiwers only think intervention is for americans? number 1 there are two intervention shows and u would think people would realize this already intervention Canada and A&E intervention they are afiliated and candy Finnegan has done canadian interventions as has jeff look it up on google or something 2 intervention shows !!!

    1. Lizzie

      I don’t think it’s that people think that Canadians don’t have addictions. It’s more that in the first seasons of Interventions, some of the episodes were in Canada. Later on, Canada got its own show.

  31. Steph

    Where is Courtney from Intervention season 21 episode 5?
    Tragically Courtney passed away May 12th, 2020.

  32. Britt

    Anyone know how Courtney is doing?

    1. Richard

      Courtney passed away May 12th, 2020.

      1. Anonymous

        She is not dead, that is a different Courtney from a different intervention episode that died. I know Courtney Munn personally. She’s still using and I see her often in Dryden Ontario.