Send Dizzy a Tip!

Buy Me a Coffee

Season 3, Episode 5


Age: 33
Location: Denver, Colorado
Addiction: Heroin
What’s Memorable: This is a sad one. Trent is a decent guy who just can’t stop, even though he’s lost everything and everyone. This is one of those episodes that powerfully hits home how the need to get high and the belief that it’s impossible to stop can completely take over a person’s life.

Update: Trent Gardner Hawn died of alcohol poisoning on July 22, 2021 in Los Angeles at age 47. Here is his obituary.  Here is the ME Case with cause of death.

Official synopsis: Trent, 33, is a four-star chef who’s served U.S. presidents and Hollywood stars. But as the child of alcoholics, Trent’s formative years were marked with violence and abuse. He ultimately turned to drugs to cope, and today he is homeless, sick, battling freezing temperatures, and has an insatiable heroin addiction. His friends and family fear he won’t make it through the winter on the streets, but will Trent be willing to listen to the family he feels deserted him?

Original Air Date: April 2007
Interventionist: Candy

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  1. Gregory Moore

    Truly, one of the most satisfying episodes of “Intervention”. Trent is such an appealing person, smart, funny, kind. And yet, of all the “Intervention” subjects, he seems one of the “hardest nuts to crack” and I was fully expecting a terrible ending for this one. But if his 2007 status remains the same (sober since then), he truly did find a miracle. My hat’s off to Trent for digging himself out of that horrible abyss and realizing his own worth. Congratulations, Trent! Welcome to the world!

    1. diane miller (@deeluvx)

      I agree Trent reminded me of my brother who passed on. My prayers go out to Trent

      1. Isis

        I’m sorry to hear about your brother.

  2. Brandy

    So did Trent and Constance stay together? I hope so!

    1. Maybeth

      At the end of the show it just says he moved into an apartment, there is no mention of Trent and Constance as a couple. Sometimes the addicts choose to stay in the same area where they did their rehab, probably to get a fresh start, maybe that is what happened with Trent.

  3. Tori

    Yeah I’ve been trying to find some follow up info on this guy but can’t seem to find any. Would love to know how he’s doing 7 years later!

  4. mikep

    I hope the Best for Trent!
    I would love for him to come and be a chef at Jake’s place. (A vision I have of a lodge that serves people who are willing to participate in the recovery process and see for themselves that life, hope and love in never ending abundance awaits them:)

  5. diane miller (@deeluvx)

    Trent you are my hero, if you can do it ANYONE can. You were in bad shape buddy.

  6. Alex

    Does anyone know what happened to him!? He seemed so nice but there seems to be no recent updates…

  7. Valerie

    Looks like he’s doing great.

    1. Maybeth

      Valerie if that was supposed to show Trent on the staff of the rehab hospital, he’s not listed there now…as of 4/26/15 there’s no mention of him. But i stopped at the first page of it.

  8. Valerie

    Just to clarify, I know the picture on the above link I posted doesn’t look like him but I found him on Facebook and the pictures on Facebook look exactly like him. This is who he lists as where he’s working now. I don’t know if they just used a generic picture for him or what the deal is but based on his Facebook that’s where he works and he’s clean and sober.

    1. Victoria

      I found his Facebook too, and it does look like he’s doing well. I was so happy to see that!

      Trent is one of the stories that stuck with me the most; there was just something about him that made my heart so sad for him, but also me want to root for him so hard.

      I’m glad he has his life back. (I wondered about Trent and Constance, too, because I’m a sucker for a love story, lol)

  9. jill

    Just wanted to say i watched trent on intervention and it really touched my heart! I hope and pray trent along with the other beautiful people w/addictions, will stay clean and sober…May GOD WRAP HIS LOVING ARMS AROUND ALL OF YOU. .PEACE 2 U ALWAYS

  10. Kat R.

    I just rewatched this one…I had forgotten how likeable Trent was. He was just so completely honest and heartbreaking but still had a sense of humor. When he said “Sometimes I feel like I was just put here to hurt,” man, I hurt for him.

    Constance…I was right there with her up until that strange and seemingly contrived panic attack at the intervention, AFTER he said he would go to treatment! I think the look on my face was the same one as the look on his sister’s face during that nonsense.

    I’m glad to hear that he seems to be doing well.

  11. nicole conner

    I would love to know what he is doing now and what happened to his relationship with his girlfriend. Can anyone help?

  12. Tracey

    Trent is still clean and working for one of the rehabs as a chef. I also have found his facebook and he looks amazing! he has weight on him and he looks happy. Of all the intervention eps Trent was the one that stayed with me the most. He was so likable and had such an honest insight into his drug use. Some of the addicts were so narcissistic and aggressive but Trent seemed to maintain who he was even as a heroin addict.

    I’m unsure if he’s still with his gf but I suspect not. I remember being very concerned that she was/going to be a D&A counsellor… while driving her severely drug affected bf to score.

  13. Holly

    I have been wondering about Trent for a long time now and I’m glad to hear he is doing well! Does anybody have the link to his facebook page? I would love to reach out to him as I am a recovering heroin addict myself!

  14. Debbie Murphree

    Trent was our second cousin, and a very sweet boy. I hear he is doing well now…I’m proud of him.

  15. Isis Antelo

    Just watched Trent. And I hope he found peace. I know he deserves it.

  16. Haylee Graham

    Just saw this episode and I have tears in my eyes. Trent, I am so sorry for what has transpired in your childhood and upbringing, but you are so gifted and talented, and an inspiration to us all. I, too, come from a hard childhood of violence, but I eventually learned to have it drive me forward rather than define or destroy me and my future. You give hope to those who are chained by their demons like we both once were. May God continue to bless your life and I’ll pray that you’ll continue to see the beauty in life and in people. May Jesus comfort you and love you, may he give you more and more strength and perseverance. Bless you Trent. You inspire me, and I’ll never leave you out of my prayers.
    “The Lord is my strength and my salvation, my stronghold, I will not be greatly shaken.”
    You are not shaken!!

  17. Paula Westgaard

    I’m glad to read that Trent is doing so well, and is clean & sober. Although I felt sorry for his girlfriend, I also saw her as a huge enabler. I didn’t think his sobriety would last if they remained together. I think Constance needs some therapy herself.

  18. atschmid5322

    I am not entirely sure Constance is substance-free and if that is true, I hope that she too found some intervention and healing.

    1. Aubrey

      i 100% thought they same thing she definitely looked like she has used previously or was in a current addiction.

    2. CW

      Totally agree… just rewatched this episode and she strikes me as a bit sedated or disassociated. I wouldn’t be surprised if she were using opioids of some kind and I hope she is well today. As for Trent, he seemed like a nice man with a hell of an addiction. Sounds like after he got sober he worked in a recovery setting in service of others, and that should be his legacy. RIP Trent.

  19. Rebecca

    This was always my favorite episode. I had a sort of crush on Trent. He was such a sweetheart, and adorable. I hope he’s doing well.

  20. Shawnee

    I have seen this episode twice now and I absolutely love the ending. So glad to see Trent got an apartment and has learned to love himself again! Sad to hear about his mom and relapse. I’ve tried to find anything about him online and can’t find anything. Hope you’re doing ok Trent! Sobriety looks good on ya cutie xoxo

    1. Aloisia Schmid

      he relapsed? How do you know?

      1. Naya

        In the ending slides of the episode, it mentions that he relapsed when his mom passed away but got sober again after that. It’s not recent or anything

  21. Marie-Claire Pinet

    I hope you’re still doing well, Trenty. Made me feel so sad when you said that you didn’t deserve to be happy or something like that. I’m very very proud of you.

  22. aubrey

    trent’s episode is my favorite so far on them all his turn around was so inspiring i cry every episode but this one hit me harder than some of the others. i love him so much there’s a good guy in there i’m glad he let it out in the end

  23. E.

    Just watched this epidode and did a quick Google search and it looks like he passed away on July 22 of this year. Such a tragic loss!

    1. Dizzy

      Thank you for posting this.

      1. Stefan

        Fuck there’s been a lot of deaths as of late. I guess the current state of the world is having this affect on people sadly.

      2. Dizzy

        Yeah, and this one is especially sad for me personally. I really liked Trent and felt deep empathy for him, and I was so happy that he’d found a better life in LA. This hurts.

  24. Todd

    It’s a real shame what happened to Trent but I can’t say I’m surprised. I think he wanted to be clean. I think he wanted to do his cooking. I think he wanted Constance and a stable life with her. He was just in too deep with the drugs. I don’t see any info on what he died of but I’d bet it was an overdose. Poor guy – he couldn’t help himself. Deepest sympathies to his family and Constance.

    1. Dizzy

      No I don’t think we should assume this was an overdose, and even if we find out it was, it was certainly not some foregone conclusion. My understanding is that he had gotten clean in 2006 and had been active in the LA recovery community ever since, or at least until quite recently. That’s 15 years! Are you really saying that after a decade and a half of sobriety an overdose was inevitable because he still just “couldn’t help himself?” I think that’s an incredibly grim and hopeless way of looking at addiction and recovery.

      1. Stefan

        I assume that with many addicts who have been clean for years who die young/suddenly, it may be due to the fact that their body’s defenses were so depleted when they were using that they couldn’t withstand something that an otherwise healthy person could’ve. Even years after last using their can be lasting/permanent damage.

      2. Todd

        I hate to be cynical but you don’t know for sure that he was clean. He could have slipped and lied about it. He looked awful different in his obit picture than he did on the program when he was shown in recovery. Of course there is the other possibility, he was clean and the wear and tear killed him. It’s quite likely something abnormal happened because he was only 47 years old. I think the evidence will eventually show that he overdosed (if we ever find out the truth). That is my gut feeling. If I’m wrong I’ll be the first to admit it.

      3. Todd

        Well it looks like I was wrong Dizzy. I saw his cause of death – acute alcohol intoxication. So, he wasn’t using drugs and overdosed as I figured he had. It’s too bad – nice guy who had a lot going for him.

    2. Elizabeth

      I think it’s just as likely, if not moreso, that he died of COVID. Plenty of young, otherwise healthy, people have been lost to that disease.

      1. Todd

        You know I didn’t even think of that Elizabeth. You may be right. Hopefully we will find out the truth of what caused him to pass at such a young age.

  25. Ryan

    Wow. RIP. I wonder if his girl and him were still going well. He really loved her. Im so sad to hear he passed.

  26. Nivey

    So sad that Trent has passed away! I’m heartbroken! I recently saw his episode and wondered about him and Constance! Very tragic! I read some of the comments saying he looked bad in his obit, but I thought he looked amazing, much healthier than in his episode. Very sad loss, such a likable guy with a lot of life ahead of him. I’m happy at least he had many years of recovery in L.A.
    RIP Trent. Xo

  27. Alice Schmid

    So sorry to read Trent passed what an excellent man he was.

    I am so sorry for his family I hope Candyce was with him at the end. He did love them all, it showed.

    1. Alice Schmid


  28. Brenda

    A couple times in this thread there is the illusion that people who are addicts and alcoholics whether in recovery, or not, are weak, because they have experienced things that other people would not have. People in recovery can be healthy too. Don’t assume if you don’t know. Or, go get a medical book and read up on it. (sarcasm)

  29. AJ

    I think Trent should also be under the Cocaine category since he introduces himself as being addicted to Heroin and Cocaine in the beginning of the episode.